• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,229 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

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01 Through the mirror

Most kids would hate the situation I find myself in, but most kids don’t have a family like mine. So, it is very relaxing to be alone in the Slytherin common room, knowing that no one will keep an eye on me for the next two weeks. I am finally able to do what I want, regardless if it’s befitting of my status as heir to one of the most prestigious pureblood families.

Knowing that none of his spies are able to tell him about me right now, I lay back into my recliner, open the muggle newspaper, and skip straight ahead to the sports section. Reading everything I can about my favourite team and I shout in joy when I read that Arsenal is on a good way to repeat last year's triumph.

Sadly, there isn’t a lot of other things that I am interested in and after a half-hour I begin to get bored. With nothing else to do, I leave the common room, wandering the Castle and just enjoying the silence.

While wandering I can’t stop thinking about how it would be to have a real family. A family that doesn’t care about status, that doesn’t want to force their view of the world on you. Honestly, I never understood why my father and all his friends hate muggles and everyone that isn’t a pureblood so much.

After all, the best day of my life was when my family went to London for business and I got separated from them. Somehow, I ended up in the Highbury Stadium seeing a soccer match for the first time in my life.

When my parents found me hours later and I told them what had happened, they had been furious with me. Even more so, when I told them how awesome this sport is. That evening, I found out what the cruciatus curse does to someone, the hard way.

I banish these thoughts when my stomach reminds me that I skipped lunch today and dinnertime is approaching fast. I come to a halt, when I realize that I’m in a part of the Castle I have never been to before.

I panic for a moment, but I manage to calm down as fast as the panic came over me. I take a look around, this time focusing more on the details, hoping that they may give me a clue about my position in the Castle.

But the only thing I find is a lonely door, which I assume leads to one of the many classrooms. A bit hesitantly I open the door and step into it, in the hope of finding any clues about where I am.

Sadly, my luck has run out and there is nothing that could give me any indication about my whereabouts. No window to look through, nothing that gives an idea about which subject is taught in here, no, only a large mirror in the middle of the room.

A mirror? Why in hell would someone find it necessary to hide a mirror in an unused classroom? Now after my curiosity has been peaked, I walk up to it, inspecting it carefully. At first, I don’t notice anything special, but after a few minutes, I spot an inscription on it.

My attempts to decipher it fail horribly and with nothing else to do, I come to the conclusion that a short peek into the mirror won’t hurt. I position myself directly in front, not expecting to see anything else than a reflection of myself.

To my utter astonishment, when I not only see a reflection of myself, but also two adults pressing myself to them. In shock I sit down, believing that this can’t be real.

I close my eyes for a brief moment, thinking that my eyes played a trick on me, but this proves to be wrong when I open them again. Now, the reflection shows us sitting just like I am. I don’t understand why, and I don’t care at the moment, I just sit there starring into the reflection for several minutes.

It takes some time for me to notice but the image has by now started to change, showing
various different creatures. But the scenario is always the same. One smaller creature accompanied by two larger ones, holding the smaller one in a way, that I assume is a comforting embrace.

I enjoy these visions, with my hunger long forgotten and not noticing just how fast the time is passing. I am so engrossed by the scene in front of me, that I don’t notice when the door opens and someone approaches me, stopping a few meters behind me.

To my shock, I hear a voice from behind me calling my name, and in fear of being discovered doing something forbidden and getting in trouble, I hastily try to get up.

Too late, I realize that I’ve been clumsy when I step on the hem of my cloak and stumble towards the mirror. While falling towards it, I turn my head around and get a good look at just who scared me. The last thing I see before everything goes dark is a shocked Professor Dumbledore.

When I open my eyes again, I am surrounded by darkness, before the environment changes to a large open field with plenty of beautiful flowers on it. I enjoy the view for a while, wondering where I ended up when I hear a soft feminine voice talking to me. “Fear not little one, I am here to help you.”

I turn to my left, towards the voice, spotting a large white winged unicorn approaching me. I take a step back, surprised by the sight in front of me, since I have never seen a creature like that before, nonetheless I let her come closer.

I wait for a few moments to calm down from all the shocking events that happened shortly before now. “What are you, who are you, and where are we?” I ask her the three most important questions from all the thousands going through my mind.

“I am an Alicorn and as for who I am, all my little ponies simply call me the mother, and you can do so too if you want.” This answer isn’t exactly what I had hoped for, but it is at least something. Both of us wait for a few moments before she speaks up again. “As for where we are, that is a bit more difficult to explain. You could say that we are in a place between different worlds, think of it like a crossroad.”

The environment changes slightly and I find myself now standing on a gravel path at the said crossroad, which is still surrounded by the many different flowers. The gravel path splits into two directions, directly in front of me.

“The path behind you leads back from where you came.” Indeed, only around fifty meters behind me, I see Professor Dumbledore frozen in time. He still has the horrified look on his face from when I fell through the mirror. “The path to your left leads into the world of the dead.” I turn around and take a short look into said direction, before I turn my gaze to the path to my right, wondering to where it would lead me. “The final path however brings you to a different world, where you could start anew and have a second chance at life. Now, which one of those three paths do you want to travel on?”

I take some time, thinking about all the different options and what consequences they would hold. The path to my left is abandoned quickly, then even if my life till now hasn’t been a pleasant one, I don’t want to die just yet.

This leaves me with only two options and as much as it pains me to see that look on his face, I don’t feel like going back either. With one last glance at Dumbledore, I turn around and decide to take the path to my right, before I begin to walk towards its end. “Thank you, mother,” I say to the pony in question, just before I get incredibly tired and lay down for a quick nap.

Author's Note:

Since I am currently having problems with my main story, I thought why not pick up one of the different ideas, which are going through my mind all the time.

As you can see now, I haven't decided who Draco's mother will be, but the father will be an OC of my own Creation. At the moment I have four options for her mother and I want to know from you, which one you would prefer.

Option A: Princess Celestia

Option B: Tiger Lilly

Option C: Banana Fluff

Option D: An OC of my Creation

Please leave your suggestions in the comments.

I give you time till 02.05.2020 to voice your opinion, before I begin with the next Chapter, so you have to wait minimum two weeks, before the next Chapter comes out. The father will be an OC of my own creation.

Eagerly waiting for your sugesstions

Your Wingy