• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,236 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

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09 Snippets of the past

“I am sorry father. Please, I didn’t know that they were muggles!” I scream at the tall man in front of me, wand raised at the ready and pointing it directly at me.

“That’s exactly what you said the last time, when you played with those worthless creatures.” He replies coldly, but a small smile spreads on his face and I know exactly what he is about to do before he casts the spell, having seen this look on his face more often than I dare to remember. “Crucio.”

I scream in pain twitching uncontrollably from the feeling that every single nerve in my body is set on fire. This lasts for many painful moments, until he cuts the spell off, obviously having had his fun for now.

"I-I won’t do it again, father!” I reply scared of him more than ever before.

“I know you won’t.” He responds calmly, “but let’s make sure of it.” He adds with a sadistic grin before he casts the spell anew with far more intensity than ever before. After only a few moments my vision goes black.

I wake up with a scream, cold sweat all over my body, and completely tangled in my bedsheets. I tremble in fear from the horrible dream I just had, believing that it isn’t just a simple nightmare like most ponies would think.

Deep down I know that this really happened to me, that this is indeed a memory, just like a few others, that occasionally shows up in my dreams. There are some things I don’t know, what muggles are would be one of them, but one thing I know for sure. I don’t want to be alone tonight.

It is a bit of a fight until I freed myself from the blanket I trapped myself in before I jump down to the ground and silently walk to the door leading to my mothers bedroom. Quietly I make my way into it and move over towards her bed.

After a moment of hesitation, I jump on her bed and squeeze myself in the small space between one of her wings and her barrel. I begin to feel better instantly, knowing that I am at the safest place in all of Equestria now, futilely hoping that I didn’t wake her by accident.

“Another of those dreams?” She asks worriedly without receiving an answer from me. Instead, I just shuffle even closer to her barrel, making it clear that I don’t want to talk about it right now.

She however isn’t having any of it and readjusts my position so that both of us can look into each other's eyes. “I know it won’t be easy, but you can trust me when I say that you will feel better once you told me what’s troubling you.”

I wait for a bit, not feeling comfortable at all with the idea to go through what just happened once again, but I still give in, having never been able to push her guiding hoof away. “Can you hold me, please?”

The words barely left my muzzle when I feel her forelegs wrapping around me, pushing me tightly into her chest, giving me the feeling of comfort and safety I need, should I decide to go through with this. “Always Passion.”

Hearing those comforting words is all I need, I lean back slightly and look up towards her before the dam breaks. “Those dreams, I think they aren’t just dreams, it feels more like memories.”

“There are few different ones, but in all of them it seems like I am some young ape-like creature if the size difference is anything to go by.” I pause for a short moment, catching my breath before I am willing to continue.

“One of them is pretty large, around two times my size there and having a blonde mane that goes past his shoulders.” A cold shudder runs down my spine, just from describing this horrible creature and I just want to get it over with now. “He always hurts me in those dreams.”

“Do you have any idea why he does it?” Mommy asks me in her serene voice, and while I know that she is there for me, it doesn’t really make things easier for me.

“To punish me for playing with others that don’t have magic. He always tells me that wizards shouldn’t interact with that magicless scum and how he waits for a new savior to rise.” I finally tell mommy what I was able to learn about his motives, knowing that neither of us agree with his opinion of the magicless.

“What does he mean by a savior?”

“I don’t know mommy, he never said anything specific, but I don’t believe that it would be anything good.” I reply in earnest, feeling more uncomfortable than ever.

“Passion, I would like to cast a spell on you that allows me to monitor your dreams, if you are comfortable with that.”

“Why?" I ask her, as I look at her in bewilderment, having no idea what good could possibly come from that.

“To learn as much as possible about that creature, so I have less trouble in making sure that you are safe from that being.”

“Okay,” I reply weakly, not 100% convince by her words that this would be the only thing she hopes to achieve.

I patiently wait until Passion is asleep again, never loosening the embrace I have him in, before I cast the spell that allows me to enter his mind. I feel slightly bad for not telling him all I plan to examine, but I doubt that I can find all the answers I need in his dreams alone.

I begin my search of his memories before I find myself suddenly pulled away. True I expected to be pulled into a dream at some point, but not so soon and in such an unpleasant way.

Too late I realize that something entirely different happened and I find myself in front of a very unhappy alicorn. “You aren’t supposed to be here, Celestia.”

“Mother, I can explain.” I reply hastily, not feeling very comfortable to find myself in front of the one pony that is able to scare me without effort.

“You mean like when you neglected your sister and your complete unwillingness to listen to her or offer help and comfort drove her insane? I highly doubt that!” She says through gritted teeth, reminding me of my biggest failures.

“Now you listen young miss and you do exactly as you are told or you are the next one to spend a millennium or two in the time-out corner. Did I make myself clear?” The alicorn in front of me replies upset, driving all resistance out of me.

“Yes, mother.” I reply weakly before she shares a lot of information with me, explaining to me what has to happen and what is at risk, should I interfere in any way. “What is with this Lucius Malfoy?” I ask finally, when she comes to an end, worried about my beloved son’s safety.

“He will be dealt with accordingly in the near future.” She replies in a voice that sends cold shivers down my spine, making me once more feel pity for those fools that got mother’s ire.

“Will you ever be able to come back home to us mom?” I ask hopefully, knowing that our time is almost up, not really expecting an answer from her

“I don’t know Celly, I really don’t know.” She replies saddened, taking me in a tight embrace all of a sudden, her anger gone just as fast as it rose earlier.

Several moments pass in silence before the older of the two alicorns lets go of the other. “I have to go now. The mess your uncle made a long time ago doesn’t clean itself up.”

Are the last words I hear her say before I find myself back in my son's mind, leaving it immediately as she wanted me to do. Once I am back in the living world I cast a spell on him that makes it impossible for any other creature to enter his mind against his will.

Now, with the first of my many newly assigned tasks completed, I wait for my son to wake up and go to his lessons so that I can go down into the Royal Treasury and improve the security measures for a very special artifact.

Somewhere far away in a different dimension, the business meeting between two creatures that couldn’t be more different finally comes to a conclusion, after they had been negotiating the entire night.

“...A ⅓ of what is currently in your vault, if we make sure that he has a very unfortunate incident?”

“That is correct.” The woman facing the goblin replies coldly.

“It is a pleasure to make business with you, mam.”