• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,236 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

  • ...

14 Consequences

"So, this is the place I asked you to find Fly?" I asked the one pony accompanying me, aside from my new guards of course, as we stop in front of an unremarkable store. And while this is probably the exact thing I asked him to find for me, I still can't believe that I am doing this by myself.

Until yesterday, when I finally decided to leave my room for the first time again, I always refused to wear any kind of clothes. Now, I am even wearing a dress, something I never would do, but sadly, my options are very limited and I need to change that.

Getting this in the first place was difficult, but luckily I know most of the hidden passages in the castle, and somehow, I got my hooves on a copy of Cadence’s schedule. While I knew where she kept her old clothes, I was too worried about getting caught, so I simply just grabbed the first five outfits before I rushed back to my room.

Only then I took a look at my loot, eyes going wide in horror at the sight in front of me. Somehow, I ended up grabbing some of the worst outfits imaginable. Of course this was only the beginning of the day and my luck decided to stay in bed.

When I picked up the worst of the outfits in my magic to have a closer look at it, wondering how somepony could wear those things willingly, mom just had to enter the room. "I think that dress would look amazing on you." She told me after a few moments standing there motionless, as surprised by the sight in front of her, as I was from being discovered like that.

Too shocked by being caught like that, I didn't even resist when she helped me into the dress and sent me on my way. Only when I entered the grounds of mom's school, I woke up from my apathy and realized what happened.

For a brief moment I considered running back home, hiding from all the unusual attention, but I didn't. I just went on with my day as usual. That is until lunch, when I ran into Cadence. She was furious, but not because I borrowed some of her old clothes, but because I didn't ask her for help in finding the right outfit.

The day went on like that and in one of the rare unsupervised moments I tasked Firefly to find a good, rising dressmaker that isn't widely known, who has their shop outside of the Canterlot main shopping district.

That is exactly why I am now standing in front of the entrance to this shop. A heavy sigh escapes me before I turn my focus on the two Guards who are with me and Firefly, saying something to them that I never thought possible. "You guys stay here and make sure that nopony, not even my mother, enters this shop."

"Yes, your highness," they reply in unison, not pleased that I want to leave them behind, even if this is the only entrance to the building.

With that being made clear, I enter the shop, quickly followed by Firefly, who immediately closes the door behind us. I look around in wonder, having never been in one of these before, taking in all the sights. Which isn't exactly much. There are a few ponyquines with different dresses on them, two large mirrors and two sets of doors leading out of the room.

One of said doors opens and in walks a light grayish olive unicorn, her moderate persian blue eyes go wide in shock as she spots me and immediately falls down into a deep bow. "Please get up." I say with a hint of annoyance, never having been fond of others bowing to me. "I am in need of your service, and I doubt you are able to do your work from down there, miss?" I say, only stopping when I realize that she hasn't introduced herself yet.

"Upper Crust, your highness," she answers as she gets up again, smiling wildly. She stands there silently for a few more moments, obviously being nervous of being so close to royalty before she asks the most important question. "How can I help you?"

I hesitate for a moment before I answer, having last second doubts if this is really the right decision, but sadly there are no other reasonable options. "Let's start with five simple saddles, and two, maybe three dresses of the same kind. Those would be for everyday wear and it is of utmost importance that they completely cover my back from here," I explain, holding a hoof at a special place on my back before I continue, "till directly above my tail."

"Once those are done, I also need two elegant but simple dresses for formal events, which includes the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala." I finish, having said everything I had planned out earlier before one last, but extremely important point comes to mind. "And stay away from the color pink for any of those."

While she looks at me in confusion, obviously having found out about yesterday's events, she doesn't question it further. Instead she does something that is, at least to me, far worse. "My Prince, can you please undress so I can take your measurements?"

"You can't just, you know, take them like this," I ask sheepishly, feeling far from comfortable having anypony, except mom and a few selected servants, seeing my uncovered back.

"I am afraid this isn't possible, at least not if you want the outfits to fit you perfectly." She answers me, confusion evident on her face upon my unusual request.

I glance for a short moment at Fly, who understands immediately and begins to close the curtains of every window in the room. With that taken care of, I focus completely on the mare in front of me. "What you will see now, you will never tell any creature!" I say, voice as firm as possible, only beginning to disrobe once I am certain that she got the message.

As expected, she gasps in horror at the sight of my back, which has barely any fur left on it, due to the many scars. Luckily she refuses to ask any questions and just does the task at hoof. I honestly don't think I could have explained why the scars aren't simply removed, without breaking down into tears.

For some reason, even the best healers mom invited from Zebrica failed at the task to remove the scars. And for the icing on the cake, for some odd reason, no magic works on the injured part of my back. Every illusion cast on it fails within less than ten minutes, leaving me only one option to cover the scars there.

I try to push these thoughts to the back of my mind, instead focusing on Miss Upper Crust, following her every move. When this proves to be not enough of a distraction, I ask her if she already has some ideas. Luckily, she has some and once she is about done with her work, I ask her the most important question. "How soon can you have the first things ready?"

"I could have one of the casual dresses ready by tomorrow evening, and at least one, if not two saddles a day later." She replies after some time of thought. Earning a smile from me once I realized that this is much faster than I expected.

"Good, I’ll make sure somepony escorts you to the castle at five pm the day after tomorrow." With that said, I dress myself again before Firefly and I leave her boutique, allowing the mare to get started on my order.

"Obliviate," Professor Lockhart cried, choosing Harry as the first target of his spell. However, it didn't go as he intended. Instead of sending a single beam of magic at the young boy, the power of the spell proved to be too much for the heavily damaged wand.

While the spell was still cast, most of it fired back at Lockhart himself, with only a small part of it hitting Harry. Both of them were sent flying back and while Harry flew several meters into the corridor, landing on the ground, Professor Lockhart was sent crashing into the wall.

However, this isn't everything that happened. No, the pressure of the explosion was too much for the ceiling and parts of it collapsed, effectively separating Harry from the two others. "Harry, are you alright," Ronja asked, barely audible to Harry.

"I am okay," he shouts back, ensuring that his friend hears him before adding. "I just have this massive headache."

"Go, save Ginny, I will try to move some of the rocks," Ronja shouts back, on one hand relieved that Harry seemed to be (mostly) fine, but worried about his little sister’s wellbeing on the other. Nothing else is said and Ronja begins to clear a path, while Harry goes to face the basilisk.

Both of them are unaware that Lockhart's spell did more than just give Harry a simple headache. No, the headache is simply a sign of something being wrong with his head. What exactly, they will find out when it is far too late.

Author's Note:

One month. One full month has passed since I got started on this chapter and now I am finally done with it. Making a good transition from the part in the mines to what is coming next was far harder than I expected.
Actually, I already had an interlude ready two weeks ago, even approved by Javarod, but decided against posting it. Things written in it could have led to wrong conclusions in the future, something I desperately try to avoid.
Anyway, as you can see by the last part, the letters are coming closer and the real fun will soon begin.
Your Wingy