• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 725 Views, 8 Comments

Azure's Last Journey - TheWingman

When a revered warrior reaches his end, there are some things he needs to make peace with.

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“Stars above, please… let him live!”

For the past few hours, Princess Celestia, worrying and fearing for her son, Azure Glide. It was only days ago that her son was severely wounded during a changeling blitzkrieg on Canterlot. He stood alone as he took on an onslaught of changelings intent on assassinating her, taking every arrow meant for her while she was unconscious. After seeing her adopted son bloodied and barely clinging to life, she had to act quickly to save his life by using a stasis spell.

After he was put into the castle infirmary, the royal doctors worked tirelessly with Starswirl and Meadowbrook to look for a cure to the venom while his body was left magically locked in the same state he was found. After an entire day of searching, such a cure was found and an antidote was made. Now, Celestia waited for good news… if any. Soon, Celestia’s pacing was interrupted by the approach of Starswirl

“Princess,” Starswirl greeted, “pardon me for my lack of communication over the last few hours.”

“Starswirl,” Celestia said with pleading eyes, “is he okay?”

“Prince Azure is doing fine, Celestia.” Starswirl calmly answered, “We’ve administered the antidote and it has taken effect. As of now, the venom has been completely purged from his body and we were able to mend his wounds as well but there’ll be some permanent scars.”

“Oh, thank harmony.” Celestia sighed with relief, “You’ve done me a great service, Starswirl. Yours and Meadowbrook’s talents are a rarity nowadays.”

“You're quite welcome, your highness. But, There’s something else I need to address.”

“Like what?” Celestia said with confusion. Starswirl nervously twiddled his beard before he spoke up.

“Your highness, though we were able to stabilize the prince, we took a little too much time than we hoped to heal him. As a result, he’s in a comatose state.”

“Oh dear,” Celestia shuddered with worry and sorrow at her son’s condition, “H-How long until he wakes up?”

“Fortunately, we were able to mitigate it down to a minimum. Having the opportunity to examine his mind, he’ll be out for a month. In light of his state, I’ve placed some staves around his bed to keep his body from perishing. It’s about all we can really do. All that can be done right now is to keep him comfortable until he awakens.”

While Celestia was able to breathe a sigh of relief, the fact that Azure was now in a coma did nothing to alleviate her worry. Yet, with all things, there was a silver lining to it. Her son will live and be hailed as a hero. But, the potential mental trauma is what she feared the most when he’ll pull through. He’d been through much over his career as a guard and its captain and his earlier actions saw him giving it his all and then some. Some ponies aren’t meant for that much abuse.

“Very well.” Celestia nodded with a frown, “At least he’ll be well tended to for the time being. I greatly commend you and Meadowbrook for both your efforts. If you wish, you and Meadowbrook may take leave. The royal doctors can handle the rest from here.”

“Are you certain, your highness?” Starswirl answered with an air of concern.

“Yes. If you desire, you may leave instructions for them. I wish not to keep you from your other duties.”

With a bow and nod, Starswirl took his leave followed by Meadowbrook. As they turned toward the courtyard, Celestia took a peek inside Azure’s room. He lay in his bed, motionless but alive nonetheless with his mind mired in a black fog. Though she didn’t see him in his finest hour, she knew what had happened when she saw the dozens of changeling corpses in his wake when she regained consciousness. Even weakened, battered, and bloodied, he stood vigilant, making sure she was alright. For that, she felt partially responsible that she nearly lost him.

“My son,” Celestia sighed internally, “It’s my fault. Because of me… oh, harmony! I’m sorry you nearly got killed. Please, forgive me!” Celestia’s train of thought was interrupted by the arrival of a royal courier. His pacing indicated that what he was carrying was something urgent. “Is there something you need, sir?”

“Your majesty,” The courier breathed with exhaustion, “pardon if I’m intruding on something but I have a scroll that requires your immediate attention.”

“I see. Who sent it?”

“It’s from... Captain Celaeno of the Sky Pirates.”

Celaeno, that was a name and someone the solar princess was familiar with from the incident with The Storm King. Alongside her former student, her friends, and Azure, they were able to liberate Canterlot from his control and that of his army. After all the fighting was over, she saw her with Azure, having a good time with him. She couldn’t help but smile as the romance between them developed. Yet, it wasn’t to be.

Since the last month and a half, due to their conflicting callings, both Azure and Celaeno reluctantly agreed to call off their relationship to spare the heartache of the inevitable. Though they mutually agreed to it, she saw her son taking it the hardest. He loved Celaeno and no other creature like her in the entire world would do. She was his everything and to lose that part of his heart… Celestia and Cadance could do little to ease his sorrow. Nowadays, she spends her time freeing the slaves in the badlands.

“Oh,” Celestia replied, “is there something she needs?”

“Well, it said that she intends to make a visit here but it was left vague as to how long she’ll be staying.” The courier professionally answered, “But, it said to expect her arrival by tomorrow afternoon.” The courier handed the scroll to the princess, “It’s best if you read it yourself.”

Magically taking the scroll, Celestia quickly skimmed through its contents. As she did, her eyes slowly shot open but not really out of surprise. Though a few details were vague at best, she had gotten enough of the gist of her message. Slowly, she rerolled the parchment and poofed it out of existence, without a trace.

“I see.” Celestia murmured as she paced around, “She intends to visit Azure. Oh dear, she doesn’t know what happened to him.”

“Shall I go send a message to her explaining what happened?”

“No. I’ll tell her myself when she arrives. In the meantime, inform the royal servants to prepare a room for her. I want her to have a proper welcoming by the time she arrives.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Off the courier went to carry out his charge, leaving Celestia to think much about the implications of Celaeno’s intent. She left out much in her message other than the fact that her visit was very important. As it had to do with Azure, why now after a little over a month since they’ve split?

“Celaeno,” Celestia sighed internally, “if my Azure wakes from his sleep, will he still accept you?” Putting those thoughts aside, for the time being, Celestia walked into the infirmary and gently brushed a wing over his head, seeing not even a flinch. Silently, she accepted what it was. There was nothing else she could do but ensure he’s taken care of. Though she has hope, she wished she could say the same to Celaeno when she sees her.

Eyes hurting and still trying to open them, Azure’s vision was still a big blur of colors and blinding light. His memory was still a haze but one thing remained consistent: a black mass of buzzing wings, fangs, and claws before he blacked out. It sounded like he was still there but reality proved him wrong as his vision regained its clarity.

White, curtains, light, beeping noises, laying down on a comfortable bed, Azure had been in such a setting a few times before. In and out of infirmaries, he vaguely remembered the scars he incurred from his past battles and the trauma that made them. It was a familiar ceiling to him yet one question barked in his mind.

“Am I… dead?”

Before he could ponder his question further and quantify the passage of time, he felt a firm grip on one of his hooves. It looked yellow-orange-ish and had a hard exterior and with four fingers. It looked familiar but whom it belonged to was even more familiar to him, intimately so. Looking further up caused his heart to increase in speed for a few paces as it felt like not too long ago they had last seen one another.

“Celaeno?” He softly groaned as the memories came back to him. Breaking up with her was one of the hardest things he had to do in his life apart from being a guard. Thinking about that moment made his heart feel that familiar ache from that day, down to seeing her airship fly off into the distance, out of sight. Yet, she sits at his bedside gripping his hoof with affection and her smile as warm as he remembered. All of it seemed like a dream to him and he turned away from her with a groan.

“Azure?” Celaeno asked with a tone of concern, aware that he’s awake “What’s wrong?”

“This… This has to be a dream.” Azure said with a slight shudder, “I have to be dead.”

“No, Azure.” Celaeno took his hoof in her talons and gingerly brushed it, “You’re very much alive. You’ve been asleep for a month.”

“A month? Ugh.” Azure’s weakened dismay worried Celaeno but didn’t surprise her. She was warned in advance that he would be despondent yet she anticipated him to be filled with a bit of joy by her presence. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“You know very well.” Azure muttered with sorrow, “It wasn’t that long ago since we both agreed to call it quits. So, now I’ll rephrase it. Why have you come back?”

“Oh dear,” Celaeno thought to herself as Azure started to sniffle from seeing her after so long, “he didn’t take it as well as I hoped.” Since their break up, Celaeno felt a sense of longing. As a sky pirate that travels the world and snuffing out slavery, hardly any room was left for romance as a result. Though she and him had dated for a year, she felt what it was like to feel that brand of love and it made it all the more difficult for her to let go when the time came for it. “Azure, my love, if you let me ex-”

“EXPLAIN WHAT?! HUH?” Azure’s outburst startled her but she remained stoic as she ever was. The only being harmed by the shouting was the pegasus that caused it. His heart quaked with grief from revisiting that memory, “Wasn’t the whole point of us breaking up was so that we would spare ourselves the heartbreak of having to be apart for months at a time?!”

“If you’d let me explain why I’ve come back, you’ll understand!” For a moment, his shuddering had ceased. The air became silent with the exception of the rhythmic beeping from the nearby machine. Though she barely saw it, his nodding granted her his approval.

“Ever since we’ve been apart after that day, I’ve found myself left… wanting. I thought that by burying myself in my job that I might forget about the pain of having to split from you. Day by day, night by night, I always saw you, even as I slept. I kept on dreaming of the good times we’ve had and… I just got tired of the fighting and violence. But most of all, I’ve missed you. That’s why I no longer lead the sky pirates. Boyle, my XO, now leads them.”

“Oh great, you threw away your job, all on the account of me.” A wave of guilt washed over Azure as his heart grew heavy. His former lover abandoned her cause… for him, a cause that was more important than mere emotional attachments. “It would’ve been better if I died.” Celaeno couldn’t believe what she heard him say and gasped in shock. Him wishing his own death wasn’t something he would normally say. She came to see him and his viewpoint filled her with anger and worry. In her heart, she still loved him and knew he felt the same as her.

“Okay, that’s enough!” Celaeno snapped, shedding a few tears and grabbing hold of Azure in frustration, “You think that it was you getting hurt that influenced my decision to leave?! You may have had a hoof in it but it’s what I WANTED! I wanted to be with you because I love you and I cherish all the time we’ve spent together! Now, you’re wanting to die because I abandoned my cause for YOU?! This not you and I want you to snap out of it and snap out of it NOW! I wanted this and I know deep down you wanted this too!”

Still turned away from her, the flow of Azure’s tears increased in volume. Having known her for some time, Celaeno was the most honest creature he knew next to Applejack. He felt guilty that he played a role in her abandoning her crusade to end slavery in the badlands yet her words carried truth and no uncertain terms. Though part of him felt bad for his choice of words, the joy of seeing her again began to overtake his earlier reservations. Soon, it all gave way and his thoughts were clear.

Upon feeling her talons on his shoulder, Azure, in a blink of an eye, turned around and pulled her into a hug, tearfully crying in his lover’s embrace. He rarely cried, only doing so for a fallen comrade and meeting the spirits of those that brought him into the world. Now, it was through the reconciliation of who he loved that made him surrender his sorrow. He was alive in more ways than one.

“Celaeno,” Azure sniffled as a weakened smile slowly crept across his face, “I’m sorry, so so sorry. I just… didn’t know what to do without you. I’m weak.”

“Weak, you’re certainly not.” Celaeno softly spoke, running a claw through her lover’s hair, “Celestia told me what happened. Staring death in the face without fear is admirable. But, do you truly believe that your combat prowess alone was what drew me to you? The more time we spent, I saw you for who you are inside. You cared for me. Even Luna told me that you thought of me as you dreamt.”

“What else did she tell you about my dreams?”

“Among other things, we were happy together, holding each other in a loving embrace. If I may admit, it was a… beautiful dream. In it, you truly cared for me and that…”

“That what?”

“...You never stopped loving me.”

“It was hard for me to let go.” Azure whispered as the embrace continued, “I felt that to forget about you would mean the death of me. I never got rid of that picture because I hoped that one day… circumstances might change. I just couldn’t let go and now I never will. I’m just glad you’re back. Let’s never be far apart again.”

“I’ve missed you so much.” Spirits elevated and relieved that he’s alive, the unease in Azure’s heart melted away as his heart’s desire was realized. It wasn’t a dream and he felt every ounce of warmth in that moment he shared with Celaeno. Yet, there was one thing he wanted to do after their year of dating, he intended to take the next step. After months apart, he now had the chance.

“Celaeno,” Azure sighed as he looked Celaeno in the eyes without a single blink. His tone was focused and serious. “Though we both lead contrasting lives, our friendship transcends that barrier.” Azure took Celaeno’s hand in his hooves, causing her to blush, “Since we first met, you’ve been my greatest friend, honest and loyal. You were always there when I needed someone. With you, I never felt alone. Over time, I truly began to love you as more than just a friend. I knew that one day I would want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“A-Azure,” Celaeno stuttered, “I’m… touched. Truly, I am. But, what are you getting at?” That was it, Azure’s cue to drive the point home.

“What I’m trying to say is… Celaeno… will you marry me?”

Celaeno, caught off guard, gasped and blushed upon hearing those four words. Even as he was bedridden, he still managed to propose to her with a straight face, one she knew all too well. Though she did get a clue before she left on her crusade last year when he acted all nervous, the result was the same. She was overwhelmed with emotions, some she never even felt before. Tears began welling down her cheeks as she struggled to contain herself. She was at a loss for words.

“A-Azure,” Celaeno gasped, covering her beak, “are you serious?”

“As certain as the sun my mother raises.” Azure replied, “I’ve always wanted to do this but being so far apart, I don’t want that to happen again. I want to make you happy, love you, and cherish you forever.” As she collected herself, Celaeno was able to understand Azure’s intent. She couldn’t be any happier.

“Yes! YES!” Celaeno joyfully cheered, “Of course I’ll marry you!” Holding her now fiancé in a tighter embrace, she carefully placed her beak over his lips. It wasn’t the first time she and Azure had kissed in a similar fashion. From the first time they affirmed their love to the day they went their separate ways, it was a gesture that was almost second nature to them. “I was wondering when you’d get around to that.”

“Lots of reasons delayed that.” Azure blissfully sighed, “Oh crap, the ring’s still in my room. But, none of that matters now.” Slowly reposturing himself, he looked up at Celaeno with loving eyes. “I just can’t wait until we get married. Celaeno… you’ve made me the happiest stallion in Equestria.”

“I know something else that will make you happier.”

“What?” With the warmest of smiles, Celaeno took one of Azure’s hooves and gently held it against her abdomen as his eyes drifted toward it. It felt warm yet he hardly felt anything different about it. “Celaeno, I don’t... understand. What is it?” Giggling softly, she cupped his face in her hands and smiled.

“Azure… I’m pregnant.”

Eyes shot wide open as if he got hit with ice-cold water, Azure never expected to hear those two words come out of her beak. Having had a night of passion before they parted ways the last time, he never thought anything would result from that. Being told by his now fiancé that she was bearing his foal gave him pause but he knew that it was something he also desired. Though earlier than he thought, he nonetheless welcomed it.

“I’m… I’m going to be a father.” Azure muttered with barely containable joy, “Oh my, I… GOODNESS!!!” He pulled Celaeno into his arms with glee, putting a hoof to her tummy, “I can’t believe it! Celaeno, I’m so happy!” A stream of tears began to run down his cheek, “Oh Celaeno, I love you more than anything.”

“As do I, my love.” Celaeno whispered, “I can’t wait to see our little one, dear.”

“Neither can I, honey.” As they indulged in each other’s warmth, they were oblivious to another figure’s entry. It was only seeing the familiar four-colored mane at the corner of his eye that his view was pulled to the sight of his mother, Celestia, smiling, “Mother? Oh, crap. She’s gonna kill me for knocking up Celaeno out of wedlock.”

“You know, my son,” Celestia spoke up, “I can read your thoughts. Do you believe I’m angry over you getting Celaeno pregnant in such a way? On the contrary, I was the first pony Celaeno told that she was expecting. She explained everything while you were asleep. There’s no need to panic.” Hearing those words carry an air of certainty, Azure breathed a sigh of relief as he felt his mother’s wing on his cheek, “It lifts my spirits to see you alive and well.”

“Likewise, mother. I’m glad my efforts weren’t in vain. I didn’t let any of those assassins touch you.”

“And you succeeded, my son.” Celestia trotted closer and wrapped both Azure and Celaeno in her wings, “I’m also proud of you. My dear son is getting married and I’m getting a grandfoal.”

“There you go, mother.” Azure chuckled, “You’ve hounded me about that for years and now you’re getting your wish.” Fidgeting in his bed, Azure stretched his sore back with a big yawn, “So, how much longer will I be stuck here for?”

“The doctors say that in about three days upon waking up, you’ll be free to go. They need to be sure that you’ve fully recovered.”

“Yeah, sounds about right.” Azure groaned, “I still feel a tad sore from all that rest. I suppose I’ll have to put off planning the wedding for a couple of weeks then.”

“We still have plenty of time, love.” Celaeno hummed, “For now, just rest. I’ll be here for you.”

Celestia smiled at the sight of her son hugging his fiancé, a display that would even impress her own niece. As she disengaged the hug, she remembered something during the month of maintaining Azure’s room. It was that one small black box she found on his nightstand, containing a ring with a beautiful jewel adorning it. It was a symbol that she and all the ponies were familiar with.

“Here.” Celestia said, using her magic to materialize the box onto her hoof, “I believe this belongs to you.”

Taking the box, Azure opened it, revealing the ring with the heart-shaped jewel inside. Pulling it out, he slid the ring on one of Celaeno’s claws, causing her to blush immensely. With their impending union now cemented, there was much they looked forward to. Among them was the arrival of their child, the culmination of their love and hope. As Celestia excused herself and left, the couple were left to reflect on their thoughts. But, they had little to reflect upon. Most was already made clear. They just want to hear it all again.

“Celaeno?” Azure whispered.

“Yes?” She replied

“I love you.” He followed up his words with a kiss to her cheek.

“I love you too.”