• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 726 Views, 8 Comments

Azure's Last Journey - TheWingman

When a revered warrior reaches his end, there are some things he needs to make peace with.

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Chapter 3: "Peaceful..."

There it was, the end of their journey, one Azure sought out to finish. Before them was Castle Aurora, a private abode built by the retired princesses, Celestia and Luna. Though nestled in the shade of the nearby mountains, the light it shined was always awe-inspiring. When many think of a castle, thoughts of halls teeming with life come to mind. However, Castle Aurora was mostly devoid of life, save a few groups of magical constructs on standby. It was a quiet place for the former sun and moon goddesses to watch over Equestria from.

“Here it is,” Twilight said as they approached the gate, “Castle Aurora. All of this was built by Celestia and Luna to their designs.” Still, resting on his cousin’s back Azure lifted his head to see the castle up close. His eyes shot open at the beauty of its hallowed halls.

“My mother always loved making grand displays.” Azure chuckled, “She always had a thing for architecture and building things. Are you sure they’re here?”

“Yes, cousin. I can sense their presence. These halls radiate with their magic and it’s strongest in the keep. They must be expecting us.”

“How so?” Gale asked.

“As an alicorn, I maintain a mental link with them.” Twilight answered, “Even a new ruler can ask for guidance from their predecessors.” With a stomp of her hoof, the front gates radiated with magic before opening wide, “We must hurry. Your father doesn’t have much time left.”

Trotting through the empty courtyard and halls of the courtyard and keep, the group were stunned by the silence of the castle, only broken by Azure’s repeated coughing. After three minutes of trekking the pristine halls, they arrived at a large set of doors with depictions of the sun and moon adorning them. It was the entrance to the throne room, where the alicorn sisters await them. A wave of nervousness swept through Azure as his emotions ran high. It was the moment he’d been waiting for.

“T-twilight?” Azure rasped.

“Yes?” Twilight asked, “Is there something you need?”

“As much as I appreciate you carrying me this far, please allow me to stand on my own hooves before I see her.”

Though she had reservations about it and knew he wouldn’t be able to stand, Twilight had the means to help fulfill her cousin’s wish. “As you wish.” Using her magic, she levitated Azure off her back and supported his balance to his grateful nod. Opening the doors, they entered the throne room, empty of life like the halls were. Azure’s eyes darted around as he searched around for signs of his aunt and mother’s presence.

“I thought you said they’d be waiting for us.” Iron quizzingly said, “Where are they?”

“They’re probably preoccupied with something.” Twilight answered, “I can ca-”

“No.” Azure interrupted, gripping the Lance of Solaris in his hands, “I didn’t come all this way to wait!” Weakly trotting forward, Azure took a deep breath before slamming the bottom of the lance on the stone ground. Every sound of the impact echoed heavily throughout the large room, “Mother! Celestia! It’s me, Azure Glide! I’ve come to pay you a visit and exchange a few words!” Even the booming sound of his voice earned no answer, “Mother, where are you?!”

Still, Silence was his answer, further sinking his heart. Despair began to plague him as his mother was nowhere to be seen. He didn’t just endure what he did just for nothing. His eyes watered up as he thought he’d failed “Mother, please… don’t abandon me. I need you. I… Why won’t you answer me?! Damn it!”

“Father, it’s going to be okay.” Gale walked to Azure to comfort, “At least you tried.”

Just as she was about to pull her father into a hug, a bright light enveloped the room, coming from the thrones. It wasn’t long before the light faded and gave way to two figures that made their eyes open with awe and wonder. Two alicorns, one with a coat as white as snow with a mane of rainbows and another whose coat and mane capture the beauty of the night, all stood before the group. Both were too awestruck by their appearance to do anything but bow.

It had been a long time since any of them had seen Princess Celestia and Luna in the flesh. Both were humbled to be in the presence of those who had shaped Equestria into what it is. For Azure, it brought him great joy to see them once more, the mares who were there for most of his life. He smiled as he knelt before them, using the lance as support. All the while, Celestia hummed with joy and amusement at the sight of visitors.

“There’s no need to bow before me.” Celestia spoke up as she and Luna reached the bottom of the stairs, “Especially if it’s from old friends and family, formalities aren’t needed.” The rest rose to their hooves while Azure continued to kneel before his mother. Celestia walked over to her son and placed a hoof under his chin, “Stand up, my son. You are a prince.” The warmth from her hooves and her words got Azure to look up at her, face to face.

“But mother,” Azure whispered, “I’m no longer a prince. I hold no power anymore. Why do you continue to call me as such?”

“You’re my son, that’s why. Just because you no longer hold any authority in the land doesn’t mean you’re no longer a prince. Through my adoption of you, it’s part of your name. But above all else, you’re my son and always will be.” She didn’t have time to blink before Azure wrapped her in a hug that she returned, “It’s good to see you again, too, my son.”

“I’ve missed you so much, mother.” It wasn’t long before the others joined in hugging their beloved matriarchs, all in one feathery cocoon of warmth. Nopony said either a word as the silent display of affection said everything.

“I too am delighted to look upon you once again.” Luna said as the hug broke and they stepped back toward the stairs, “We do apologize for being late. We had other matters to discuss.”

“Yes, and Twilight said you all were coming.” Celestia added, “Excuse our lack of response. Discussing what to put in our garden took longer than we liked.” Celestia took a good look at Iron and Gale and smiles, “My, look at my grandchildren. Look at you all grown up. You look every bit like your parents.”

“Thanks.” The two siblings said.

Azure still held the weapon in his hooves, the same one his mother forged thousands of years ago. As it continued to radiate with power, he saw the sigils on his hooves beginning to fade away. When he got the honor to wield it, Celestia had to do a ritual to bind it to his life force. Thus, the only way for the weapon to be unbound is for whoever was branded through the ritual to die. Forged in the fires of the sun, the Lance of Solaris contained a fraction of Celestia’s power, a power that Azure knew must now be returned.

“Mother,” Azure spoke up, kneeling once more, “d-decades ago, you gave me the power to defend Equestria from harm. Now…” Azure held the lance in his two forehooves, “I’ve come to give that power back.”

“Azure, you know very well that the only to relinquish the weapon is to d-” Celestia stopped for a second as she scanned her son’s vitals. His advanced age and sickness mounting their final assault, she felt his body quake and buckle. Though she was immortal, she was familiar with the concept of mortality. “I understand. That’s why you’ve come; to see me once more. Very well, I accept your forfeiture of the lance.”

Taking the lance with her magic, Celestia felt the warmth of her magic coming from the weapon with her hooves. The feeling brought back memories of ages past from a time when the need for such a weapon existed. Under Twilight’s reign, she saw that the Equestria she created has enjoyed its longest period of peace and there was no longer a need for the ancient relic. With a simple flash of her horn, she teleported the lance to the vault it was once stored in for good.

But, something else stirred inside Azure beyond relinquishing the arm he used to fight with. His armor was a part of him during his career as captain of the guard. With the red on his armor and cape and the battle prowess he displayed, he was nicknamed ‘The Red Prince’. Everytime he heard it, it made him shudder as he saw himself as a guardian, not a bloodthirsty warlord. The night before was when he donned for the last time. Then and there, he decided he had enough.

Starting with his crowned helmet, he removed his armor and regalia, piece by piece. Tossing every bit aside, he shed the metaphorical skin he once wore for decades, the years that defined him. As he took a big breath, feeling the oxygen course through his weary lungs, it was a moment of serenity as he left his past behind for good. For now, he wasn’t a guard nor soldier, but a simple stallion, seeing his mother. All warriors must eventually find their rest.

“At last, I now free myself of these bonds.” Azure rasped as he began to walk over this mother, “In my final hours, I… know… peace.”

Twilight disengaged the magic that supported her cousin’s stance, allowing him to walk freely. His legs trembled with each step as he worried he would fall before he could reach her. Just as his legs gave out, a familiar golden aura of magic pulled him into Celestia’s hooves. The familiar warmth he felt since he was a colt brought him overwhelming joy. As she held her son in her hooves, Celestia sensed a feeling of unease within him.

“My son, what troubles you?” Celestia whispered as the others gathered around.

“Mom, I… feel like I’m a coward. Ten years ago, I lost Celaeno and I just couldn’t face the world after that. I’ve failed her! She told me to stay strong with her dying breath and I just ran away! I don’t know if Celaeno would forgive me for that!”

“Azure, I know woe plagues your heart.” Celestia sighed as Azure hugged her back, “When many think of alicorns, they think us as immortal. While that may be true, we also have mortal hearts. We’ve made a great many friends only to see them go away with time. To think we don’t feel your pain is a misconception.”

“Agreed.” Luna added, “We’ll miss Twilight’s friends as much as she does. All the companions we made are now gone but our memories of them keeps them alive in some way. For Celaeno, what did she say to you when you woke up years ago?” It took a bit for Azure to recall that one day. When he did, he remembered the reason why she loved him, the reason he forgot.

“She loved me for what was in my heart, not how tough I was.”

“There is your answer. Celaeno wouldn’t judge you for any perceived cowardice. Do you want to hold onto that fear?”

Those words his aunt spoke resonated with Azure. He never knew his aunt to lie about anything but a shred of doubt still gripped at him. Though, in his heart of hearts, Azure knew Luna had a point. There was no point in holding onto his fears any longer. The only way he would know what Celaeno thinks of him is when he sees her once more.

"Azure, my son, you don't have to hold on any longer. No longer do you have to suffer hardships and sorrow. No longer do you have to bear the burden of a soldier. You've done well and now... it's time for a hero to rest. You've earned your peace, my dear son. It's time to come home."

Hearing those gentle words from the mare who raised him for most of his life, he took one good look around, laying eyes on his aunt, children, and cousin for one last time. Holding out his trembling hoof, it was gripped by all those in his presence. The grip was comforting, filled with a deep sense of love. Then, a recollection of the most beautiful memory he made came to him, further comforting him. As his worry gave way to contentment, his conscience was clear. He was ready to go.

"Peaceful... isn't... it~"

With those three words, the last bits of breath left his body as he grew cold and lifeless. Azure Glide, a hero of Equestria, had passed away in the company of his family, content and at peace. No longer would tragedy and heartbreak burden him. As his body went limp, an air of sadness and grief washed over the area.

"Father... no..." Iron tearfully shuddered as Gale walked over to comfort her younger brother, both sharing their grief and woe. Twilight and Luna hardly made a sound, save for Celestia as she held her now deceased elderly son in her hooves. She silently sobbed to herself and shed many tears. Yet, part of her knew that he no longer suffers. Her son was at peace and would soon join his loved ones in the green pastures of the Elysian Fields.

As his spirit departed his mortal form, a great ball of blinding white enveloped Azure until all he could see before him was a misty pure white landscape. Looking around for anything remarkable, his sight was met by two forms emerging from the mist. He remembered them from his dreams and visions.

They were his parents, Vanilla Swirl and Chisel, hooves outstretched and eager to greet their son. With no hesitation, he leaped forward and fell into their embrace, tears of joy riddling both their faces. Neither of them talked. All was silent as raw emotion-filled the ambiance around them. He was happy to be able to hug the ones that brought him into the world once more.

Soon, another figure came out of the mist. It wasn't equine but it was something he was familiar with... intimately. To his heart's joy, Azure was reunited with his late wife Celaeno once more. Upon seeing her, Azure wasted no time in running into her arms and planting a most passionate kiss to her beak. It'd been too long since he last saw her and now... they were reunited in the afterlife, their love eternal.

"Not even death will do us part, Celia." Azure said with a warm smile as his parents gathered near them, "It's time to go." In another blinding flash of light, the four were carried off to the fields of everlasting tranquility, Elysium. Azure was now at peace with those he cherishes now alongside him, happy... forevermore.

Author's Note:

Rest In Peace
Azure Glide
August 26th, 991 ESY
August 24th, 1071 ESY

(Note: If anyone wants me to write a bonus chapter of the "beautiful memory", feel free to ask.)