• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 726 Views, 8 Comments

Azure's Last Journey - TheWingman

When a revered warrior reaches his end, there are some things he needs to make peace with.

  • ...

Chapter 1: "been too long..."

46 Years Later


Saturday, August 23rd, 1071 ESY

“With that, your majesty,” Duke Anvil of Trottingham declared, “the outline of this new trade agreement is to ensure that both our cities will benefit from the changes with as little cutbacks to be taken. Furthermore, it was written so that our citizens will be treated fairly, cutting down on poverty while allowing and encouraging growth.”

“I see.” Princess Twilight Sparkle said in acknowledgment as she finished reading through the scroll, giving an affirmative nod, “Looks like the terms are agreeable. Very well.” Twilight levitates a quill filled with ink and signs the document with her signature, “Consider the agreement ratified. I believe we’ll need approximately four months to make sure everything is set for the changes. Thank you so much, Duke Anvil.”

“You’re quite welcome, your highness.” Anvil bowed with a smile, “If I may say it, my father was quite correct. You do take a lot from your predecessors in more ways than one.”

Twilight silently nodded as memories came crawling back to her, memories of what led to her taking the throne. With the sudden announcement of Celestia and Luna’s retirement, her trials, and subsequent fights against Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis, she proved herself as the former princesses equal. Yet, she was sad to see them go off far away but it wasn’t forever as she knew where they are and were watching her with pride.

“That’s an astute observation,” Twilight replied, “Thank you, Sir Anvil. If you wish, you may take your leave. I wish not to keep you from other affairs.”

“It was an honor to be in your presence, your majesty. I hope the agreements will bring much prosperity.” Bowing, Anvil turned around and walked out the giant double doors, out of sight from his ruler. As she waved him goodbye, Twilight felt the presence of her friend and brother, Spike, enter the room. For a good chunk of her life, he was always there for her as a friend, one she could count on the most.

“I assume the talks went well, Twilight.” Spike mused as he sat upon his throne, “Sometimes, politics can be a tiring thing.”

“I know, Spike.” Twilight sighed with exhaustion, “There are times that I wish to go back to when we and our friends traveled across Equestria and helped others. I miss the good old days when I didn’t have the weight of a nation on my shoulders.”

Sensing his sister’s stress, Spike walked over and placed an arm on her shoulders. There were times that Spike had to comfort the one companion he had throughout the years of his long life. Toil, sweat, tears, and struggle, she endured it all with him by her side, a testament to their near sibling-like bond.

“Twilight, if they didn’t see something in you, they wouldn't have given you reign over the kingdom.” Spike said with an honest smile, “For the last forty-five years, Equestria has prospered by leaps and bounds. Everypony and creature owes it all to you for all this. You have every right to be happy, Twilight.”

“I know, Spike.” Twilight sighed, “I know everypony is happy but sometimes… I missed having my friends at my side. All the adventures we’ve had, they were always there when I need them but…”

“I know. But sometimes, part of being a leader is to move on and accept what happened. I miss them just as much as you do, especially Rarity. The best thing to do is to focus on the present and to not let the past and future bother you. Much has been achieved because of your efforts. Be proud of that and let it be your happiness.”

“Spike,” Twilight brought a hoof toward her dragon assistant and pulled him into a hug, “not a day goes by where I don’t miss them. But, you’re right. As painful as it might be, I must move on. At least I have you, the one I see as my little brother. You’ve always been there for me and never once did you abandon me. You truly are my greatest friend.”

“I know, Twilight.” Spike rubbed her back with his talons to calm her down, “I know.” There were many times where Spike had to comfort Twilight, before and after she became ruler of Equestria. The stress of the job and seeing time flow while she retained her youth brought an ache to her heart. Yet, she knew that she had to soldier forth and carry out her charge as her predecessors once did. Soon, their tender moment was disrupted by the approach of a guard.

“Your highness!” The unicorn guard saluted, “Pardon me for the interruption but you have three who request an audience.”

“I see.” Twilight replied, “Who might they be?”

“Ambassador Gale Blitzwing, Minister Iron Wingheart, and an unknown third.”

Twilight remembered those names as she had them in her royal court for years but she had a closer relationship with the two. They were the children of her cousin, Azure Glide and his wife, Celaeno of Ornithia. She knew that their experience with politics was equal to their knowledge with a blade, taking much after their parents. Yet, it had been ten years since she last saw their parents.

“I see. But, what about the third party?”

“We couldn’t get a good look at whomever they are. They’re wearing some kind of cloak that’s obscuring their identity. However, they exhibited no signs of hostility.”

“Very well. Send them in.”

Nodding and saluting, the guard walked back the way he came. Soon after, Gale and her brother, Iron, walked in with a mysterious hooded figure following them at a snail’s pace. Being the offspring of a parrot and a pegasus, they naturally inherited traits from both parents to where they could be mistaken for hippogriffs but are different in many ways. Gale looked the most like her mother with mane style and slightly darker coat than her but has her father’s eyes. Iron had a coat color that was similar to that of his father but subtly darker with a crimson mane that flowed long, making him look similar to a distant relative, possibly a grandparent.

“Cousin. Your highness.” Gale greeted as she and her brother bowed, “Pardon us for our sudden arrival.”

“There’s no need to apologize.” Twilight said as she rose from her throne, “It’s always a pleasure to see any member of my family. There’s no need for you two to bow before me.”

“It’s a sign of our respect, Twilight.” Iron giggled as he and Gale rose, “But, old habits die hard. So, we can skip the formalities here?”

“That we can, baby brother.”

“Gale!” Iron groaned with embarrassment, “I’m not a little colt anymore!”

“I know. It’s just fun to tease you.”

“Sibling rivalry. That’s something I’m familiar with.” Twilight mused, “You both remind me of how Shining Armor and I messed around.”

“We all remember those stories, heard them hundreds of times.” Iron chuckled before his mind snapped back to the topic at hand, “But, I know you’re wondering why we’re here, cousin.”

“Yes, the guard said that you have somepony else with you.” Twilight looked at the hooded figure, “Who might they be?”

“Well, we’ve found them wandering the city and asked us to be brought before you.” Gale answered as the hooded figure limped in front of them, “They claim to know you.” Looking upon the figure, she found nothing that would discern their identity. The only sound the figure made was the occasional raspy cough.

“Who are you?”

The figure didn’t answer, only let out another cough. Then, the figure brought a hoof from under the cloak, revealing a sky-blue coat that’s slightly grayed from age. A crackling ball of bright energy began to develop in front of the hoof. Soon, a bright flash briefly consumed half the room, revealing a weapon of ornate design but one of legends.

It was golden lance that had two blades at the tip with wings underneath and in the middle was a swirling ball of solar energy. Twilight immediately knew it to be the Lance of Solaris, a weapon forged by Celestia herself thousands of years ago, capable of channeling energy from the sun. She knew only one could wield it at any given time and knew who last got to do so.

“The Lance. Could it be?” As the figure stuck the bottom spike into the floor, the sound of stone clashing with metal echoed through the room. The figure then removed the hood, revealing himself as a stallion with a mane and beard as green as spring grass with streaks of gray. His face looked worn with wrinkles and scars throughout and eyes that were bright orange. Twilight had seen him before and was familiar with him throughout most of her life. Though the Lance gave away his identity, there was no mistaking his appearance. “A-Azure Glide?”

“It’s been too long, hasn’t it.” Azure softly spoke with a slight cough, hooves barely keeping him up. It had been ten years since Twilight last saw her cousin, the adopted son of her former teacher. Throughout the years in his service to the throne, he was guard captain, solar champion, and after Twilight ascended the throne, her first Minister of Defense. His abrupt departure from the public ten years ago alarmed her but to see him once more brought her joy.

“Azure!” Twilight rushed over to wrap him in a cocoon of her wings and hooves, joy overtaking her, “Stars above, it’s so great to see you!”

“I missed you too, my dear cousin.” Azure smiled with tears rolling down his cheeks, “You’ve grown to be a fine leader. I remembered when you were just a little filly. Hard to believe so much time has passed.”

“Neither can I, my old friend.” Just as they broke the warm embrace, Azure suffered another coughing fit, one that caused him to wince in pain and collapsed to his knees. His children tended to him as they gently helped him regain his posture. Twilight knew something was wrong and it worried her, “Azure, you’re not well. Are you alright?”

“If I said ‘no’, then I’d be lying.” Azure said, clearing his throat. His body grew weaker by the second. “That’s also one of the reasons why we came here. I want to talk to but let's do it away from prying eyes.”

“Of course.” Twilight replied, still confused, “Spike, if you can, could y-”

“No. He comes with us.” Azure interrupted, “It concerns him as well.”

“Very well.” With a sigh and a flash of her horn, all in the throne room with Twilight were teleported into her private quarters. As azure got his bearings, he slowly wandered over to his cousin’s bed and sat upon it. Another coughing fit plagued him, further worrying his cousin. “Azure, after ten years, why? Why did you come back? Does it have to do with your cough?”

“Twilight, Spike,” Azure sighed, slightly wincing from the pain in his lungs, “I consider the both of you as family. Nothing in the world will change that. What I’m about to tell you two, only Cadance and my children know so far.”

“What is it, Azure?” Hearing the dragon’s words, Azure prepared to disclose what he kept secret from others, except a select few.

“Twilight… Spike… I’m dying.”

All was silent upon his revelation and those concerned were shocked beyond belief. But the coughing, Twilight thought it was but a common illness that would fizzle away with time. To hear one she considered family for years doomed to die made her stall a bit.

“Azure… no~” Twilight shuddered, “What’s happening to you?”

“Apart from me growing weak due to my old age,” Azure sighed, “just shy of hitting the big eighty, I’m sick. I’m… afflicted with an illness that causes my body to not work properly and it spreads throughout my being like a plague. Every day, I feel untold pain and can barely stand up at times.”

“Oh, harmony…” Twilight shuddered as her horn began to glow, “Azure, I can heal you if you want. Just let me cas-”

“Twilight, listen. I know you mean well and I truly appreciate your gesture. But, I’ve made the decision to not prolong my life any further.”

“What?!” Spike gasped, “Azure! Your cousin is wanting to make you feel better! Please, allow he-”

“I’ve already made my decision and that’s final!” Azure shouted with a tone similar to his days as a captain. When that tone is used, it meant that he won’t back down from any decision he made and it’s next to impossible to convince him otherwise, “I’ve lived a good seventy-nine years. I’ve traveled all over, faced countless threats, and lived life to its fullest. Now, I have nothing left to say or do at this point. I’ve already reached the pinnacle of my life and see nothing else beyond. I see no point in stretching things further.”
“My father is right, Spike.” Gale spoke up, “We all knew this day would come and we’re ready to say our goodbyes. It’s his wish and we respect it.”

“As much as I hate it, I agree.” Iron added, “It happens eventually and… I guess I’m ready to see my old stallion off.”

After a few moments of silence, Spike and Twilight relented with much reluctance. Knowing their cousin, his beliefs were unshakable. Twilight breathed a sigh of defeat as her horn’s glow faded away.

“Very well.” Twilight agreed, “If that is your wish, I won’t deny your desire for an end.” Twilight examined Azure’s body language and sensed some other motive for his return, “Azure, I sense your failing health isn’t the only reason for your return. Why did you come back? Did it have something to do with-”

“Ummm, please don’t mention anything about that.” Iron interrupted, “He really doesn’t like to talk about that.”

“It’s okay. All is forgiven... but my son’s right. I don’t want to think about that.” Twilight sensed great distress in her cousin upon hearing the near mention of that day, the reason why he left. It was a tragedy where he felt a part of him fizzle away into nothingness, causing him to walk away. Nightmares about it still plagued him like others before it. “Alright, I’ll tell you why I’ve come back.” With a deep breath, Azure readied himself.

“For the last six months since I found out I was dying, I’ve been thinking about a great many things. But, even though I said I’ve got nothing left to do, I have one last thing I need to accomplish before I die. Before Celestia left after your coronation, she told me where she and Luna would be but as time went on, all that became lost to memory.” Azure shuddered as another jolt of pain shot through him, shifting his head downwards, “Now, in my old age, I have no knowledge of her whereabouts but you might know where she is. I want to see her one last time before I die. Whenever you wanted to repay me, I’ve always declined but this time is different. So Twilight, please… I need your help. I need you.”

If there was one thing that Twilight knew Azure for was that he was always certain of whatever he says and she knew he had a point. She sensed the desperation in his voice as clear as the day she brings. Now, after years of declining her attempts to repay him, Azure comes to her for a favor. Being one of the few remaining familial connections she had left, there was no reason to decline.

“For you, for family…” Twilight gently raised Azure’s chin up with a hoof with a reassuring smile, “...anything.”

“Twilight, why?” Azure shuddered.

“Cousin, I understand your pain. Being an alicorn, I’m immortal. To me, it’s both a blessing and a curse. Because of that, I had to watch my parents, my brother, and those I called the best friends I’ve had, die while I still live. It’s a painful reminder that time is short and we only get one chance at anything. That’s the thing about life but it’s what also gives it meaning. I dearly want them back but I must move on. If this is important to you, I’ll gladly help you then.”

Azure wasted no time in lunging at his cousin for a hug. Though weak, he still mustered enough strength to give it meaning. Apart from his children, Twilight was the only family that he could count on for what he wanted to do. He felt a great weight being lifted from his shoulders.

“Twilight, words cannot properly express my gratitude.” Azure rasped as he broke the hug, dusting himself off, “I knew that I could rely on you. You truly are one of my greatest friends.” With another coughing fit, a thought dawned on the former guard. If he was going on a journey with his family, he wanted to be their sword and shield once more. “Do you still have it?”

“Have what?” Seeing the look in his eyes and reading a bit of his thoughts, Twilight knew what he meant. With a flash of her horn, she materialized a set of armor that Azure wore throughout his career as a guard, all in pristine condition. A crowned helmet and metal boots, armor with a ruby in the middle, and a cape of a bright red color, the sight of them gave Azure a sense of nostalgia of his glory days. “Here.”

"Twilight... my armor. You've kept it in-" Another coughing fit hits Azure, "perfect condition after all this time?"

"Yes. I maintained it as best I could because that armor represents your legacy. I knew that one day you'd come back for it and I guess that day is now." Azure looked upon his heirloom with a look of bewilderment.

"It looks as new as the day I got it after I graduated the academy.” Azure picked up his old crowned helmet, stroking it fondly with a hoof while eyeing his reflection, “Stars above has that been ages since then."

"Azure, do you intend to..."

"Twilight, cousin, if we're going on this journey, please... allow me to protect you, one more time."

“Father!” Gale gasped at her father’s intent, “Have you gone mad?! In your state and age, you wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight! You’ll be killed!”

“My daughter,” Azure raised his voice, “this is my decision! Though old and weak I might be, I still have one good fight left in me.”

“Be that as it may, though we’re fulfilling your dying wish, I must protest to th-”

“Sis,” Iron spoke up, “you, Twi, and I know better than everyone that once dad’s mind is made up, that’s it. End of story.”


“He’s right, Gale.” Twilight said with a neutral tone, “This is his wish and his last adventure. One way or another, it’s his end and he wants to go out on his own terms.” With a sigh of defeat, Gale acquiesced to her father’s desire.

“Very well, father.”

Azure looks diligently upon the armor he wore in his many years of service to Equestria and its throne. With a deep breath, he put on the crowned helmet and the rest of his armor, unfurling his symbolic red cape. It was like he'd stepped into his past, remembering his time as sword and shield of the kingdom that was his home.

"When shall we depart, your highness?" Gazing towards him with awe, Princess Twilight silently nodded.

"The airship will be ready soon. We shall depart to the Silver Shoals once." Twilight then turned her gaze to Spike, “Spike, I want you to remain here and keep an eye on things while I’m gone.”

With a nod, Spike walked up to Azure and gazed upon him for what will be the last time. Giving his old friend a brief hug, Spike couldn’t help but shed a tear over the gravity of the situation. For him, it was like seeing his sister’s friends go away… all over again.

“I’ll miss you too, old friend.” Azure said, “Maybe someday, we’ll meet again.”

Bowing, Azure - along with his children and cousin - left the castle and out into the rainy cityscape cloaked by the night. Arriving at the airship docks, the group boarded the vessel and got situated in their bunks but not Azure. All he had were his armor and the Lance of Solaris that was placed in his care and nothing else. For where he was bound to go, he wouldn’t return. As the airship began to take off, he gave the city he called home one last look.

Canterlot, city of life, light of Equestria, my home, I’ve seen you grow and prosper. Long have I seen your streets bustle with life and joy. No longer will I see you again and nevermore will I appreciate your beauty. I bid thee… farewell.