• Published 26th Oct 2019
  • 1,099 Views, 7 Comments

2G - Bysen

Gilda comes to Ponyville and meets Gallus. Drama happens.

  • ...

Gullas x Twilight


“Where are you going!” Twilight forcibly asked as she poof’d into existence in front of Gallus. Gallus ran right into her. They both spun end over end in mid air for a moment, gravity ignoring them for comic effect.

“What that… how did you?...”

“Know you were leaving? Well I have this tracking spell on you.”

“You have a tracking spell on him?” Gilda asked, getting Twilight’s attention for the first time.

“Oh, Gilda, I presume?”

“You know what they say about those who assume. It makes an ass of u and me.”

“I said presume, no assume.”

“J-... whatever! Why do you have a tracking spell on him? Do you have one on all your students or just the gryphon?!”

“What? No! I don’t just have it on him because he’s a gryphon. I have a tracking spell on all of my students…” she paused ever so slightly “that are connected to the Tree of Harmony.

“So you have one on all the non ponies?” Gallus smugly asked.

“Yes.” Twilight answered to his correct assertion. “Wait. No. Well yes, but I also have one on Sandbar!” Gallus snickered. He’d made Principle Twilight make a fool of herself and dismissed Gilda’s accusation. Twilight caught that and realised both of those things too. She took a deep breath. And let it go. “Gallus. I just want to know why you’re leaving Ponyville? And auxiliary to that, why is Gilda going with you?”

“Why does that matter?” Gilda asked. “Can’t-”

“Let me handle this.” Gallus stopped her. He cleared his throat and “Gilda’s abducted me and need you to save m-no, just kidding.” And Twilight’s horn de-lit after it immediately lit just before. “I’m going home for the weekend. Gilda, who is also heading that way has offered to keep me safe on the way.”

“I… somehow doubt that.” looking between both him and Gilda. “Nevertheless, I can’t allow it without written approval from Granpa Gruff.”

“You’re absolutely right.” Gallus admitted.

“Thank you.” she said smugly with her eyes closed. She opened them and asked “Wait… why did you agree so easily?”

“I guess I’ve got no choice but to go all the way to Gryphonstone and get his approval. Well I’ll just go do that. Bye.” and he flew past her. Not at a fast pace, just enough to prove a point.

Twilight stayed in place for a moment calculating what he’d said. He wasn’t technically wrong. He just wasn’t right. She turned to catch up to him only to have Gilda place a claw on her shoulder and pull Twilight back to face the gryphon “You really gonna stop a kid from going home after what he’s just been through.” wait, did Gilda know that Twilight knew? I just checked and *explanation* between two paragraphs is close enough for me!

“Oh, that’s what this is about.”

“Yeah. Now go away.” Gilda said, not wanting more conflict/drama today. She flew past Twilight and caught up to Gallus. ‘I’m not usually a praying gryphon… but please don’t let her follow us…’ she thought to herself, or rather, to Faust [or rather, to Bysen]. Her prayers were answered.

A few moments after she’d caught up to Gallus the two of them increased from a polite we’re leaving but not in a hurry speed to actual leaving speed. And shortly after that they heard a teleportation *pop* and seeing as she didn’t appear in front of them again, she had obviously taken the hint.

Gilda however was still looking around, almost nervously. “What, you think she’d going to appear out of nowhere again?” Gallus joked.

“No. But Pinkie Pie might.” she said with mild distain.

“O...k…” Gallus raised an eyebrow. “I’m not saying that’s unlike her to pop out of a cloud somehow… but why exactly?”

“It’s six right? Rainbow Dash is in some group of six. Well, I’ve run into four of her friends now [and Rainbow Dash herself] so the only one left is her.”

“Really, you’ve run into all of my teachers?”

“Yeah. Fluttershy. Rarity. Trixie. And now Twilight.

“Yep… that’s them alright…”

“Only leaves Pinkie Pie. And it feels like… she’s right behind me!” she screamed and spun around pointing at… nothing but a few clouds drifting by in the sky. “Huh… must’ve been my imagination.”

“You don’t say…”

Meanwhile behind a cloud “I told you she was on to us Gummy!” the balloons popped and she fell.

“Ah dang it…” Gallus groaned.


“Think I should’ve asked Silverstream not to mention I like Ocellus to anycreature?”

“Eh. She probably thinks you like Zanzibar anyway.”

He assumed she meant Sandbar “Pfft… don’t be ridiculous.”