• Published 26th Oct 2019
  • 1,099 Views, 7 Comments

2G - Bysen

Gilda comes to Ponyville and meets Gallus. Drama happens.

  • ...

Gallus x Thorax

“Well I suppose that would explain it.” Thorax told the gryphon he’d just met in the context of telling her private information about both his charge and another young student she had nearly zero connection with at all. “If Gallus had some pony ancestry it could cause her pheradiction to affect him, albeit slower than usual. Though, I’m not sure that’s the case. Afterall, hippogryphs, or at least the kind we’re talking about, are sterile.”

“Are they?” questioned Gilda. She’d read the book years ago but even then she hadn’t really ‘read’ the book so much as skimmed it. “Doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Sonic Rainboom was thought impossible until Rainbow Dash did it… like seven times now.” she sounded almost too gleeful in those words. It wasn’t like she really missed Rainbow Dash and was extremely disappointed she wasn’t here right now or anything. B-baka…

“Well, I suppose. After all, anything is possible if it happens.” he said in thought, looking towards the castle and the school just above the roofline. “But I can’t just assume that’s why. If it’s not then the cure won’t work on him. And as far as I know, there's no way to find out such a thing.”

“You could just ask his sires. Even if he doesn’t know his grandparents, they should. And if either of them are more ponylike still, then there’s your answer. Pretty simple really.” she offered.

“Yes. That’ll work perfectly.” Thorax pranced a little at his words. This got an eye from Gilda, and a few others watching. He may be a common-ish sight around ponyville at this point but that didn’t make him any less of an oddity when he did show up. “Thank you for the advice… uh…?”

She didn’t offer a name. She instead waited for him to ask it.

“I’m sorry… I don’t think I got your name.” he said with an awkward smile. “All I know is that, well, that it’s not ‘Gallus’. Hehe…”

“It’s Gilda. And thank me by not dropping it around any of Rainbow Dash’s friend. I don’t want to run into any of them until I have to.” she said, with a slight look over her shoulder to the direct she thought, but wasn’t quite sure, Fluttershy was hiding from her at.

Then for good measure, the other direction that she knew those three fillies where hiding from her at. She knew they were there for sure as the side of their manes was just barely poking around the corner. And from the way it was, they’d have to be standing on top of one another. Seriously, what was with ponies and avoiding any sort of confrontation like the plaque.

“Right. Of course. Well, thank you Gilda. I’ll be sure to… not, mention you.” the big green bug-deer stammered. He took a step back “I hope to see you again some time. Good bye.” and he took off into the air. Doing so with much more speed than Gilda expected from something so bulky and thin-winged.

Gallus woke up early. Which was doubly annoying since he’d stayed up late last night, making sure he wouldn’t get back before Ocellus had surely already gone to sleep. He had slept like a log though. Not much could stop him from doing so. Even emotional turmoil. What did make it a bit harder though was Sandbar pulling him into a spooning position at about 3am. And considering he’d done that from the couch on the other side of the [small] room made it even more impressive.

Of course early was a relative term. On a school day, 9am is late. On a saturday, it’s VERY early. Getting out of his bed, he wiped the sleep drool from his face and walked over to the chair Sandbar had gone to sleep on, now up-ended and laying on top of Sandbar instead. Flipping it on him had been the only way to keep him from moving around so much. Gallus remembered pretty much everything instantly, no forgetting, even for just a moment as he woke up. His weird dreams about him huffing Ocellus’ farts really confused him. And the phrase ‘love-stink’ wouldn’t leave his mind.

Just glad the Tree[house] of Harmony hadn’t decided that last night was the night it’d link their dreams again.

He opened the window and jumped out. He did that more often than using the door. Twilight on the other hoof didn’t know that and so if he had used it, he wouldn’t seen the note attached to it saying ‘Please attend the Headmare’s office at your earliest convenience. Principle Twilight. Dictated, not written.’. Instead he flew out of the school ground entirely. Just a few more hours until he could go and have this all be over and dealt with.

What he was going to do for those few more hours… eh, he’d figure it out. It’s not like there wasn’t a lack of things to do in this town.

A manic expression of harmony’s might.
A tree that’s a castle appeared overnight.
A school taunt by six who when’s powers unite…
A rainbow explodes crushing all darkness in sight!

*music starts*

Author's Note:

I stopped suddenly because it was at this point that I sat down [metaphorically, I was already sitting down] and figured out exactly what the plot, direction and minor/major story beats of this... story... would be.
There's a ton of notes that I'll post in the last chapter's author's notes that are massive spoilers anytime sooner.
They're... 'unique' to say the least.

I think I wrote Thorax more like sunburst.

Also I'm about another 10 chapters past this point now and I still haven't put the song I wanted to do in and I'm passed where it would work. So here's a verse... one of 2 that I had.

I'll tell you all now I'm surely not new to this
A gryphon in this town is making me curious
You ignorant arrogance making me furious
Despite what you think there's surely no cure to this

I have little to no idea what the context of it would be but I just like that rhyme.