• Published 26th Oct 2019
  • 1,095 Views, 7 Comments

2G - Bysen

Gilda comes to Ponyville and meets Gallus. Drama happens.

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Gilda x CMC 2: Electric Scootaloo

Somewhere, somehow, Gilda could sense the spaghetti falling out of Gallus’ metaphorical pockets. Or she would in the future because timeline wise, this takes place simultaneously to the previous chapters. Either way, as Gilda paid for both of their meals she took a moment to figure out what she was going to do for the rest of the day. Let alone the next three. And speaking of three…

Scootaloo rounded a corner and aksed “What did you say to Gallus that made him so upset?”

“GRYST!!! Where do you come from?” shouted Gilda in shock.

“Well, I guess that’s one way to ask her… not exactly subtle though.” Sweetie Belle coming around after.

“Well it beats tryin’a ‘bring it up herself through driving conversation that way’.” followed, both verbally and physically around the corner, the third one whos name Gilda had forgotten already… again.

Sweetie Belle returned with “But that’s what you’re meant to do when asking somepony something so you seem interested in what they’re talking about and so you don't look impolite by doing… that!”

“I don’t really care about being polite. She’s not.” Scootaloo said harshly. “He was just as annoyed as I was after talking with you.”

“I wouldn’t say annoyed is the right word…” Gilda mocked, casually raising a claw and facing the open palm [what’s a bird claw palm called?] to the sky for emphasis.

“Then what WOULD you say, hmm?” Scootaloo asked again.

And it was a good question. What she would say is ‘I made him realise something really obvious’. But what she should say however was “None of your business, that’s what.”

“What kind of answer is that?”

“The one I gave you.” It wasn’t any of their concern. Well, besides being concerned about their friend. So it kinda was. But she had a feeling that Gullas wouldn’t want anyone to know about his crush on Oculus… or whatever her name was, at least not until he’d figured out the whole thing for himself.

Incredulous conversation

“Alright! Alright…” Gilda shouted, interrupted Scootaloo vaguely speciesist rant. “I told him I’m pretty sure Rainbow Dash had a thing for my when we went to school together so it wasn’t weird at all that Sandbar liked him and that that pony has to make the first move if he really does want you. Because if you’re wrong, you just come off looking gay.” While most of what she’d just said was utter bullshit, the last part was from personal experience.

For something she’d come up with on the fly [same with the author], she’d worded it almost perfectly. Saying that Gallus had noticed it about Sandbar meant that they would bug him about it and not Gallus. Of course this could horribly backfire if it turned out Sandbar did have a thing for him… but what were the odds of that? Given her experience with the universe jerking her around, probably high. Wait, Gallus had said Sandbar liked Yoda right? Ok. She was safe on that front.

“Rainbow Dash was the one who had a thing for you?” Scootaloo said in an accusatory tone. As if what she’d heard was the other way around.

“Really? That’s what you took away from that?” Gilda scoffed. “You know… I’m actually starting to see why Rainbow would take you has a ‘sister’.” she said with air-quotes. “You’re clearly as smart as she is.”

“Is that an insult or a compliment?”

“If you have to ask…”

Author's Note:

Originally I wrote this before the previous chapter but moved it here instead because I thought it'd be funnier.

The following are a bunch of notes I made and are mild spoilers for what happens next and a semi important spoiler blacked out at the end.

Should I move the Gilda x CMC chapter here?
Should I write a CMC x Starlight chapter?
Should I go back to Gilda and have Gallus show up mad at her for telling?
Should he find out what Starlight was told?
Should I stop asking questions no one will ever see?
Find out on the next exciting episode of 2G!

No to all of them, Ocellus time!

Ocellus read her book

Ocellus time over! Now it’s Gilda time.

Gilda paid for the food and left

Gilda time over! Now it’s Gallus time.

Gallus.exe has stopped working

Welp, better load up Gilda again.

Gilda x fluttershy? Silently following and gilda waiting for her to grow the balls to talk to her? Would be an interesting story [not really] but it’s diverted from what little plot I had planned enough already and may be a bit tricky to get back to it.

Any of the mane 6? No. Any other young 6? No. background ponies? Only as throw away jokes.

I don’t think gallus should be able to find her again today. If he flies back to where she was she’s not there.

Does starlight recognise the name gilda? She [kinda] knew maud but i think that was also just a throw away joke.

If you haven’t guessed I’m just writing my thought process in words… including this part.

Is this going to be a chapter? Sure why not? 5.2
Was the last chapter 5? Why haven’t I numbered them? w/e

Ok… how about gilda goes back to RD’s now and goes to sleep right on sundown so she’s slept enough to not sleep in til midday again and actually do something tomorrow. This is done out of nothing else to do today. She wonders if she’ll ever find out what happened with that changeling. Thinks about if she’ll see him again in gryphonstone after he finishes school. Why is he blue? Never thought about that before… bingo