• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 3,489 Views, 86 Comments

The Legend Of Nicholas - DanishDash

A human infant is found in Equestria one winter evening, not knowing what else to do, he is adopted by a loving pair of ponies. This is his story on how he became Equestria's very own Santa Claus.

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Chapter 1: The Legend Begins

Chapter 1: The Legend Begins

All great legends and myths have an origin, though by now every colt and filly knows his name, there was a time when the name of Santa Claus was only known to a hooffull of ponies. Those hooffull also knew him by another name, because they knew him before the world ever had a chance to.

I was one of those ponies, although he came to our world before I was even born. I knew him before he became the legend and myth we all know him by now. You may wonder how he is able to do magic, how he is able to deliver all of those presents in one night, how he can make all of those toys and how he knows if you've been naughty or nice. Well, get comfy, and let me tell you the story of Santa Claus, the story about, Nicholas.


Unlike us, he was not born into this world, no, he simply appeared one day one cold winter evening. Many years ago, one special Hearth's Warming Eve.

Ponyville and the landscape around it was covered in the most beautiful snow, it glittered so nicely in the moonlight, making it sparkle so beautifully like small crystals. Nothing seemed astray that night as a pair of ponies walked down one of the small roads, taking in the nice quiet evening air and the peace of a cloudless night sky.

The mare looked to the sky, smiling warmly as the star filled night seemed extra clear tonight, and it was like they could behold the entire universe. She was a light blue unicorn with a silver like mane and tail. On her flank was a paint brush as a cutie mark. It looked like it was stoking and was a very elegant line with red paint. She let out a happy sigh. "The stars are so beautiful, aren't they?"

The stallion nodded a little, looking up as well while he moved closer to her. "It is." He was a light grey earth pony with a blonde mane and tail, on his flank was a cutie mark with three tools, a plank, a chisel and a saw. He was quite muscular while she was very feminine in her figure.

This young couple had just moved into this town and this was their first Hearth's Warming Eve together as a newly married couple. Coming to a stop, they looked up at the sky together, staying silent as they took in the beauty of the white snowy landscape, the glittering star filled night, and the warm lights coming from Ponyville.

The mare nuzzled her husband lovingly, planting a small kiss on his cheek. Things were perfect, they were happily married, they had a home, new friends, a place of business. Her cheeks blushed slightly in the cold air as she was thinking about the only thing that was missing from this perfect picture.

Suddenly both her ears stood straight up in the air as they heard the faint sound of crying, it did not sound like an adult, but a young foal. The mare frowned, almost by reflex she started to hurry towards the sound to see if everything was okay.

"Rose Bright?" The stallion called and quickly followed his wife.

"Somepony is crying, I think it's a foal, Cutter." She only replied and her steps quickened. Without a second thought she moved off the path and into the deeper snow and continued towards the Everfree forest.

Now Cutter was getting nervous, if a foal had wandered off into the forest it could be hurt. Rose seemed to have gotten the same idea and started to almost run. Her husband was not far behind, he was worried like her, but he also wanted to keep her safe.

The crying got louder and louder, telling them that they were getting closer.

Rose stopped for, looking around, trying to figure out which direction to go. As soon as the foal let out another cry her ears stood at attention, turning towards the sound. "Over here!" She said almost in a panic and ran all the way to the border of the forest.

"Rose!" Cutter called and hurried after her. When he finally caught up with her, he saw her standing over what looked like a basket. "Rose?"

His wife was still, simply staring down into the basket. Something clearly had shocked her, so he slowly approached. Getting closer and closer he was finally able to look into the basket. When he did so he froze in place too.

In the basket, wrapped in blue and red blankets, was a little bundle of some sort of naked creature. It was pink, had no fur, plump, some tiny arms and what looked like fingers. The little creature was clearly an infant of some kind, but what exactly it was he could not say.

The infant at this point had stopped crying, it's big round blue eyes looked up at them, then suddenly let out a giggle in delight as it reached up with it's tiny hands towards Rose. She didn't hesitate for one moment, reaching into the basket and scooped the little thing up and held it close to her, nuzzling it gently.

"Rose, be careful, we don't even know what that thing is.." Cutter said worried, but not meaning it in a hostile way.

"It's a baby, Cutter.. It needs our help.." She said with a frown and looked up at him. "Look at it, who would leave something so precious out here, near the Everfree of all places.."

She had a point and Cutter started to look around the basket, trying to see if he could spot any prints in the snow, hooves, feet, claws anything, but the snow was quite clean and it had been some time since it had last snowed. "Hello?" He called out. "Is, is anyone in there?"

No reply came, Rose did not count on it either. "Look in the basket, maybe there is something in there?"

Cutter simply nodded and walked over to the basket, looking inside to see if there was a letter, something, anything that might explain what this strange being was doing out here all alone and helpless. His heart broke a little at the thought of someone leaving this child here, all alone in the world.

He looked for a little while but found nothing, then, when he was about to tell Rose the news he saw something glitter in one of the small blankets. Slowly reaching with his hoof he pulled out a small medallion, made of what looked like silver. There was writing on it!

Rose gently moved the baby in her hooves as she looked over. "What's that?"

"A medallion, I think..." He looked at the inscription. "Nicholas, Claus..?"

"Nicholas?" She smiled a little and looked down at the baby. "You're a baby boy then." The little baby giggled in delight. "You think it's his name?"

"Could be.." Cutter nodded, getting an even more worried look. "Rose, we can't keep him." That earned him a deep frown from his wife. "We don't know what he is, we should send a letter to the princess and-"

"No!" She exclaimed and held the little baby close. "Who knows what they will do with him?"

"Surely nothing bad.." Her husband frowned.

"But Cutter, look at him, he's all alone.. See how he reaches up to us?" She said, her eyes pleading with him.

Cutter looked down at the baby, he was indeed holding Rose's fur with his left hand while the other reached out for him. He hesitated, but finally came over, leaning his head down to the little boy. The child let out a giggle in delight and placed it's tiny hand on Cutter's snout.

It was almost too much, and Cutter felt his resolve fail him. "But.." he said and stood up straight again, this time smiling a bit at the child. "We can't keep him a secret forever.."

"I know, but, we can at least try to find a way to maybe convince the princess to let us, keep him?" She asked him in a hopeful tone.

Cutter looked from the baby to her, then back at the baby who also now was looking at him. After a few seconds he sighed. "I guess you're gonna learn that trick from her then? Fine, but we need to tell her highness at some point."

Rose squealed and hugged the small child, then planted a kiss on her husband's cheek. "Thank you Cutter!" She hugged the boy once more, that earned her another delightfully cute giggle from him. "My little Nicholas."

"Nicholas? You're going to call him that?" Cutter asked.

Rose nodded and smiled gently down at the baby. "He's not a pony, Cutter. Whatever he is, he should have the name he was given.. I like the name anyway, Nicholas.. Nicholas Claus.."

"It.. It does have a nice ring to it.. Nicholas.." Cutter smiled as he repeated the name, he had to admit, it did sound nice.

Laying him carefully back in the basket and wrapped him up in the small blankets the two ponies started to make their way towards Ponyville. Rose could not help but to glance down at Nicholas once and again, thinking that NOW, everything was simply, perfect.

Thanks to Rose Bright and Cutter, the little Nicholas was taken in, and brought to Ponyville. Their act of kindness would inspire Nicholas for the rest of his life, always guided by the example they set that fateful night.

This is not where our story ends though, oh no, we have hardly even begun~

Author's Note:

First chapter to my little Santa story, I'll hope you enjoy it! :heart: