• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 3,489 Views, 86 Comments

The Legend Of Nicholas - DanishDash

A human infant is found in Equestria one winter evening, not knowing what else to do, he is adopted by a loving pair of ponies. This is his story on how he became Equestria's very own Santa Claus.

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Chapter 10: The Big Night

Chapter 10.

The Big Night.

The work had begun, Nicholas had a goal, to make at least one hundred and six toys, and deliver them on hearth's warming eve. It was a massive task for the young Nicholas, but one he knew he was not alone in working towards. However! There were a lot of logistical questions and issues that needed to be solved before work could even begin.

First, they needed a place to build and store the toys.

They would not be able to build them in his dad's workshop, he would know his tools had been used, and he would notice something had been going on during the night. So that place was out. Applejack thankfully had a solution. With the winter cold, there was not much work to be done around the farm, which meant the barn saw little to no use, especially back then with Big Mac and Applejack not being older than they were. It provided a warm place to work at night, and even a place to hide the toys, to which Applejack knew all the best places. Problem solved.

Second was the supplies.

Again, Nicholas could not use the wood his father had. Not that it was a money problem, but it took time to get the right trees needed. The trees they needed were the biggest issue, other things they might need were simply things like paint, nails, tools, strings and small metal parts. All things Nicholas and Applejack could get with ease, and with Nicholas's allowance, he would be able to purchase most of it. With the wood needed, the elves simply went to the forest and got whatever was needed per Nicholas's instructions. Problem solved.

Great, they had a place to work, and things to work with! But that was not the end of their problems. They needed to know the names of the colts and fillies, know where they lived, and have some idea what they might like for hearth's warming eve. This problem was easier to deal with. During the night, he would send some elves out to gather Intel. Provided with some maps of Ponyville, his scouting teams went out to find out everything they needed to know, that way he could write every name down on some sort of list. Applejack told him it was important not to give the wrong gifts to the wrong colt or filly, so she suggested that he check the list at least twice, which he did.

Well then, they had the place, means, and information, now they only needed to get the toys built.

Nicholas in this regard thanked his lucky stars for the elves, without them, he would never be able to get them all built. They were hard workers, which impressed Applejack whenever she could sneak out and watch for a bit. It was hard for Nicholas to sneak out of his house, which the Elves noticed, something needed to be done if he was to go around Ponyville at night.


Applejack snuck out after Granny and Big Mac had fallen asleep. She figured Nicholas was already in the barn working with the elves. It was always fun to watch the work unfold, and she was happy that the barn idea had worked out so well. When she went inside, she somewhat expected the elves to be hard at work along with Nicholas, but instead she found the barn dark, except for a few lamps here and there.


"Shhhh." A lot of tiny voices hushed.

Then she heard a few bells ring, and then a lot of groans. More of the lamps were lit, and she Nicholas in the middle of the barn, surrounded by tables, some chairs, and some hay balls. Nicholas wore one of his tunics, but she noticed he had a lot of tiny bells attached to it.

She smirked a bit. "What's that fer, partner?"

Nicholas sighed. "Mina and the others thought I needed some practice in sneaking around.."

"Oh, did they now? And what's the purpose of the bells?" She asked and walked over to some hay and sat down, finding the scene kind of amusing.

"Well, if I move wrong, then the bells will make sounds." He pointed to one end of the barn. "I start over there." Then pointed to the other end. "And finish when I reach the ther. They placed things in the way for me to get around."

Applejack had to chuckle a little. "Well, before we know it, ya be a proper thief pony."

Nicholas frowned. "I would never steal from any pony."

Her expression got soft as she nodded a little. "Ah know sugarcube, it was just a joke." Standing up she made her way towards him. "So, how about we make this more realistic?"


"Well, playing hide and seek of course. Same tunic, obstacles, but ah will be looking fer ya. If ah see ya, you lose. If ya make it to the end, ya win." She smirked. "Deal?"

Nicholas chuckled. "Deal."


The lights were turned off again, and Applejack could feel her heart jump as it did. She started to simply walk around, her ears peaked as she tried to listen for him. She knew Nicholas was out there somewhere, in the darkness, and though it was her task to find him, she kinda wished for him to find her instead.

Her heart was beating faster, she was not sure why, she was the one supposed to find him after all, not the other way around. Still, the mix of darkness and trying to pick up any sound was kind of, not scary per say, but something that made one's heart beat faster with anticipation.

She didn't know why she was getting so giddy, maybe because she was getting to that age, or maybe just because she was in a playful mood. Her breathing was steady as she walked through the darkness, trying to listen for any little ring the bells might make.

Step by step, she carefully moved around the barn. No one said anything, not an elf, not her, and certainly not Nicholas. The anticipation was almost enough to make her scream or laugh in frustration. Then, when she finally heard a tiny little ring, her whole body tensed, then turned, and leaped at the sound, yelling out. "Gotcha!"


Indeed she found her target alright, in fact, she managed to tackle it to the ground. The lights turned on and the elves all chuckled seeing the two of them. Applejack had jumped him, tackled Nicholas to the floor of the barn and pinned him down.

"Ah win!" She exclaimed, panting a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, you win." Nicholas chuckled. The laughter and chuckles slowly died down, right until both of them simply looked at one another. He looked into her big green eyes, and into his small blue ones. It was not really clear how long they stayed like this for, but Mina coughed a little, getting their attention.

Both of them looked at the little smirking elf. "Cuirimid tús le hobair?" She asked, and Nicholas nodded.

"Y-yes, we should get to work.. Ahem, I well.."

"No no, ya right, sorry, sorry, ah got carried away."

"No, it's fine, it was fun, but."

"Yeah, ah know, we better, uhm, get back to work.."

Both of them mumbled as she got off him and he stood up, dusting himself off. Both of them looked to the elves, all of them smirking at them, like they knew something they either did not know, or didn't want to admit.



And so, the work and the training continued.

Every night Nicholas would sneak out to work on his toys, and to practice sneaking around. It felt a little weird to train for something like this, but if he wanted to get in and out without being seen or heard, that was the way. Work continued, and although it was hard for Nicholas to stay awake when the sun finally got up, he kept going. Things went on smoothly, soon enough they would have enough toys for every colt and filly in Ponyville.

The weeks passed quickly, and either by luck, or by pure fate, nopony discovered what he had been up to in the barn. Neither Granny Smith nor Big Mac ever found out the barn was being used, largely thanks to the elves who were masters in making it look like no one had been there during the night.

Everything went according to schedule, the toys were being made, painted and wrapped, following Nicholas's instructions. He, besides overseeing the work, studied his list well, made sure he knew it by heart so no pony got the wrong present.

It was the last night before hearth's warming eve, Nicholas and the elves watched as the last gift was wrapped, counting down until it was ready to go. "3....2.....1....." The last present was wrapped and put away in a sack, and with that everything was ready. They all let out a cheer, the elves hugged one another, shaking paws, or simply jumped up and down in excitement.

Nicholas laughed and waved his hands a little. "Great work everybody, i'm so proud of the work you have put in. I could not have done this without you."

"I say." Applejack smirked as she walked in with a basket in her mouth. She placed the basket down and smirked. "Would ya mind calming down, they're not deaf ya know." She chided, reminding them all they were still trying to hide what was going on in here.

Nicholas smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Applejack.. I guess we got a little excited."

"Well, ah don't blame ya.. Working hard will do that, but don't ya forget ya still have to deliver all these presents. So relax partner, and wait to celebrate until the deed is done." She opened the basket and smiled at the elves. "Brought snacks for y'all, please dig in!" The elves cheered and hurried over to see what goodies the filly had brought them. Applejack chuckled and shook her head. "So." She began and looked back at Nicholas. "How do you expect to carry all those toys into town?"

There was a moment of silence from Nicholas as the realization kicked in. "Oh no, I forgot about that.." He looked like he was going to panic, but Applejack put a hoof on his hand.

"Don't fret, sugarcube. Ah have the solution." She said with a knowing smile.

"You do?"

She nodded. "Follow me."

Without another word she started to walk to the back of the barn. Nicholas, intrigued, followed the orange filly to the back of the barn, with a few excited elves following close behind him.

Applejack waited for him to reach her, she stood beside something, he could not see what as it was covered with a tarpaulin, hiding the object from him. The elves smirked, seemingly knowing something he did not. Applejack winked at him, then grabbed a hold of the tarpaulin with her muzzle, then pulled.

Nicholas' eyes widened as a beautiful wooden sledge came to view. It was painted red, was big enough for him, had small railings to keep the sack in place too. "Applejack.. I.." He was not sure what to say, but Applejack knew exactly what to say.

"Happy hearth's warming, Nicholas.." She blushed a little, looking down at one hoof as she traced it back and forth the floorboards. "ah know it's a bit early, but ah thought ya needed something that could help ya with the sacks. Ya can use it in the snow when ya're done and-"

She didn't get to say anymore before Nicholas had moved forward and embraced her in a warm hug. "Thank you, Applejack.. Thank you so much, and happy hearth's warming to you too.." He felt her hug him back tightly, the two once again sharing a moment, one out of many they had shared during the years they had been friends. A friendship that he would never forget, and cherish for all the years to come.


Finally the day, no, the night came! Hearth's warming eve, the celebration of peace, and the foundation of Equestria. To Nicholas however, it was so much more. It was the night he was adopted, the night two ponies showed kindness and compassion, took him in and gave him a home, a family.

This all meant he was very excited to finally give something back, to finally show his gratitude in some way. Nicholas had instructed the elves to wait at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack would help keep the sledge and the sack with presents hidden for the day until he could come and pick it up at night.

There were a lot of traditions each year, singing, cookies, always cookies. Reading stories, playing board games, simply good family fun. Then, after a nice wholesome dinner and opening of presents, it was time for bed. By that time it was pretty late, and Nicholas had to admit he really wanted to just sleep. however, the sheer nervousness and excitement kept him from resting.

Time passed, and when he was sure the house and most of Ponyville was asleep, he got out of bed. He had prepared his red woolen coat for tonight, laid it out so he could quickly slip into it.

Sneaking out was easy enough, and all the practice with the elves had really made him soundless. He moved throughout the house without a single sound or creak from the floorboards. He had been shown how to move silently and fast, and when he came outside, he had to keep himself from cheering. He was just so excited!

It did not take him long to make his way to Sweet Apple Acres, the elves were already getting the sledge ready as he approached the barn. The farm house was dark, a few candles in the first floor windows, but no activity inside. He figured they all had to be sleeping.

He turned to Mina and smiled. "Everything ready to go?"

She nodded as the elves tied the sack shut. "Tá gach rud réidh, Santa Claus!"

Santa Claus? He recognized his last name, Claus, but he had never heard the word Santa before. He looked at Mina, tilted his head and asked. "Santa? What does that mean?"

She smiled at him, putting her paws over her heart, as did the others he noticed. "Ciallaíonn Santa, cineálta croí, áthas, agus dóchas." She explained to him it meant joy, hope and kindness, but it was more of a title than a simple word. A title they had decided to give him.

Nicholas smiled a little, then bowed his head. "Thank you, everybody.. Santa Claus.. Sounds nice, almost sounds like a pony name now, hoho, but.. I'm pretty sure it won't catch on.." He smiled then grabbed the rope to the sledge, ready to pull it towards Ponyville.

Before he did though, he glanced up at the farm house, spotting a new candle had been lit, this time on the second floor. He looked closer, and saw Applejack, her mane free, in her pajamas, smiling a little sleepily at him. He smiled back and waved, and she waved back, mouthing, 'good luck', to him.

He waved once again, pointing at himself, the sack, then her, and she nodded, knowing he would visit her last. She would sleep while he worked, but be up for when he got back.

"Well.." He looked at the three elves he had decided to bring, Mina was one of them obviously. "Are you ready?" They all confirmed with a small cheer, and with that final blessing, he started to pull the sledge towards Ponyville.


Many of us now know how the story goes, but this was Nicholas' first night, and he was nervous. Ponyville was quiet, all the ponies laid in their beds, sleeping soundly, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, as the poem would one day say. The night would have been dark, if it was not for the few street lamps illuminating the streets.

The moon was full, giving Nicholas more light to navigate through the night. Not only that, but it made the snow sparkle like a million tiny diamonds. Though cold, Nicholas could not help but smile as he made his way to the first cottage.

Nicholas had a route, and the elves had packed all the gifts so he could easily find the presents for the houses he visited in order. So when he reached the first house, Mina spoke the names of the colt living here with his mum and dad, and the two other elves quickly found the package.

"Thank you." Nicholas said in a whisper as Mina jumped up on the package. He lifted it close to the door, and Mina waved her paw a little, making tiny glowing dust light up from her paw, then the lock, and with a click, the door opened.

He smiled amazed, even though he had seen such tricks before, it always amazed him. Using the skills he had learned from the elves, he silently moved into the house, traversing the hallway towards the living room. There was a nice smell in the house, cakes, food, and candles, really, any cottage on hearth's warming eve.

Going in, he walked near the fireplace and placed the toy, making sure the label with the name on it was nice and clear. On it was written: From Santa, To Star Whistle. When placing the gift, he let out a happy sigh, but Mina nudging him reminded him they were breaking in, so it might not be good to linger.

And so, the evening went on and on, Nicholas went from house to house, leaving one present for each colt and filly. His little helpers making sure each stop went as smoothly as possible, sure, at times he found a couple snuggling on their couch, fast asleep in each other's hooves, but with the help of Mina, nopony ever even sensed he had been in their house.

When the last present had been delivered, he could see the pink lines in the sky, the sun was slowly being raised, which meant his work was done. With an almost empty bag of gifts, an exhausted body, he knew when everypony woke, they would find their presents.

He did however have one last stop.


Once again he approached Sweet Apple Acres, the sun already banishing the darkness of the night, lighting the sky up in a calming blue and orange. Nicholas was tired, but happy. And as he got closer, he saw Applejack on the porch of the farmhouse, sitting there, wrapped in a thick blanket and now, wearing some sort of hat. He smiled a little, it suited her.

Coming to a stop, he let go of the rope to the sledge while the elves started to push it closer to the barn. He walked up to the porch, still holding the sack over his shoulder, he moved with heavy footsteps towards Applejack. The snow made sounds with each footstep he took towards her, and as he got close, she smiled slightly and said.

"Want some coco?"

He noticed the canteen beside her, and the cup. Nicholas smiled and nodded. "Oh yes, for Celestia's sake.."

Applejack snorted and poured a cup of hot cocoa while he sat down next to her. "That cold, huh?"

Nicholas nodded and smiled as he got the mug. "Eeyup." He did not drink right away, he simply looked out on the snowy landscape with her, enjoying the sunrise as Celestia cast the lands in it's warm welcoming lights.

"It went well then?"


Applejack snorted a bit. "Stop that, ya know ah already get that from Big Mac, ah don't need ya to do it too."

Nicholas let out a chuckle. "Sorry.." There were a few more seconds of silence, just them enjoying the view. Then, Nicholas reached into the bag, fetching the last gift of the year. It was not very big, but with Nicholas, one should never underestimate anything he gave you. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Applejack.. Thank you for all your help.."

Applejack looked at the present and smiled slightly. "Gosh, ya didn't need to make me anything, sugarcube.."

"Well, sledge." He countered with a smile and watched as she unwrapped it.

She removed the paper carefully, as if it was to be handled with care. Nicholas smiled slightly, it was nothing special, to be honest, he was not sure what to give her. It was not like Applejack was one to play with many toys, she was more interested in learning about farm work.

When the wrapping was gone, she was left with a figurine. It was of her, but not only her, next to her was a carved figure of himself, both of them looked like they were ready to take on anything the world could throw at them. Standing side by side, like they had for such a long time.

"It's nothing much, I know.. Certainly nothing like a sledge, but I-"

Applejack opened up the blanket she was wrapped in. "Just shut up and get in here before you freeze to death..." She mumbled, not looking at him, but he could tell she was smiling ever so slightly.

Without another word, Nicholas scooted closer and wrapped them both in the blanket, his arm around her as they simply looked out on the landscape. They did not need to say anything, they simply enjoyed each other's company. Because that was really the biggest gift anyone could get... Friendship..

Author's Note:

Whew, that was the tenth chapter!

Christmas is tomorrow, and I already know I wont be able to finish this one up before the month is over, but i will keep it going until I find a nice place to end it, and then give it a sequel next year. :twilightsmile: