• Published 6th Jan 2020
  • 4,172 Views, 296 Comments

human of the everfree - Aljazig

Sure my life wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for me, so why the actual f*** am I in a body of a little girl running from sentient ponies?! Answer? Magic.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Twilight

I woke up with the sun, like a princess should. I threw my blanket to the side and used my magic to open the curtains on my windows, only to get blinded for a second by Celestia's sun. After a while my eyes finally adjusted enough that I could see where I'm going. My room was made of crystal, just like the rest of my castle, and mainly had furniture made of mahogany. My study chair was also covered with velvet and my floor was covered by a dark violet carpet at Cadences suggestion.

After I finished admiring my room and wondering what I did to deserve it, I jumped out of my bed and trotted towards the nearest bathroom, where I took a shower, brushed my mane and tail and preened my wings. After I was done I just used my magic to dump the hair and feathers on the floor into a nearby trash can and then continued into one of the dinning rooms in my castle.

'I swear, this castle is way too big. A guest would get lost in just a few minutes. It's a good thing that Spike has a great sense of direction.' Those were my thoughts just as the previously mentioned dragon stepped out of the kitchen carrying a plate of freshly baked pancakes and a cup of black gold, aka. coffee.

"Good morning Twilight, how did you sleep?" Spike asked the same question he did every morning and like always I answered with: "Well enough Spike, now, can I get my cup of coffee?"

He smiled and nodded, placing the cup in front of me along with the plate of pancakes. I used my magic to lift the cup and chugged it, instantly feeling more awake. Then I battled the pancakes, they never stood a chance as I devoured them one by one. Spike, like always found my way of eating funny and couldn't help but giggle as ate. I just rolled my eyes and continued.

After eating breakfast I decided to continue my project, although it was harder now, since my main test subject ran away and probably died. It has already been two months since the subject ran away and I have yet to find a replacement. I had thought that the trait the subject exhibited was uncommon, but while I was testing I didn't even think of a possibility that it would be so rare.

As I was heading to the basement I was stopped by Spike asking a question: "Twilight, are you going to experiment on humans again?"

I knew Spike disliked experimentation on living beings, so I just answered with: "Don't worry Spike, I won't hurt them, I just need to see how magic reacts to them."

"I'm going to see Rarity, she told me she needed help training the new human." Said Spike while shaking his head in disapproval.

"Alright then, be back before dark, OK?" I answered, already thinking of all of the experiments I needed to finish today.

"Yes, yes." Answered Spike, already closing the door behind him.

I smiled and continued into the basement. The basement had several rooms, each meant for a different kind of experimentation. I entered the hallway and went into the first door on the left. I came into a house sized room, made completely out of magic resistant crystal. I went to the table on my left and picked up my notes from the day before. Then I turned towards the other side of the room, where you could see 12 humans chained to the walls, with enough space to get to the bowls of food and water but far enough apart, that they couldn't touch each other.

I walked to the right most human, it was a male with brown hair and a brown beard, exactly 26 years old if his ID was correct. I was starting to get excited, what will be the results? What will I find out?

Not being able to contain my excitement I hit the human with a magic bolt, that was supposed to clear his mind, and his head promptly exploded, spraying bits of his brains everywhere.

'Damn it! It happens every time! How was She different from normal humans? Why would magic be fine with her but not every other human I tried this on?' My thoughts were once again turned towards my escaped test subject. There had to be something different about her that made her resistant to side effects that humans normally experience when hit with magic. I had to find out what it was!

And like that my experimentation continued until I ran out of humans. In the past month I had tried every single non lethal spell in the book, but no matter what, the result was always the same, the only thing different was which part of the body exploded. That appeared to be depending on the spell, if the spell had something to do with the head, the head would explode, if it was one of the other limbs they would explode. Because of that I could use one human to test multiple spells, but it didn't matter. I even tried adjusting how much magic I put into the spell but it didn't have any visible effect.

'I have to find Her, even just her body would tell me a lot, but it woul-'

I was broken out of my musings by Spike: "Hey Twilight, you OK down there? It's already past 9 pm!"

I looked towards the clock I decided to put on one of the walls, so I wouldn't lose track of time, although it didn't really help. It was indeed 9:25, so I cleaned the human corpses and the blood with a quick incineration spell and headed up the stairs.

Spike must have picked up on my bad mood, since he asked: "No luck today either, huh?"

"No, I don't understand! Why did she react so differently to magic?! I feel like it might be because she could see it, but I couldn't find out anything about seeing magic even in the royal archives! For all I know, she wasn't even human! Or maybe she had some kind of mutation! I just wish I could test a few more things on her, even if it was just her body." I answered, getting even more frustrated.

Spike hummed for a while and then he smiled and said: "How about the library in the old castle of the royal sisters?"

"Spike, you are a genius! Why didn't I think of that! Some of the books there are millennia old, there is bound to be a book that talks about seeing magic! Alright, it's already late, so we will go there tomorrow!"

Author's Note:

Sorry, I couldn't post sooner, I had a lot of things going on.