• Published 6th Jan 2020
  • 4,173 Views, 296 Comments

human of the everfree - Aljazig

Sure my life wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for me, so why the actual f*** am I in a body of a little girl running from sentient ponies?! Answer? Magic.

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Chapter 14: Lost, but not alone

I was awake, but couldn't move. I couldn't see anything and I felt like my brain was processing things much slower than it should have. I tried thinking hard about what was happening, but all that got me was a migraine. So for some time I just existed, not being able to feel anything around me, or move my body.

After a time, I finally started to feel my body and all I was greeted with was pain. Lots and lots of pain. My whole body was aching, but it was worse for my hands. Every nerve there was screaming at me to do something, so I did the only thing that I could do at that moment. Scream.

At first I tried to trash around, but it only brought me more pain, so I gave up on the idea. I don't know how long I was in that state, just screaming, being unable to do anything else.

Thankfully I was saved from that torture, as the nerves in my body, after far too long for my tastes, became numb to that level of pain. Relieved I didn't even get a chance to look around, before I fell asleep.

I woke up again, but this time I could feel my body and could see light through my closed eyes. My mind still felt much too slow, but I just couldn't think of an explanation for it.

I opened my eyes, but quickly closed them again, as they were assaulted with the light of the sun. Slowly I opened them again, this time making sure to let them adjust to the brightness. From the trees at the edges of my vision I slowly came to the conclusion I was still in a forest.

I tried sitting up, but felt like my belly muscles are trying to lift a house, so I just gave up on that idea. Although my processing speed was still low, thinking about things didn't give me a migraine, so I opt for thinking about what happened before I woke up here.

My muddled mind sluggishly went over the events leading to me being here in this state. After a few hours, judging by the change in lighting, I finally came to Zero's death. It took me far into the night to stop crying, one of the few things I could do at that moment, and move on to my next memory, which consisted of me using magic.

I was genuinely surprised as I remembered using magic, the way it flowed and turned, the way I moved it so it did what I wanted. As I recalled how it felt, a sudden burning sensation in my belly forced me to exhale sharply.

It took me far too long to remember Zero's lessons and recognize signs of magic exhaustion. As I came to the realization, that I wasn't just tired from everything that had happened, I opened myself to magic, like I was taught and not even seconds later my mind was completely clear and the troubles I had with moving my body were gone.

I didn't understand why I had trouble moving when I was without magic, since all of the other humans could do so just fine, but decided against experimenting before I found a safe place to stay at.

Trying to pull my upper body into a sitting position I put my hands on the ground to push myself up, only for me to just barely hold in a scream of pain. I brought my hands in front of my face and took a good look at them. To say they were in bad shape would be an understatement. My hands were bloated like balloons, looking like they were severely burned.

'What the- ? I don't remember getting burned in my fight with twilight tho! What happened while I was asleep?' I could only guess the reasons for the condition my hands were in.

Now that I was aware of the damage done to my hands, I started registering the pain and knew that I wouldn't be able to use them for quite a while if I didn't do something about it.

I slowly shifted my legs so they were positioned under me and then carefully stood up without the help of my hands. Now that I was standing I could finally take a good at my surroundings. As I thought previously I was in a forest, specifically a small clearing filled with bright blue flowers. And I was in the middle of them.

I didn't know what kind of flowers they were, but there were no other plants in the clearing other than them. There was also the fact I was still alive after being knocked out for at least one day, which would mean that all of the plants and animals are either afraid of the plants or they are avoiding something else that is in this clearing.

The plants seemed harmless enough even with the glowing blue color, but I have been wrong before, so I looked more carefully at everything in the clearing. Afterwards I came to the conclusion, that I was wrong, the plants were probably either extremely poisonous or they somehow repelled every living thing in the forest, which I found impossible, even in a world with magic.

'Okay, since I am in the middle of the flowers there are two options. I am either going to die in the near future, or I am immune to the poison the plants produce, in which case this place would be a perfect place to build a home. Welp, nothing I can do but wait and see what happens. Then again I have been sleeping in this place for a whole day, so it's either a slow working poison or I truly am immune. In any case I need to find something to eat, otherwise it won't matter if I am immune or not.' And with those thoughts I slowly walked out of the clearing and into the forest in search of any of my usual trails, hoping I wasn't far away.

After Fairy left a nearby bush suddenly parted and out stepped a panther with slick black fur and glowing green eyes. It sniffed the air a few times and then jumped across the blue plants in one giant leap. It then continued to run in the direction Fairy went towards, at speeds more akin to a cheetah.

It practically zoomed past the trees blocking it's path and in a matter of seconds it had caught up with it's target. It carefully observed the movements of it's target until it found an opportunity when the target leaned down to get to some berries it had just found.

That is when the panthers well toned muscles sprung into action, sending it soaring at the target like a bullet. The target didn't even notice until it was too late and the panther broke their neck.

Author's Note:

Don't worry I am not ending the story yet.