• Published 6th Jan 2020
  • 4,172 Views, 296 Comments

human of the everfree - Aljazig

Sure my life wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for me, so why the actual f*** am I in a body of a little girl running from sentient ponies?! Answer? Magic.

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Chapter 5: Spiders and a dream

Author's Note:

This is a WARNING!
Some (one) parts of this chapter are a bit unpleasant if you dislike violence and mild gore (the only gore is in my mind, except if you count a bug stain).
Just thought I should tell you before you read it and then repremend me for not telling you.
It is kind of necessary for the story, so you are going to have to deal with it. (It's not that bad, I'm just blowing it way, way out of proportions).

By the way, I have arachnofobia (fear of spiders), so it took me way longer to write this, since I had to research spiders. I hope your happy. Because I am. At their deaths.

Let me tell you, trying to outrun a horde of spiders is very hard, especially in a tunnel, where they can walk on the ceiling and spit webs at you, while all you can do is just keep running and dodging the previously mentioned projectiles. Even with these hopeless odds, I still ran.

And then one of the spiders landed on me, making me fall on the ground, with the spider on top of me, pinning me to the ground. And then, it turned me around and formed, what i guessed passed for a mouth on a spider, into a crooked smile and started to produce a sound uncomfortably similar to laughter. As if to make me more uncomfortable and even a bit scared, the other spiders joined the one on top of me. Now that I had the time to look, it was obvious, that the spider that caught me, was the biggest one.

But that laughter, really irritated me and after a minute of I had enough. So I took advantage of the fact, the giant spider forgot to pin my hands, took his front-right leg into my hands and with power even I was amazed at and a sickening crack, I broke it off.

For a second there was absolute silence. Then the spider screeched like a banshee, got off of me and started running around, still making the noise. Sadly that was a bad decision for it to make at the moment, since my nerves were already running short from the previous laughing, I decided to test my newfound strength on the spider, by running parallel to it and when I was absolutely sure, I would hit, I cave the spiders head in with a punch, then finished it off with a kick, that sent the spider flying into the wall, where it splattered, leaving a blue stain with the legs and other harder parts stuck to it.

After that happened I turned towards all of the other spiders, only to see them fleeing from me in terror. The problem was, they were running in the direction of the castle, where I wanted to get to. So I ran after them, hoping to outrun them with my newly discovered strength.

That proved to be a problem a few minutes after I started to run, as I started to feel lightheaded and not long after I was suffering a head-splitting headache. I had no choice, but to stop, so I looked at the walls of the tunnel, looking for any sort of cavity in the smooth tunnel walls.

Luckily I found one, about 10 feet further. I quickly checked for any spiders and after making sure, I would be relatively hidden, I fell asleep in this world, for the first time.

I am home, sitting in front of the fireplace. The crackling of the fire gives the perfect ambiance to the book I am reading. Suddenly, my sister breaks the silence: "&#)&*, when are we going to the movies, again?".

I sigh and for the 3rd time answer: "Ann, we are going to the movies at 5. It's still 3 in the afternoon, so we have another hour and a half to get ready, before we have to go. And please, for the love of everything that is holy, remember to take your phone with you!"

She smiles in that mischievous way, only children with fun in mind can smile. Not like I can blame her, she is only 12 years old. Perfect age for doing pranks without a lot of consequences.

"Watch out, that smile might get you in trouble." I say with a smile.

"Oh, not you too! Everyone always tells me my smile looks exactly like our mom's, and I hate it! When she smiles in this way, she just looks creepy." She pouts while at the same time glaring at me, demanding with her eyes, that I say she doesn't look like mom.

But now that I look at her again, my sister is starting to look more like mother, the older she gets. She has mom's smile and also inherited the brown hair, that went well with her light skin tone, and the short nose from her. But her brown eyes are from father. I on the other hand got my eyes from my mother.

"Who has a creepy smile, young lady?" Says my mom with a seemingly angry expression. She has been standing in the doorway, for the whole time of our exchange. My sister didn't know that, but I have a great look on the door, since it is just right of the fireplace.

"Oh! mom, uh, nobody, I was just telling &#)&* that some smiles are creepy." My sister always has always had a way with talking, so she could normally convince anyone to believe her. Her problem is, that she is a terrible liar, so it came as no surprise, when mom saw right through her lie.

"Ann, we talked about this." Says mom with a frown on her face. She really dislikes lying and doesn't want us to lie.

"Yes, mom. I'm sorry." Answers Ann, with a genuinely sad expression. Probably because she hates to disappoint mom.

"Oh, would you look at the time! &#)&*, you and Ann better get ready. And remember, &#)&*, if you drink anything, don't be afraid to call me. Ann, keep an eye on your brother, and don't forget your phone, we don't want another shopping mall incident." Says mom, first looking at me with serious eyes and then at Ann with a small, almost invisible smile, tugging at her lips, as she mentions the shopping mall incident. Let's just say, it involved phones, Ann getting lost, mom getting lost and father finding them, while also being lost. At the end I was the one to drag them all outside. I don't even know, how they got into the storage area.

As mom warns us, I look to the clock on the wall. It reads 16:20, so I get off the couch and head to my room, where I dress appropriately. Me and Ann head to the car and I start driving, to the cinema. Ann just can't keep her excitement in, so she starts rambling about, the characters of the movie. Since we are heading to watch the 3rd installment of a movie series, that she is a huge fan of, it's obvious she would know most of the usual characters.

But, as we are driving up to a crossroads, I suddenly blank out and the next thing I know, there is a truck heading straight for our car.

Time slows down, as I look to my sister, who is still rambling. Then I look towards the truck again, and all I can do is say: "Sorry mom, I crashed.". With tears streaming down my face I watch in slow motion, as the truck impacts the car and then everything speeds up to normal speed. The last thing I see is Ann's scared face.