• Published 5th Jan 2020
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Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Fifteen: Shards Of Truth

Obsidian froze in place when Lemon opened doors to the office. Just... this was... she didn't... how?

Of course her father's magic was unique - after all, he was the greatest pony that had ever lived and everything he did was unique... but her father had disappeared with the Empire a thousand years ago; what exactly was this magic? Who were those ponies Gypsy had mentioned? Why did she feel as though she were being left completely left in the dark?

This whole place fairly reeked of dark magic, and it had happened right after Miss Tome wanted her to come back to speak of her heritage. It was obviously connected - somepony didn't want her to talk, but WHOM? Only a few ponies were around when she checked out Obsidian's work - though, of course, it should be possible to eavesdrop.

"I am curious as well, Mister Lemon; it's a very powerful spell, cast with great precision. If you think I would be capable of such a feat, then I'm flattered... but I am sorry to have to dissapoint you - it wasn't me." She carefully stepped inside the room, feeling goose bumps across her back.

"And if you don't believe me, then ask my friends - I spent this entire day with them. Even when Cupcake wasn't with me, I was still present with Thunderclap. Since we left the library, I was only in public places, like... er... the donkey food shop, and Miss Headmare's office."

But if she wasn't responsible for this... then who was? It wasn't exactly her father's magic, yet it was cast by somepony skillful and powerful enough to form the crystals properly.

Lemon's eyes froze in their contemplation as Obsidian gave her alibis. He seemed a bit disappointed, but his muzzle set into a more serious look by the time she finished talking.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... this seems very convenient, especially at the admission that you got away from Cupcake. But..." he contemplated for a moment, then turned to look at Obsidian. "You were accompanied all day long, eh? Well, that means you may not have done this... but I'll bet bits to biscuits you may have some inside knowledge... maybe you even know the name of who might have done this. After all, there aren't many Dark Magic practicioners left in Equestria anymore..."

"Lemmy," Cupcake started, "she's innocent; she has about as much of a clue as you do. Besides, if you want her help, it might be best if you, y'know, 'acted civil to her' and stuff, brother."

"And she's been shopping with me for the last few hours, and she HAS been with us all day... so you'd better start rethinking things, Lemon - because this princess is totally innocent, got it!?" Clap bristled, looking ready to start a fight, if need be.

Lemon looked concerned, yet began to contemplate what was being said.

"Obsidian," he finally said at length, "you're quite possibly the one pony in this entire kingdom who knows about Dark Magic from first-hoof experience; if you're truly innocent, then I'll need to know if you'll be willing to assist in finding out who did this, and if it's possible to reverse the effects."

It seemed that having friends around didn't just 'feel nice' - it was useful too. Without Cupcake around, she would have had to wait for him to get her alibi and waste all of their time.

"As far as I'm aware of, the only pony that can reverse the effect is the original caster," she informed with a touch of regret.
She did want to work with Miss Tome, after all. "It certainly resembles one of the spells used by my illustrious father, but it is most certainly not his magic. May I go inside, to examine things more closely?"

Lemon nodded. "You'll understand, I hope, when I say I will be... accompanying you during your investigation; you may have alibis, but I rule out no one until I have direct, empirical evidence of such."

"NO one? So that means I'M a suspect, too?"

A sigh. "No, Cup - I know it wasn't you."

"But... what if it WAS me, and even I don't know it?"





Lemon facehoofed. "Just... stop talking and let us investigate in peace!"

Cupcake winked subtly at Obsidian. "Okie dokie lokie!"

Cupcake didn't seem too concerned about the fact that a rogue Dark Warlock was possibly wandering nearby, or that the librarian was silenced... at least, for now.

Miss Tome's office was neat and tidy, with no visible evidence of a struggle. Her desk was a bit cluttered, but in an organized fashion. The shelves were almost completely full of books... except for an obvious missing book that left a noticable gap.

"From what we've found," Lemon began, "there was no physical struggle, nor was there forced entry... from what we can see, there's no damage to Miss Tome, and aside from the typical library books, we found nothing out of order."

The garbage can only had a few bits of paper in it. The [OUTGOING] file on the desktop had a single letter in it. Already, a group of ponies had come in and were in the process of transferring Miss Tome to a freight dolly.

"Princess Twilight's orders are to place Miss Tome in the royal vault, until such a time as she can be cured. Until then, she's to be kept safe."

"Gypsy?" Obsidian asked, "Do diamond dogs, perchance, have any skills that could be especially useful here?"

She was sure that she'd heard somewhere that dogs could be used for tracking; perhaps diamond dogs were similarly skilled? Whoever did this apparently either made a successful surprise attack or knew her well enough to get close.
Obsidian checked to see if the books on the shelves were sorted - maybe it wasn't too much, but there was no telling what or where a clue might be.

The diamond dog's ears perked up at mention of his name, and he stepped forward hesitantly. "This o-o-one can a-ask his nose."

Lemon gave a skeptical look. "Ask... your nose?"

But Gypsy was paying him zero attention; he had slumped down to the floor, and was studiously sniffing next to Miss Tome... bringing concerned and annoyed looks from the ponies trying to move her.

"Missing a book... only one letter... plenty of Dark Magic in the air..." Obsidian thought about her training, and tried to remember how long could casting this spell might take. Surely, Miss Tome would have noticed the chanting involved?

Frankly, it would have been far easier if she had just told Obsidian everything before she was crystallized... but noooooooooooooooo...

Gypsy wandered in a small circle for a moment, then turned abruptly and headed straight for the trash can. Reaching it, he then reached inside and started pulling out papers and sniffing them, carefully placing them on the desk until-

"THIS p-paper smells like s-s-s-s-sulfur."

The smell was most certainly a sign of Dark Magic, and the paper that caught his attention practically dripped with an aura of ominous spells. Written on it was a single paragraph:

[Bring the books to the Black Pool at midnight; fail me, and you shall fail no more. There is no time to waste, as they have discovered The Last Shard. As she is awake, time is of the essence - deliver the books, or feel my wrath.]

Underneath that was a small circle; otherwise, the paper had nothing else on it. It had been crumpled thoroughly, and had taken Gypsy a moment to un-ball it before presenting it to her.

Lemon gave the note a look. "We hadn't gotten to the wastebasket yet; seems we should have." He glanced at Obsidian. "What does it say?"

It took her a moment to realize why he couldn't read it; it was written in Ancient Crystallian... her father's native language.

For a moment Obsidian simply thought that they found an important clue. Then, as soon as she realized that it wasn't written in Equestrian, she realized that it was VERY important clue - and she briefly felt a sting of panic.

It wasn't supposed to go this way - this new, strange world of Equestria seemed to be so calm and peaceful compared to her home that the lightest scent of Dark Magic was a terrible dissonance, like a flat note in a song or a typo in a good book.

"It seems as though Miss Tome may have had some connection to the pony who did this... there's something here about a black pool - whatever that is - and bringing books there. There is also a threat that disobedience will be punished."

She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell Lemon the part about the 'Last Shard'... by darkness, it could only mean Obsidian herself!

She was discovered quite recently, and it surely wasn't an accident that Miss Tome was crystallized right after their meeting. What had this mare wanted to tell her?

She turned to face Lemon. "Please, may I speak with Princess Twilight? Privately?"

Perhaps she should assume that any possible Dark Magic users were her father's allies... but nobody tried to reach to her, and they silenced a mare that had wanted to tell her something more. A mare that, as Obsidian specifically asked, was hopefully going to work with her. Summed up with the rest of things Obsidian knew, she truly doubted if she should trust these ponies without at least a bit of healthy skepticism.

"Connections?" Lemon looked surprised. "Miss Tome? She hardly ever left the library, spending long hours pouring over book after book... how could she have such an unsavory connection? It makes little sense."

Well, being blackmailed was a connection too - nopony said that Miss Tome was doing anything out of her own free will, especially as she apparently tried to warn Obsidian.

"Well," Cupcake mused, "if she was corresponding with others about gathering books, it's possible she may have had contact with some... less than savory folks, right? Maybe one of those were the ones who did this?"

Lemon shook his head. "All we've seen note of entering and exiting the library have been faculty and students; the cameras told us so. Of course, there are other thoughts..." He turned to Obsidian. "Did your father's court ever entertain Changelings?"

"Hoo boy," Cupcake sighed, "heeeeeere we go."

Obsidian thought about it for a moment. "I don't know, as I haven't seen any changelings before this very day... but it doesn't mean my most honorable father didn't use them." It would probably make sense - perfect spies and assasins.

"Because that would explain a lot," Lemon began, "being as there are a number of Changelings who still side with Chrysalis, and I can most definitely see her Loyalists joining forces with Sombra..."

"Lemon," Cupcake deadpanned, "it's NOT Changelings."

The stuffy stallion raised a hoof in protest... then thought about it for a moment, finally lowering his hoof. "I'm... not counting them out completely, but... you may be right."

"Still," he turned to eyeball Obsidian, "a private audience with the princess, especially in light of what's happened, would be well-neigh impossible. We should be doubling our-"

"Lemon, I have no qualms with her request." Twilight spoke up, walking over from her viewing place at the back of the office.

"Your Majesty," Lemon said, "I don't know that it would b-"

"Obsidian," Twilight turned and addressed her, ignoring Lemon Custard, "choose one of your friends you know you can trust, and bring them with us."

She glanced over at Lemon. "Will that do?"

Lemon said nothing. After a moment's hesitation, he nodded.

Obsidian wondered about the choice of her friends. One she knew she can trust... normally, Stalwart would be the best choice... but she wasn't there. She trusted them all equally, to be fair. What exactly it meant was up to anypony's guess, Obsidian included, considering her confused state of mind lately. But at least she got an opportunity to talk with the princess, even if it wasn't as private as she wanted.

"Cupcake, would you want to join us, then?" He was the simplest choice, to be fair - he was already her liaison, so it made sense to ask him.

Cupcake beamed. "Awwwww, you really trust me! Yaaaaaay!!!"

Lemon rolled his eyes, but Twilight smiled kindly. "As you wish; here, follow me to the back room - we can speak privately there."

Gypsy and Thunderclap stayed with Lemon, both seeming as though they had a few choice words for the stuffy stallion, yet they were keeping those words to themselves for now. Lemon, meanwhile, looked skeptical and a bit concerned... but continued his search of the office, determined to find something of use.

The alicorn princess led the way out of Tome's office and around the rear shelves to a small room in the back with weird-looking television screens hooked to tables. Their purpose was not easily discernible, but since they seemed to have a layer of dust on them, it probably didn't matter. Cupcake followed, acting strangely reserved and behaving admirably.

Twilight closed the door with her magic, then turned to Obsidian with a questioning look in her eyes. "What's on your mind?"

"If you recall, the last time we met, you mentioned my most honorable father's writings and that he was writing about me. I... I may have reasons to think that it wasn't just a coincidence that Miss Tome was attacked after our meeting. May I ask about what my father had been writing?"

And if he mentioned anything about shards...

Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn princess of Equestria, gave a huge sigh and hung her head.

"I... can tell you, Obsidian. It's hard to hear, I'm sure... and I can't say for certain that what we know is the complete truth, but if it helps you put the puzzle together, then... then maybe it's time to tell you."

Cupcake looked a bit worried. "Auntie Twily? I've... never seen you like this before."

Twilight took a deep breath, preparing herself mentally. "According to what I've read, Sombra had an immense amount of paranoia as to his legacy and how best to preserve it. He called upon his greatest court wizard, and bade her to create a spell he could use to ressurect himself with."

She sighed softly. "Sombra needed heirs to pass his kingdom onto, but he was... unwilling to produce, as the books put it. So instead, he had portions of his own soul removed from him and placed within self-sculpted shards of crystal, so that each piece could have a chance at returning to the throne."

Twilight began to pace as she spoke. "Each shard, according to the writings, was transformed into a pony - Sombra's illegitimate children, so to speak - so that they would be much more difficult to locate. Each of these was then, in turn, trained by Sombra and his minions for the sole purpose of becoming his successor..."

She sighed. "But it's more than that; the shards were merely a means to an end - through a single shard, it's quite possible that Sombra can return... by mentally taking over one of the embodied shards of his dark soul."

Cupcake gasped. "You mean-"

"Yes Cupcake," Twilight sighed, "if Sombra's magic took hold in Obsidian... she would become Sombra, and the mare we know would just... cease to be. She would be no more than a tool for him to use and break as he saw fit..."

She resumed her pacing. "Many of the shards have simply vanished, with only five accounted for from the original thirteen. The shards have all been lost to time, yet he still must have kept some hidden for his purpose to be fully realized."

Now, she turned to focus on Obsidian. "We found you in a small chamber... but when we found you, you weren't 'sleeping' or 'frozen'... you were a dark crystal shard, and you transformed into this form when I touched that crystal with my magic. That is why the others who were present seemed so surprised by you; we thought you were only another crystal until that point."

She sighed. "The writings claim that, should he get his magical hooks into you, you'll become Sombra, and cease to be yourself."

Princess Twilight was truly a honest mare - just as she said, it was exceedingly hard to hear; one could even say that it was a bit of an understatement. Each word that escaped the alicorn's lips kept getting worse and worse, until Obsidian could barely comprehend what the ruler of Equestria was really talking about.

It was just so... strange, yet completely and utterly logical. But still... as soon as her majesty hung her head, Obsidian knew it wouldn't be a pleasant discussion. She didn't expect that she was getting more than she bargained for - at the best she hoped to learn something more about 'shards' mentioned in the short note she found.

Meanwhile she was learning more and more about her own history - and while her initial reaction was to deny it, she really couldn't. This thing about heirs... or planting portions of a soul... or about her own return to this world.

Why would she be turned into a crystal? Why would this crystal react to Princess Twilight's magic?

The young unicorn mare was doing her best to remember what exactly happened at the last day of her old life, yet she drew a continual blank.

"Do I... understand you correctly... that my most honourable father... wasn't my birth parent?"

That was the most pressing matter. Taking it simple, and not trying to comprehend it all at once... or she'd go insane, a poor mare trembling under the weight of the truth that she knew she couldn't deny. Her eyes widened with shock, her composure utterly lost.

This crystal... by darkness, this crystal!

Twilight wore a grim look, but spoke kindly. "It depends on how you see it - you weren't born naturally, but Sombra most certainly has no other heirs that we know of... so, technically speaking, you're his creation, which could be considered a child."

Cupcake simply sat down, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. However, after a moment's shock, he looked at Obsidian and stared for a moment.

"But... you're real to me, princess. To all of us, I'm sure of it. I don't see you as some... shardy-thingy... I see you as... as a friend. As someone who needs a friend in return, especially right now."

Sombra's creation? Shardy-thing? But... but, there was... she didn't...

Twilight looked at them both for a moment, then turned her eyes to the dark princess once again. "At this point, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do. I know of a few who might be able to help, but... I'm not sure how much help they would be. Against something like this? How..."

"Princess Twilight," Cupcake spoke with not a scrap of foolishness in his voice, "if she is in danger, I would like to volunteer to stand guard for her. A-and I'm sure the others will too, once they know what's happening..."

Twilight gave him a small smile. "Cupcake, you remind me so much of your mother sometimes... thank you. I have no idea what we can do for now, but I do know one thing - that the lot of you are stronger together than apart."

She turned to face Obsidian. "I know you just met them, but you've gathered an interesting group of friends around you - and in such a short time, no less. This tells me that you, Obsidian, have a future... and it's one you deserve to choose. As long as I still rule Equestria, then I shall see to it that you are protected."

Obsidian was barely listening to their discussion, completely lost in her own thoughts. There was something that really, really didn't make any kind of sense, and it was bothering Tartarus out of her.

"But... I have memories - plenty of them." Obsidian began to sound as though she was trying to convince herself. "Muscle memories. Magical lessons. Your Majesty, I wasn't born the moment when you touched this crystal, right? My father just had to... somehow turn me into it, and this contact just broke the spell... r-right?"

The mere idea that she could possibly be a complete and utter fake was so terrifying to her, even the slightest chance that it was true was enough to make her forget about calling Twilight 'her majesty' - something that she wouldn't normally use to refer to someone who was NOT her father.

"Most likely," Twilight said somberly, "he created the shards, then began training you in the manner you remember; you probably existed for a while before you were, ah... 're-shard-ified' and placed in the dungeon. I think it was just magical contact that released you... but I have no way to know for certain."

Cupcake beamed sweetly. "Princess Siddy... don't you worry; I'll stick by you, no matter what happens! And with the rest of us watching out for you? Well, ol' Sombrero might just have to pack up and head for the hills! So don't worry - you'll be fine with us!"

"Obsidian, I can't even imagine what you're thinking right now... but I want you to know that you aren't alone in this; we're all here for you, and we want to help as best as we can," Twilight added.

"And I promise," Cupcake raised a hoof, "nopony will ever kill you - not while I'm still around to stop 'em! Yeah, you're 110% protected, no worries! E-even though I'm sure you'll still have worries..."

Twilight turned to them both. "Shall I summon more guards to the palace for an escort?"

But of course, no one would kill her - it's impossible to kill something that never lived, after all.

'Killing' is something that happens to real ponies, not to the artificial beings. Oh, how powerful and great was her father, that he was able to do such a great deed! She was merely his unworthy creation, just clinging to the ideas he taught her.

"... why not just dispose of me? It's the easiest choice," she eventually spoke, with a voice utterly and completely devoid of any emotions.

"NO!" Cupcake yelled at the top of his lungs.

Twilight, however, was more collected and calm. "Because, Obsidian... you alone have shown that you have the capacity for friendship, something the other shards never evidenced, at least by what the records say. I feel that YOU, of all of them, have the true potential to be something truly remarkable, and I I want to help you become that."

Cupcake got almost directly in Obsidian's face. "Princess... Obsidian... Siddy... I believe in you. I think, with everything you've been through, that you count as a miracle - one so unique that the likes of which will never be seen again. You are ALIVE, do you hear me!? A-L-I-V-E! There's no need to feel sorry for yourself! YOU are as ALIVE as I am, and don't you dare think otherwise, young filly!"

Well, she didn't really consider it 'feeling sorry for herself' - at best, some kind of magical reaction was simulating a means to feel that way, to make her believe that she was a real creature. Perhaps her most honourable father simply did something differently with her, if she was able to behave that way - and hey, Equestrians would be able to ask him about that as soon as he returned.

In her body, that he constructed for himself; she was merely... renting it. Temporarily.

So Twilight thought that Obsidian had a potential to be something truly remarkable. Well, as King Sombra was truly remarkable, in a way, she was right. Just not in a way she imagined.

She wasn't even really alive... tools are meant only to serve.

And the worst part was Obsidian's opinion about herself; the more she was praising her father in her mind for being able to go along with such a great plan, the more she saw herself as just a tool - a thing - for somepony else's use.

"... if you say so..." Obsidian muttered miserably. Frankly, if this mysterious attacker appeared here and now, she would gladly let her father return and take over her body, satisfied that at least she turned out to be useful at the very end of this parody of life.

Cupcake grimaced and turned to Twilight. "This... isn't going well, is it?"

Twilight sighed, then looked at Cupcake intently. "Perhaps not, but the fact of the matter is that we have to keep Obsidian from whom-or-whatever did this to Miss Tome. We cannot afford for Sombra to return yet again - that will not do. Cupcake, do you think you could ask your mother if she-"

"If she what?" Asked a mare's voice, filled with curiosity.

Twilight spun around to see a pink mare with an extremely poofy mane standing behind her, smiling absently. She looked to be as sappy-silly as Cup himself was... but there was something in her eyes that spoke of far more than what others saw on the outside.

"Pinkie!? How did you-"

"Well, when my belly made a rumble, and then my right ear twitched and my eyes were blinking like crazy..."

"Pinkie Sense?" Twilight asked skeptically, but with a small grin on her muzzle.

"Pinkie Sense," the other confirmed, apparently calming Twilight a bit for having heard it.

Cupcake gave a happy squeal, then came over and hugged his mother tightly - which she returned, squeezing hard enough to make his eyes bug out a bit.

"What's up, Cup?" She said nonchalantly as he smiled back.

Oh, so that was how normal ponies - or, rather, normal, living ponies - interact with their parents? Cupcake didn't stand at attention, didn't bow respectfuly, wasn't met with immediate scorn at his past failures... they were even touching without any kind of malice, without the slightest shivers of fear.

Well, lucky him.

Twilight, meanwhile, turned back to Obsidian. "I can feel the despair in you - don't hold onto it. Let it go as soon as you possibly can... or else it'll weigh you down to the point you won't know how to get back up. Trust me, even if I've never been in a situation like this before, I know what feeling worthless is like." She gave a rueful grin, then returned to her concerned expression.

"Talk to us, Obsidian... tell us what's going on, how you feel, what you're doing... we want to help, but we can't help if we don't know how to."

"I don't feel, princess," Obsidian - The Last Shard - replied with a voice like solid lead, "you said it yourself; I'm no more than a tool. At best, the mere fact that I ever pretended to be something else means that I'm a mistake - an error - as you said that no other shard behaved in any similar manner..."

To be fair, she would try to escape as soon as possible, to reach her father on her own... but it was her idea, and she wasn't created to think - just to hold a precious part of King Sombra's soul and keep this body warm for him.

Would it mean that her father would count as her mother? Queen Sombra? Or would he mould her body to fit his own appearance? That was probably the most obvious option...

"I never said any of that," Twilight insisted, "but it seems like you might... need a moment, to work all this out. Honestly, I can't blame you, but..."

She stepped close. "Obsidian, regardless of whatever purpose was in mind for you, you have already proven to be far more than one stallion's backup plan. I can't make you see that, but I can try to help as best as I can."

She turned to face Pinkie and Cupcake. "You two, please get Obsidian back to her room and keep her safe; I'll be sending others as soon as I can contact them. And please," she pleaded, "give her some space? She will probably need a while to come to grips with all this."

Cupcake nodded, and Pinkie gently put a hoof on Obsidian's shoulder. "C'mon now... let's get moving, okay? Once we get to the room, you can... uh, sleep? Rest? Read? Whatever it is you do to unwind, you can do that!"

Last Shard immediately shivered and stepped away from Pinkie as soon as she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Even if she was a fake, her experiences with father were true - which meant that she still didn't like being touched without warning.

Cupcake simply looked exceedingly concerned. "We'll talk later, when you're more... uh, stable. Please, think it over before doing anything, okay?"

She nodded absentmindedly in response to their questions. Unwind...

Thunderclap would probably be a bit put out that her plans for jogging with a defective back-up body wouldn't work.
And Miss Trixie may be somewhat upset that she wasted her time, preparing a schedule for a mere tool, destinied to be used by somepony greater than any other creature in Equestria. Oh, the disappointment would be rampant, yes...

"... let's go," Last Shard said miserably.

Author's Note:

Cupcake's middle name is an homage to Weird Al, as he's the coolest geek this side of Nikola Tesla. And yes, all of Siddy's friends have middle names; it was a fad in Equestria when they were born. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

So, with the mystery of Miss Tome in place, I wonder if anyone will be able to figure out what's going on before the hammer falls - I mean, I'm not Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, so I'm not thinking this will be some epic mystery for the ages; I just hope not everyone sees through it & calls it before it happens. You folks are smart - waaaaaay smarter than I am, most times. I just hope it doesn't disappoint, when it comes to light.

Poor, poor Obsidian - or should I say, Last Shard? She's taken this news so hard, so personally... but I can understand, I suppose. If I had just been told I was just a shell for someone else, I'd probably be feeling two inches tall, myself.

MORE shards? Does this mean she has other siblings? No spoilers... :raritywink:

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