• Published 5th Jan 2020
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Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Twenty Four: Fly, Meet Spider

Jibes? To be at jibes, Tourmaline would need to have something on his mind other than his apparent psychopathy. Ah, but now, she was going to finally meet the mastermind behind all this - the pony who was seemingly both respected and feared by her siblings.

Obsidian pointedly smirked at her brother, and walked to the room. What other options did she have right now, after all?

First things first... and at least without Amethyst present, they shouldn't be able to use slave helmets on her.

The enormous room was almost as massive as the library/well, but across instead of up; the walls only rose three stories, but seemed to go outward forever. There was a relatively small thatch of an island in the center, with a stone path leading directly to it... the entire rest of the floor, all around the room, was nothing but a pool of black water - it reached from one end to the other, disappearing out of sight after what looked to be a few city blocks.

And the walls? They were absolutely covered in Dark Crystals that were the size of entire houses!

They took up every single centimeter of wall-space and most of the ceiling, and glistened with sheer power in their own malevolent light. They were all so varied; tall, short, fat, thin, column-sized to straw-sized... and practically everything in between. It put the crystal she'd created to utter shame; this was what successful crystal growth truly looked like!

The island in the middle was about as big around as the Crystal Palace's throne room, and there was a rise of steps that ended at a throne on a dias, all made of the same Dark Crystal. The throne was elegant and seemed to be decorated with runes of power; it was even more incredible how it looked to have not actually been chiseled that way... but to have been grown in such a manner. No seams, no added pieces - perfect.

And seated on that throne was none other than Miss Tome, smiling sweetly at her.

"Hello, Obsidian. I am quite pleased to finally meet you, after all these centuries. Please, come." She beckoned with a single hoof. Tourmaline stared at Obsidian as she passed him by, but said not a word.

Cryssssstalssssss... something deep in her soul was whispering to her that she should spend more of her time here - she could research these crystals, use them, perhaps even try to grow them herself. Alas, but there was no time for that now - not when she was about to speak with her greatest nemesis. The largest threat to her existence.

Such a shame, as this place was perfect - everything was masterfully crafted, prepared with great care... and it even came with its' own throne...

"And to think, I was toying with the idea that you might have been behind things for a moment before discarding it as insane - woe on me," Obsidian said dryly, as she stepped closer. It didn't make any sense to her - of all ponies, Miss Tome had the greatest opportunity to recruit her; in fact, the only reason why Amethyst was sent to Twilight's dungeon with broken bones and a bleeding horn was because Miss Tome had failed to bring Obsidian into the fold.

This was this legendary mastermind she heard so much about?

She grinned as Obsidian came close. "There you are. I do apologize for not speaking with you sooner, but my plans were... derailed a bit, thanks to your discovery. I'd planned to release you... but not for another decade. Still... I suppose your appearance should be considered a good omen, as it brought me opportunities I hadn't had before."

She looked past her to her brother. "Bring your sister a chair, Tourmaline. Now."

He jumped like he'd been bitten by something, and scampered back into the library well. Miss Tome looked her over calmly, seeming not at all interested in attacking her.

"And so, with your presence, many of my plans are very close to fruition. But I'm sure you have some..." she grinned, "confusion as to how all this happened, and what shall happen next, yes? Then please, by all means, I am more than happy to answer anything you need explained, dear sister."

Tourmaline returned with a moldy, yet sturdy chair and placed it on the dias, within ten feet of that magnificent throne. "Please, make yourself comfortable," the mare offered.

Derailed, eh? Considering that Obsidian still had not even the slightest idea of what Onyx could get from her 'kidnapping', except having far less freedoms to implement her plans and allowing Princess Twilight to realize that a bunch of Sombra's children were trying to bring him back... but perhaps this local librarian had a good explanation?

At first, she wanted to just ignore the proffered chair, but there was no point in it; Onyx was obviously trying to act like King Sombra, and it would be useless to annoy her before milking some information from her first - so Obsidian 'made herself comfortable'.

"Now... why didn't you just speak with me in the beginning of all this? I even asked madam headmare for a library job, just to get close without any suspicion." Perhaps Obsidian was better at planning than Onyx, and simply had less time to prepare...

Miss Tome sat back, taking in the pony in front of her and steepling her hooves. "If you recall, you were being watched at the time, plus your being here ten years early threw me off, just a bit. And honestly? It brought about the need to advance my plans... so I had to improvise." She smiled a bit at that.

"Twilight Sparkle just so happened to possess a certain book that I required for our Father's ressurrection... and I've been here in this blasted country for years, undercover, trying to find a way to get into the royal vaults to get it... a way that you, though your impeccable timing, allowed me to manufacture..."

She smiled wickedly, as if pleased with herself.

"It was already known that you had connections to Father, so it wasn't much of a stretch to encase myself in crysssssstal, to make it obvious that someone was trying to 'frame' you... and of course, Twilight Sparkle would want to keep me safe, yes? So, into the vault I went, and once I released myself, the book was mine - and with my prize in hoof, I merely escaped by using Ruby to pop me right out with her teleportation magic. So thank you, Obsidian; you helped me to achieve my goal, and nopony was the wiser for it. In fact, I'm willing to assume that they probably still think 'Miss Tome' is in peril..."

She reached a single hoof into the air and swirled it in a lazy circle... and as she did, the form of 'Miss Tome' swirled away like so much dust. Underneath...

Onyx was a tall and thin mare, with a jet black coat and a mane of black and red. She was exquisitely beautiful to behold, any stallion's dream come true (save for the sight of her sharp teeth, perfectly white and intact), and her coat was crimson red around her hooves, making it appear as though she'd been stomping in a pool of blood. Her eyes were a vivid purple, glowing green like they were aflame inside with balefire. She wore a long, sensuous bodysuit that was black and slick like oil, and a necklace of silver with a small red jewel in it, gleaming on her chest amidst her dark fur.

"I am so very done being a librarian - though I still have quite a collection of books. Always room to read up, don't you know?" She sat back again, proud and regal, looking the part of a true Umbral princess. "Any other questions, dear Obsidian?" she asked.

These damned illusions... Life would be far easier if they wouldn't keep changing their appearances on a whim. Grudgingly, though, Obsidian had to admit that her older sister looked quite lovely.

"And everything happened in such a grand manner that I had to fight not one, but two of our siblings," the Dark Princess complained, though she admitted to herself that it was making at least a little more sense. However, couldn't they have used Ruby for that same purpose?

"Yes... might I ask about your necklace, dear sister?" For some reason, she had a feeling of forebodance over that silver trinket...

Onyx laughed, and it sounded melodious and pleasant. "Amethyst and Tourmaline are quite useful, given exact directions and little room to debate... but they aren't exactly very intelligent." She glanced over at Tourmaline. "Isn't that right?"

Her brother almost seemed about to glare back in defiance... but instead, he shamefully looked at the floor, impotent rage in his eyes. "Yes, Onyx."

"But they are loyal. They wanted to kill each other, once upon a time - but I put a distinct stop to that activity. After all, they are holders of Father's power; it would be a waste to lose them so close to the magic moment to come."

She smiled so sweetly... and yet, it was filled with poison.

"So, as they haven't much thought on the matter, I simply directed them to attempt to harm you. Being who you are, I was quite sure they would not succeed... and I was right, of course. Tourmaline's attempt showed me what you knew and how you fought. A bit sad," she smirked, "but with potential. Also, he truly does need to be put in his place, every now and then. Something you accomplished admirably, with assistance from that little whelp who mewls at your heels, calling you Majesty."

She sneered at the thought, but recovered quickly and went on calmly.

"As for Amethyst? She was so you would feel a sense of urgency to find me; it worked out beautifully, to be honest. As I was certain somepony would come seeking me someday, I had placed that book into the library only days after I'd started working there... and when I was ready, I sent Ruby to fetch it, letting her think it was important to me... which it never was; I only needed her to lure you here, by getting you to take that specific book and utilize the spell I'd put in it."

"Ruby is the researcher of our little gathering, who I've been using for years - but she's far too loyal to realize she's just a tool to me. A foolish and weak-willed tool, at that. But she makes for a grand innocent, and has quite an ability to garner sympathy, does she not? Not that she knows I lied to her about the book... not that it mattered to me."

She then looked down at the necklace she wore and smiled. "To answer your question, it's a key, dear sister... a key that will very soon open a door that I have been seeking for FAR too long."

The moment Obsidian heard the word 'tool', she knew she wouldn't like Onyx. To be fair, she didn't really like Amethyst or Tourmaline either... but it didn't change the fact that they were her family - and she was doing her best to save them, even going as far as demanding Thunderclap to stop abusing Amethyst as soon as she was defeated.

Onyx, however? She was no better than their father... bah, worse, even - he technically had the right to their loyalty, bodies and souls, as he'd made them himself. She was just another artificial pony with no right to treat herself as somepony better.

And she was a bit too smart for her own good; these plans sounded over-complicated in places where they should be simple and vice versa. If Obsidian was in her place, Amethyst and Tourmaline would be properly used and she would be sitting on...

... well, considering the history of Equestria and its' villains, she would most likely end up as a statue.

"You say it's a... key to our father's glorious return?" She tried to guess - was it possibly a shard of the Darkheart?

Onyx gave another toothy smile. "Something like that."

At this point, there was a flash of light, accompanied by a staccato >POP<, and Ruby appeared directly in front of the throne, with a bandaged and irritated-looking Amethyst. The latter was still a bit disoriented, but Ruby herself seemed fine for the trouble.

"I fetched Amethyst, like you wanted me to." Ruby spoke quickly, "a-and it was difficult talking my way past the guards, but it worked - but I think one of them might have seen me leave. I don't know if he can identify me, but I told you I wouldn't have to use... violence..."

Her eyes widened as she saw Obsidian, and a smile almost had time to appear on her muzzle before Amethyst caught sight of her. Instantly, the wounded mare stood forward, taking an offensive stance and gritting her teeth angrily.

"You! I'm gonna-"

"DO. NOTHING." Onyx said with a voice that echoed off the crystalline walls. Instantly, Amethyst shut up, gritting her teeth tightly but saying nothing else, her gaze turned to the foor. Ruby froze in place, a bead of sweat rolling down her muzzle.

Done with her warning, Onyx continued. "Good - that means we're all here, where we should be. Now, as soon as we can, we need to ensure that we are ready for the great and glorious day to come. If you have anything else to ask, now would be the time... because time grows short."

She stood up, her mane flowing out behind her; it reminded Obsidian of Luna's mane, as it seemed to flow on its' own. "Are you prepared, Obsidian, to do your part?"

Onyx didn't really want to bring their father back, did she? Such a manipulative pony wouldn't waste so much time on someone else's sake, and she certainly didn't seem to want to kill herself...

And of course Ruby, Onyx's damned tool, somehow managed to fetch Amethyst; just as always, the fact that Obsidian did things in the wrong order was biting her in the flank. If she'd only sent word to Princess Twilight before casting the 'Locator' Spell...

First things first, eh?

"You didn't exactly explain my part, sister," Obsidian rose from the chair, eyeing her siblings. Hopefully, Amethyst was still hurt and sore, so she wouldn't be as much of a problem... she might be able to defeat Tourmaline with a sufficiently powerful attack... Ruby didn't seem to be willing to fight...

It would mean using a great deal of Dark Magic - so much so that, in the end, Equestria might find out that Empress Obsidian was claiming the throne - but she was willing to risk it, if only to save her friends and Ruby.

"Oh, that's the easy part, my darling Obsidian... you see, from all I've gathered, each shard that Father created had a purpose, a base, that they were required to carry for him. Amethyst had the power to enslave, Tourmaline the ability to project illusions, Ruby has teleportation... and you, dear sister, have a significant portion of his POWER."

She now looked at Obsidian gravely. "And that power is what we need now. Oh! But I suppose we should discuss something I believe you have some interest in, hmmmm?"

She stepped towards the pool's edge, looking out across the still and silent black waters. "Your... favored tools, shall we say?" She smiled with a wicked glimmer in her eye. "I believe you should be allowed to keep one or two, but not all five of them; too close to Equestria's favorite number for heroes. No, you may be allowed to choose up to TWO that will become your personal slaves. However, the rest?"

She gave her lips a lascivious lick. "Well, we'll simply say that they will... provide for us, shall we? So, which of them interests you the most? Don't be shy; they'll be completely yours, so I'd choose carefully..."

No living ponies were just tools for Obsidian or her inferior sister Onyx to use as they pleased - and that definitely included her friends, her siblings (even those who may have been mentally challenged) - NOPONY. Their illustrious father could technically claim his children for his own use, as he'd actually created them - but they were, in a way, equal. And, as far as Obsidian was concerned, it made them equal, more or less, with the rest of the world.

Was Onyx trying to get under her skin?

"Surely Gypsy, as he could be quite useful," she said, containing a fury that was growing in her mind. "For the second one, may I choose from outside this group? There is another pony I'd like to keep for myself..."

"The Diamond Mutt?" Onyx questioned, "Oh, I'm certain it could be quite useful - especially in the crysssssssstal mines of our glorious Empire... in fact, I daresay I have plans for that entire race of," her lip sneered in disgust, "... vermin. But, if you so wish to waste space on it, then I suppose you can have it."

Ruby looked at Obsidian with a curious look, as if wondering why she was making such decisions in the first place.
Meanwhile, Amethyst had slunk her way over to Tourmaline, and the two of them simply stared daggers at Obsidian.

"But another outside your little group, you say? Well, that's fine I suppose - no need to stay within the boundaries of what you know; hopefully, you'll be present when I put an end to them... tell you what, I'll even allow you to have the first bite, once they're flayed, seasoned and roasted at Father's coronation."

She smiled at Obsidian with razor-sharp teeth. "How does that sound to you?"

Then again, it looked as though Onyx really DID want to bring their father back; Obsidian couldn't be sure of anything right now, except the fact that her sister was trying to make her furious - and was making progress with it.

"Bah, I wanted to kill Cupcake and Lemon myself," she said casually, moving carefully closer to Ruby; now, that Amethyst was standing next to Tourmaline, it should be safe. In a way, it was the truth - she could almost smile at the memory how terribly they had both angered her, after her arrival... and how nice it had felt to receive Lemon's approval and to enjoy Cup's crazy antics...

And she really, really shouldn't think too much about that flaying part.

"But eating Thunderclap? Have you seen those muscles - she'd taste terrible, sister."

Just a bit closer...

"And you wouldn't have too much use for a broken researcher, sister Onyx - you described her yourself as 'foolish and weak-willed' - our sister Ruby," As much as she was trying to hold her anger in, she growled the last part, feeling her Dark Magic building and boiling inside her - she was starting to hate Onyx far too much, far too quickly.

Onyx casually breathed on a hoof, then daintily brushed it on her chest fur. "Oh, I enjoy a challenge. You see, I am well aware of how tough muscles are... whch is why I have plans to tenderize that one."

She smiled as she began speaking her list. "She will be beaten thoroughly first, of course - have to take the fight out of her, don't you know? Plus, bones broken in the process will just add more delicious marrow to her meat. Once she's pacified, I'll have Amethyst tend to her with her blade, though I want the pegasus alive and conscious for this - I do so love the screaming part!"

Cannibalism... though Tourmaline was psychotic and Amethyst was crazy, Onyx crossed the line into the realm of horrifying by the idea alone that she not only could eat other ponies, but that she apparently enjoyed it.

"Once she's flayed, I'll have her boiled. Sadly, that will most certainly kill her, but alas, the pursuit of flavor, eh? Anyway, once she's boiled down enough, I'll probably endeavor to have some enslaved cooks separate the fat for butter, then begin grinding the remaining bones for broth flavoring."

A small drop of drool started to work it's way down her lip, but she licked it up with a grin.

"And that will just be a single course - with her size, we'll eat well for a day or two, but I suggest it won't be too long before we're, eh... rid of her for good, once that's done." She let her eyes slide sideways to look at Obsidian. "Shall I tell you my plans for the tiny whelp?"

Kill kill kill KILL KILL KI-

"Stalwart? A salad, I'd wager - there's barely enough meat to serve as an appetizer."

Obsidian growled inwardly, trying to fight against her hatred as it grew with each word of Onyx's descriptions. So this was her glorious mastermind of a sister, who was supposedly leading her siblings to ressurrect her fallen father? Such a waste of space and oxygen...

ObsIdiAn wAs bEttEr iN EverY Way THaN tHiS FOoliSh MArE!!!

"You know, Cupcake could cook her - he is a rather skilled chef, and it would be entertaining to use one meal to make another," she proposed pleasantly... through gritted teeth. She reminded herself all the wonderful food he'd cooked for her... and wondered what he would make tomorrow.

Obsidian wanted to immediately impale Onyx with the biggest crystal she could create - but there had to be reason for this discussion. At least it seemed that her vile sibling was really into her descriptions - perhaps she could make her dream about eating ponies long enough to reach Ruby...

"Oh, no - far too small for food... however, she would most certainly make a fine vest. Skinned, alive preferably - and I do happen to know a number of spells that will help... preserve her, so that I can take my time enjoying her skinless form. As she's so tiny, a bite a day should be sufficient to make her pain last for weeks."

She smiled broadly at Obsidian. "Won't that be delightful, dear sister? Not only will we enjoy the company of your so-called 'friends' one last time, but I'll have a nice little addition to my wardrobe to remember this occasion by - I'll even share it with you, should you like!"

She then shrugged lightly. "Of course, we could simply skin them all - except the mongrel - and make an entirely new wardrobe! Oh, the screams will be delightful!!" Onyx threw back her magnificent head and laughed with the voice of a lunatic, echoing all around them before she caught her breath and smiled again.

"And you want Ruby? Come now, you can't have her - she'll be feasting right along with us! You cannot own a piece of Father!"

"Ah, with the way you were talking about her, I thought you wouldn't want to share with her. Well then... hooray for a nice, happy family, I suppose. Maybe... Licorice, then? In case you've forgotten, he is... very well-built, I daresay. I may enjoy his slavery quite a lot..."

What in Tartarus had Miss Trixie told her about crushes? "You know, rubbing stuff..." Hopefully it was believable enough - Obsidian was almost close enough to reach Ruby! Almost there! Just a little bit more!

Onyx's smile faltered, just a touch.

Obsidian continued. "There are also Mica and Cupcake - and frankly, I expect Mica to taste rather bland... and for Cupcake to make us sugar-sick." Yes, Mica was a bit bland, wasn't he? He was probably the closest thing they had to 'normal' in their group, and had been the only one to not accept her half-hearted apology when she'd offered it - but had accepted it when she spoke honestly and from the heart.

Onyx's smile faded, and she gave a long, drawn out sigh. "Obsidian... do you truly believe I'm buying into your sham?"

She turned to look at her, and shook her head as she clicked her tongue. "I was pulling stunts like that while I was still fresh - even Father was impressed by how ruthless I was. And now, you speak as if you were nothing more than a foal, with your 'rubbing stuff' - did you believe that would work?"

She now stared directly into Obsidian's eyes, and locked her gaze there. The green aura of those violet eyes felt vile and diseased, as if she had a plague right behind them, ready to unleash upon the world. "I've been watching you, you idiot - since the day you strolled into the library and confessed your name, I've had you on constant monitor... and I've seen it all." She now stood up from the throne, her focus completely on Obsidian.

"The argument with the boring meat, the hugs and... snuggles... with the candy meat, the yelling from muscle meat at Ruby, the 'apologies', oh sweet Darkness... ALL OF IT. And may I say that I'm frankly disgusted that you would find anything worthy of your time in any of them at all."

Her stare redoubled, and the smile left her features entirely. "I plan, wholeheartedly, to tear your little slave-toys apart right in front of your idiotic eyes... and once I complete that, I'll devour whatever's left, and force your leftover 'comPANions' to eat whatever I leave behind! Your group will dwindle while they fatten up on each other, and then I'll turn the last one into high-quality manure MYSELF!!!!!"

She started walking towards Obsidian, her brow beginning to furrow disturbingly as purple mist began to pour from her eyes...

Author's Note:

Onyx revealed! Even though I had to work carefully to avoid giving too much away, I'm still sure some of you geniuses out there already had a feeling that's where it was going. But to those who were completely taken aback... I did that for YOU folks; thank you for letting me.

And Onyx likes getting graphic - my apologies to any of you squeamish readers; I wanted to be certain that it was OBVIOUS who the Big Bad was here, and I made sure Onyx left no doubts. Loathe at will.

Obsidian might have had a chance to bluff her way into the inner circle... but when she mentioned 'rubbing stuff', it was a surefire sign to Onyx that Siddy wasn't quite as Dark as she'd wanted. Still, this may have been a different story had she actually succeeded - but sweet Siddy's spent perhaps a bit too much time with Cupcake. *chuckle*

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