• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 2,573 Views, 167 Comments

Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Twenty Five: Broken Glass

The only one that was going to be devoured was ONYX HERSELF!

Long-contained fury erupted from Obsidian; her eyes didn't simply start to emit mist - they looked as if they were aflame with purple fire!

"RUBY! PLEASE, RUN!" She shouted a considerably shortened version of everything she wanted to tell her sister, while at the same time she set up a shield - the strongest one she could. Even if it wasn't enough, it would have to do.

"DEVIANT! MAGGOT! I'LL ENJOY YOUR SUFFERING," Obsidian cackled with a deranged voice as her horn flashed with enraged Dark Magic - aimed straight at her perverted, gluttonous sister. Ruby, unfortunately, was transfixed by what was happening so much, she only blinked and gave out a "hunh?" when Obsidian spoke.

"Ruby! Please! Is THAT future you want?!" She desperately pleaded to the only sister she felt she could connect with.

Onyx paused, staring at her glowing horn. "And what do you plan to do with that, pray tell?" she asked with contempt.

"THIS!" was the only thing Obsidian managed to say before she blasted Onyx with every single shred of spite and fury in her heart. The sheer POWER and FORCE behind the bolt of red energy that shot from her horn was bigger than she'd ever known before; no less than THREE layers of overglow burst from her horn as the shot fired, and the light from it made the entire cavern shine like a small sun...

And as soon as it got close to Onyx, the entire beam went directly into the amulet... and kept going!

Obsidian couldn't stop projecting the blast, and now she could feel her energy being pulled into the amulet itself, syphoning off her own power! Helpless, she looked up and saw Onyx's oily smile return... in spades.

"Dear Princess Twilight," she began to orate, "I learned something today: that any tool can be manipulated into doing whatever needs doing, should you push it hard enough. And no matter how intelligent they may THINK they are... they truly have no chance against a superior intellect!"

Turning somewhat sideways, the amulet was now glowing a bright red color, which made the cavern glow intensely as the power kept draining away from Obsidian's horn. Onyx then lifted her hooves and stood on her back legs, gesturing at the water.

"Uoy fo sdnammoc esruc ruoy sa, yebo dna pu esir!"

A pencil-thin beam of red energy shot from the still-draining amulet, striking the water and making it glow where the beam met the surface. At first, nothing happened... then, bubbles began to surface; few at first, then more and more as the energy continuously fired into the now rippling pool.

"You see, Father knows he cannot defeat Equestria alone, or even with an army of slaves... but... his chances are FAR better with a horde of Umbral undead!!!!!"

From the black water rose a pony's foreleg... but it was unlike any foreleg she'd seen before, as it had wickedly sharp claws on the end of it, which flexed and creaked like old leather. Then another. And another. And five more. Then twenty more. Then a hundred more...

"Thank you, my dear, foolish sister! Because of you, Father has his army, and Equestria will witness its' supreme defeat as it comes under attack in the very heart of the nation! YOU have helped bring about the end of the Equestrian Era, and the renewal of the Umbral Nation! Under Father's rule, all shall kneel before him, and he shall own every last one of their pathetic lives!"

The first Umbrals broke the surface... and they were horrifying. Fanged maws, clawed hooves, jet black coats, rotten and stinking manes and tails, decayed frames and dessicated and vile horseflesh that was stretched taut over blackened muscle and mouldy tendons. And yet, even in their awful state, each one stood taller than Thunderclap!

They began to slough up from the bubbling, roiling depths, forming lines that became flowing rivers of undead, rolling and creeping through the tunnels and headed towards the outside world. Towards Equestria.

Obsidian now felt as though the amulet was nearly done with her magic, and was beginning to feast on her very soul! Her knees felt weak, her breathing shallow, her head pounding, her vision growing fuzzy; at this rate, she would be drained completely dry in mere minutes!

Looking over at her, Onyx gave a contemptuous sigh, then turned to Amethyst. "Her power is gone, and-... PAY ATTENTION!!!"

Amethyst was staring at the churning, rippling water filled with dark shapes, all headed for their position, hypnotized... at least, until Onyx snapped at her, where she jumped and looked to the eldest sister with shock and thinly-veiled contempt. "The spell is cast, and she is done; finish her."

"NOOOOOO!" Ruby suddenly bolted directly towards Obsidian, a look of fierce determination in her eyes as she ran directly into the gap between Obsidian and Amethyst. The crazed mare howled in anger, and using her magic she threw the dagger...

There was a >POP<...

... and Obsidian did collapse, as the line of draining energy was suddenly cut off. She hit the ground, and she felt as though she hadn't slept for days, though she strangely wasn't tired.

Around them was the Rarity Suite, in all it's overachieving elegance; ironic, where she was back where she started... but now there was a new issue; she couldn't feel her magic. At all. It was as if she was an Earth Pony; not even the tiniest blip of energy was present in her entire body. Next to her was Ruby, who was holding her tightly and crying silently; aside from that, it was deathly quiet.

But at least the plush carpeting felt good against her fur.

Dear Princess Twilight, my siblings (most of them) are real bastards - too bad that I'm an idiot. Yours, Siddy

To be fair, Obsidian was fairly certain she couldn't have fared much better; her plan had been very simple - to quickly convince Ruby to teleport away and call for help while she would try to hold off the rest of their siblings... or even teleport with her. It would ALL depend on Ruby - she'd find help, guards and bearers charge in, arrest everypony - a happy ending.

It a way, it had worked... too bad it had worked a bit too little, a bit too late. But really, how was she supposed to win a victory against someone who'd been plotting and scheming for longer than Obsidian had even been awake in the Modern World! She didn't feel well... then she realized Ruby was crying.

"No... nononononono - no crying! Father hates crying! Teleport us to... t-to somepony important..."

Ruby slowly looked up at her, tears silently making rolling rivers down her cheeks. "Oh, Obsidian... I'm so glad you're... okay..."

Ruby didn't look all that well either, now that she looked at her sister. She seemed a bit... weak? Pale? But the smile that slid across her features was just as sunny as it had been in the library.

"I... I wish you hadn't... h-hadn't had to ever... meet her..." Ruby still hadn't gotten up; the two of them were laying in the floor, her forelegs wrapped tightly around Obsidian. "Onyx. She knew this would..." she gave a slight whimper, "... would happen. She even told me you'd come to us, but... I never knew... it would actually... h-happen.."

Her adorable appearance began to shift, and slowly the form of Looking Glass melted away.

What was left was a rather pretty young mare, about her own age, with a cream-colored coat slashed with stripes of black and red - almost like a zebra, yet more like lash marks - and a long, luxurious black mane that was even longer than Glass' had been, which seemed to sparkle with red flecks. Her eyes were a soft, warm pink, and her tail was a cute little bob, neat and trim behind her...

About ten inches below the jagged steel dagger hilt sticking out of her back.

"But she didn't... d-didn't count on... on me... making my o-own... ch-choices..."

"Buck... my... life..." Obsidian stood up, almost feeling anger rising in her - almost. Her head was fuzzy and she was barely able to think properly. She was acting more on instincts, really - she knew that daggers in the back were very bad things and thus, somepony had to deal with it. But not her - not without her magic.

"Ruby... oh, Ruby, you precious thing... s-stay here, I'll call for help..." Hobbling, Obsidian moved towards the doors of the Rarity Suite; there had to be guards there, right? The universe couldn't hate Obsidian that much, could it?

Obsidian's legs collapsed under her the very moment she tried to take a step; she tumbled to the floor, feeling too weak to walk... almost too weak to move.

From the floor, Ruby smiled at her sister. "Obsidian... without me, they-" She drew in a sharp hiss of air, and her muzzle contorted in pain for a moment... then, sweating, she continued. "... th-they won't be... able... to t-teleport... anymore..."

A sliver of light flashed off the dagger as she tried to move, but with a sharp and pained whine, Ruby merely settled back down onto the floor. "... l-listen... to me... my b-bag..."

She made a feeble gesture toward her saddlebag, lying on her hips. "T... t-take it. In it, th-there's a book... I've been ... r-reading... and my notes on the p-... the p-... the prophecy. Notes I... n-never told... her... about..."

Her watery eyes almost seemed to be eagerly drinking in the sight of Obsidian, as if they would never see her again.

"... I w-wish we... could h-ha-have had...a t-tea... party... together..."

She gave a sharp cough, and blood bubbled across her dainty pink lips. "... oh, it... i-it's getting... why is it so c-cold? Ob... Obsidi... an... w-would you..."

Those pleading eyes looked to her. "... h-hold me? I'm sc-scared... of the... d-d-dark..."

Buck life. Buck everything, buck Equestria, buck Twilight, buck Onyx! Nothing mattered... nothing really mattered anymore.

Obsidian crawled back to Ruby, wrapping her hooves around the best sister ever. "We... w-we will, Ruby. You'll love my friends, I'm sure of it. We have... ha-have a lot to catch up on... right?" Obsidian was practically choking on her words.

Buck. Everything. Why she was such a damned failure? Not even a single attempt she'd tried to use to improve anything worked; she felt like she should just jump off the roof of the school - this way, she wouldn't screw anything up anymore...

Ruby nuzzled against her coat; her sweet sister smelled of exotic herbs and parchment, and her mane was softer than even Cupcake's coat. Her smile, dotted with tiny flecks her own blood, widened as Obsidian held her closely. "You're... a good... pony..."

She gave a soft sigh that became a light, almost polite cough... though the cough produced even more blood. Gauging from the angle they'd been lying at, Obsidian would have taken that dagger fully into her chest; Ruby, with her sacrifice, had saved her life twice now; once from the magical drain, and once from Amethyst's blade.

"I can't... w-wait to... chat about... ghosts... and... books... and..." Obsidian felt her shuddering inside.

"... friend..." Her eyelids began to slide down, Obsidian being the very last thing those warm pink eyes ever beheld.

"... ship..." Her eyes finally slid closed, and her breathing became very, very shallow.

"Ob... sid... i... an?" She attempted to lift a hoof, but to no avail as it thumped back down. "Is... my... mane... ok-kay?"

"Your mane is beautiful, sis," Obsidian assured her. Stupid Onyx. Stupid Amethyst and Tourmaline. Everypony involved was stupid, really - her father's legacy was mothing more than a parade of failures and idiocy!

Ruby's smile twitched wider, and she sighed with relief. "Thank... you... I...I..."

Her voice grew so soft, Obsidian could barely hear her. "... l... l-love... y... you... sis... t..."

There was a twitch from deep inside... and then, with a soft sigh, she settled against Obsidian. Her shallow breathing silenced. A small smile on her lips. She looked adorable, like she was just sleeping, and she'd be awake soon to do all the things that sisters should do together when she woke up.

The room was still and quiet.

Honestly, Obsidian had no real reason to even to try to get up; even the thought of using the same dagger to bring about her own sweet release was a total and complete lack of energy... or care.

Stupid Equestrians! Everything would have been perfectly fine if they hadn't allowed an ancient conspiracy to appear in the very middle of their accursed school! And stupid Thunderclap, why she couldn't she have just shut her trap for a moment?
Stupid Stalwart, where did she even hear about this spell? Stupid Twilight, she really should've just destroyed her yesterday!

... and stupid Obsidian, for trusting ANYONE - even herself - to do something properly.

By her count, it took roughly fifteen minutes for Ruby's body to cool. It was several minutes after that when the door to the Rarity Suite opened up, and Butter Churn stepped inside. She started to look the room over, but when she saw the bloody mare and Obsidian in the floor, she jumped. "Sweet sufferin' succotash! Obsidian!? What in-"

Then it registered, and she stuck her head out the door and into the hall. "'MERGENCY! 'MERGENCY! HELP! GUARDS! HELP!"

Like lightning, three guards galloped down the hall and hit the doorway. As soon as they saw her, one turned to speak quickly to another. "Inform the princess that we've found her! I'll gather the doctor!" He pointed to the third. "YOU stay and guard!"

Two of the guards headed off, and the remaining one gave Obsidian a worried look. "Miss Obsidian, are you alright? We've been searching all over for you!"

Butter Churn looked at the two of them, then pointed to Ruby. "Is... is she..?" One look at Obsidian's muzzle, and sorrow rolled across her own like rainclouds. "Oh, sugarcube..."

Obsidian just stared at Butter Churn with a completely empty look, devoid of any emotion in her eyes; after all... Father didn't find tears acceptable, did he?

"Hon, ah am so sorry. Did... did she mean a lot to ya? Should we... y'know... maybe put her up on th' bed?"

Obsidian turned her head and shrugged slightly. "Equestria is ending. Why not simply end it all, together, quickly and painlessly... shall we?" Her voice was utterly deadpan.

That drew the attention of both Butter and the guard. "Miss Obsidian? Did you just say... Equestria is ending!?"

Butter Churn looked at her for a moment, then made her way to the door. "Ah'm gettin' Cupcake - he'll know what to do, ah'm sure of it!" With that, she was out the door. The guard, still in position, felt extremely awkward... so he said nothing more.

Perhaps she could strike a deal with Discord? Or maybe there was something about the Magic of Harmony? But... why bother? It was done. Nothing really mattered anymore to Obsidian - nothing at all.

Why was she even bothering to try to live, if she couldn't fix anything, make anything better, or was only succeeding in screwing everything up? She was just a complete and utter failure, that tried to accomplish something worthy and commendable... and only bucked it all up.

In fact, it felt as though she was only truly dangerous to the side she was trying to actively support.

It was only about five minutes before the clattering of a mass of hooves came barreling down the outside hallway, and the poor guard was almost bowled over as they all charged into the room.

"Obsidian! Sweet Twilight's Crown, are you okay?"
"Your Majesty!"
"Ohnononononononono..." Cupcake raced forward and knelt beside the two shard ponies. He looked to the cold sister, then his teary eyes rolled to look at the still-warm one.

"Do I LOOK okay? Does ANYTHING look okay?!" Obsidian cried out in a voice more weak than angry, feeling just a sting of anger... until even that burned out too.

Stupid friends.

Mica shut himself up immediately; he saw how upset she was, and wasn't about to make it worse with any further questions, stupid or not. He knew she was angry, and didn't take it personally... but he seemed to be aching over her sorrow.

Oh, Obsidian... if I could take a million wounds for the one you've clearly suffered here to not have happened, I would languish in agony the rest of my days. Your smile is worth that pain.

Thunderclap got down on her knees and sat next to Obsidian, tears forming even as she tried to wipe them away.

If I find out who put that look on Siddy's mug, I'll smash 'em into powder with everything I got! And then I'll PISS on that powder! Then I'll smash the pisspowder again! And AGAIN! NOBODY does this to MY SIDDY and gets away with it!

Gypsy, timid but concerned, laid a gentle paw against Obsidian's hind hoof, not daring to touch anything else.

A precious life, taken - and one she cares about, no less. A pity - the mare looks as though she was kind and lovely. Poor Obsidian, with a family full of thorns, she is forced to watch the one rose die. My heart to you, my dear friend. My heart to you...

Mica began to pace, his muzzle looking lost in thought.

The last instance of a Phoenix Potion was over two hundred years ago, so that's quite possibly out of the question; any spells for the use of reanimation would all be necromantic in nature, so they wouldn't truly resurrect her; I will NOT tell her about the 'Life For A Life Spell', no; Luna-dammit, WHY CAN'T WE HAVE BEEN MORE THOROUGH!?

Wart stood the furthest away, looking ashamed of herself, and full of sorrow for Obsidian's loss.

By every hair upon my body, by every step I have ever taken, by every fiber of my being... if I should EVER find the one who did this to you, fair Princess Obsidian... they shall know only of pain and death from that moment forward, and that shall come at my furious hooves... and I shall smash the very souls they claim to keep, and burn the bodies they inhabit, and destroy any trace of them upon the face of Equestrian history.

Cupcake simply wanted nothing more than to hug his dear friend... but if he did, he was sure she'd strike him or shove him away right now. He looked as though his very soul was melting inside of him.


Was... was she hearing their thoughts? But... why did it really matter anymore?

It wasn't long before the guards returned, and Princess twilight was with them, her eyes nearly popping from her skull as she saw Ruby and Obsidian. "Oh no... Obsidian!"

Author's Note:

This was the tearjerker chapter; it may seem strange that Siddy got so attached so quickly, but remember that she'd spent most of her life alone under Sombra's control, and that her first encounters with her siblings were violent ones. Ruby had been the only sister who seemed like she might actually be the one she could love as family... and receive love in return. *Ripped* from her hooves, right as she'd just learned of her.

Onyx's planning was already in swing for years; the adjustments she made to entrap Obsidian as she did were just further proof that she is one smart cookie. A good villain is a good villain; I hope Onyx makes that list for the lot of you now. If so, job well done, me. If not, well... I tried. At any rate, the mare's actions should speak for themselves.

"I Wish..." by the extremely talented and awesome Rutkotka; a beautiful style, and well worth the wait. One of the most creative and fun artists I've worked with yet! https://www.deviantart.com/rutkotka

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