• Published 19th Jan 2020
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The Comforts of Darkness,The Mirror of Fire and Does Disney dream of Evil Queens? - L23 amcom

Compilation of three stories. 1st story: The Comforts of Darkness, 2nd story: Does Disney dream of Evil Queens? and 3rd story: The Mirror of Fire.

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Before and after the Friendship is Magic scenes: The comforts of darkness.

My personal regret.

In the wake of darkness, how am I supposed to tell that I exist? How am I supposed to say that this story will never get written? How can I say all the dreams I have visited and all those nightmares and illusions became true?

When someone thinks about this territory, you feel uneasy, you feel disgusted and you don't want to talk about it. The less I know about them, the better because we all try to pursue the light, but what happens if that light closes the door to you?

What happens when the mistake of a young sister could cause all this trouble? What happens when my life gets thrown away in the most necessary moments from familiar ponies? Was my support fake? Should I avenge her?

"Dear sister Celestia, why did you leave me behind?” I thought loudly to myself in the search of an answer from the outside.

If I didn't feel comfortable before, the situation of these days isn't any better. All the cute moments could be shattered away over time, only for this revenge. I have been falling into a corrupted state.

My sister left me, only because she was the favourite from Starswirl. I felt jealousy, I felt envy and I felt that favouritism.

I can't believe that her joke about raising the moon was so easy for her to do. Not only raising the sun but she could replace me for doing both tasks in the same day. How could she reach that sense of elitism? Didn't she know that her constant ego discouraged me? Not even that way, she could perfectly do that alone for a price in the beginning.

How could I admire those days? That past sounds really glorified in comparison because now I am alone…with these species.

They are called bat ponies (or at least, that's what they said) and fortunately, they have followed my message. They took me as their leader. My wings attracted them and took me as one of their cult. They were primitive and wild, much like every zone beyond the Everfree Forest in the harmonized world of Equestria.

Harmony, because now, while I am located in the same castle where I shared the place with my sister; the door was closed and the painting was changed. My sister is not here. My sister wouldn't have the will to face this outlook.

We are facing lots of troubles and the days get to see the opposite of the night: the day. This dream has managed to become real. However, it is also a daily nightmare to handle for our lives.

I still live worrying about those creatures and getting along with them. Is this my future Republic? The moon will answer me and the stars will aid me in my escape.

My body however, while I feel powerful enough to do everything under my domain, I feel that emotional void. The tomorrow by itself is a challenge to deal with and those little mistakes make me wonder if I should have all this power under my hooves.

I have become a nightmare… in the moon.

The comforts of darkness.

Those bat ponies weren't that easy to convince. Actually, those little subjects didn't have a good look or cuteness that I could appreciate at first sight.

From the very beginning, they had a tribal language, mostly making noises like "Eeeeeek" between them. When they heard me talking in the Equestrian ways, they opened their eyes towards me. They would menace me if I didn't follow them but when they saw my gestures of weakness and despair, they decided to stop and give me a little bit of attention.

Looking deeply at their eyes, they were as lost as me. I considered them as ponies and it seemed that my mistake had a prize and I managed to find a balance for all of us.

They learned slowly the words from me and repeated them like babies around me. Mostly one or two words in one try. Some of them decided to go back to the wild ways around the forest again but the others followed my lessons that turned out to be really valuable for my plans…and my comfort as well.

How ironic, I was teaching them the values of my Journal written along with my sister, I wonder if she is applying them as well nowadays. They realized that my message was effective; they found it easier to talk between them.

Some of them were alienated and could follow me. Others learned by force or by circumstance, seeing others speaking it and they fell accidentally over time or intentionally at joining in with the rational ones under my side.

In the end, while there were conflicts during the process (two or three big fights in fact), they all argued with the weapon that I offered to them: education. They all had different ideas but no bat pony wanted to recover those ancient noises. They felt developed and more effective at doing the tasks.

I was doing something useful for once and I felt proud of achieving something after my past mistakes. I even got the coronation from them and they put me as their royal figure in order to protect them. All my orders were understood and applied.

Nevertheless, if I didn't have a bit of sanity, I wouldn't be writing this letter. My body has fallen here in this world after all. This positive message given to them didn't feel as positive in comparison to the negativity that my origins had for getting stuck in this place.

I indoctrinated them, the language was the method to understand and spread the hate and despair I felt about you. Those achievements served for nothing but building drones to my cause.

If you are reading this paper my sister, then it's because I still have good feelings about you from the inside. For everything else though, what could stop from suffering this personal despair? Whatever you want to respond, whatever you want to feel, it will be mostly useless in my eyes. I have a party to celebrate with these civilized bats.

If you are going to visit us, you could see what I have built for myself alone. Tell me right in my face if this task was that easy, feel welcome and take a seat whenever you get to do that.

You will find comfort in the darkness like I do because the night will last as much as it has to last.....forever.

When the party ended, I felt relieved because I have found out that all my efforts dedicated to the bats have finally paid off.
They felt almost like ponies in this event, almost. I couldn´t even tell them from those ponies I met for almost a thousand years ago. The Journal actually worked. It´s no wonder that Equestria found harmony with these values but I wouldn´t like to know about that place anymore. Celestia cannot take the lead for this species under her command.
Her overprotective and peaceful manner for controlling the ponies from venturing into the wild is a sign of decadence. That prevention weakens her drones. They feel free in their circles, but they see themselves helpless whenever they find themselves in places like a natural forest.
Unlike me, the princess of the Night, conquering these bats, manipulating them, I created a new relatively comfortable place for those hostile creatures and feel that same freedom under my leadership without hesitation.

Before Friendship is Magic: the revenge.

”Hmmm hahahaha. I have won my sister! I will be the one to control Equestria!” Nightmare Moon said. ”With all my powers, I have found the maximum to carry the pony society better than you” she said.

“Even with the corruption rushing through my veins, I can transform and keep the experiment for development, all by myself. Your good will prevents them to grow my sister. One day, I will show you the truth of your other side and when that day comes, you will see it with all of your eyes” thought Nightmare Moon loudly.

“A brighter place doesn´t have to be correlated with neither happiness nor caring forms, just that it shines more on them. It´s appealing to the eye and so it does to ME!” she said.

”The three races of ponies, together?! Not a problem, they had been jointed before you and I were students of Starswirl.” she reaffirmed. “You can raise the sun and moon without any problem but I KNOW how to lead them.” She said with a chuckle.

”Come here my sister! Come here and prove me that your way of thinking is superior to mine!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

”If I beat you, the night will last FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon shouted, rising her hoof to the sky pointing at the moon……shining more than ever.

Shining more than the usual moonlight Nightmare Moon was used to watching, she was left wondering what was happening. Her face changed to an expression of both mystery and fear.

A radiant shining white alicorn appeared in the Castle of The Two Sisters, with her horn turned on, she was turning the moon to the land and putting the sun above it.

”It cannot be! No way! IT´S HER!” Nightmare Moon shouted, sounding concerned towards this unexpected situation.

The white alicorn was making the matter disappear, leaving all the nature created put into nothingness. Everything was disappearing like that needle which exploded for the whole universe in reverse. The place was entering into a full blank state. All the bats started to disappear like digital squares fading into the white background.

A long moment of silence and pure void filling these moments of existential darkness…. vanished.

But what happened to the white alicorn? How did she appear? Why had she taken that path after a thousand years? To be precise, she knew it was exactly that day when she locked the alicorn of darkness. A thousand years after that event which could lead to the same mistake?
That white alicorn took the risk to bring back her sister from the other side to the present Equestria along with her bat society, her precious creation.

Nightmare Moon woke up and opened up her eyes. Surprisingly she didn´t have any brushes nor did she take any damage. She felt like all of this was an actual nightmare. A very long period yet short for all the struggles she had to face. Her transformation into corruption was set, her mentality from the universe hadn´t changed.

”Where am I? What is this place? Are these ruins…? Wait! Ruins?!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed surprised. “This castle of mine turned into an old place that I had kept reluctant…now with a stoned tree in the middle” said Nightmare Moon with a melancholic tone to the point of almost crying to such destruction.

”A tree that doesn´t do anything for me. I am alone; no bats are with me anymore. All this sacrifice just for this useless tree” Nightmare Moon despised at herself. She all of a sudden, in the verge of shredding a royal tear, she realized:

“That tree…I recognize those forms. It´s the cheat my sister used to reform once and fight Discord. The tree that prevents Celestia ´s defeat in my hooves, in front of my eyes” Nightmare Moon changed her mood quickly.

”Hmhmhmhm hahaha” she laughed with a villain tone. “If I have her best secret under my power, I can make the dream of restoring Equestria under my command. All my illusions are becoming true. I have earned my second chance! “Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

“I may have lost the bats...but I can replace them with something even better: The ENTIRE WORLD OF PONIES UNDER THE NIGHT!” Nightmare Moon shouted.

”Now, the NIGHT will truly LAST FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEER!” Nightmare Moon shouted convinced.

While Twilight was meeting the mane 6 in Ponyvile, Nightmare Moon planned how to take over the main places that Celestia had under her rule.

Celestia didn´t appear at all during these events. She didn´t protect the ponies for such a menace of this kind. Lots of ponies screamed and were scared as soon as Nightmare Moon interrupted their carefree activities and the celebration for the Summer Sun Set. Her dark sister was out of control, carrying out a plan in order to take over Equestria.

Nightmare Moon´s plan was finally applied: she took the first place as soon as she noticed it. As the old Castle of the Two Sisters was nearer from Ponyville than Canterlot, she began to challenge the little village. She knew they were weak and they would give up under her rule.

She raised the moon and made the sun disappear from the sky like the white alicorn did in her dark universe. The only task left for Nightmare Moon was the plan of setting a trap for Celestia, waiting in the castle. She knew Celestia would appear at some time to reunite and set everything once and for all.

”Now, dear sister. Come to me. Come and play under my rules in your own world. Your weak ponies haven´t resisted anything to this eternal night. What a shame! I thought this would be entertaining.” Nightmare Moon said. “I see that you have faith in 6 ponies that are coming for me. If that´s all your hope, I am disappointed. I will play with them anyway, I know you won´t come as easily” Nightmare Moon said.

Nightmare Moon´s defeat in Friendship is Magic.

”Very well. You have almost won me, but you won´t take those elements” she thought.

She broke the little balls that contained the elements, preventing the true harmonic power to take over her like she was exposed a thousand years ago.

”I have won. Now the night will last FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon screamed with a definitive passion.

”No! We ARE the elements of Harmony!” Twilight exclaimed proudly.

”WHAT?! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed scared, losing her identity.

History repeated itself. Nightmare Moon was wrapped into the light coming from the 6 elements, not from Celestia but from the mane 6 that she overlooked at first yet they interrupted and put her plan to an end. Her knowledge about building a society and dreams for it to actually happen was gone.

Her energy disappeared. She was alone, wasted and helpless all over again. She couldn´t come back to what she had built for the entire millennia. She also lost the energy of her mane, her size was reduced, her eyes shone with pure innocence and her colours were greyer than ever. Like a newborn, she felt like she stepped into the unknown.

All she had, waved goodbye to her. All was under the leadership of Starswirl´s favorite student: Celestia. She didn´t want to wake up. Her weak appearance reflected what she felt inside. How can you wake up after your loss is so big that your existence hardly matters now?

If she moved during those moments, she could have clipped her wings and go to the actual void. She didn´t feel like living more years after her luck was shot to its core. However, that shining light appeared again, as if Celestia was the new Goddess to take the new steps and magically keep this pinkish paradise called Equestria.

She gave the words congratulating to those little ponies but Luna barely listened to that. Her senses were low in energy; she could hardly recover instantly from that Rainbow power.

”Come back to Ponyville, little ponies!” Celestia said. ”I will celebrate it with all of you, including my sister: PRINCESS LUNA!” Celestia exclaimed.

Celestia put her hoof next to the weakened pony and Luna…took it.What other option did she have? Her energy was not enough to go out there in the wild, nor did she feel like wanting to live with those tense thoughts.

She took it like a path of taking a break. She could have hated it. However, she wanted to talk with her sister again… she had so many questions. She remained silent for the Ponyville celebration and she stayed happy, pretending that she was like that. From the inside, she was broken, conceptually and existentially.

Celestia ended up as the favourite again while Luna got her second position. The white alicorn doubted her little sister had changed over the year. But, has Celestia noticed how hard her dark path was in the meantime?

Celestia had so much to talk with her and the positive party in Ponyville ended.

After Friendship is Magic: a confession from the Royal Sisters.

And so, this awaited moment for both sisters arrived happened after the party. That night remained peaceful and the two sisters were alone in Celestia ´s private room.

They were separated. Luna wasn´t as interested as Celestia in talking about what happened to her after the show in front of everyone, yet her reasons were different because she also had questions to ask.

”Luna! Are you feeling alright?” Celestia asked.

” No. Why do I have to?” Luna responded.

”Look sister. This is not how you are projecting it into your head; I know where you come from. “Celestia affirmed.

“Oh,really?!” asked Luna sarcastically. “Ruining my whole purpose of building a better world? That you cannot stand seeing how I build a stronger society than yours?! Seeing how you fail and I beat you and…You go and ruin everything I had planned, my purpose of this millennia devastated by a single ray of light?!” Luna said.

”Luna, please. I swear it wasn´t because of envy. You cannot be thinking that I would actually hurt you for a single moment” Celestia admitted with confidence.

”Then tell me: why did you come to the universe that YOU, yes YOU, put me to suffer for an eternal period and come as a hero like that? Are you a heartless elitist or something? That´s not sisterhood, Celestia” she said. ”It´s a convenient betrayal in which you could get rid of me whenever you pleased. “ Luna affirmed.

”Luna, I….” Celestia spoke with hardly any line.

“No, that´s it. I am done. I am leaving this lie. There´s no way you can get away with this and pretend we are sisters like this just because everything ends up with flowers and parties. Not with a tyrant that puts her own competence and gets eaten like Saturn with his own son.” Luna said.

”Luna, wait!” Celestia said.

” What is it, now? You are wasting my time, sister. I don´t know what´s my purpose here. Why am I here anyway? My conquest has failed and you come as an angel just to put smiles and feel like a hero for a few days” Luna said. “And you didn´t move for it! 6 ponies did the job for you! My sister is lazy nowadays, 1000 years for this. I expected better” Luna said with a sad face, desperate to prove her sister wrong.

“Listen to me little sister, I can explain it” Celestia said.

”NO! You can´t. Leave me alone!” Luna broke down crying and putting her body into the floor. She felt psychologically defeated.

”I expected you would come like this, Luna. The hardest moment for me is not using the elements of Harmony, but saying that your sister…” Celestia paused a little bit “…also commits mistakes even if they seem noble” Celestia said.

“What?!” Luna asked confused.

”You were a young pony when I banned you into the moon universe. However, I was also a pretty recent student of Starswirl. Everything in theory could work.” she said. ”In practice, however, things got too out of hand to handle. It was either Equestria or putting Starswirl´s efforts to shame.” said Celestia.

“Starswirl´s bias... I hope you have enjoyed all that luck” Luna said.

”My luck was as messed up as yours Luna. Just because the sun shines more doesn´t mean we cannot fall into corruption for seeing everything clearer. I…. I have also had that desire of elitism that you may be thinking. “ Celestia confessed.

”Don´t tell me that you were a failure for being young” Luna answered opening her eyes a bit.

”I wish it were only that.” Celestia said. “Luna, I am also as corrupted as you. I have my nightmarish version” Celestia said.
” You…light being corrupted? Please, you are always the heroes” Luna answered.

” Don´t say I was joking. I´ll take it easy with the morbid stuff but…” Celestia whispered.

Celestia turned the room into a black picture. After that, all of a sudden, it was filled of stars and Celestia´s figure turned obscure.
”Sister?” Luna asked confused.

”Do you see this, Luna? Can you tell any difference? Does it remind you of something you know by experience?” Celestia asked Luna with the illusion of Daybreaker, with a menacing scary look.

“I…I… have no words.” Luna confessed with a shocking face of feeling genuine fear.

Celestia expected that answer and the background turned into the room they were having this conversation.

”I hope you understand that I am no free of problems, Luna. Besides, I don´t want you to go like the previous time. It hurt when it happened, you had no idea how much more painful it was when the hard times came to me…alone. “Celestia said almost closing her eyes of feeling guilty about that.

“But…what do I do now? I am here as lonely as you. I do not belong here, I don´t think I will get used to this like it happened before. The bats are gone and my life is too painful to live for another thousand years. Sister, I am still tired.” Luna said.

“Why do you think that I left you alone with the 6 ponies I put my trust in the Castle? Do you think I was gone for no apparent reason?” Celestia smiled a bit.

Don´t you tell me….No.” Luna was surprised and was left wondering what she was about to hear.

Celestia nodded. “It was a hard trip for finding a distant place for your little students. It will take them some time to get comfortable in Equestria. I think you can visit and calm them. They are fine.” Celestia answered gladly.

” I cannot believe you did this. I can certainly feel that you have heart like we were fillies.” Luna jumped onto Celestia´s hooves.

Ohohohoho. Oh, Luna. I truly care about you, sister. I knew that your efforts over there were correct. The values against me are not that easy to fix but I hope you can solve that aspect for them. “Celestia said.

” I sure will. But, what´s purpose do I have here?” Luna asked.

” I thought you knew better. I think it´s time to control the moon and the dreams for ponies. They have hard periods finding good sleep and I think you can dream about your society in the dreams” Celestia said.

“Oh my….Sister, I simply cannot answer you with all of this. I haven´t imagined that I could have faith with you.” Luna said emotional.

“All the pride for one self ends. Luna…we are eternal for now. We don´t know how many years are left for us but if these 1000 years have taught me something, is that I have to spend them with you, Luna.” Celestia confessed.

“Celestia…” Luna shred some tears (she was having a rollercoaster of emotions).

“Luna. You are all that I have. I´ve been worried about you and I have seen ponies die in front of my eyes. Generations and strangers dying and I could do nothing. I have no long term friendships and I cannot avoid boredom and passive despair. Whenever I try it, I end up more disappointed than the initial point. Put yourself in my hooves, Luna”. Celestia confessed crying with those intimate yet hidden thoughts.

”Sister. I cannot hold it. This is way too much for me” Luna hugged Celestia with all her remaining forces.

”I couldn´t stand another wasted morning where I could be holding you to my side. I was waiting for this moment to come, sister” she said. “This period has been silently joyless to me, Luna. You are all that I have in the end” Celestia confessed. “Wherever you are tonight, promise me that you won´t leave me anymore my sister” Celestia said crying.

“I won´t leave you” Luna assumed with her eyes closed, accepting that promise.

”I hope we can do better together. Welcome home, Luna” Celestia said with a soft motherly voice.

And that night ended with the sun and the moon standing at both sides of Canterlot´s sky...