• Published 19th Jan 2020
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The Comforts of Darkness,The Mirror of Fire and Does Disney dream of Evil Queens? - L23 amcom

Compilation of three stories. 1st story: The Comforts of Darkness, 2nd story: Does Disney dream of Evil Queens? and 3rd story: The Mirror of Fire.

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The Mirror of Fire (Part 1)

The griffons or the bats.

It has been a hard day today. I thought that diplomacy and doing cute faces in front of everyone would be easy for me.

However, when you have to deal with so many different species from far away, then it becomes stricter than before. In this moon, I have had to upper the bar and despite opening ourselves in all the continent of Equestria and visiting places ponies didn´t use to go, for me, on the contrary, I have had it harder for tidying it up in terms of diplomacy.

While it´s true that Twilight and her friends have made a great job for convincing all of us and speak with old and new friendships at the same time, nobody would have predicted this situation a few years ago (not even me despite living an entire millennia).

In addition to that, I have had the extra task to recover ourselves from the misunderstandings that the Chancellor caused (in which he later regretted them) and it hasn´t been that easy.

The hardest part from today had consisted about deciding which railways would be made: either at Griffonstone or in the extreme depths of the southwest forest where bat ponies live. Their figures came and they didn´t doubt to argue between each other. I cannot comprehend why they had such a rush for establishing those rails. Was it because Mount Aris´ ones succeeded?

Anyway, so Luna (yes, my own sister still carries the title of ambassador for the bats, she goes for it from time to time, she never forgot about them) along with a couple of night guards and Grampa Gruff have made a very tiring day for me, why did I have to do this so late before the weekend, taking place for the time that is supposedly for me?

To begin with, the railways for Griffonstone would be somewhat complicated and it would take longer than usual, especially because we would have to build a huge bridge in order to cross the sea, while the bats… the huge distance by itself wouldn´t matter that much (we did this in previous works) if it weren´t because the terrain is rough even for making tunnels. Besides, bats would only help partially during the night and contrary to what mundane ponies say, bats don´t die during the day. They do sleep and that´s another factor because the period for the best visibility gets ruined, making it more difficult.

The topic has ended up indecisive even though in a certain way, I feel proud that there is a bigger interest for getting a better access to their zones communicating them with Ponyville and Canterlot. While Griffonstone hasn´t improved much as a civilization, one of Twilight´s students, Gallus, has made their species more popular than ever, so others are wondering how his hometown is.

I couldn´t put up myself in favor to my sister. That would show a lack of professionalism and because of favoritism, I would have to shudder for recovering my public image for such scandal if I supported my sister because of her familiarity and not because of objective arguments.

One wonders what decision to take in such little time, keeping a smile in front of them and having such levels of patience that I have been famous for beating everyone at that in comparison.

The most frustrating aspect for me was that while I had experienced worse situations before, at least, I had some kind of enjoyment from somewhere. Here, I don´t even have that to work me off from that bitterness earned.

I had dinner with Luna but it wasn´t exactly fireworks; she had reminded me about the railways and tried to convince me again for choosing her option. I, in the other hand, reminded her that I was out of work; this was a moment for us as sisters, not for serving as an infinite wish box for everyone. She showed her charm in the end as an actual sister and I disconnected with a little rivalry between her and me (I don´t know if she does this as a sport or if she simply does it for baiting me and falling into her game).

Finally, I am prepared to fall into bed. Even the crown felt heavy to me at this moment. A moment of solitude I desperately needed for thinking about what to do next and relax.

An old familiar entity.

But what kind of pleasure do I have? My life is actively dedicated for diplomacy and they judge you day after day and despite attending parties frequently they become utterly boring if they are formal reunions. The relaxing part comes naturally because of standing up to my work, not because I look for it and I hope I never lose it.

The moon is rising; Luna has decided not to go to the doors dreamy hall these days due to opting for her ambassador part instead. She has always lived with less pressure and her life at least, is somewhat adventurous and different even if some dreams turn out terrifying to deal. She has a dynamic I wish I had but I cannot complain about her. I did it last moon and I think I have to get over it.

I am willing to close my eyes and so it ends a day I want to forget right now, it´s officially over for me. The bed again, with my windows closed, saves me from these daily tense nightmares.

The comfort is absolute and as soon as I fell asleep, the paradise passed in front of me. My body felt how my energies were recovering so naturally, fluidly and warmly that I feel like I am diving in a sea full of lava. Trapped in heated heart of fire, with a smile and grateful to be finally at home...so much that it feels like my room where I am sleeping does have that temperature…

Wait, outside? How is it hot? My bedroom cannot be that hot, I would have covered myself with a blanket. I don´t want to check it out but it feels so strange that I cannot avoid thinking about it. I guess there is no other option then.

I wake up and I see that my bedroom has turned out fully orange. Instead of watching the night, it looks like I am witnessing an abrasive sunrise. It feels asphyxiating and it cannot come so harshly from outside, my windows are closed.

I get up and again, I still don´t know what kind of magic is showing up to me and it doesn´t seem to come from anywhere apparently. There is no object, portal nor sign of magic around here. I knew from the start that Luna wouldn´t do this. She doesn´t like the heat as much for doing a joke like this one, she would feel uncomfortable if she did. In the end, I conclude to myself:

”It´s like the heat comes from me hahaha, I am the only hot body around here!” I said to myself.

“That´s because you are!” said a sinister sassy voice from the void.

My smile turned into fears instantly. That line I have just heard sound enormously familiar and I don´t want to admit that this voice would actually come from…

“What? Have I cut the fun for you too soon?” said that sassy voice.

“You had to come over here, again? I thought I got rid of you back in that dream” I said to the hot entity.

“A dream is not the same as something real and much less when that pink pony implied about what we actually were” that voice said.

“It annoys me to see that you are still the same coward and just show for doing evil things again, Daybreaker. Come out here if you love laughing at me so much!” I exclaimed.

She appeared in the middle of the room with a huge flame around her as an opener. By the time that the flame wasn´t as shining, she began to speak:

“Well, well, well… the princess acting like a heroine. Not only once but a thousand years repeating the same words. Pssshh and then you complain about me who has had to endure more stupid things over time” Daybreaker said, daring as always.

“You don´t…!” I was going to exclaim.

“Exist? We get it; we know the script more than enough, always saying that I don´t exist and pretending I never was in your life. I get really bored for such complex and prejudice each time you fight against yourself, looking at your reflection. It´s funny because of how bad your denial is” Daybreaker said while her form took the spotlight while the flames were becoming smaller.

The room became slightly hotter but, why aren´t other ponies noticing this change of hot? They should be suffocated, even more with her presence. Anyway, I had to rely on myself in any case…

“Enough, you only want to watch the world burn. You only come here to make things more complicated than usual. You don´t help me with your malice. I can´t get that you are still alive. I have reinforced my fraternity with Luna and you are coming for her. I am not going to let you in!” I shouted.

“Malice? Then, what is goodness if I have done nothing yet? A dream doesn´t mean anything and much less when one ignorant pony imagines the worst possible case” Daybreaker said.

“Don´t think that a few words of sympathy are going to change my mind. That doesn´t change your intentions one single bit” I said.
“Mine? Or should I say yours? Hahaha!” Daybreaker laughed.

“You are trying to fool me again, I see that you will never change” I affirmed.

“Fool you? Why should I do that if you do it to yourself? You are already wrong by talking to me in the first place” Daybreaker said.
“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“Why should I tell you anything? Overall, villains will always stay villains; they can never win because the heroes always have a better sense of morality. Why would you want to listen to me if you know it better than me, bright spark?” Daybreaker laughed.
“Ugh, you are so annoying” I said mad.

“Annoying? Don´t make me laugh until my head comes off hahaha. It´s you who comes at me as soon as you can. For such a fantastical goodness heroine like you, that would be described as a big treason for drawing upon the enemy….and yet, you are unscathed in the end. Haven´t you asked in the entire millennia why you always get away with it? Has the elder brain come to your head and you don´t want to come outside your bubble? Ooooh, how adorable, a saint believes that she is purely innocent.” Daybreaker said.

“Have you ever got tired of coming like this, wasting energy and time in order to burn holes in my patience? I don´t feel like fighting and protecting the rest and it seems I have to do so again” I claimed with disrespect, a clear sign that I am getting more tired than before.

“Protecting from whom? Who else is here? I only see an alicorn standing beside a mirror with an intimidating face for no reason” Daybreaker mocked.

“I am not tolerating that mockery, Daybreaker” I said.

“Mockery? Like you do every day for fun? And let´s not even talk in the parties, your skills are worthy material to teach to your students in your school” Daybreaker said.

“Trolling is a skill to take with care otherwise it ends up in bitterness” I affirmed.

“My troll moves haven´t hurt anyone. I only saw Luna with a bad face when the sun was entering into the sky when the night was supposed to come” said that intruder.

“Leave Luna alone! She hasn´t done anything and she doesn´t belong here. I know what you are trying to do” I suspected.

“You are assuming that I wouldn´t coexist with Luna. Like a good heroine, you still don´t me. So predictable and foolish from you and I have warned it. At least, she overcame it before you” Daybreaker mocked.

“Don´t say what I have to do!” I said firmly.

“You do that to yourself and justify your frustrations with lack of free time and fun” she said.

“Ah, so you are going to be my entertainer now?” I asked with a sense of irony.

“Well, look at that, you´ve got something right. Congratulations for raising my expectations. I applause you“ Daybreaker laughed.

“You are having more fun than me even though your style of entertainment...plays with fire” I claimed.

“Fire…ironic, considering the comfort you had while you were dreaming. Diving in the ocean full of lava, feeling how the hot pleasure fills your body. Tell me darling, why do you have such a big fear to admit that you don´t get burned in a volcano? Does that remind you of me?” she asked.

I looked at her with an infuriating face. Something in me was dying as soon as I listened to that perversion about me.

“You are still trying to live your life like a little filly who hasn´t broken a phoenix egg. All your years of experience wasted because you don´t want to grow up and you prefer living like a child instead” Daybreaker said.

“Why are you telling this to me? I asked.

“It´s not me who is telling you that but what part of you says that. You hate malice, you create a name for it and you try to stay away from it. How is a foolish teacher supposed to know what´s good or bad if she doesn´t know it by heart?” Daybreaker mocked.

“No. It cannot be happening, I don´t know what you are saying” I said desperately and broke out to tears from the inside.

She didn´t say anything, she took her time to go after me while I was unprotected but...she, all of a sudden, reflected a different color this time around. Something was surrounding her and the room wasn´t as orange as before. It looked greener somehow and I heard a ghostly voice coming from her.

“Celestia, open up your eyes! You are the actual problem. Don´t reject you! Accept what you are, do it quick!” that ghostly voice said. “Enough help for now!” Daybreaker said and that different tone disappeared. The room came back to the previous orange color. “You cannot go after that route. You have never had the will to go for it and unfortunately, you won´t.” Daybreaker said.

I stopped crying and left my last tear to drop off from my face. I took a break to recover my sanity and…

“Never. Now that I know, you can´t prevent it” I affirmed.

“Ooooh very well. And what are you going to do? You can´t get closer to the light because that extreme will poison you. You can´t tolerate that role.” Daybreaker laughed.

“I do!” I closed my eyes for a second and I took a huge breath.

“AND I WILL!!!” I shouted and released all my energies for vanishing her with my magic.

To anyone´s surprise, Daybreaker closed her and smiled to herself. She accepted the attack instead of opposing it. The answer for that is….

“You know that if you kill me, you accept that you have an evil side. You are accepting the chance of behaving like a corrupted princess and even unsalvageable in moments of pure disharmony. You will never be clean again” Daybreaker affirmed with security.

I cried to myself and I knew what path I was taking. I didn´t see anything else, I was running out of patience and I didn´t want to keep this useless diplomacy anymore.

She was actually vanishing and becoming a spirit. However, there was something strange in her last words that left me confused for a moment. It was too late before I would control the magic and power to make her disappear but what she said was…

“Impressive. I admire that you have taken the right decision and give yourself a chance of how you truly are….may the sun and fire protect your intentions. No pony is free of the neither evil nor goodness, nature doesn´t allow it. Enjoy the darkness in its pure glory my little student….Day…Breaker…good-bye…” she said and she closed her eyes.

She patiently waited for her death, almost like she desired it. The room was looking greener somehow…

She lost her flames and for a second, she had a blue-green mane, so was her tail while her body was getting smaller and becoming into a spiritual light.

I opened up my body and accepted it. I contained her spirit. When it entered into me, I didn´t feel anything until my eyes went fully white. The room became strongly orange again and she wasn´t present…

The shining light originated from my body and I felt a strange sense of liberty. Something broke free for such event and I looked around the room. Nothing had changed...save me.

In my head, I wore the regalia again and my mane floated in the air more violently than ever. The reflection of that orange color came from my helmet and my body whose rays were hot and powerful.

Now that I look at myself, I realize that I am perfectly conscious of my identity; I cannot blame the dark magic anymore. I knew that from Luna. I tried to convince her with that myth but she pursued herself in order to become a better pony with her Nightmare Moon powers in her body. She could have released them at any time but she took it and accepted her. She beat me in this aspect.

“What can I do? What can I do?! I am here alone with this intimidating body and I cannot look like this in front of the rest. I have never been a princess like this...” I cried in order to avoid these words, with no illusions around.

I took a break and a neuron set up my mind with a different mood. I stopped crying and…

“Or have I?” I asked with an evil smile.

“If I am lost with this state, the world will burn with me then. If it has to get burned, I won´t always save it….because I never was the God everyone claimed. I was just a product along with my sister” I affirmed.

“I will check the rest if it matters to me. For now, I am the only one who I care the most. I am ending this!” I concluded.

I went to bed and I gradually lost that orange tone while I was trying to look for some sleep. As I always pretended with Daybreaker, let´s pretend that nothing of this has happened. I had put an evil grin on my face before the dreams started. Was any part of me enjoying this moment?

The next day.

I woke up even more tired than usual and there was no sign of my modified body. Again, I haven´t resolved at all the railways problem.
I decided to call both for an unexpected reunion. I started it in the first hour of the weekend and both appeared again. I was going to make the usual presentations and such rules…in theory, I should have done but:

“Good morning, every creature. As you can see, I have reunited both Luna and Grampa Gruff to say that I am able to follow a few resolutions I have and one of them is not doing any railway at all if none of you facilitates me its setup. I am too tired to understand all your arguments. Either you decide one over the other, or we do nothing or I decide whatever I feel like for both parts. I am not going spend more energy and consume myself to this level. I haven´t slept well and I am not in the best mood for it. I leave it that to your own agreements” I said firmly.

Both my sister and Grampa Gruff were surprised by my answer, they looked at each other and it seemed like their elitisms were gone. They noticed my behavior and low self-esteem I had because of yesterday. Despite going this way, I left more energies at these words than I would have imagined. I am asking myself if it´s because of…

“We understand you, your majesty” Grampa Gruff said.

“Yes sister. You´d better get this free weekend for what you want” Luna said.

“Fine. Now if you let me, I have personal things to cover” I ended.
I left the situation up to them. The railways were going to be built sooner or later but I was leaving a lot to be desired with these red eyes and messy mane.

Leaving that topic aside, I understand why Cadence loves to go around during the nights, flying and feeling free with her unrecognizable transformation such as a bat pony. Her boredom and routine drove her to a life full of void besides Flurry Heart. I shouldn´t have put such a dramatic face when I discovered her secret.

I emphasize with her and perhaps I should play with fire as well….

And I know that this weekend, I will prove in front of all the dragons the pony who actually dominates the volcanoes…

An argument with Luna.

I left them there, thinking about a topic that was burning me out. I wasn´t willing to digest all the concerns they had. I think I have acted formally enough for such a bad mood like this one.

I feel absolutely destroyed for barely sleeping tonight. I come back to my bedroom and I don´t know if I can accomplish the promise I had made in the reunion.

Why would I be dreaming about lava? How did that happen? What part of me attracts me to feel such dangerous move for an average pony?
Although it doesn´t feel that strange when someone has to think and consume herself in uneducated creatures that only think about themselves and one has to sacrifice herself for their mistakes.

I sometimes wonder if the princess title ends up as worthless in the end. There is barely any power to play while I could have designed a route perfectly if it only depended on me. If it wasn´t because of the rupture between the 3 pony races that leads into chaos, I could carry the torch perfectly and keep this world under my hooves along with Luna.

Although my sister doesn´t help. She had been pulling over to one misunderstanding in the past. While it´s true I was Starswirl´s favorite out of the two, she doesn´t hide her desires to the public. Everyone knows about Nightmare Moon but only 4 ponies know about “that dream”.
I have kept myself inconspicuous for my own problems yet I cannot hide them whenever they become so palpable. Even when I try to keep my patience, they don´t even say thanks.

I still cannot sleep. My mind cannot stop thinking about what has happened last night. At this step, I would be willing to follow its orders and maybe that choice in the end could… Aw, perfect my sister is coming.

“Sister?” Luna asked while opening slightly the door.

“What do you want, Luna? I am trying to sleep” I said and not with the kindest face I could have shown.

“I know but, I have noticed you weird today” she said.

“I am perfectly fine, Luna. There is no need to think about that” I said.

“Celestia, please. We know each other pretty well and you don´t normally act like this” she affirmed.

“Oh really? How cannot I act like that if you are so tiring with the railways?” I said sarcastically.

“Look sister. It´s not my fault they feel anxious to have them. I only speak in the name of…” Luna said.

“On behalf of whom?” I disrupted her. “Luna, I have seen you arguing like the topic were for your cause and not from the bat ponies. I have had to calm down a lot of tensions this week because of how you emotionally react” I said tired.

“But Grampa Gruff is always very possessive as well. I cannot do anything but facing him in his terrain. Did you expect me to fall short?” she affirmed.

“He may be unpleasant and we both know it but you didn´t help at all at containing yourself. It´s obvious that you are the minor of the two and you always guide yourself into what you think it´s good for you. That doesn´t work here, sister. Diplomacy isn´t as easy as you think and I always have to work with it patiently” I affirmed.

“Are you saying that I am impatient? I may not have the level of yours but you are looking down on me. I would be capable to steer this problem much better than you think” she said.

“Look Luna, we have had that elitism back in a couple of moons when we changed our cutie marks and duties. You can defend yourself but I don´t see you resolving tense problems like these. You become really ambitious and you want to go further than you can do and you can´t. You can´t do it.” I answered.

“Someone has to end up with a decision even if it´s bad. I don´t see you feeling like doing it. You have been thinking about yourself today and for some reason, you reunited us for nothing. I don´t see that patience you are talking about” Luna responded.

Something in me was dying when she questioned my abilities like that.

“I have had to waste tons of patience and energies for a topic like this and you go and criticize that I don´t have any. How could you? I thought that you would understand my problems and I feel lonely after hearing this” I said.

“You wanted to stay alone today. Go on. Sleep if you want but I prefer resolving this problem by myself for once because I don´t see you very enthusiastic.” my sister said.

“If that´s what you are looking for, feel powerful, then. I haven´t had any pleasure these days and nobody says thanks for my efforts. You come here and instead of supporting me, you question my will” I said desperately.

“Do you even think that I….?” she was about to ask.

“I think that you should leave me alone” I cut her off. “I had to focus not only on those railways but on your ambitions too. You tire me a lot, Luna” I said.

“Fine…if that´s what you assume. We´ll have to end to this with or without you” she said. “Equestria hasn´t stopped in a 1000 years, why should it end if you let others to take over you while you are resting?” she asked.

“I fear about your actions. If things didn´t rely on me, everything could go terribly bad. Don´t even imagine it when you own sister wants the throne and replace you” I answered.

“What?” she asked confused. “I already have a throne. It´s just that…” Luna said.

“That you are going to mess it up. I´d rather leave you aside before leaving it on your own completely. You put it really hard with those emotions you show” I affirmed with confidence.

“You don´t trust me, uh? Very well, take me like a fool…. Keep thinking like that” Luna said, almost shredding a small tear from her eye.
“I would have preferred not having this conversation, now that you are about to cry” I said.

“Yeah, I wouldn´t have wanted it either. I am actually a fool for worrying about you today” she said, trying to contain her emotions.
“The only thing that you have to worry sister is leaving me alone today” I answered.

“This won´t end up like you are saying. Not like this…” Luna left the door with a sad face.

She closed the door and I said to myself:

“The moon didn´t give any life to us…yet the sun did. I don´t need you, sister” I claimed to myself.

There was a great silence when she left. At this moment, I had to begin thinking about what to do all over again, without her on my side. She is probably going to talk to Cadence to comfort her now that she is here in Canterlot.

Not only that but she also wants to take over the reign. She believes that´s enough for her. Her power is inferior to mine but she also doesn´t beat me at arguing like I do with different creatures. A primitive species like indoctrinated bat ponies works, but that falls short when I have to handle an entire continent.

I try not to keep my head spinning about this topic. However, I don´t know what´s worse. My mind will explode if I don´t do anything. I have to move myself because I feel powerless and I cannot see the light anywhere.

At least, I have two days to come up with something. That´s very little time and stress can come back again. All of this without any pleasure for me.

The silent escape.

I had been thinking during this afternoon, while baking cakes badly because I was too tired to make them great, that maybe I should I test that pleasure that parts of me wants so much.

It isn´t easy to take any of these two routes but at least, this is personal and I can resolve it myself, without relying on anypony else.
They would suspect that I have left Canterlot without permission but if I fly quickly to the Dragonlands without seeing me and maybe returning tomorrow, I could get away with it. My sister is the one who visits me anyway. My royal guard don´t usually check my room when I am not in charge. Maybe I can afford coming here late if anything happens.

I waited for the night to come anxiously. It costs me to breathe a bit because I don´t know completely what will happen over there and I normally hide those fears. I sent the guards to go because I didn´t need them near around. It´s somewhat claustrophobic to me having them all the time but I sent that order to secure the plan.

So it went like that. The night finally came and they obeyed what I asked. It feels good that they do it without hesitation. That pattern should happen more often…

Everyone was sleeping and even though my eyes are slightly red because of that lack of sleep, I could go out and fly over there without many problems.

I left the bed disordered and I used the old bed sheet whenever someone wants to check my room. Not the best trick but at least, that could gain me a bit of precious time if I had enough luck.

I closed the curtains and the window with my hooves and I consumed my energies instead in flying fast as soon as I took off so they wouldn´t see me leaving.

While the south is not as hostile as it was in the past, Ember doesn´t control all the dragons completely. They live under their own free will and I hope I don´t come across with anyone when I am there.

It took me a few hours to arrive at the Dragonlands because of my tired state. I am only driven because of my curiosity and the eagerness of ending everything now. The night should be ending soon and maybe I should raise the sun a bit for concealing the average pattern, even with my little energy left. I will leave it in the natural way.

Finally, after so many thoughts in my head, I have arrived to the land of dragons….and volcanoes. This ambient requires an energetic spirit and I am following the contrarian route.

I raised the sun as I thought but it dispelled in the middle of the process. It cost me for keeping myself sane in these thoughts and not in what I should do. I left the rest for keeping the flowing mane and tail. I have to keep my normal image if someone sees me.

A visit to the Dragonlands.

Now I am here in the volcanic crater. There it is the lava in front of my eyes. What surprises me the most is that despite feeling that heat, it´s not as insufferable as I thought? An average pony could withstand this ambient without entering there.

I was seeing it fascinated and the interest is killing me. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth for not arriving at the extreme I felt like managing to feel. I have doubts if my body could stand that. I ask myself if maybe a spell for my body could…

“Well, well, well. Look at that. A pony who has dared to step into our playground and annoy us again” a pimp dragon said. “Haven´t they taught you that this is our place, white pony? Oh wait, that you are so soft and pastel creatures that you look for the red color of the rainbow over here for you “friendship”, isn´t it?” he continued.

They laughed and mocked at me. I turned around my body and the one who was talking to me was Garble and his gang. Twilight had talked to me about them a couple of times.

“If you actually knew who you are talking to, you wouldn´t act that way” I responded.

“Hey watch out, the white pony is getting furious. How scary and she wants to battle, uh?” he sarcastically said.

“You are dealing with the royal princess of Equestria. You hear me?” I affirmed with confidence without blinking.

“And what are you doing here, princess? Aren´t you supposed to be dealing with pony stuff? Are you coming for conquering us with your friendship you impose so much?” he asked.

“That´s none of your business” I answered.

“Very well, as you don´t want to say it in the good way, you´ll have to taste “our welcome”, princess” he answered.

They made a circle around me and I didn’t have in my plans to fight. However, I keep my pride and hard image from the outside until the very end. I am feeling tired of all of this, I don´t feel like evading more problems than the ones I have, enough.

“Well, princess. Are you going to day it or do you want our welcome?” Garble said.

“How about you obey me and leave me alone?” I asked.

“We only obey what we want: gems and volcanoes and you are interrupting us. Did you expect something nice like your ponies do?” he said.
“I hope you don´t do what you are planning to do” I affirmed.

They stopped and thought for a while looking at themselves. They knew ponies can perfectly mess up with them because of their stupidity.
“Alright, buddy. We won´t. It´s not that it works that well either. They survive at that” Garble said with certain madness.

“I hope so for your own good” I said.

“You are lucky that this volcano isn´t the one that we wanted to be today” he said.

I made a gesture with my head but I had a suspicious look.

They seemed to leave alone and I could return at looking at the lava I was aiming for. Sometimes, looking at it so closely leaves you with the feeling that you could be there and…

A legend has been reborn.

I received a great tackle on my back. I was placed too near to it and I hadn´t had time to react to such surprise I should have expected if I had been more woken up than this. I entered into the mortal zone.

“Didn´t you want orders, princess? We obeyed and there you have them. Ahahaha” Garble laughed with his gang. “Why would we need to waste fire when you were near the lava, fool!” he exclaimed while laughing.

I was there, sinking myself into what I wanted…but not in the way I expected. I thought entering in it with a spell so I wouldn´t feel the burns. I was too tired to step into it directly but now, there is no escape.

The heat is affecting to my body and that undesirable ending is a big regret.

When I closed my eyes and I assumed that this newbie mistake could lead into the bitter end, I only trusted on that life I have had for a thousand years. However, as I considered myself as anypony else, I admit that I am no exception to their rules.

Thanks Luna, for wasting my neurons because of your ambitions. I wish you luck with that topic…and with this one because you are going to need it.

If I ever saw you again, I would take serious measures with you even though it´s not entirely your fault. You, the snarling griffon and this gang, all of you have carried me into this result.

“I doubt you did all of this by accident, my dear” a voice said. “You perfectly knew what you wanted”

That voice was coming from somewhere but it sounded closer to my body than coming from the outside…except that magical mirror appeared again, levitating around me.

“Look at you” the voice said and that mirror was placed in front of me.

“Aren´t you wonderful? Many princesses would desire to have this appearance hahaha” she said.

Each time it spoke, I felt how my veins were associating themselves with that heated heart. I was feeling, not hurt but impish.
“You know that you love it. You won´t deny that you loved the old hobby that you had for yourself, alone” that voice said, more proper of coming from my mouth than from anyone else.

“Finally your visions serve for something right. I am happy that you have given a chance….to the old values” she said.

My body was accommodating to the hostile ambient and little by little, I was feeling like that was my own nature. My mane and my tail were blazing but that didn´t bother me at all. My body was receiving all the energies from the heat.

My regalia were burning as well but surprisingly, not that it turned to black. They ended up adapting the orange color from the lava. I closed my eyes and I was changing my mood over time, turning that fatigue into a prideful behavior.

“You desired coming at this ambient. I think that you deserve me an apology for telling it to you again” I said, adopting those words as if they were mine.

I didn´t care the fact that it took my possession. I was about to die but now that I´ve realized about it; this was a part of my identity all the time. Maybe I shouldn´t act innocently and focus on things that actually matter from the beginning.

My body gradually caught everything. So vibrant, heated and exciting... the transformation felt complete. I was alive again and I was a part of it.

“The phoenix always rises from the ashes. You are not the exception. You only had to find it” I said. “Welcome to the real world again, Daybreaker”.

For the first time in a week, I laughed at myself by looking at the mirror. I have found myself. I hadn´t realized that I had to see and check for myself what this beautiful place offers to me. If I haven´t taken part of the problem, then others have led me to do it instead.
I like staying here and thinking about the purity and richness this valuable fountain offers. I recovered all my force and I could glow my horn effortlessly. Wave goodbye that disappointing diplomacy and my personal failure. I am here back again and instead of showing my weak forms of dealing my problems...I will use the ancient ones that worked for me!

“I have revived…to stay! Now, you will know what happens when you don´t let this princess sleep!” I exclaimed.

“And I will teach you one lesson…or two…hahahahaha!” I laughed with the biggest grin I have had in a very, very long time...

Author's Note:

You might have questions about Cadence being a bat pony and that does come from another fic called "The Mare in the Mountain" that is still to be published from other user.

In short, she has a second life during the night and has kept a little secret that a few characters know (including Celestia and Luna) but not the Crystal Empire. Her concept/backstory has yet to be perfectly defined but yeah, in this story, she can deploy the bat wings and sharp teeth naturally.

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