• Published 19th Jan 2020
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The Comforts of Darkness,The Mirror of Fire and Does Disney dream of Evil Queens? - L23 amcom

Compilation of three stories. 1st story: The Comforts of Darkness, 2nd story: Does Disney dream of Evil Queens? and 3rd story: The Mirror of Fire.

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Behind the MLP The Movie scenes: Does Disney dream of Evil Queens?

The reunion with the three princesses.

If there is anything that I have to be thankful, it´s being able to finally forget all those problems for a while. If this is happening and why I am here, it´s for something more hopeful than staying closed because of the Storm King. While it´s true that I am relieved after finding my daughter safe and alive, it doesn´t imply that my kingdom can return to the previous stat.

So, here I am, all the hippogriffs are sleeping in this beautiful city called Canterlot. Little I knew of this city in between mountains, even though Celestia had described it to me in the few letters we sent to each other.

But, to be honest, we hardly got out of our mount back then when we were hippogriffs, less we would know about it underwater.

Marginalized, in the extreme of this continent, without help until those 6 ponies made me to get out of my throne and have fun a little moment. I recognize that this party with Songbird Serenade has been overwhelming and much more dynamic than all my years commanding the kingdom.

I know that I have something left to do and while I am thinking about this…I admit that I need help in reality. Even though commanding my reign is not a challenge, I need to move forward into a new direction, revive certain virtues that have been forgotten for decades. I have felt these years somewhat incomplete and lifeless.

And here I am, still resentful with Twilight for putting the red alarm but I have to say that they have treated my daughter fairly well. She seems to get along with that happy pony: Pinkie Pie.

I have told her that she would be grounded for this. However, that line is because she has to know the values of royalty but I need another reference for that. If my reign has to endure, I see that I have to search for an external influence in this continent. We cannot remain the same in a cage hidden over there.

After that hug, Celestia put a smile and saw me with good eyes. I know how to hide emotions from the outside, but from the inside, I was fed up with an eternal boredom and I had displeasure thinking about Skystar while flying to Canterlot.

I missed sleeping on air. I have been used to sleeping in my throne and that might have been too bland or comfortable for an everyday routine. I am finally sleeping in an actual bed without floating.

So, today, I have woken up with plenty of energy and I have to reunite with Celestia this morning in order to see what we can do. I believe that I can erase all the bad things and focus on what´s about to come.

I enter in Celestia´s throne room. She was there, along with Luna and Cadance. The three princesses were in front of me.
The big question is: am I a major figure for holding the queen title or am I equal to them? That worries me. Diplomacy is something I have not practiced it after so much time, so I have to improvise and resume all the skills.

”Good morning, Princess Celestia” I greeted, with my head duck down.

”Queen Novo, it´s a pleasure to see you” Celestia responded following my gesture. Luna and Cadance came after with it.

”Novo, we are all proud that your daughter Skystar and your reign have helped us to beat the Storm King” Celestia claimed.

” I am sorry that we have arrived late for being distrustful to your messenger, princess. We didn´t think that Twilight would make such a thing like robbing the pearl the way she did when I was going to use it under my orders and my trust” I responded.

” We understand that this accident happened, Novo. She is a very advanced student who gets too worried about me, too much to commit such mistakes of that kind. I am sure she didn´t do that with bad intentions” Celestia answered.

” I perfectly know my sister in law. She gets too obsessed that things go the way she wants to see. If it doesn´t happen, she tries to go for a quick solution” Cadance added.

”Well, even if Twilight didn´t want to cause trouble, she caused bad impressions for following her reasons behind her actions” I answered.
”Don´t worry, Novo. Your daughter decided to come to Canterlot and solve the problem” Celestia said.

”Thanks, Princess Celestia” I responded.

”You can perfectly call us directly by our name, Novo. We are used to the down to earth conversations with normal ponies” Celestia said.
I nodded just to accept her terms. I expected something more formal from them but they don´t seem to care about their title showing all the time. It´s a bit shocking but it helps for my lacking skills.

” It seems that you are going back to your home, Mount Aris, isn´t it?” Celestia said.

” Yes, we have been locked for a really long time and we have to fly all over the desert to the south” I described.

” We understand that the comeback can be a bit exhausting this time but we have a little surprise for going back to life as a civilization and establish a possible friendship” Celestia said.

”Novo, we want to give something for keeping these conversations and having more frequent conversations. Do you see what´s behind the window?” Luna asked.

I saw how her hooves pointed at something I couldn´t believe: the train station.

” Does it mean that…?” I asked with enthusiasm.

”Yes, Novo. We are going to make sure that the train towards Mount Aris goes with the fastest speed. The train network has improved a lot over these 4 years. We had broadened ourselves to places like the Crystal Empire and now, Cadence goes without effort from here and there. We have no problems at all in giving your train station. If we can have a little help from yours, we can build it in less than a month and use it for all over Equestria” Celestia said.

I flew over her and I hugged her for that nice gesture.

”I didn´t expect that this would be so permanent so soon” I said in an emotional state.

” We know about all the calamities that the Storm King made. We have also arrived at helping you. We didn´t have faith on finding friendship in the south, we thought they were non-existent until the recent letters with you.” Celestia said.

”Thanks” I simply responded.

” You are in better conditions now. Everything is over. You can now go and continue what you want” Celestia said.

”This is certainly what I have been looking forward, Celestia.” I said certainly. The train was a big surprise but…

”Don´t think about it anymore, your majesty. You can leave calmly. The constructors are waiting for your orders and start with the railways” she said.

“Thank you very much.” I said. I left and waved goodbye to them with the formal gestures and it´s true that I can start something else.
All my guards received me and all of them were ready for my message. I told them about the train station, they celebrated it and welcomed my orders of giving those little ponies help for making the railways.

We started the project between the center of Equestria and Mount Aris. I am completely surprised that it would hardly take 90 minutes in order to arrive at here, considering how far we live and how much we have lasted during the afternoon.

Whatever it was, all ponies treated me well, despite leaving some hippogriffs for guiding the builders. We came back with Skystar safe. There was so much to rebuild and the mount cannot stay as neglected as it is for future visitors.

The bad news

So, it went like this. I have been trying to teach some values of royalty to my daughter. She is still having struggles in assuming her position but who knows when she has to replace me. She has made a huge achievement so she cannot be that innocent despite her energetic attitude.

Nonetheless, she tires me a lot very often; this is why I take a break or lay down a bit because of her tiresome energy. She is still a kid but responsibilities will end up to her someday.

Anyway, so many displeasures have passed but I need help. Help because psychologically I could have gone crazy. If Celestia didn´t want to give me some help, with the visit of those ponies, we would have worn out of that refuge even more than this…and that shows.

The great majority migrated to the mount back again because they wanted to feel the free air, that sense of liberty and the true hippogriff´s soul. The rest adapted to the sea and have stayed loyal to the water. While my family, especially me and Skystar, would take charge of everything, I found a very unpleasant surprise again: my sister Ocean Flow and Sky Beak would get divorced because of this.

Sky Beak loved the rudeness and his valiant attitude would give morality to the guards, encouraging them to feel stronger while defending the mount. Meanwhile, my sister, she definitely shows the blood of her family. She loves serenity and the peace from the sea and while the divorce didn´t end up with drama, my sister told me that they had left that period behind.

This worried me more than it should have been. I have my family unstructured and my patience is not there all the times to fix this.
Thankfully the massages were always there, because if I ended up crazy, I would be looking myself at the mirror and be obsessed in playing useless contests to see who the most beautiful queen in this world is. I cannot think about so many things all for myself. That event affected me because families are just one and I certainly will have trouble saying this to the children.

With all of this in mind, I knew my people would want to go back to their manners, from the mount to the sea. I broke the pearl in all the possible pieces and make a personal necklace for transforming themselves instead of doing it again and again every day. I like seeing that illusion when someone returns to the sea after a while or some visitor´s faces for the first time, but I don´t plan to make that task forever. I have to find the material of that pearl, for now, they have to transform in groups.

What has driven to me to move forward was having faith. I have seen how hippogriffs have restored the mount in record time, I have seen how the train station was built and how days have become sunnier. Does that mean Celestia is having the control of the sun now over here? I don´t know.

What I know is that I have been preparing myself for private inauguration of the new train station. After ending the month, Celestia wanted to give a personal visit and see Mount Aris with the renewed look.

The train arrived for the first time over here and I received the princess with the same gestures used last time I saw her.

Celestia´s visit

”Your Majesty” she greeted.

”Princess Celestia, it´s an honour that you are here” I responded.

We decided to give a walk and show her everything we made over the course of this month. She was really surprised and even had a good time. She recognized that she didn´t expect this recover to happen so soon and her favourite part was definitely when we transformed her. She was even more amazed with our home in Seaquestria.

”I haven´t seen anything like this in my life, Novo. This is beautiful. I wonder why we didn´t give another try and check that you were hidden over here” Celestia said happily.

“It doesn´t matter, princess. It was carefully hidden and while it´s a very satisfying place, my people has grown tired of seeing the same scenery” I said.

”I understand. Still, this is impressive; it makes me happy to see things like these after all.” Celestia said.

”Well, it´s all we have made in such a small place and even with so little, we still have had our problems” I confessed.

”Are you saying this because of your husband?” she asked.

”No, I am not, princess. I have overcome that, it´s fine.” I stopped talking for a while. “It´s just that I try not to think too much about that…” I said.

”What´s the matter, Novo? What worries you? You haven´t put a very good face during the entire visit” Celestia pointed out.

“Nothing. It´s just that, I am in a struggling with the fact that my sister has divorced recently. My daughter doesn´t pay attention for carrying the kingdom for the future and I don´t how to explain the divorce to my nephews” I confessed.

”I knew you were somewhat destroyed but not in this way.” Celestia said.

“Well. Apparently things have improved overall. It fills me from the inside to see my kingdom improving and that gives me the impulse to go on. About my family, you see that I am not holiday...we are broken. The Storm King is dead, the revenge has been made and now, there´s no guilty party for this situation. Nobody is to blame for this and I feel defeated admitting how we are now.” I said hiding the face a little bit.

”I now understand why you had something going on” Celestia said, confirming that she has a 6th sense for detecting others feelings.

”Another summer I´ve spent alone with my daughter. I have had to take charge of both places and I don´t know why I am doing this. It all catches up to me all the time and the passiveness consumes me a little bit every day. I think those are my trouble. I have nothing else to say, but it feels somewhat discouraging that no one else has been there to help me until now.” I confessed.

”I am sorry. I don´t know how to answer this. I have to admire how much you have had to deal for all those challenges alone, not all queens would get out of that mess. However, there are things that you can fix. If you cannot help in solving completely your trouble, you can try to give some hopes and good vibes to your people to balance it” Celestia said.

”I know, I have already done that and it isn´t enough for me. There is still something to do and I don´t know where else I can go.” I added.

”Do you want to hide the divorce, isn´t it?” she asked at me.

”You would make me a big favour. Those kids are too young to assume it. Skystar, she is too much into herself to care and she fortunately has known how to get over it. However, my nephews Terramar and Silverstream…” I sighed for a while envisioning their faces. “I don´t see them prepared for it.” I confessed.

”I think I have some good news for you. Twilight is setting up a school and she wants to reunite creatures of all over Equestria and give values of friendship. It´s true that they are very different but I think the students will get along fine. Besides, I will keep an eye to see how she carries it. I am sure your nephews will be entertained” she said.

”I believe that Silver Stream is the one who´s fascinated to see what else is in Equestria, while Terramar is more attached to this place, I will try to convince my sister about this. Either way, I am granted for your gesture, princess, it certainly makes me think less stressed about that.” I confessed.

”What else could we do, Novo? I now regret that we couldn´t give any help and get out of this beautiful but still claustrophobic place. You are welcome to visit Equestria in its glory” she recognized.

Yes, we are finally here. I think I am taking a break for a certain period. I know they can do it without keeping my eye on them for now” I responded.

“Go ahead and take a diplomatic trip, your majesty. After being so much time here, I think you need to change a bit the mind-set; I tend to get out of Canterlot every now and then, despite its beauty like this kingdom does. You have our support and you seem to have good defenses, there´s no need to be neither tense nor overprotective about them. The train station is ready for all of you” Celestia claimed.
”Thanks, Celestia. I will see how I can progress myself” I said.

”Welcome to Equestria, my friend. I will be waiting in Canterlot if there is anything I can assist you. I have to give thanks for giving me such a nice visit. You have finally made it your majesty, congratulations.” Celestia said.

”It was a pleasure, Celestia” I nodded.

“Same. Your majesty, take care and…one last thing: it´s not as hard as you may think…” she winked with a smile, taking the train back to Canterlot.

I waved at the train when it began to leave. The visit was indeed splendid; I was not used to visits like these and receive ponies in my kingdom.

Now, that I am thinking about that party, I think we can take a certain celebration for getting out of Seaquestria. Am I becoming a fan of parties?

Nonetheless, I have to talk with my sister tomorrow and take a rest, not only as a queen, but as a mother. I am coming back to the initial point I was lying down for the first time: my throne.

It´s a really wild change to witness. From a blank spot in the map and then, become a relevant place. Maybe I should trust more in those who actually deserve it.

I don´t know if friendship is actually magic, but it certainly helps in moments like these. We will see how my niece will go in that school. For now, after having Seaquestria less crowded, my throne makes me calmer than usual and feels softer.

There are still things to do but that will be for another day, after closing my eyes slowly…