• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 839 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

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The Monkey

“Would you stop blaming me Opal, it’s not my fault that Luna ran off crying.”

“Maybe not, but your part of it.”

After Luna had run back to Beacon, team Excalibur had invited Blaze, Blake and Opal to Vale but there one problem, Blaze and Opal have been arguing ever since they entered the Bullhead that was taking them to Vale.

“I’m part of it? You’re the one who suggested hand to hand training in the first place.” He said while crossing his arms. “I say your to blame more than me.”

Opal was right in his face. “Don’t you dear blame me for this, you’re the one who want to see what she knew.” Then they started to argue again.

While Blaze and Opal was arguing, Blake was standing by Ebony and her team. “Why are they fighting?” Ebony asked Blake.

“After class, Opal suggested that we should do some hand to hand training, Blaze and Opal started first, then I suggested me and Luna should training together, while we did Blaze noticed that Luna wasn’t that good at it. He then wanted to find out what she could, then she ran away crying.” She told Ebony while looking at her arguing teammates. “They might blame each other but they should blame me, I’m the one who suggested that we should spare together.” Blake told Ebony with guilt in her voice.

“I don’t know what happened but watching those two is like me and Weiss arguing, which is fun, but it can be tedious.” Said Ebony while looking at her fellow team mate.

“Why are you looking at me?”

“Because you’re the one who always have to start an argument.” Weiss tried to say something, but Ebony started to walk towards the two arguing Faunus. “Would you two stop arguing?” Both of them shut up and look at Ebony. “Thank you. Now, I don’t know what happened between you two and Luna but arguing is not the answer, you have to talk to Luna when you get back as at Beacon. What you two are doing here dosen’t help anyone, so stop arguing and admit it’s both your fault.” Ebony was now breathing heavily as she walk back to the other. “I blame you for this Ruby.” She said while looking at her.

That made the young huntress eyes to widen “Me? What did I do?”

“You’re the one who suggested we invited them.” Ruby wanted to say it wasn’t her fault, but the Bullhead was landing, once they got off the ship they headed towards the center of Vale.

As the walk, the three members of BBLO was walking a little further back. then Blake decided to speak. “Hey guys.” Blaze and Opal look over to their friend. “I’m sorry.” That just confused them both.

“What are you sorry for?” Blaze asked her.

“For what happened to Luna, if I hadn’t suggested that we should spare, and I guess that made her run of crying.”

Blaze and Opal look at each other, not sure how to respond to what Blake said. They knew both that it’s was there fault that Luna ran of crying, but they just didn’t want to admit it.

Blaze decided to say something. “Maybe we are all to blame, Opal who suggested the training session, you Blake who suggested that you two should fight each other and me who pushed Luna to far.”

Then Opal’s head fell. “Your right Blaze, we are all to blame.” She look at her leader with guilt. “I’m sorry that I yelled at you before.”

“Apologize accepted Opal and I’m sorry that I yelled at you too.” She accepted his apologize. “Let’s talk to Luna once we get back, she must have calmed down by then.” Blake and Opal agreed on that. “Now,” Blaze then look at the panda Faunus. “when are you going to tell her?”

Opal was now confused. “Tell who what?”

“Weiss.” Opal was now blushing. “You have been staring at her for the last two weeks and you haven’t asked her out yet, why?”

Right now, Opal had trouble finding the right words. She open her mouth a few times, but nothing came out, she eventually managed to speak. “Even I had the courage to ask her out, she would probably say no, I’m a Faunus and she is a Schnee.”

“So, what.” Opal look over to her leader. “I don’t think that matter at all. Sure, she was offended when she saw that you were actually a Faunus, but you are both… I was going to say that your both humans but that would be wrong.” Blaze rubbed his forehead. “What I am trying to say is, you shouldn’t let how you look get in the way of your happiness.” Opal didn’t like to admit but he was right.

Blake leaned towards her leader. “It sounds like you have experiences when comes to this stuff.”

Blaze just shrugged his shoulder. “I’m no expert when it comes to love but I have dealt with it once or twice.”

Once they entered Vale, while they could see banners hanging between houses welcoming people to Vale. It was because the Vytal festival was coming.

“The Vytal festival oh, this is absolutely wonderful.” Said Weiss while looking up at a banner.

“If you mean by Huntsmen fighting each other in an arena, then it’s wonderful.” Said Blaze with a scowl on his face.

Weiss turned around to face him. “Do you know why we even celebrate the Vytal festival?” She asked the leader of BBLO.

“It’s way to demonstrate peace between all four kingdoms for a war that ended forty years ago, I paid attention in class. What I don’t understand is why huntsmen have to fight each other, we are supposed to fight the Grimm not each other.”

As much was they didn’t want admit it, Blaze had a point. They were supposed to fight the Grimm not each other.

“We fight each other to remind to always strive for excellence and never mediocrity.” Weiss told him.

“Whatever, I think it’s pointless.” He keep on walking and the other followed him.

Weiss just stood there, she wasn’t happy of what he said. “Why did we invited them again?” She asked Ebony as she walk by her.

“It’s was Ruby's idea, remember? She insisted that they should come.” After that, she followed the others. Weiss just stood there a few moments before walking after them.

Then they reached their destination, which was the docks.

“Remind me again why we’re spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks.” Yang asked everyone.

Ruby had to pinched her nose. “Oh, it smell like fish.”

Weiss. “I’ve heard that students from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today and as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.”

“Really?” Blaze leaned on the railing. “They are arriving just a few months before vacations? That sounds pointless.”

“Do you have to always find something negative about this?” Weiss asked Blaze with some anger in her voice.

“Only thing that doesn’t make sense to me.”

Then Yang spoke up. “He does have a point, it’s a little pointless to come to Beacon just a few months before we go on vacation.

“See, blondie agrees with me.” Yang just rolled her eyes of the blondie part.

Weiss look at her team mate with a scowl. “Who side are you on Yang?”

“I’m on no one side, I’m just saying that Blaze have a point and beside, why do you care about some students from Vacuo?”

“She is probably here to spy on them, so she have an upper hand on them in the tournament.” Said Blake.

“Then why not ask our leader who is from Vacuo.”

They all look at Ebony who had a bored look on her face. “What?”

“Well, do you have some information on them?” Yang ask her.

“Information on who? Teams from Vacuo?” Yang nodded. “Do you really expect me give up information about the student from Vacuo?”

Yang rubbed her neck. “Yes?”

Ebony just rolled her eyes. “I might have switch schools but that dosen’t mean I’m going to betray Vacuo so forget it.”

They couldn’t blame her, they wouldn’t give up information about themselves to other schools.

Then Ruby notice a shop that had been robbed. “Whoa.”

They all looked in the direction of the store, there was police tap and police officer there and it look like it had been vandalized. They walk over to the store.

“What happened here?” Ruby asked one of the police officers.

“Robbery, second dust shop to be hit this week this place is turning into a jungle.” Said the officer as he went back to work.

“Remind you off something Ruby?” Blaze asked her.

Ruby nodded. “Yeah, we meet for the first time at a dust shop.”

Then the other police officer spoke. “They left all the money again.”

Then the first one other spoke. “Yeah, it just dosen’t make a lick of sense who needs that much dust?

“I don’t know. Maybe an army.”

“You think the uh, White Fang?”

“Yeah, I’m thinking we don’t get paid enough.”

That made Weiss to cross her arms. “Hmph. The White fang. What an awful bunch of degenerate “

“What’s your problem?” Said Blake.

Weiss turn to face Blake. “My problem? I simply don’t care for the criminally insane.”

Those words made Opal to look down with her ears down, Blaze was the only one that notice it.

Blake. “The White fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They’re a collection of misguided Faunus.”

Weiss. “Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet.”

“So, then they’re ‘very’ misguided. Either way, it dosen’t explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale.”

“Hmm. Blake’s got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy me and Blaze ran into a few months ago… Maybe it was him.” Both of them had a point.

Weiss. “That still doesn’t change the fact that the White fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal.”

Blaze didn’t like that. “Excuse me?” Weiss actually froze on the spot. “Did you just insult me and two other of my team?” He started to walk towards Weiss who back away a little.

“No, I didn’t mean…”

They were now face to face. “Just because the White fang are stealing from humans, dosen’t mean that every Faunus are bad. What about me? Opal, Luna, Applejack, Dash and Rarity? Are we scum? Have we been stelling since we came to Beacon?” Weiss shook her head. “Don’t judge every Faunus just because of the White Fang.” Weiss didn’t want to admit but he had a point, they hadn’t done anything wrong and they had been nice to her, maybe not Blaze.

Then someone shouted. “Hey, stop that Faunus.” All seven ran towards the docks. They saw a man with blond hair and a tail jump of ship, he was wearing a white shirt that was open, one could see his upper body. He had a pair of blue pants and some red writs protectors on his hands.

”You no good stow away.” Said a man as the blond Faunus ran over to a lamppost and then he hung upside down with his tail, then he started to eat a banana.

“Hey, a ‘no good’ stow away would have been caught. I’m a great stow away.” The Faunus said while still hanging on the lamppost.

Then one of the detectives threw a rock at the Faunus, which missed. “Hey, get down from there this instant.” Said one of them.

The Faunus then threw the banana peel at the detective, he then jump up at the lamppost. He then started to laugh as he then took a backflip over the two detectives, the Faunus ran up the stars to the piers. Then he ran towards the seven huntsmen and as he ran past them, he winked at Blake. He then ran down the street with the two detectives right behind him.

“Did that guy just wink at you Blake?” Blaze asked his team mate, she didn’t answer considering she was blushing a little.

Then Yang spoke up. “Well Weiss, you wanted to see the competition and there he goes.”

“Quick! We have to observe him.” Weiss then look at Blaze. “What are you waiting for?”

“And I am doing what exactly?”

She pointed at his back. “Use your wings, fly after him.”

Blaze shook his head. “Hell no, I am not going to get involved in this, if you want spy on him then do it yourself.” Weiss just huffed and ran after him, so did the rest of her team, even Ebony.

Opal then spoke. “Shouldn’t we go after them?” She asked her teammates.

“I am not going to get involved in this but hey, if you want to run after them then go ahead, I’m not going to stop you two.” Blaze told her while crossing his arms and closing his eyes.

“Really? Not after he wink at Blake?”

Blaze open his eyes. “That’s right, he did wink at her.” Before the girls could react, Blaze took of faster than they could react.

Blake gave Opal an angry look. “Thanks a lot Opal, now I have to run after him, so Blaze doesn’t kill him.” Then she ran after them, Opal was right behind her.