• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 839 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

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Jaune Arc part 1

It’s been around three weeks since Blaze arrived in Remnant and it’s been an experiences for him, he have learned more about the three more kingdoms in Remnant. To the west was the desert kingdom of Vacuo, while Atlas was far to the north and the Kingdom of Mistral was to the each. He also learned that each country was different. Atlas was the most technologically advanced out of all of them, with Vale and Mistral not far behind. As for Vacuo, the kingdom was once known to be an oasis with natural resources and dust mines. However, Vacuo was now a barren environment with the only widely accepted source of order in the kingdom being Shade Academy.

Nothing much happened these three weeks except one thing, Pyrrha was grateful that Blaze had beaten her in combat and boy was he surprised, he had never thought someone would thank him for that. Pyrrha explain that she had never lost a fight before and it was new experience which she like. Again, he didn’t expect that.

He and the rest of his team was currently in the great hall where they all heard Ozpin speech for the first time and they were watching Jaune and Cardin fight, if you could call it that. Blaze had watch the fight for a few minutes and it looked like that Jaune couldn’t fight at all.

Jaune had resting on his sword while his left hand was on his knee and he was breathing heavily, Cardin was just standing there looking smudge, then he laugh.

“Come on…”

Jaune then charge towards Cardin trying to hit him with his sword, Cardin just dodge the attach then he swung his mace towards Jaune who tried to block it with his shield, it didn’t work. He was knock backwards and lost his shield. Jaune got up and charge Cardin again, he swung his swords towards Cardin who just block it with his mace.

They struggle. “This is the part where you lose.” Cardin told Jaune while pushing him down.

“Over my dead…” That was all Jaune could say before Cardin hit him in the stomach with his knee.

Jaune feel down on the ground and Cardin raised his mace over his head to finish of Jaune, he never got the chance, the buzzer went off and the match was over.

“Cardin, that’s enough.” People around in audience started to clap, well not all of them. Team BBLO, EYWR, TRRA and the rest of Jaune’s team didn’t clap for Cardin. Glynda walk to the middle of the arena while holding a scroll in her hand. “Student, as you can see Mr. Arc’s aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit to battle and that the official may call the match. Mister Arc, it’s been weeks now please to refer to your scroll combat gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it’s better to move to a more… defensive strategy.”

While she was talking, Jaune had gotten up in a sitting position while taking out his scroll. Apparently you could monitor your aura and your team on the scroll which Blaze thought was handy when he discovered that.

“We wouldn’t want you to be gobble up by a Beowolf, now would we?” She then look at her scroll again. “We have time for one more, is there anyone who want to fight?” While Glynda look for the next one, Jaune walk off the stage and sat down beside his team mates.

“Are you ok Jaune?” Pyrrha asked him.

Jaune forced a smile. “I’m fine Pyrrha.”

Before anyone could react, Tyr stood up. “I want to battle professor Goodwitch.”

Glynda nodded. “Very well Mr. Laraan, who do you want to fight?”

“He already on stage.”

Every person in the room look over to Cardin who just stood the with his mace on his shoulder. “Sure, I can take him on.” He said with a smug smile.

“Very well, step on the stage Mr. Laraan.”

While Tyr was walking towards the stage, the rest of his team couldn’t help but smile. “This is going to be so good.” Said Dash.

“What do you mean by that?” Ebony asked her.

“Just wait and see.”

Every one become very curious right now, they had seen Tyr fight and he was very good but there’s was one thing they haven’t seen yet and that’s his semblance yet. Beside his team mates, Blaze knew Tyr the best and even he didn’t know.

Once Tyr was on the stage, Glynda walk in the background to give them some space. Cardin got in a fighting position while Tyr just crossed his arms which confused everyone in the room, even Glynda.

“Mr. Laraan, why aren’t you drawing your weapon?” She asked him.

“I don’t need to draw my weapon against Cardin, you can start the match.”

That just confused everyone even more. “Have your leader lost his mind? He is going to lose.” Said Luna while looking at the Dash and the others.

“Don’t worry darling, Tyr got this.” Rarity answered her, her answer didn’t help that much.

“Alright, begging the match.”

Cardin was about to attack. “Hey Cardin.” He look over to Tyr. “I’m not going to move so you can hit me in the head.” When Cardin heard that, he was furious. It was like he made fun of him, Cardin then charge Tyr while holding his mace over his head and he did like what Tyr said, he hit him in the head.

Cardin couldn’t help but smirk that Tyr didn’t move at all, but the smirk disappeared pretty fast when he felt the hit, it was like he hit metal. Cardin look at Tyr and boy was he shocked Tyr’s skin was now metal.

“You call that a hit?” Tyr then grabbed Cardin’s mace and removed it from his head with ease, Cardin tried to stop it, but Tyr was to strong. “This is a hit.” Before Cardin could react Tyr headbutted him the head, before Cardin could recover Tyr ram his knee right into his stomach, Cardin feel face first down on floor clutching his stomach.

“That look like it hurt.” Said Blaze, he didn’t like Cardin, but he could feel his pain.

Cardin’s aura went down to red. “It look’s you won Mr. Lataan but I suggest a fair match next time.” Said Godwin while walking towards them.

Tyr deactivated his semblance. “I will professor.” Tyr bowed and walk of the stage while Cardin just lay there.

Glynda then look over the rest of the students. “Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won’t be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing!” When she mention the festival, most of the students went a little crazy which Blaze didn’t understand. He knew why they had the festival every year but not why they were so excited. “Those who chose to compete will representing all of Vale.” Then the bell rang, and it was time for lunch.

At lunch, Blaze and his team sat with Tyr’s team, Ebony and Jaune’s. They have become friends over the three weeks at Beacon.

Nora was currently telling of an adventure she and Ren had, Blaze and the other could hear that she was wasn’t telling the whole truth, lucky for Ren was there to correct her.

“So… there we were… in the middle of the night…”

Ren. “It was day…”

“We were surrounded by Ursai…”

“They were Beowolves.”


Everyone had their own way of coping with her story. Yang was the only one who was into the story, Weiss was tending her nails, Ebony was bored, Ruby was worried about Jaune, so was Pyrrha. Blaze was trying to eat, so was Luna and Opal while Blake was reading a book. Like Ebony, Dash was bored, Applejack, Rarity and Tyr was also trying to eat their food.

Blaze happened to look over to Jaune who was just ‘playing’ with his food. “You ok there Jaune`?” He asked him.

Jaune was a little surprised that Blaze talk to him. “Uh. Oh, yeah. Why?”

“You have been staring at your food ever since you sat down, something is wrong.”

That made some at the table to look at him which made him nervous. “Eh, guys, I’m fine… Seriously, look.” He tried to laugh at the end, it didn’t convince them.

Then they saw Jaune look in a direction, it was Cardin and his team, and they were bullying a Faunus by the name of Velvet Scarlatina. They were surrounding her. Blaze couldn’t believe a guy like that was allowed to be at this school. To be honest, he still couldn’t believe he was a student at the school.

“Jaune, Cardin’s been picking on you since the first week of school.” Pyrrha said.

Then Blaze decided to say something. “She right.”

“Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah… he just likes to mess around, you know? practical jokes.”

Ruby. “He is a bully.” Everyone agreed on that, those who were paying attention.

“Oh please… name one time he’s ‘bulling’ me…” He finished with a nervous laughter.

Luna. “There was that one time he made your shield expand so you couldn’t enter the class room.”

Dash. “Then it was the time he showed you into locker and send of off somewhere, which was hilarious.” She then started to laugh.

Applejack just hit her in the side with her elbow. “You are not helping.” She hissed at her friend.

“I didn’t land far from the school.”

The rest of the teams has stop doing whatever they were doing to listen.

Pyrrha. “Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask…”

Pyrrha never got to finish, Nora interrupted her. “Ohh, we break his legs.” That made everyone to look at here.

“I don’t like Cardin, but that sound a little extreme.” Said Rarity.

Jaune took his food tray and stood up. “Guys, really, it’s fine. Besides, it’s not like he’s only a jerk to me, he’s a jerk to everyone.”

“He’s got a point.” Said Opal.

Then they heard some laughter and someone who was in pain, they look over to where it was coming from and it was Cardin who was pulling Velvet’s ears.

Then Blaze stood up. “You might not stand up to him, but I will.” He then walk over to Cardin and his team. “Hey, Cardin.” That got Cardin to reals her ears.

“Is there something you want Faunus?” Cardin asked in a bored tone while sitting down and placing his elbow on the table and resting his head on his hand.

Blaze stood in front of them while Velvet hide behind him. “I want you to leave Velvet alone or you and I are going to have a problem.”

Cardon stood up and walk right up to Blaze so they were face to face. “Do you really think that you scare me Faunus?” The rest of his team also stood up.

“Maybe not me but what about them?” Blaze nodded his head towards where his team was sitting.

Cardin look there and saw that they had gotten up, so had team EYWR and TRRA. He considering his option and they were not good.

“Whatever, this freak isn’t worth it. Let’s go guys.” Cardin and his team left the dining hall.

“Man, what an asshole.” Blaze look at Velvet who was shaking a little. “You ok Velvet?”

She nodded her head. “Yes, thanks for the help.” She said with a smile.

Blaze smiled back. “You’re welcome.” She gave him a hug before she walk off while Blaze walk back to the rest the group.

Pyrrha. “Atrocious. I can’t stand people like him.” Pyrrha said while looking at where Cardin had walk off to.

“He’s not the only one.” Said Blake.

“It must be hard to be a Faunus.” Then Yang just realized what she just said. “Sorry, it didn’t mean to offend any off you.” She said to the Faunus of the group.

“Don’t worry about it darling.” Rarity told her.

“Speak for yourself.” Dash mumbled while eating her food.

Then Ebony decided to speak. “By the way, where did you six get your training? I didn’t see you at Shade academy.”

“Me, Rarity and Dash trained at Signal, considering that is one of the fee places that will train a Faunus.” Applejack told Ebony.

Ebony then look at Luna and Opal. “Father.” They said it at the same time which took them both of guard.

While they were talking Blaze couldn’t help but notice Cardin standing by one of the entrance to the dining hall, he keep looking at Jaune and he didn’t like it. Then the bell rang, and it was time for class.

This time it was a history lesson with Professor Bartholomew Oobleck and he was teaching them about the Faunus Right Revolution or Faunus war as it is known as. Blaze was sort of listing to him, but he was more impressive that the professor could move at such speed on the floor, he wasn’t as fast himself but still.

“Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunus war, humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie.”

Menagerie, Blaze had read about that place, it’s an island southeast in Remnant. it’s the only place where Faunus could feel safe and at home.

Oobleck kept moving around the room. “Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative that these are relatively recent events! Why the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!” He keep moving around the room drinking his coffee which had to be the source of his speed. “Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?”

Blaze look around the room and saw that every Faunus raised their hand, he didn’t want to do it himself but in the short time he’s been in Vale he hasn’t been treated nice. He also notice that Blake was the only one on his team that didn’t raise her hand, which disappointed him. Blaze also saw that Jaune was sleeping and Carding wasn’t paying attention.

“Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!” He then took a sip off his cup. “I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang!”

The White Fang, a group of Faunus that’s fight for rights of the Faunus. Blaze had read about them too and he didn’t understand how killing humans and stealing for them was going to help the Faunus, it was only making things worse.

“Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?” Weiss raised her hand. “Yes?”

“The battle of Fort castle!”

“Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over general Lagune’s forces?”

While the professor was asking his question, Cardin decided to flip a paper against Jaune’s head, which woke him up.


Oobleck was right at his desk. “Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?”

“Uhhhh… the answer…” He didn’t know. “The advantage… of the Faunus… had over that guy’s stuff.” While he was trying to find the answer, Pyrrha was trying to help him by pointing at her eyes.

Blaze was watching the whole thing and he was a little shocked that he didn’t know, even Blaze knew because he was a Faunus.

Jaune gave his answer. “Binoculars.” That made almost every student to laugh, the only one who was laughing was Blaze’s team, Ebony’s team and Tyr’s team, not Dash she thought it was hilarious. Pyrrha just smack a hand on her face. The professor was not impressed.

Oobleck was back behind his desk. “Very funny, Mr. Arc. Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject!”

Blaze would be surprised if he even knew. “Well, I know it’s a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier.” Blaze couldn’t help but think what an ass he was.

Blaze then raised his hand. “It looks like Mr. Fury know the answer.” Everyone look at him.

“It’s night vision, most Faunus can see perfectly in the dark depending on which animal they are.” Cardin wasn’t happy that Blaze took his spotlight.

Then Blake took over for her team leader. “General Lagune was inexperience and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured. Perhaps if he’d paid attention in class, he wouldn’t have been remembered as such a failure.”

That made the student’s say ‘ooo’ while Cardin wasn’t happy that he was made a fool, he was about to get up and teach Blake a lesson, the professor stop him.

“Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat.” Jaune started to laugh and the professor was right in front of him again. “You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings.” That made Jaune groan. “Now, moving on.”

Once class was done Blaze and his team went back to their room. “Man, what a jerk Cardin is.” Said Luna while laying on her bed. “I know it’s a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier.” She said while trying to imitate him. “What’s his problem?”

“He thinks he’s better than everyone ells.” Said Blaze while finding his clothes.

“Really? That’s just stupide he’s not better than everyone ells, the only one he’s managed to beat in the three weeks we have been here at Beacon is Jaune. I have even beaten Cardin and let me tell you, he wasn’t happy by that.” Said Luna.

“That’s human nature for you.” Said Opal while sitting down on her bed.

“Well, I’m going to get chance and fly around a little, I need to stretch my wings.” Blaze told them while walking into the bathroom.

Before the girls could react, Blaze was already coming out from the bathroom fully dressed.

“Would you stop that.” Said Luna.

Blaze raised an eye brown. “Stop what?”

“Doing everything so fast, you have been doing it for three weeks and it’s still creeps me out.” Luna told him.

“I have to agree with Luna on this one, why can’t you act normal?” Said Opal.

Blaze didn’t think that how fast he was would bother them this much. “Alright, if it bothers you all that much I will stop. Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going for a flight before bedtime.” He walk over to the window, opened it he and flew out leaving the girls alone.

Once he was gone. “Did I offend him?” Luna asked the other two.

Opal walk over to the window and closet it. “Maybe, he likes begging fast even it’s not his semblance.”

Luna got a sombre look. “I didn’t mean to offend him, it’s so creepy that’s his so fast.”

Blake sat down on her bed with on of her books. “I don’t mind that his so fast.”

Luna look over to her. “Of course not, your weird. No offence.” Blake just shrugged it off.

Blaze had no idea what the girls was talking about, he was too busy with flying around Beacon. He has been here over three weeks and he still can’t get over how advance this word is, the most advance this they had in Equestria was the train which work on steam. Blaze had read that the trains in Remnant is way faster in his world, he was curious just how fast they were.

After a while of flying he headed back to the building and then he spotted Jaune and Pyrrha talking on the roof, he was curious of what they were talking about, but he knew not to listen to others conversations. Blaze flew off but little didn’t he know that someone overheard what Jaune and Pyrrha was talking about.

Author's Note:

Blaze is my oc.

Opal, Ebony and Tyr belongs to FrostTheWolf.