• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 839 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

  • ...

Rumble at the Docks

Team Tornado was walking through Vale looking for Blake, they had been out for almost the entire day and the sun was setting.

“Man, where can she be? We have been looking for her all day.” Said a tired Dash who was resting on a bench with Rarity in the park.

“I know what you’re saying Dash, my feet are killing me.” Said Rarity while rubbing her feet, her shoes was lying on the bench next to her, it was high heels.

“Of course your feet are hurting, your wearing high heels.” Said Dash.

“A lady are allowed to wear something fancy once in a while.” Dash just rolled her eyes. “At least I dress probably.” That was direct at Dash.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dash asked Rarity.

“What I mean is your clothes, your pants are blue and yellow, it’s just disgusting.”

Then they started to argue while Applejack and Tyr was just watching them. “Should I stop them?” Tyr asked Applejack.

Applejack just look at friends with a bored look, she was just tired of her friend arguing. “No, it’s almost impossible to stop them when they are like this.” Tyr isn’t sure why he asked.

Then a new voice spoke up. “Excuse me.” Which made Dash and Rarity to stop arguing, the team saw a girl with snowy hair standing not far from them. “Have you four seen a girl with sort orang hair? She is also wearing a grey dress.”

Tyr spoke up. “Can’t say we have, sorry.”

That made the girl place a hand on her face. “Penny, where the hell are you?” She said while groaning. “Anyway, I’m sorry for bothering you all.” She then bowed. “I have to go.” She then started to walk.

Then rarity spoke up. “Wait a minute.” The girl stop to look at Rarity. “You haven’t seen a girl with long black hair with a bow on her head, have you?” Rarity asked the girl.

She had to think for a moment. “Can’t say that I have, I have been looking for Penny all this time. Sorry.”

Rarity face drop. “Okay, sorry for bothering you like that.”

The girl just smiled. “Don’t worry about it.” She then walk off.

While team Tornado continued their search, not far from them was team Excalibur who was also looking for Blake. They were causally walking through the street of Vale.

“Man, where can she be?” Ebony asked no one in particular.

“Beats me.” Said Yang.

“We can’t give up.” Said Ruby.

Weiss on the other hand was actually worried about Blake, she and the other didn’t notice that a girl with orange hair was walking behind them.

"I think that Weiss hair look wonderful today.” That Penny spoke up scared them all.

Ruby was the first one to speak after the shock. “Penny, where did you come from?” She asked her.

Penny waned to them. “Hey guys, what are you up to?” She asked them.

Ruby wasn’t sure what to say to Yang spoke up. “We are looking for our friend Blake.”

Ebony wasn’t too happy for what Yang said. “Why did you say that?” She hissed at Yang.

“Because she asked?” Ebony couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

Then Penny spoke. “Oh, you mean the Faunus girl.”

Everyone was shocked that Penny knew that. Ebony on the other hand just wonder how she knew that.

“Wait, how did you know that?” Ruby asked her.

“Huh, the cat ears.” Answered Penny while pointing at her head.

Yang was a little baffled. “What cat ears, she wears a bow…” Right after Yang said that a tumbleweed past them.

‘Where the hell did that come from?’ Ebony thought to herself.

Then Penny spoke up again. “So, where is she?”

“We don’t know, she have been missing for a week.” Ruby told her.

Penny walk up to Ruby and grabbed her. “Oh, that’s terrible. Well, don’t you worry Ruby my friend. I won’t rest until we find your friend.”

“Ah, that really nice of you Penny. But were okay, really. Right girls?” Ruby look over to the rest of her team who had just disappeared. “Traitors.” Ruby mumbled to herself. Then the tumbleweed came back.

“It’s sure is windy today.”

Ruby wanted Penny to help but she wasn’t sure how Blaze would react, he wasn’t such a big fan of her. “Look Penny, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea.”

Penny tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean? Don’t you want my help?”

Ruby started to wave her hands in front of her. “It’s not that we want your help Penny, it’s because…”

“…she isn’t allowed to be alone.”

The new voice startled both of them which was coming from behind Penny who turned around and saw a very angry looking girl who had her arms crossed.

“Hey Eira, I guess you found me.”

The girl know as Eira spoke up. “That I did and I have only one question for you Penny; why do you keep doing this? Why do keep sneak off?”

“That was two questions.”

“PENNY.” Eira snap at her. “I’m getting tired of hunting you down every time you do this. I’m only going to say this one time, let’s back to the ship and then maybe Rylee and Ciel wont yell at me, again.”

Penny started to panic when she heard that. “You can’t take me back, we must find Blake first.”

Eira was just confused. “Blake? Who the hell is Blake?”

“She is Ruby’s friend.” Said Penny while looking at Ruby who just smiled awkward. “And any friends of Ruby is a friend of mine.”

Eira closed her eyes and pinched her nose. “So, she is your friend? THEN WHAT AM I?” She asked Penny a little louder then she meant. “We have known each other for a year and you said that we were friends, was that a lie?” Penny didn’t want to look at Eira at the moment so she just look down on the ground. Eira just let of a sighed. “Just forget it, let’s get back to the ship.”

They were about to go when Ruby then spoke up. “Hey, you can’t take Penny away like that.”

Eira look at Ruby with a raised eyebrow. “Excuse me?” Then she gave Ruby an angry look that made Ruby back away a little. “I’m Penny’s teammate and every time she sneaks away I have to find her, we are heading back so I don’t get kick out of Atlas.”

Then Penny spoke up. “Wait Eira, if you help me find Blake then I promised I won’t sneak of anymore.” She then hiccup.

“Do you take me for a fool? I know every time you lie you hiccup and you just did that.” She then grabbed Penny’s hand. “Now come along.”

Then Penny did something that Eira didn’t expect, she tore herself away from Eira’s grasp. “No, I refuse to come with you, I’m going to find Blake.” She then ran away.

Eira just stood there baffled, Penny had never done that before. “Penny, GET BACK HERE.” She didn’t listen. Eira then look at Ruby with anger in her eyes. “YOU, this is your fault.” She said while pointing a finger at her.

Ruby was very confused right now. “Me? What have I done?”

“You had to say that your Penny’s friend, she is a very naïve girl and she will believe anything she hear. Now I’m going to get in trouble because I have lost her again.”

“I will get her back.”

Before Aira could say anything, Ruby had used her semblance to run after Penny leaving Eira alone with her mouth hanging open. “Damn it.” She yell as she ran after them both.

Night had arrived in Remnant and three Faunus was hiding on a top of a house at the docks, looking after the White fang.

“I still think this is a bad idea.” Said Blaze with some annoyance in his voice.

“We know already, you have said it like ten times since we got her.” Said Sun.

“And I’m going to keep saying it, alright? I have never broken the rulers in my life and now I’m here at the docks way past curfew thanks to my teammate.” Said Blaze while looking at Blake.

“You said would help me.”

“And I’m starting to regret it, nothing has happened since they loaded the containers, I’m starting to think this is a wasted of time.” As soon as those words left Blaze’s mouth, an airship appeared right above their heads almost blowing them away. “Or I could be wrong.”

Then the airship landed in the area where the containers was, then the doors open and someone walk out from the airplane, they were wearing a black dress with a white clothing over the dress, there was a red making on that look like a wolf? The mark had three red strips on it.

It got Blake’s attention. “Oh no.”

“Is that them?” Sun asked her.

“Yes, its them.”

Blaze saw more White fang members walk out of the plane and then they heard a voice from the plane, a voice Blaze knew. “Hey, what’s the hold up.” Then a man with a white coat, a hat on his head and a can in his hand walk out of the airship.

“Roman.” Both Blake and sun look at Blaze when he said that.

“Wait, it’s that the criminal that rob the dust store a month ago?” Blake asked Blaze who just nodded. “This isn’t right, the White fang would never a human. Especially with one like that.” She said while standing up while taking out her Gambol Shroud.

“What the hell are you doing?” Blaze asked her but she didn’t listen, she just jump of the roof. “Blake, get back her.”

Blake landed on the ground and ran towards the containers, she hid behind them watching them, waiting the right time to strike.

While Blake was watching, Roman was trying to explain something to a White fang. “No you idiot, this isn’t a leash.” Before Roman could react, Blake was behind him with her blade against his throat. “What the…? Oh for…”

Blake cut him off. “Nobody move.” The White fang didn’t listen as they pointed their guns and swords at Blake and Roman.

“Wow, take it easy there little lady.”

The White fang surrounded them and that got Blaze to react. “That idiot.” He grabbed his weapon and jump down, Sun followed him.

Blake on the other hand removed her bow showing her cat ears. “Brother of the White fang, why are you helping this Scum?” Blake asked them.

Roman couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Oh kid, didn’t you get the memo?”

“What are you taking about?”

“The White fang and I are going in on a joint business adventure together.”

“Tell me what it is or I will put end to your little operation.”

Then all of sudden more two airship appeared over them. “I wouldn’t exactly call it a little operation.” While Blake was focus on the airships, Roman used his cain to create an explosion underneath her which made her flew away and landed on the ground.

Then Roan pointed his cane at her and started to fire more explosion dust at her but before she as hit, Blaze swop in and carried her to safety behind some containers.

Once they were out danger, he put her down. “First you asked for me help, then you run of on your own. Make up your bloody mind Blake.”

Blake just hung her head in shame. “I’m sorry, when I saw the White fang work with that human I kind wanted to find out why.”

“Do you know what your problem is Blake? You have trouble thrusting other, that have to stop.” Blaze put hand on her shoulder. “Your not alone, you got me, Opal and Luna who are your teammates and your friends who want to help you.” Blake look up at him and now she was crying so Blzae wipe away them. “Save those tears for later, let’s be done here first.”

Blake nodded. “Right.”

While Blaze and Blake was talking, Sun had joined the fight and he was currently fighting the White fang. Them Roman pointed his can at Sun and fired another unstable flare towards Sun, but before it hit him blaze appeared and used his spear to knock it away.

Roman wasn’t to happy to see Blaze. “Well, well. It’s been awhile fly boy. I should thank you for taking the blame for me when it comes to the dust store a month ago.”

Blaze just pointed his spear at him. “You and I have unsettled business.” Blaze then rocket towards Roman and swung his spear which Roman almost didn’t have time to deflect the attack.

Then they started to fight and Sun could only watch, them Blake arrived. “Should we help him?” Sun asked her.

Blake just smiled. “No, Blaze got this.”

When it came to the fight, Roman had trouble with Blaze’s speed. Then Roman was kick in the stomach sending him flying backwards.

Roman wasn’t happy right now and he needed a distraction, he then saw a container hanging in the air by some steel wires. He got up and shoot the wires making the fall down on Blake and Sun who had to jump out of the way so they didn’t get crushed by the container.

The distraction made Blaze forget about Roman for a moment to see if Blake was okay, she was but Sun was that lucky, Roman pointed his crane at him. Blaze didn’t like Sun but he wasn’t going to let him died but before he could react.


All of them look where the voice were coming from and on a roof top stood Ruby with her Crescent Rose.

Then they started to talk and Penny appeared behind Ruby which gave Roman the change to fire at her, Ruby was hit and flew backwards. Roman then started to laugh. Penny wasn’t happy that Ruby was hurt so she got ready, she pulled out her weapons from her back which look like swords that was floating in the air, she then jump father than a normal human could.

Penny then used her weapons to make short work out of the White fang, everyone who watch was amazed by what she did, Blaze just thought that she wasn’t human at all.

Then three airship appeared and started to fire at Penny, she used her swords to deflect the bullets. Two swords came out from her back and they stuck into a building behind her bulling her away from the fire, Blaze could swear he saw wires coming from her back. Once Penny was safe, she started to spin her swords and a green beam came from them, the beam cut two of the airships in half.

Then another airship tried to get away with a container with dust but Penny wasn’t going to let that happened, she used her swords and attached them to the ship, she then started to walk backwards pulling the ship with her in the progress and this time Blaze saw wires coming from her back.

“She is not definitely not human.”

Roman had enough and decided to run for it, he ran to another ship to escape which he did.

Not far from it all, Eira had seen it all. “Great, Penny have just showed them what she can do, I’m definitely going to get yelled at.” She then disappeared into the night.

After some time the police arrived at the scene, Blaze and the others had to wait. While they waited, team Tornado, the rest of team Excalibur and Blackout also arrived.

Opal wasn't too happy. “What’s wrong with you Blaze? Why didn’t call us like you said you would?” She asked her team leader as she walk over to him and pointed a finger at him.

“Opal, don’t be mad at him, I’m the one who told him not to call you.” Blake defended Blaze.

Opal look at Blake with anger in her eyes. “You told him not to call?” Blake nodded. “Why? I thought we were your friends.”

Blake’s ears folded. “You are but I didn’t want you to get involved, I’m sorry.”

Opal just frowned. “Whatever.” She then just walk away.

Then Weiss walk over to Blake. “Hey Blake, is possible I can talk to you in private?”

Blake look at Blaze who just shrugged his shoulders. “Sure.” They walk of to get some privacy.

When they were gone, Ebony spoke up. “Can one you tell us what the hell happened?” She asked Blaze and Sun.

Once Blake and Weiss was far enough away from the others, Weiss spoke up first. “First of Blake, I would like to tell you that I’m sorry for the way I acted that night, I didn’t have the right to say the things that I said. I’m sorry.” She then bowed.

Blake was speechless, she never thought that Schnee would apologise to a Faunus. “You don’t have to apologize Weiss, I shouldn’t have said what I said that night.”

Weiss got up. “Yes you were, my family have done horrible things to the Faunus and I defended my family when I should have defended your people, the Faunus has been treated horribly over the years.”

Weiss wasn’t wrong about how the Faunus has been treated over the years, all the wanted was to be equal with the humans.

“Tell you what Weiss, why don’t we start over.” She then held out a hand. “My name is Blake Belladonna and I’m a Faunus with car ears.” She then wiggled them which made her bow move.

Weiss couldn’t help but giggle. “Nice to meet you Blake,” Wiess took her hand.” My name is Weiss Schnee and I have a question for you; are you part of the White fang?”

Blake shook her head. ”Not anymore and I have intension to return.”

Weiss smiled. “That’s all I wanted to hear, let’s head back to the others.”

While they walk back Blake couldn’t help but feel happy right now.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the bad fight and ending.

Tyr, Opal, Ebony and Eira belongs to FrostTheWolf