• Published 1st Apr 2020
  • 1,471 Views, 28 Comments

Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger - TheSuperTransformerFan

A villainous alliance unleashes its unified might against Equestria and Earth, and it’s up to the Mane Six, their allies and the Power Rangers to save their worlds!

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Prologue: Captured!

One of the bakers, who was a unicorn, was on his way over to Canterlot Castle. Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation as the new ruler of Equestria was drawing near, and there was no time to waste as he headed over to the kitchen inside the castle to prepare for the baked goods for this one momentous occasion. So far, nothing bad was about to happen.

But however a familiar unicorn with a burnt orange mane and a green fur Color was peeking out of a nearby bush, smiling at him. She came out and greeted him. “Hey there, my unicorn friend.” She said to the baker. “Have you heard?” She was frightened from the look of her face as she asked him that question.

The unicorn baker was not frightened at all as he knew about this one occasion. “About Princess Twilight Sparkle's coronation? Who hasn't?” He asked her. “I'm on my way there now. So much baking to do and—“

The unicorn cut him off, putting a hoof to his lips. “No, no.” She leaned over to him, and whispered frightened, “About the Earth ponies?”

The unicorn baker was confused at the question the mare had just asked him. “I know their crops have been underperforming.” He started to say. “But, uh..”

“That's not it.” The mare cut him off again. “They're hoarding the food for themselves! I heard the Mayor of Appleloosa say that if unicorns and Pegasi want to eat, they can use their own hooves to dig.” She said to him seriously, as if the ponies were wanting to turn on each other again and go to war.

The baker was shocked at the information she was just feeding him. “How awful!” he said in agreement with the mare.

“That’s racist!” A voice said from one of the bushes nearby the two unicorns. The two turned to see what was making all that noice, when suddenly, they saw and heard a rustling in the bushes.

“Who’s there?” The unicorn mare asked frightened. Suddenly, the voice who said that the earth ponies hoarding food from the Pegasi and unicorns was racist rose from the bush and was wearing a red shirt, along with another person who was with him. He was wearing a blue shirt and they were...human. It didn’t take long for the unicorn mare to realize she knew these two creatures. She had seen them before, and has encountered them many times with other comrades of her own. The humans stepped out of the bushes, fully revealing themselves to the two unicorns. It was Devon Daniels and Ravi Shaw, the red and blue power rangers.

“What you just said was completely racist!” Devon said to the unicorn mare. “The earth ponies haven’t been hogging the food for themselves! That’s just another old fairy tale that you’re just trying to start up!”

“Yeah!” Ravi said in agreement. “We’ve heard about the earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi being mean to each other. It doesn’t need to happen again in urban times. You’re just spreading bad news around!” He pointed to the unicorn mare who was both frightened and frustrated that this was not going the way she planned.

“The earth ponies, and unicorns and Pegasi have been friends for millions of years!” The unicorn mare grumbled. “I just wish I would break them apart!” The baker was confused as he didn’t know which truth to listen to.

But the two teens knew who to listen to. “Speaking of which...” they both got out their Beast-X Blasters and aimed at the unicorn mare. They blasted her spot on, making the mare discard her disguise, and revealing her to be Queen Chrysalis! The baker noticed and screamed as he ran away to the castle to escape her.

“Chrysalis!” The both said. “I knew it was you!” Devon shouted as he got ready to fight the changeling Queen.

“You two had foiled my plans!” Chrysalis said angrily. “I’m gonna destroy you!” She readied her horn to blast them.

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen!” Ravi said to her. He turned to Devon. “You know what time it is! You ready?” He said to his teammate.

“It’s Morphin’ Time!” Devon shouted as they readied their Morphers and keys. They both shouted, “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!”, to power their Morphers, and in a flash, they transformed into their Ranger forms! They both posed.

“Looks like we’re gonna squish you like the bug you are!” Devon said as they got their weapons ready.

“Actually...” Chrysalis said in anger and then, cleverness. “...I’VE GOT YOU!” And she used her horn to wrap both rangers in her cocoon, like how she imprisoned the ponies in her hive. The rangers couldn’t move.

“Oh, man!” Ravi said. “We’re trapped!”

“Now, I’ve got you two right where I want you!” Chrysalis said triumphant as she took the cocooned rangers over to Grogar’s lair.

She arrived at the lair, where Cozy Glow, Blaze, Roxy, and Tirek were waiting as well. Tirek was the first to speak up. “Ah, Chrysalis. Another successful field trip, I presume?” he asked his teammate.

“Unfortunately...NO!” She said to her teammates, with Cozy and Tirek frightened. “I couldn’t even convince the unicorn that the earth ponies and Pegasi were enemies! I almost failed...but look what I’ve got!” She revealed the red and blue rangers trapped in their cocoon prison, and the others were shocked and amazed by what they just saw.

“Is that...?” Tirek started to ask.

“The red and blue power rangers...” Blaze said, walking up to the two imprisoned Rangers.

“So, you finally captured them?” Roxy asked.

“Yes, I have, Roxy!” Chrysalis said in excitement. I have captured the two most crucial key members of the Power Rangers! We’ll use them as bait to lure the others to them, and then we’ll lead them to their doom! We could take down Twilight and her friends and the rangers a hundred times, but as long as they have the "love" of Equestria and Earth behind them, they'd crawl back to defeat us. Not anymore.” She was happy that she captured the two key rangers from their team! “With the two rangers captured, it will be more harder for them to defeat us together as a team!”

“No friendship, no magic!” Cozy Glow said in agreement. “It's so obvious when you think about it. I did my part freaking out the Pegasi.”

“And I helped her out.” Roxy said. The chess filly gave her an angry glare, but understood.

“Tirek and I did a good job making the earth ponies turn on their own friends.” Blaze said, smiling evilly. “And we have finally split up all three species of ponies of Equestria! Haven’t we, Tirek?” He asked the centaur.

“Yes, Blaze. We have!” Tirek smiled evilly. “And Grogar's long absence has given us time to prepare the next part of our plan.”

Blaze smiled. “Exactly.” and he turned to call for the secret weapon. “Bell-Tron!” He called out. And the robotron, created from Grogar’s bell...Bell-Tron appeared.

Bell-Tron was a little more gleeful than usual. “You called, Blaze?” He asked. “Are we finally going to toll those bells for the rangers and ponies to fall?”

“Yes, we are, Bell-Tron!” Blaze said to him. “And with your power, we can steal anyone’s magic!” He turned to Tirek. “The magic stays in him until we use a spell to release it! And, what better way than to stop the Rangers and Elements than with our ultimate secret weapon?”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Cozy said in glee. “Let’s give those rangers and elements the downfall they deserve!” The others agreed as well!

“In that case, Let's try the spell before Grogar gets back.” Chrysalis said to the others. “I'm sick of waiting for that old goat's master plan.”

“Take my hands.” Tirek said as he stuck out his hands, leaving the others confused by all this.

“Uh, what do you mean by ‘take my hands’?” Blaze asked the centaur.

“So we can all be part of the spell.” He said to them. The others understood what he meant by that now.

“Well, we have been thorns on the rangers and ponies side, so, why not?” Roxy asked as she put her hand in.

“I agree with Roxy.” Blaze said as he put his hand in. “If there’s a time to defeat our enemies, now’s the time!”

“Let’s end those rangers and make those ponies so sad!” Cozy said as she put her hoof in.

“Our pact stands.” Chrysalis said as she out her hoof in. “What we do, we do together. Once we defeat the protectors of Equestria and the Power Rangers, we can claim this land and rule our kingdoms alone once more.”

Blaze turned to Bell-Tron, who was eager to try his new power out for the rangers and elements. “Bell-Tron, we’re ready!” He said to the robotron. “Do your stuff!”

“With Pleasure!” He said as he cracked his knuckles and shot a beam of pure energy at the legion. “Time for an upgrade!” He shouted as he blasted five different coloured beams to each member, each with its own different flare.

The beams shot in all different parts of the lair, shooting every which way to them. When it hit the Legion, it lighted them up in a way like never before! The captured rangers could do nothing but just watch in horror at the sight of their transformation. They transformed into brand new forms for them to use. Once the transformation stopped, and the light cleared, the legion appeared. Only, they were now sporting new outfits and Armor.

Blaze and Roxy were already transformed into their evil Ranger forms! Chrysalis now sported green eyes, and royal Armor like she was some regal Queen. Tirek now sported bigger muscles, and bigger antlers and hair and was even more bigger than usual! He had his own appearance when he fought Twilight in Canterlot in the past. Cozy Glow also now sported a regal necklace and larger wings and a horn on her forehead. She was now an alicorn! The legion laughed in delight and evil as they were now ready to execute the ultimate plan to take down the rangers and ponies once and for all! They had the perfect robotron with them and now, they had to plan the perfect time to strike them down, and what better than when Grogar got back to his lair? They would be ready,

Author's Note:

Well, that’s the prologue! Devon and Ravi captured, and the legion of doom now with Bell-Tron and new powered forms?! This may be the ultimate battle yet! The rangers and ponies will need to save their friends, but they can’t do this alone. They’ll need the help of some legendary Power Rangers and allies in order to stop this whole threat! And what about Grogar? Find out in part 1, coming soon!