• Published 1st Apr 2020
  • 1,471 Views, 28 Comments

Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger - TheSuperTransformerFan

A villainous alliance unleashes its unified might against Equestria and Earth, and it’s up to the Mane Six, their allies and the Power Rangers to save their worlds!

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Part 12: Even The Princess of Friendship Needs To Learn Mistakes

In Ponyville, many citizens were arguing about the Unicorns and Pegasi and how they are so much superior over others, and also how they steal the crops over the other kind of pony! Mayor Mare tried to get everyone to calm down and try to solve this issue, but with the arguing of the ponies and Disharmony spread all over Equestria, it was about to turn into a full-scale riot!

“Please, stay calm!” Mayor Mare said, trying to get everyone to stay calm. “I know it seems bad, but there's no need to panic!”

Some ponies strongly disagreed with this statement. “Give us one good reason not to!” Winter Lotus shout back furiously. The ponies were yelling about how each breed was better and the other was worse over the other, but it was about to get worse.

“Because Ponyville's own heroes of Equestria are here to save us!” Mayor Mare finished. At that moment, Jason Scott, the red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger arrived and saw that Ponyville was about to go into a full scale riot, and it was also like that in Yakyakistan, Seaquestria, Cloudsdale, Canterlot, the Dragon Lands and pretty much EVERY OTHER town you can mention.

“Where'd you guys come from?” Jason asked curiously as if he wanted to know the full story of how disharmony was spreading over this place like Wildfire.

“Earth ponies been pourin' in lookin' for somewhere safe.” Granny Smith tried to call out to get everyone to calm down.

“We don't have unicorn magic to protect us or a city in the sky to hide in like those cowardly Pegasi!” Winter Lotus spat out! Jason was shocked at what the angry Earth Pony had said. Had the Earth ponies who had once been friends with the Pegasus ponies and Unicorns now turn on them like the take of hearthswarming story all over again? “They're blocking Cloudsdale! Said they didn't want any "grounded" ponies up in their business!” she continued to spit out.

“You better fix this!” another pony shouted, and it looked like there was no end to all this arguing. It looked like Ponyville along with these other towns in Equestria and beyond...and maybe even Earth would go into a full blowout and make the two universes come to an end.

Jason was shocked. Had they really been like this all this time, due to what Chrysalis had told them and that the false rumour about the other species in Equestria had been true? Either way, Jason was watching the argument spread out, and he realized what needed to be done. “I’m not going to stand by, and do nothing.” he thought. “These ponies need help, and help is just what they need to get their town back up and running again!” He saw a green pony with a wavy mane, Sandbar, just about to run and teach the ponies not to be scared about one another. Jason thought of the perfect idea. It had to work! He ran up to him. “Hey!” He said to him. “Could I borrow that stand?”

Sandbar was confused. “What? Why?” He asked.

“I’ve got a plan to get everyone’s attention!” Jason told the Earth Pony. “Could I borrow that stand and help you out?” Sandbar nodded and handed it to him. He took the stand and put in the Center of the town. Once he did that, he got up on it, and decided this would be the best time to rally them into a pep talk. It was now or never.

“Citizens of Equestria!” He spoke out, getting everypony’s attention. They all stopped arguing and running away, and decided to listen to what this guy had to say. “My name is Jason Scott!” He said. “The red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger! I’ve got a plan to help you help yourselves.”

“I’m Ravi Shaw!” Ravi spoke up in Seaquestria. “And you guys are in need of serious help.”

“I’m Shelby Watkins!” Shelby spoke to the Pegasi in Cloudsdale. “And you all need help getting back on track!”

“I’m Sir Ivan, Knight of Zandar!” Ivan said before the unicorns. “You unicorns need help! ‘Tis a problem happening in Equestria!”

“I’m Riley Griffin!” Riley spoke out in Yakyakistan. “And you need to settle your difference to every other creature.”

“I’m Connor McKnight!” Connor spoke to the Dragons. “And if you need help, I’m the help your looking for!”

“I’m Zack Taylor!” Zack said in Griffionstone. “You all need the help the other species of other worlds get together!”

“I’m Tyler Navarro!” Tyler spoke up to the changelings. “You have a problem, we are the solution!”

“Listen up!” Jason said in a loud voice for all of Ponyville to hear. “We all know the story of Hearth's Warming Eve! The unicorns, Pegasi and earth ponies were enemies together...like it was in the past. But, I know that together, we can defeat the windigos together! This story is not just singing that saved the founders of Equestria! It's what it really represented!”

“Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi becoming friends!” Ivan spoke as well. “You all learned at Twilight's school that friendship is the most powerful magic there is!”

“Focusing on our differences keeps us divided!” Shelby told the Pegasi. “Villains and creatures like the windigos use that division against us!”

“Yaks are strong and Ponies are strong.” Riley spoke to the yaks. “But yaks and ponies are stronger together! Yaks must be loyal to their pony friends!”

“I know helping other creatures by being kind and generous sounds lame to you guys.” Connor said to the dragons. “But we’ve seen how powerful it can be!”

“Playing together! Singing together! Even laughing together!” Zack told the griffins. “That's what real heroes look like!”

“Were you really happy by ourselves at the bottom of the ocean?” Ravi asked the sea ponies. “Be honest! It's the ponies that showed you a better way!”

“They've taught you how powerful love and the Magic of Friendship truly is!” Tyler spoke up. “You can't let them stand alone! You’re their friends! They need you!”

“Some people have lost their freedom, their lives because of it all!” Riley said. “And now, this!”

“But people have found the cause!” Zack spoke up. “They found their friends, and they found love!”

“And we don’t want to lose that to this colossal legion of Doom led by Blaze and Roxy!” Connor said. “He thinks we’re all too distracted to even notice! They think that WE won’t put up a fight! Well, I say they’re wrong! I say tell that to all the nonbelievers who don’t believe in the true magic of Friendship like other people did!”

“I’m the name of both Equestria and Earth...” Shelby said. “We ask you to help us save our universe from being destroyed by the deadly virus, known as Evox.”

“Like many of you, we only came to escape!” Ravi spoke out in a brave tone! “But now, we found something much more bigger than just ourselves!”

“Are you willing to fight?” Connor asked, and the whole Dragon lands all went up in a loud cheer that showed they were ready to help the heroes in any way, they can!

“Help us save the rangerverse!” Jason said bravely, and Ponyville went into a loud cheer, and were ready to help the heroes and show them that it’s not the differences that stood out from them, but the magic of Friendship is important in all of them...so is the reward of helping mankind!

“I knew you could do it, Ravi!” Zoey said to him in Seaquestria! She hugged him with all her might! “You got them to not focus on their differences, but to help them help show that with anything, we can make a difference together!”

Ravi nodded in agreement as he saw Seaquestria go into a loud cheer. “Now, all we have to do...” he said. “Is hope Devin gets to Twilight in time...before it’s too late.”

Meanwhile, Devon, Cruise and the other Mane six ponies, along with Nate and Steel zoomed over to the Crystal Empire! They had to warn Twilight that all hope was not lost! They had to rally up and work together as a team! They made it inside the Crystal Castle throne room and saw Princess Cadence. They had to tell her. “Cadence!” Devon called out, with the others following him in a hurry,

“Oh, thank Celestia you're all alright.” Cadence told them. “Is there something wrong?”

“Where’s Twilight? We need to speak to her!” Devon told her. “It’s an emergency!”

“Okay.” Cadence guided them to the room where Twilight was. “She's in here. It's... not good.”

Devon nodded. “Thanks.” He told her. And they made their way inside.

Twilight was working on a solution on how to defeat the legion when the door swung open. “Twilight!” Devon called out. “Thank goodness you’re here!” He then, saw that she was looking up a possible solution to this evil. “What are you doing?” Devon asked curiously.

“You're here?!” Twilight asked in shock. “I was so worried! Where are the princesses?”

“They put up a crazy fight so we could escape and get you so we can defeat Blaze and Roxy’s evil legion!” Devon said to her with confidence! “Now, let’s go kick some cybervillain butt!”

“They made a terrible mistake. You all did.” Twilight said to them. “From the second I got away, I've been searching every book, scroll, and spell for a way to rescue you and stop Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy, but I haven't found anything. I failed.”

NOW, everyone was shocked at what she just said. Had Twilight really flipped herself and admitted defeat like that?! They could believe what they were hearing! “Wait, wait, wait, wait...what?!” Steel asked in utter shock and disbelief at this comment. “Are you actually saying this or is it just a joke?”

“Cozy’s not evil anymore!” Rainbow Dash said to her. “She reformed and saved Devon and Ravi! Now she’s an ally of ours!”

Twilight was dumbfounded at what she just heard. Were her friends really crazy, or did she miss out in this epic moment they just had. “Did she...how, when, what?” She asked.

“What do you mean what?” Nate asked curiously.

“Did...Cozy Glow really reform?” Twilight asked. “Did she really? What made her?”

“She realized how important Equestria and Earth meant to her and her friends and her future!” Pinkie Pie said excitedly! “Now, she’s here to help us and you’ve got one less problem to handle!”

“And we know you’ll come up with something.” Devon said in agreement. “We can't save Equestria or Earth without you.”

Twilight sighed. “I guess you’re right about Cozy...” she said. “But, you all escaped without my help. You didn't need me then. So why would anyone need me now?”

“We know things look bad, but we've been in tough spots before...” Rainbow Dash said. Everyone else except Twilight nodded, “and we always—“

“Look around! Nothing we've ever done has mattered!” Twilight said to them stubbornly. “Sombra? Returned and destroyed the Tree of Harmony! Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow? Returned and more powerful than ever! The School of Friendship? Shut down! Everypony in Equestria is so blinded by fear, they can't remember what friendship is! Nothing we do makes any difference!”

The others were completely shocked at what Twilight had just said. Steel, especially! He KNEW Twilight would never shut down on a big adventure to save both Equestria and Earth from total destruction! Something was wrong! He felt like he had to speak up and tell Twilight what being a hero really means!

“Come on, Twilight!” Steel said in reassurance. “We have to do something!”

“I've already done enough.” Twilight spat back. “What if I make things worse?! Ever since Celestia told me I was taking over, I've been gaining confidence. Then I find out it's all a lie. Equestria's been falling apart around us, and I didn't even notice! What kind of princess does that make me? I'm scared. We’re on our own, and we have no idea what to do!”

Well, that was just enough to get Steel all riled up about all this. He could not stand by and admit defeat, especially not from the princess of Friendship! He had to speak up, right now! “Is THAT any way for a future ruler and a hero for Equestria to act when she’s saving the world?!” He asked her seriously.

“Steel...!” Nate tried to intervene.

“Silence, brother!” Steel said as he pushed Nate away from him. “You want the truth, Twilight? Bad things happen. No matter what you do, there's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect. But that doesn’t give you the right to quit trying!” He took Twilight’s chin and calmly pulled it up for her to see Steel give her a lecture about how important friendship really is...especially in the face of danger. “And by the way, we managed to help save those disasters before they even happen!” He told the violet alicorn. “Who saved the Elements from being destroyed by King Sombra?” Twilight tried to remember. “We did!” Steel answered for her. “Who stopped Blaze and Roxy’s legion from making the Festival of the Two Sisters a disaster? We did! And who helped save Canterlot Castle from being destroyed the Grogar and his team when it looked like we were at its worst? It was us! With Tommy Oliver and the other legendary Dino Rangers, but that’s not important right now!”

Twilight was listening to every word Steel was saying and was continuing to listen! She didn’t know that Steel was giving her a recap of the adventures they went on in the past, but he was about to tell her to get in the game and help them save the two universes from collapsing into the brink of destruction! “My, god! Pull yourself together!” Steel shook Twilight forcefully, knocking some sense into her as a wake up call to reality. Twilight finally came to, feeling a little dizzy from that shake her friend gave her, but she refocused. She was ready to listen to more of what the Beast Bot had to say.

“The point is Twilight, that you’re not seeing what’s really in front of you!” Steel continued to tell her. “You’re experiencing fear! And fear actually makes you stronger!” Twilight was shocked upon hearing that. “That’s right! Fear is another thing that makes you stronger! Your friends make you stronger, and even your friendship makes you stronger...and no one can ever take that away from you!” Twilight was switching over from surprise to pure proud as she smiled towards Steel. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Because, even if you don't believe you can do this, we do. We believe in you. In us. The truth is, all our lives wouldn't be the same if we hadn't met. We're better off because of our friendship with you. So when you say you haven't made a difference, that's just not true. You've made a big difference to us. You gotta believe in your friends!” He told her. “That’s how a team works! So are you going to just wallow away in the Crystal Empire having a pity party, or are you going to help us save both of our worlds???”

Twilight realized she had lost sight of what’s really important. She had it in her all along. She had realized Steel was right! Giving up wasn’t the answer! She now knew what she had to do, and with a big heart, she smiled to her friends and pulled them into a careful, but strong hug. “Thank you, Steel.” She told the Beast bot. “I don’t know what came over me. Sometimes even I need a reminder that there's more to the Magic of Friendship than rainbow lasers.”

“You got that right!” Steel told her. “But, we still need a plan!”

That sounds like the pony I used to foal-sit for.” Cadence said as she came in the room to help them join together to defeat the evil legion. “Count us in.”

“No. You need to stay here and protect Flurry Heart.” Twilight told her with warning. “If we don't... If things don't work out, she's Equestria's last hope.”

“No, no, NO!” Steel stopped her. “Bring Flurry Heart and Shining Armor!” He told Cadence. “We’ll need all the help we can get to defeat Evox!”

“Got it!” Cadence said and left to go get Shining Armor to help them in the battle.

Twilight was shocked. “Steel, what the heck?” She started to object.

“We can’t reject help, even if they do offer it!” Steel said to her. “When someone comes and asks to help, even though you don’t want it, you accept that help!” Twilight started to raise a hoof in objection, but realized he was right. She stopped herself.

“Okay. Blaze and Roxy’s legion has taken over, and powered up by ancient magic.” Twilight started to think of a plan. “Everypony in Equestria is so scared and divided that the windigos are circling. And it's up to us to fix it all.”

“What are we gonna do, Twilight?!” Pinkie Pie asked in shock.

“The same thing we do every time, Pinkie.” Twilight said to her friend bravely. “Try to save the world!”

“Now, THAT’S the Twilight Sparkle WE all know!” Steel said as the others all cheered and high fived each other. He contacted Jason on his wristcom. “Jason! Do you copy? Blaze and Roxy’s legion are headed for the Center! Do you read me?”

“I do, Steel!” Jason said over his communicator.

“Good!” Steel told him. “Meet us at the Center of the plains! And take the others and Cozy with you! We’re gonna need all the help we can get!”

“Roger that, Steel!” Jason said. “We’re on our way!”

“Us too!” Steel said as he shut off the communication. “The legendary rangers are coming to meet us at the plains! They villains will be there!”

“Jason will be there?” Devon asked in excitement and shock.

“Yes!” He told him. “We gotta head over there, and give those Cybervillains a taste of their own medicine!”

“I agree with Steel!” Twilight said in agreement. “If Grogar and the others try anything, we’ll be ready!”

“Then, what are you waiting for?!” Rainbow Dash asked. “Let’s show these villains what we’re made of!”

“Yeah!” The other said in agreement as they left the Crystal Empire to go to the plains where the big battle was ready! Twilight and the others had their friendship with them as their armor, and they had legendary heroes and even Cozy Glow with them as their allies! The big battle for the fate both Equestria and Earth would be coming, but not if the heroes had to say anything about it! They would be ready!

Author's Note:

And that’s it! Steel has rallied Twilight up into a pep talk and now, they’re ready to save the world! Blaze and Roxy’s legion of Doom is getting closer and the ultimate battle for the fate of both universes is getting nearer! They rangers will need every ally, every power, ever zord ever created to finish off this evil legion! What will happen next? Stay tuned to check out the ultimate dream team battle the world has ever seen when the Battle of the Bell arrives!