• Published 1st Apr 2020
  • 1,471 Views, 28 Comments

Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger - TheSuperTransformerFan

A villainous alliance unleashes its unified might against Equestria and Earth, and it’s up to the Mane Six, their allies and the Power Rangers to save their worlds!

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Part 1: Not As They Seem

Grogar, the blue necromancer goat was heading back to his lair just seconds after the entire legion had transformed and powered up! He was already inside, ready to execute his master plan. “I have returned.” He said to his comrades. “Twilight Sparkle's coronation is today, and we are going to ruin it with this artifact. But to succeed, you must work together.”

“Oh, way ahead of you, Grogar.” Chrysalis said as she spit some fluid, making him stick to the ground. Chrysalis then re-emerged along with Tirek and Cozy, who were already with her. Blaze and Roxy reappeared last, standing next to their teammates. Bell-Tron also appeared right in front of Tirek. They were ready to do their power play.

Grogar was shocked that his teammates were going to aim at him. “You’re going to use the Bell-Tron against me?!” He asked in shock and horror. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“We're villains. Duh.” Cozy Glow said as they readied their energy to blast the goat.

Blaze wasn’t sure about this. “Uh, guys?” He said to them. “I don’t think this is a good idea...”

But the legion, save Blaze fired at Grogar with Bell-Tron’s new power beam! Blaze shouted at them, “NO! DON’T DO THIS!” When Bell-Tron emitted a reverberating gong, his power reached Grogar and drained his power! The goat tried to escape, but he couldn’t. As the power drained him, his turned into mismatched antlers, his body stretched out and his face more crazy-looking! When the drain finished, Grogar was now a drained draconniqus and fell to the ground!

The villains were all shocked by all this that they had just witnessed. “That was unexpected.” Tirek said. The other villains agreed as well, except for Blaze. The draconniqus snapped his fingers, but realized that his magic was gone, and he slithered and hopped to escape his lair.

Cozy Glow was really shocked by all this. “Wait. Discord was Grogar?” She asked in horror. “Like, the whole time?”

Blaze was furious at his team as he turned to them. “FOOLS!” He thundered. “DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! YOU TURNED GROGAR INTO A COPY OF DISCORD!”

Chrysalis was confused. “Well, isn’t Discord Grogar?” She asked. “I mean he DID turn into a draconniqus after all...”

“NO, YOU IDIOTS!” Blaze roared. “YOU HAVE TURNED HIM INTO A MERE CLONE OF DISCORD! WHAT ON EARTH WERE ALL OF YOU THINKING?! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!” The team backed away, scared of Blaze in this flustered, furious state.

Cozy was shocked at the fact Blaze had told them all off because they drained Grogar’s power, and turned him into a clone of Discord. “Uh, oh.” She said. “Something tells me we made a boo-boo.”

“THAT’S NO EXCUSE!” He roared at her. She backed away in fright.

“We’re sorry, Blaze.” Roxy confessed. “We didn’t know this would happen.”

“We’re sorry too.” Chrysalis confessed as well.

“Me too.” Tirek said in agreement. Blaze was still mad at them for what they did.

“Shouldn’t we go follow Grogar?” Roxy kindly asked her teammate.

“No, let him try to defeat the rangers.” He finally said, letting his anger subside. “Besides, we have bigger fish to fry.” They all went over to discuss the next part of the plan.

(Meanwhile at Canterlot...)

The city was hustling and bustling as ponies everywhere were getting ready for Twilight Sparkle’s coronation as the new ruler of Equestria. They had been getting everything ready for this big day, and already inside the princesses were so proud of her that she was now ready to take Celestia and Luna’s place. They couldn’t have more proud for this one moment.

“Doesn't she look so adorably regal up there?” Princess Celestia asked her sister.

“Our little Twilight, all grown up.” Princess Luna said in agreement, tears of joy forming in both the regal sisters’ eyes. “Should we tell her that we've cleared out our royal suites so she and Spike can move in?”

“Oh, maybe wait until after the coronation.” Celestia said to her sister. “Twilight doesn't need anything else to worry about today.”

Just then, the three power rangers, Zoey Reeves, Nate Silva, and his Beast Bot partner, Steel were just entering the throne room in the castle. They saw the princesses and greeted them. “Hello, Celestia!” Zoey said as she entered.

“Luna.” Steel said, bowing down to her. Luna just giggled.

“Hello, Rangers.” Luna said. “Here to check on the princess, I presume?” The rangers nodded. “Go ahead.” She extended her hoof to show where Twilight was. “She’s over there.” The rangers made their way over to Twilight, who was just going through things with her assistant, Spike.

Twilight Sparkle took notice of the rangers and beamed with excitement! She ran up to them. “Guys!” She said gleefully. “You came! I didn’t think you’d show up!” She hugged her friends.

“Whoa...we’re happy to see you, Twilight.” Nate said, with the others smiling in agreement.

“And good time too!” Steel said. “When’s that coronation going to be happening? I’m ready to par-tay!” He broke out some dance moves to impress his friends. They all laughed.

“Steel, the coronation’s not going to be happening for some time yet.” Twilight smiled. “But I’m really happy you’re here. Zoey, could I speak to you for a sec?”

Zoey nodded and Twilight took her into another room where they could talk in private. While they were there, Nate and Steel were talking about things with Spike.

“So, you nervous yet?” The Beast bot asked him.

“About what?” the drake asked.

“Well,” Steel started. “It's not every day the princesses that have ruled Equestria for hundreds of moons retire and pass all their responsibilities on to Twilight and her friends.”

“Oh, that.” Spike said to him. “Actually, I'm feeling pretty good, Steel. We've all faced so much and come out okay. I know we're up to the challenge of keeping Equestria safe and happy. There's nothing we can't handle together!”

“I agree with that.” Steel said. “With you guys all ruling Equestria, you guys should be an unstoppable force!” Spike smiled, as well as Nate. “Speaking of which, where are Devon and Ravi? Didn’t they come with us to the castle?”

Nate looked around and realized they weren’t with them when they went to the castle. “I don’t know, Steel.” He said. “I haven’t seen them lately.”

Spike was now starting to worry. “Yeah. Where are Devon and Ravi? I thought they were coming?” The drake asked them. “I hope they’re alright.”

“I bet knowing our friends, they’ll get there soon enough ready for the coronation before you know it!” Steel said with confidence.

“I sure hope you’re right, Steel.” Spike said.

“I am.” He replied. “Trust me.”

While Nate, Spike and Steel were discussing where Devon and Ravi were, Zoey and Twilight were talking about a surprise she had for Spike. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Zoey asked.

“I’m glad you asked!” Twilight beamed. “Here!” She showed Zoey a red box in her hand. She carefully shook it, and heard something in there. She carefully opened the box and revealed a medal that had all six cutie marks on it. Zoey was surprised at this.

“Whoa!” She said in astonishment and awe. “What is this?”

“That’s a special medal for Spike I’m planning on giving him for the coronation.” Twilight replied. “It’s for a special title I called ‘Royal Advisor’. Spike’s been at my side for every step of this journey. Knowing I had him to count on gave me the strength I needed to grow and succeed. I wouldn't be here without him.”

“Wow!” Zoey said. “So, you’re gonna give this to him during the coronation?”

“Yes, I am!” Twilight said to her. “But you cannot tell anyone! No one knows!” They started to head back to the others, and saw Spike waiting for them.

“No one knows about what?” Spike asked curiously.

The two girls looked at each other. “Do you want me to say it or should I?” Twilight asked Zoey.

“You should.” Zoey mouthed. Twilight them walked up to Spike. “Spike...” she said to her assistant. “...I made this title for you. It’s the title of ‘Royal Advisor’. You've been at my side for every step of this journey. Knowing I had you to count on gave me the strength I needed to grow and succeed. I wouldn't be here without you.“

Spike was shocked that Twilight said this to him. Tears of joy came across him as he hugged his sister. “Thanks, Twilight. You know I'll always be your right-hoof dragon.” He said.

“I was hoping you'd say that.” Steel said. “Because now, we have some royal errands to run!” And they went outside to do last minute shopping before the big day.

Outside, Rarity and Fluttershy were out shopping for goods for the coronation. They were already about to get blackberries for Twilight’s dessert. “And you're sure this is where Pinkie told us to get the blackberries for her special coronation dessert?” Rarity asked Fluttershy.

“Maybe they keep their produce in the back?” Fluttershy wondered curiously.

“Nope.” A fruit seller said. “This is all we got. But I got a special on these taters.” Rarity just made a gagging noise. Fluttershy wasn’t so sure. She wanted to keep looking.

“Um, no, thank you. We'll keep looking.” she said as they both walked away from the fruit stand. They saw the others coming towards them. “Ooh! Twilight, darling! You're just in time.” Rarity beamed with excitement. “Only one more pre-coronation stop. We're picking up the final touch for your apres-hors d'oevres gown...”

“Is that before or after the royal marshmallow-eating-contest gown?” Twilight jokingly asked.

Rarity was now shocked. “What?!” She blurted out. “I haven't made one of those! You must tell me when they add these sorts of things!”

Twilight and Steel both laughed. “It's okay, Rarity.” Steel said to her. “Twilight was just joking.”

“Joking? Day of her coronation?” Nate asked in curiosity and awe. “You've come a long way, Twilight.” She just smiled.

They went to a dress shop to get the dress for the event. Nate went up to the door and it was locked. “Well, that's odd.” Nate said. “They won’t open.”

Just then, the window to the door opened and a pony peaked out. She was not looking happy. “What do you want?” she asked.

“Oh. Well, this being a thread shop, I thought I might buy some?” Rarity asked her.

“Put the bits in the mail slot.” the pony demanded. Rarity did so, and she got her thread from the same slot.

Nate and the others were confused as to why the other ponies were acting like this. “What was that about?” He asked.

“You know designers.” Rarity told him. “Don't like being interrupted when they're on a creative roll. With thread this exquisite, can you blame them?”

“Uh, no...I can’t.” Nate said. “But if they’re acting like they don’t know each other, how are we going to find out what’s going on with them?”

Just then, Rainbow Dash came flying down to her friends. “Hi, guys!” She said. “Weather for the coronation is sunny skies! It was weird, though. Not many Pegasi wanted to help me clear the clouds. They were kinda on edge.”

The others looked at each other. Something was definitely up, but they didn’t know what. “Something strange is going on here.” Nate said as they went over to the Castle. Just then, Nate accidentally bumped into a creature. He staggered back and saw he was down. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked the creature. He helped him up on his feet, and Nate saw that he was a human. He sported a white shirt, with a red vest and blue jeans. He had black hair more flat, not curly like Devon’s.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks to you.” The human said. “I’m Tyler.” He introduced himself as he put his hand out.

“I’m Nate.” Nate introduced himself as he shook Tyler’s hand. “It’s good to meet you.”

“Good to meet you too.” Tyler said to him. He smiled.

“So, what brings you here to Equestria?” Nate asked him.

“Oh, I’ve been sent by a guardian named Keeper to find a missing Energem.” Tyler noted to them. “The Energems are metallic and mineral crystals of various colors that channel untold powers of the universe. As described by their own guardian, their power is unfathomable, transcending the normal governing principles of the cosmos and beyond, such as space, time, good and evil. I was told the Energem was somewhere here.”

Nate was surprised that this human was here to find a similar power source that defines space and time. The others were just shocked that another human was in their world and that he was looking for something called an Energem.

“Wait.” Rainbow Dash said. “So, you’re here just because someone told you there was a mysterious object called an Energem, and that could define space, time, good and evil as we know it?”

“Yeah.” Tyler said to the Pegasus. “I’m surprised you even knew about this. Not many creatures here know the origin of an Energem. Speaking of which, who are all of you?”

“Oh, well I’m Rarity.” She introduced herself to Tyler before introducing her friends. “This is Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Nate who you just met, Zoey and Steel!” She said.

“Fascinating.” Tyler said interested. “So what’s going on with you?”

“All the other ponies around Canterlot have been acting strangely like they’re on edge, and they have been friends for so long. I don’t know what this is happening.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Hmmmmm. That IS strange.” Tyler wondered. “I wonder if that has something to do with what I’m finding? I’m not sure. Anyway, I gotta keep looking. You guys take care!” He said as he walked off to keep looking for the Energem.

“I wonder why the Pegasi and unicorns have been on edge?” Spike wondered. “But something tells me they’re not the only ones.”

“It's the first shift in royal power in over a millenium.” Rarity reassured her. “Of course everypony is a little jumpy. Change does that.”

“But I'm sure it's not because they're worried about you.” Steel said confused. “How many times have you saved their flanks by now?”

Twilight thought for a moment. “You're right, Steel.” She said. “I'll just have to let everypony know that even with Celestia and Luna gone, we'll make sure things stay the same.”

They all were heading back to the castle when they saw Applejack waiting for them with a guard pony with her. Applejack was excited to see them. “Twilight! Zoey! There you guys are!” Applejack waved to them. “You mind tellin' your friend here that I don't need an official guard wherever I go? Especially if he ain't gonna help carry apples?” She pointed to a guard pony who was already stubborn that he wouldn’t help Applejack with the other chores.

“I appreciate you taking such good care of my friends, but we're fine now.” Twilight told the guard. The guard grunted and just walked away, showing no emotion.

“It was the strangest thing. He kept callin' me "Earth pony", like I didn't have a name.” She said, “And watchin' me like he thought I'd steal the silver!”

The others were shocked at how the guard was treating her. “Whoa!” Steel said, fully alert. “That sounds racist! It’s almost as if he treats you as if you were only a number in the barracks!” Applejack was confused by all this. “Speaking of which, why is everyone acting like this to all of you?”

“And where are Devon an Ravi?” Zoey asked. “We haven’t seen them all day.”

“I don’t know, Zoey.” Twilight said to her. “Something strange really is going on here, and we’re going to find out what.”

Just then, there was a loud thud, and they went over to find Pinkie Pie covered neck deep in baked treats. “Pinkie?!” Steel asked. “What happened to you?”

“Do not go in that kitchen!” Pinkie told the, seriously. “For some reason, the bakers are super grouchy with each other. That unicorn chef started throwing dessert at Mrs. Cake! I tried to help, but I got caught in the crossfire!” She noticed the food on her. “Tasty, tasty crossfire.” She slurped up her food on her.

“You still think it’s pre-coronation stress, Twilight?” Steel asked her.

Twilight was about to respond when she saw Discord walking up to them instead of just appearing them, via snap travel with his magic. He groaned as he tried to flex his calves. “My aching metatarsals! You know, you forget how convenient snap-travel is.” he said to them.

“Wait. Did you just walk here?” Spike asked him.

Steel felt like something was off...but he couldn’t quite tell what. “Something’s wrong.” Steel said to him. “Discord never walks all the way to get to us.”

“Yes, actually.” The draconniqus said. “And I have a confession to make. You see, I might have made the teeeeeniest boo-boo. All very well-intentioned and noble on my part, of course, but—“

“Get to the point, Chaos Freak.” Steel said bluntly to him.

“Steel!” Nate said to him.

“What, brother?” Steel asked him as if he did something wrong. “I’m telling you, something weird is going on here.”

“That still doesn’t give you the right to call people names!” Zoey strictly told him.

“Zoey...” Applejack started. “Let’s hear what he has to say.” She turned to Discord. “We’ll talk.”

“Thank you, Applejack. You remember that whole thing with King Sombra?” The draconniqus asked them.

“Of course, we know the battle of King Sombra.” Steel said to him. “What about it?”

“Well, that was slightly my fault.” Discord said, worriedly. “And by "slightly", I mean... I brought him back.” The others were shocked by what he just said.

“You did?!” Nate asked in shock.

“But why?!” Rarity asked in horror.

Steel was still suspicious. “That’s ridiculous!” He said to his teammates before turning to Discord. “Discord would never do such a thing as to bring King Sombra back! I mean that’s impossible to physically bring back someone from the dead! He’d never do anything like that!”

“Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Discord started to say, “Which is why I also brought back three other villains who are now on the loose and not really big fans of yours.” He giggled sheepishly and gulped nervously. “So... my bad.”

Everyone except Steel gasped. Steel probably knew something the others didn’t. “Waitaminute!” He said. “Discord would never do anything like that! If he did, he would have been an evil sorcerer or a necromancer to actually bring someone back just like that!”

“I do hope that’s true...” Discord continued to say. “Because, I did that to boost Twilight’s confidence into thinking that she was ready to take Celestia and Luna’s place.”

“That, I believe is also a lie!” Steel said. “The real Discord would never have stooped so low as to trick Twilight into thinking that she was ready to take the princesses’ place if she didn’t know that three villains are coming back!”

“I was going to tell her that just so you know that the elements of Harmony and Power Rangers will be destroyed.” Discord said bluntly to the beast bot. “And by the way, the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!” Just then, something in Steel’s mind clicked as he put two and two together.

“Wait a minute...” Steel said, instantly realizing the truth. “What you said before was way to smart for Discord!” He walked up to him. “Who are you really?”

“I guess you found me out...Steel!” “Discord” smiled evilly. His eyes flashed red and a wave of blue energy surrounded him, transforming him and changing his shape. When the transformation finished, a blue evil necromancer goat took his place, laughing evilly.

The heroes stepped back in shock and horror! “GROGAR!” Steel said in shock as he got ready to fight.

“That’s right, Ranger!” Grogar said to them! “And now, it’s time to meet your doom!” He used his orbs to blast the rangers and ponies, but they ducked his blasts just in time!

The rangers and elements were in a tight spot. They needed Devon and Ravi, but with them gone, they didn’t know HOW to beat him! “Looks like we’re in trouble!” Zoey said as the heroes got back up and started to back away from the goat.

“BIG trouble!” Pinkie Pie said as Grogar kept looming close to them! The rangers and elements needed help fast in order to beat The necromancer! The only problem was HOW they were going to do it!

Author's Note:

Whoo! That’s a long one, but a great way to start off out story! The rangers meet Tyler, and he’s looking for an Energem? What plans could that mean for our heroes? Also, Grogar has appeared before them?! What will the rangers and ponies do? Without Devon and Ravi to help them, things will be more harder for the teams to save the day! They’ll need legendary heroes to help them! Will they succeed in taking down the necromancer on their own? Find out in the next chapter when The Arrival of Grogar begins!