• Published 9th Mar 2020
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A Mega Blast from the Past - Mister E-Nonymous

The human child of Princess Twilight Sparkle gets a visit from an unexpected friend from his who was from another world.

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Chapter 10: Student Pony President

Chapter 10: Student Pony President

(Nyx' Point of View)

I was walking through town to get to Sugarcube Corner for some treats. I just hope the Cake Twins weren't in the main room. Today was my day to pick up some snacks for today's Crusading.

"Oh, hello Nyx," said Mrs. Cake. "What are you up to today?"

"Oh, I'm just here to pick up some treats for today's attempt of Crusading," I told her. I then brought out my allowance and said, "I'll take a dozen chocolate chip muffins."

"Alright, dearie," said Mrs. Cake. "Coming right up." She then got out a box and pulled out the muffins for me to take. Since I was the daughter of Twilight, I got a bit of a royal discount. Plus, I'm technically a princess, too.

As I was on my way to the clubhouse, I overheard something. It sounded like scolding.

"Remember, Diamond Tiara, you must win Student Pony President, and feel superior to all those other foals," said that mare to her daughter, who was Diamond Tiara. So that means that mare was Spoiled Rich, and head of the school board. "And if you don't win, you won't have any more visits from that Silver Spoon filly, and you'll be grounded for a month."

"Yes... mother," said Diamond Tiara, sadly. "I'll do my best."

I couldn't believe what I just saw. Diamond Tiara was being forced to win Student Pony President, and she would be punished for not winning? That's foal abuse. As I was heading towards the clubhouse and I saw Twilight and M.C. coming out of the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. I told them what was going on, and they decided to keep an eye out for Spoiled Rich. I just arrived at the clubhouse, and I saw that the rest of the Crusaders with Pip.

"Hey, guys," I said. "What's going on?"

"Oh, we're gonna help Pip on becoming Student Pony President," said Apple Bloom.

"We might actually get Cutie Marks in Campaign managing," said Sweetie Belle.

"It's gonna be awesome!" said Scootaloo, flapping her wings.

"Ooh," I said. "Remind me to tell you something about that later. Anyway, I got the snacks. Chocolate chip muffins."

"Thanks, Nyx," Joshua said. We all started eating our muffins.

Twist then asked, "What did you want to tell us about earlier?"

"As I was on my way here," I started explaining, "I overheard Diamond Tiara being threatened by her own mom to win Student Pony President, or else she won't let her see Silver Spoon again and be grounded for a month."

"Wow," said Apple Bloom. "Now that's harsh. Ah wouldn't want anypony to be threatened like that."

"Especially if the one being threatened is being done by his or her own parent," said Sweetie Belle.

"We'll see what's up with Diamond Tiara tomorrow," said Scootaloo. "Right now, let's help Pip. And have a snack."

The next day, we went to the school. M.C. was there to watch us vote for who will be Student Pony President. It seemed that M.C. was a little more grumpy than usual. He looked more grumpy than Cranky Doodle Donkey was. He must've found out something.

I saw Diamond Tiara sitting by a tree, rehearsing her speech to win the election. I walked up to her and said, "Diamond, are you okay?"

"Gah!" she shouted in shock. She then said, "Oh, it's just you."

"What has you so jumpy?" I asked her.

She sighed and answered, "Well, I'm supposed to memorize this whole speech so I could win the election. But I'm so nervous. I don't really want to lose."

"Listen, Diamond Tiara," I said to her. "I'll tell you what M.C. said recently to me and my family. The mark doesn't make you who you are. It's what you choose to do. Be you instead of what your mom wants you to be."

Diamond Tiara thought about it. Then she nodded. We then headed towards the schoolhouse entrance. In front of the entrance was a small room where we put our votes. And there was Spoiled Rich. Diamond Tiara was nervous, but I get her a face that might give her some confidence. It worked.

Then she walked up and stood next to Pipsqueak. Then Cheerilee made an announcement. "Alright, class. Now, it's time for the final speeches before we cast the voting. Pipsqueak, Diamond Tiara, which of you would like to go first?" We all looked over at Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak. Diamond pointed a hoof at Pip. "Alright. Pip, you're up first."

"Well, as you can see, our playground equipment was destroyed by Princess Twilight's battle with Tirek," said Pipsqueak. We all looked at the playground. The playground was in fact, broken.

"That is weird," M.C. said. "How is it that the playground was broken, but not the school."

"Yes," said Cheerilee. "That is weird. Anyway, you were saying, Pip?"

"Well, if I'm voted in as Student Pony President, I'll go to the school board to right this wrong," said Pipsqueak. "By the end of next week, we'll all be playing on some new swing set, a new slide and obstacle coarse, and some balls to replace the old ones."

Then all of the other fillies and colts cheered. I heard Spoiled Rich scoff at that statement. I saw her glare at Diamond Tiara, and it was one of those 'Do what I say' glares. Diamond Tiara got nervous and I gave her a sign to calm down. She nodded at my response and spoke up.

"Alright, everypony," Diamond Tiara said. She held up her notes. "I have a speech that says how much I'm better than all of you." Then she tossed them. "But I'm not gonna read it. Besides, I became a better pony thanks to Joshua. And I've been actually having real fun. But, my mother wants me to feel superior. I'm not going down that path. So, I'm dropping out of the election."

Then Spoiled Rich ran up to Diamond Tiara and announced, "Don't listen to what Diamond Tiara said just now. She doesn't really want to drop out. She'll show you that she can be the better pony than every other pony in the school. And you'll all admire her due to the statue she will leave here with the bits from the school funding."

"Oh, you mean the statue you had pre-made with the bits you took out of the school funding last night?" M.C. asked. He then held out a holographic recording of Spoiled Rich taking the bits from the school funding. Then he fast forwarded it to one pony who was paid with the same bits to make a statue of Diamond Tiara for winning the election.

We all looked at Spoiled Rich in anger. She then said, "Why you little tramp! That wasn't very... Who are you?!"

"I am Prince Michael Crayton," M.C. said. "I came here from ten thousand years in the past, and even I know that using the school funding for buying a statue for your daughter winning the election before the election ended is illegal. The school board will be very upset with this."

"The school board won't believe you," said Spoiled Rich.

"Of course they won't," M.C. said. He then chuckled. "As in of course they won't if they weren't watching from up there." He then pointed on top of the school house."

"WHAT?!" Spoiled Rich exclaimed.

"You're done, Spoiled Rich," said M.C. "You're going to jail."

Then a bunch of royal guards came down with a prison carriage. Spoiled Rich was being pushed into it, as she stated, "NO! This can't be happening! Diamond Tiara, help me!"

"You know what? No," said Diamond Tiara. "You've been pushing me to be like you. Well, I'm not going to be like you. I'm my own pony. I will be telling daddy about what you did. He's going to be very upset."

Then Spoiled Rich gasped, and then she was shoved in, and the carriage door slammed closed. Then the prisoner carriage was being pulled away. The school board came down and walked up to M.C. One of them asked, "How would you like to be a part of the Ponyville Schoolhouse School Board?"

"Meh," he said. "It's not like I have anything else to do. Also, there's one more thing I have to do." He then rushed off.

I then walked up to Diamond Tiara and asked, "Are you going to be okay?"

"Better," said Diamond Tiara. I then looked over and saw that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky and Joshua were still barren of a Cutie Mark. Even though Joshua was born human, he'll be okay. Guess he will be as much of a pony as much as he can.

M.C. the rushed back. He then saw the other Crusaders were upset.

"What's goin' on?" he asked them.

"Guess we didn't get our marks in campaign managing," said Apple Bloom.

"Really?" M.C. asked. "Mind if you show me your clubhouse?"

We went back to the Clubhouse, and M.C. was looking at the list of things my friends tried to do to get their marks. M.C. put a hand to his chin.

"We've tried basically everything on that list," said Scootaloo. "And we're still blank flanks."

"What do you think you're doing wrong?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Hm," he said, thinking. "I think you guys have been doing something off when finding your marks."

"What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Let me give you an example," M.C. said. "Remember when Trouble Shoes was trying to get himself into the rodeo, and his Cutie Mark appeared when he was a colt. He thought is was nothing but bad luck."

"Oh, that's right," said Sweetie Belle. "He got his Cutie Mark when performing in front of some recruiters. He thought his Cutie Mark meant bad luck, but it really meant that he would be the best rodeo clown in Appleloosa."

"Exactly," said M.C. "Now, imagine that there's this one filly who got a bunch of bones for a Cutie Mark, and the parents are worried that she'll grow up to be a pirate. But she starts digging and finds dinosaur bones. What does that mean?"

"It would mean she's not a pirate," said Scootaloo. "She'd be an archaeologist."

"B-b-b... Bingo!" M.C. said in a completely different voice. I was wondering how he did that, and then I remembered, he can manipulate his own vocal chords and sound like something else. Then he used his real voice. "And now, imagine there's this one blank flank colt who is in a dance class, but he's too afraid to dance in public. What would you do?"

"I'm guessing that we can help him get the confidence to perform on stage," said Dinky.

"And with enough confidence he might be able to do his performance and have fun," said Joshua. "He'll be able to perform without worry."

"And by that," said M.C., "you all will be able to help other ponies find or understand their Cutie Marks."

"He's right," said Apple Bloom. "We're able to help out in a way. Instead of tryin' to find our own marks, we should help other ponies find or understand theirs."

"Agreed," said Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky and Joshua started glowing in a white light. Me, M.C. and Twist had to cover our eyes from how bright it was. The light faded, and we took a look at them. On all five of their flanks, the marks got shield Cutie Marks with the same color, but a different emblem on the inside.

Apple Bloom's mark had an apple with a heart inside the apple. Sweetie Belle's mark has a star with a music note inside. Scootaloo's has a wing with a lightning bolt. Dinky's mark has two dolphins rolling counterclockwise. And Josh, his mark was similar to a shooting star. That makes sense since he traveled a great distance from another world. They looked at their flanks, and were surprised that they finally got their marks.

"We... we got our Cutie Marks!" said Apple Bloom. We all then got in a group hug. Except for M.C.

M.C. held out his right hand and spoke into it. "Mutt, gather Sparkles, AJ, Rainbow, Rares and Derpy and have them meet at Sugarcube Corner."

"What? Why is that?" Mutt asked through the communicator.

"Tell them that there's a surprise for them when I bring the Crusaders over," said M.C.

Author's Note:

Joshua might not have his humanity anymore, but at least he has good friends. Good friends and a family that loves him.