• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 2,154 Views, 25 Comments

A Mega Blast from the Past - Mister E-Nonymous

The human child of Princess Twilight Sparkle gets a visit from an unexpected friend from his who was from another world.

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Chapter 5: Return of the Dark King

Chapter 5: Return of the Dark King

(Joshua's Point of View)

Well, this was an interesting night. It was the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. M.C., Spike, Mommy and all of her friends were invited, along with some plus ones of theirs. M.C. brought Mutt as his plus one, Mommy and Spike brought me and Nyx, Fluttershy brought a weird yet calm pony named Tree Hugger, Pinkie brought her sister, Maud. And Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were the plus ones of Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The night was very boring until Discord showed up with his plus one. A living green blob who was called the Smooze.

The Gala was really boring but when that blob started eating every shiny thing in sight, it was causing trouble and when it was stopped, everypony there was disgusted at the mess they were covered in. But then we were all interrupted by the sound of someone laughing. That someone was M.C. He said that this was the highlight of the night for him, and it started making all of the other ponies laugh. They agreed that it was the highlight of the night.

That night, we all stayed in the castle guest rooms. M.C. and Mutt were in the room next to ours. I was in the bathroom, getting our pajamas on, and then I walked over to the sink so I can brush my teeth. As I finished, I looked back in the mirror and saw someone I never wanted to see again. King Sombra was behind me. I screamed when I saw him. Mommy ran into the bathroom and was surprised to see Sombra in the bathroom with me.

"Sombra!" yelled Twilight. "Get away from my son!"

He chuckled evilly, and said, "Not going to happen, Princess. You don't deserve to have a child like this!" Then black smoke surrounded us, and I blacked out.

(Twilight Sparkle's Point of View)

I couldn't believe it. Sombra had escaped from Tartarus and he's gotten Joshua. Just then, M.C., Mutt, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and some guards ran into the room.

"What's going on in here?" asked Princess Celestia.

"King Sombra has returned," I told them. "And he's got Joshua. Again."

"What?!" M.C. said in anger.

"Oh, no!" Nyx said. "We have to find him!"

"Luckily, the tracking device I put on him is still installed in that locket, and is still active," I said to him. He then checked some holographic screen coming from his right glove and said, "Looks like he's in a cave east of the Crystal Empire."

"Let's go," said Nyx.

"No no no!" I said to Nyx. "Listen, Nyx, I don't want you to get hurt as well. I'm going to drop you off at your grandparents house and the rest of us are going to the lair of King Sombra to get Joshua back."

"I will let your parents know about what is happening," said Princess Luna. "Then, I'll meet you there as soon as I can."

We all agreed and headed off to save Joshua.

I gathered my friends, and us and the princesses headed towards the Frozen North. We also had Spike tell Cadance and Shining about what is going on. We met at the Crystal Empire in the morning, and headed off towards where Joshua's location is. M.C. lead the way, and we headed up one mountain.

"Are you sure this is where Joshua is?" Rainbow asked.

"Positive," said M.C. "And if my tracking device is buggy, I can still follow Joshua's scent." He then looked up at the cave entrance, and pointed at it. "Joshua's in that cave right there. Let's go."

We all then rushed towards the cave and went in. Hopefully Joshua was okay.

(Joshua's Point of View)

I woke up groaning. My fingers and toes felt numb. I don't know what happened, but I woke up in a cave with black crystals as bars on a jail cell. I saw that King Sombra was watching me, and he smirked at me.

"About time you woke up," said King Sombra. "And now that I have you back in my clutches, I will not release you until I have Equestria for myself. And nothing can stop me."

"You'll won't get away with this," I said to him. "Mommy and her friends will save me."

He chuckled in amusement and said, "You really think you'll be saved this time? You're nothing but a worthless child with nopony that really loves you. And if you do get out of here..." He then smiled evilly. "Well, at least you'll fit in with the ponies now."

"Huh?" I asked. "What do you..." I was about to point at him until I saw that my hand was now a hoof, and my pajamas were stretched and torn. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! NOOO!! NO NO NO NO NO NOOO!!!"

"Enjoy it while it lasts," said King Sombra. "There is no way to reverse the transformation. You're stuck here, like that, forever. I'll be back to take you and to show what happens to those who oppose me." He then walked away.

I was crying. He turned me into a pony... again. He must be lying. I don't want to be stuck as a pony for the rest of my life. I need to get out of here. I looked down and saw that the locket my mommy from Earth gave me was on the floor. It the chain was snapped. It was hard picking it up with my hoof, so I used my magic and put it in my hooves. I hope M.C. could hear me.

"Hello?" I asked. "M.C., are you there?"

"Joshua? Are you okay?" M.C.'s voice asked.

"I'm okay, but, at the same time, I'm not okay..." I said to him.

"What happened?" Mommy asked through the locket.

"Mommy, he did it to me again," I said. "I'm a pony again."

"What?!" called out Mommy, M.C. and their friends.

"King Sombra is going to pay for doing that again," said Princess Celestia. "We're coming. Don't worry, we're actually closer than you think."

"Hurry!" I said to them.

(Twilight's Point of View)

I couldn't believe it. Sombra turned my son into a pony again. He is going to pay for doing that to Joshua. We all came charging towards the cave, searching for Joshua. But then we were stopped by King Sombra.

"How?! How did you find me so fast?!" he asked, furiously.

"You'd be surprised on what you're dealing with," M.C. said to him. "Time to take you down."

"What are you?!" King Sombra asked M.C.

"Your worst nightmare," M.C. responded. "Go get Joshua. I'll keep this palooka busy. Go."

Then the rest of us went around King Sombra. But he had other ideas. "Oh, no you don't!" He blocked our paths with black crystals. But then they went back down into the ground. "What?!"

"It's called Materiokinesis," M.C. said to him. "I'm basically in control of the entire planet. The smoky king of fear against the aggressive prince of the planet. Prepare to go down!"

Then the two of them yelled at each other and started battling. While the two of them were, we headed down the cave, searching for Joshua.

"Joshua! Joshua, where are you?!" I called out to him.

"Mommy! I'm in here!" came Joshua's voice. We all ran towards Joshua and saw him in his pony form, and his pajamas stretched and torn.

"Joshua!" I said to him.

"Mommy!" he said, against the bars.

Mutt walked up to the crystal bars and said, "These crystals don't really feel that strong. I believe they can be broken by heat. Stand back, everyone." He then pulled out something, and cracked it like a whip, and out came a whip of fire.

"Whoa!" said Applejack. "Ah've been told that foals shouldn't play with fire. Let alone fire whips."

"Stand back, Joshua," Mutt said to him. Joshua got to the back wall, and Mutt used the fire whip, and cut through the bars. "Alright, Joshua. Come one."

Joshua ran towards us, grabbed his locket with his teeth, and ran through the hole of the cell. I then grabbed him and hugged him tight.

"Everything's going to be okay, Joshua," I told him. "Let's get out of here."

We all then headed towards the entrance and saw M.C. still fighting King Sombra. King Sombra got the upper hoof, and threw M.C. towards a wall, and buried him in black crystals.

"You... are not... going... anywhere!" said King Sombra. "Equestria... will be mine!"

"Not as long as we're here," I said to him.

"That... will never... hap..." his words were cut off when he was punched into a wall. He looked over at who punched him and was surprised to see M.C. there. "What?! But how?! Those crystals were 100 times stronger than the ones keeping that worthless human in his cell!"

Behind M.C., the crystals that were containing him all went down to very small shards. He then bared his claws and said, "My claws can cut through any solid surface. No matter how strong, thick, or dense the solid is."

"Who... who are you?" asked Sombra.

"I already told you," M.C. said, closing his eyes. When he opened them, they were glowing in a golden aura and his voice was one of a demon's. "I'm your worst nightmare!" M.C. charged up his hands with power.

"What's he doing?" Rarity asked.

"He's going to turn Sombra to stone," said Mutt.

"Not a bad idea," said Princess Celestia. Then she and Luna stood by M.C.'s sides and charged up their horns. And then they all fired at King Sombra, turning him into stone. M.C. then walked up to Sombra, and used his claw to cut off Sombra's horn, and then he crushed it in his hand.

"That was for Joshua," said M.C.

It then went back to Canterlot Castle. Celestia, Luna and I tried using that same spell that was used on Joshua that turned him back into a human. But this time, it wasn't working. No matter what, Joshua just wouldn't change back.

Joshua was crying, not knowing what to do. He was stuck as a pony for the rest of his life. I walked up to him and hugged him tight. I told him, "Everything's going to be alright, Joshua. We'll be there for you. I promise."

Then my friends joined in with the hug. Spike and Nyx got in on the hug, too. I looked over and saw M.C. looking out the balcony, looking north. He was really angry about what happened to Joshua. Before we left the frozen north, he used his matter manipulating powers and made the lair go 1000 feet underground. That was a a fitting punishment for Sombra for what he did to Joshua.

Joshua wouldn't be much into doing things for a while, so I planned on taking Joshua out of school for a week. He deserves to at least get through his depressed state. Spike, Nyx and I will be there to comfort him.

Author's Note:

As I read New Life in Equestria by jkreader, I got to thinking, what would happen if the spell that would change Joshua back failed. So, I thought it should happen, and have Joshua get a whole lot of hugs from his friends in school. So, that's what I'm gonna do. Be sure to like my work.