• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 2,154 Views, 25 Comments

A Mega Blast from the Past - Mister E-Nonymous

The human child of Princess Twilight Sparkle gets a visit from an unexpected friend from his who was from another world.

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Chapter 2: Trip to the Crystal Empire

Chapter 2: Trip to the Crystal Empire

(Twilight Sparkle's Point of View)

Today was going to be interesting for M.C. and Mutt. My brother, Shining Armor, and my sister-in-law, Cadance, have invited me, M.C., Mutt, Spike, Nyx and Joshua to the Crystal Empire. Cadance was so interested in meeting M.C. and Mutt. My brother is a bit sketchy about them. But I'm sure that we'll get him to trust M.C. and Mutt.

We just arrived at the Crystal Empire, and we all headed towards the Crystal Castle. Just then, we stopped at a giant crystal statue of Spike.

"Now, what the heck is that?" M.C. asked.

Spike stood up in front of the statue and said, "Oh, this is a statue of me, saving the Crystal Empire from the wicked King Sombra, who was trying to rule over the Crystal Empire in fear."

"Yeah, Spike did do that," I responded.

"Oh, please," M.C. said, rolling his eyes. "Who would honestly believe that?"

I then giggled and shouted out, "Hey everypony! Spike has returned!" Then a bunch of crystal ponies came out, pushing M.C., Mutt, and Joshua out of the way.

"What in blazes just happened?" M.C. asked.

"This has been happening ever since the Equestria games," Joshua said. "C'mon, let's get going."

I giggled at them as they were pushed out of the crowd. We then headed towards the castle.

"Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs Awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Cadance and I did our fun little dance we did since I was a filly.

"It's so good to see you again, Twilight," Cadance said to me. "Now, where are the two creatures."

I turned around and saw that they were nowhere in sight. I said, "That's odd. They were just here a moment ago."

"Joshua?" Nyx asked. "Does M.C. have any more abilities than just strength and speed?"

Joshua then put a hand to his chin and started thinking. He then said out loud, "Super Strength, Super Speed, vocal manipulation, the ability to manipulate matter, cutting through any solid object and... wall climbing." He then looked up, and the rest of us looking up. There, hanging from the ceiling was M.C. and Mutt. M.C. was standing on the roof from his feet with Mutt hanging from him, and both of them had their hands held together tight.

"Hey," said Mutt. "We just can't 'hang' around." That pun made both of them chuckle. Then M.C. jumped from the ceiling, and landed, and Mutt coming down with air coming from his shoes, slowing his own descent.

Cadance and my brother, Shining Armor, walked up to the two of them.

"So, you are the creatures that fell into Twilight's Castle," said Cadance. "I'm Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. But I prefer Cadance."

"A pleasure," M.C. said, shaking her hoof. He then pounded his chest, and bowed his head quickly. I was confused at that.

"It's a Crayton Kingdom custom," Mutt said to me. "Instead of bowing to other dignitaries, they pound their chest and bow their heads really quickly."

"Well, as long as it's a custom," said Shining Armor. "A pleasure to meet you as well. Are you really a prince?"

"I was," M.C. said. "My kingdom was destroyed when I was seven years old... due to a psychotic madman who used to be in my family's royal knights. He did something without approval from my father, and got banished from the kingdom. It was my birthday when he destroyed my kingdom. I was the only survivor of the destruction of my kingdom. Right now, I don't know who had it worse, me or Joshua when Earth was destroyed."

"By the sound of that, I think you two are tied," said Cadance. "Now, how about we give you two a tour around the Empire?"

"This place does seem interesting," said M.C. "What do you think, Mutt?"

"If I'm gonna go outside, I'm gonna need sunglasses," said Mutt. "Every time we go out there, I'm blinded by the sunlight bouncing off anything shiny."

M.C. then held out his left hand, and golden energy started flowing into his palm, and forging a pair of sunglasses.

"Wow," I said in awe. "You sure can make things out of the matter around you?"

"Yep," said M.C. "And also, watch this." Mutt then grabbed the sunglasses, and threw it on the ground. Then he started stomping his foot on it. And when he picked the sunglasses up, they weren't damaged one small bit.

"What... but... what?!" I asked.

"Anything that M.C. forges with his materiokinesis is indestructible," said Mutt. "There's also one more ability that M.C. has. A regenerative healing factor. He's basically immortal."

"But, I don't really see it as a gift," M.C. said. "Immortality is something that keeps you from seeing your deceased loved ones."

"That's a major down side when you think about it," said Nyx. "It must've been sad for Princess Luna to come back from the moon for 1000 years and find out everypony she knew and loved died of old age, and nopony to understand except her own sister."

"Must've been really hard," I said. "To be without your family, and your healing factor prevents you from seeing them. The holidays must've been harder for you."

"You have no idea," M.C. responded. "Anyway, on with the tour."

Then the we all headed out, giving M.C. and Mutt a tour of the Crystal Empire.

(Joshua's Point of View)

This was a lot more walking than we did when I first went to the Crystal Empire. I think M.C. and his young buddy, Mutt, really enjoyed their day... until the two of them, and myself, were lifted into a magical aura of some weird orange unicorn with a white spot between his eyes. His mane was dark orange, he wore silver glasses, and a blue cloak with light blue stars all over it. He also had white hooves.

"Interesting," said the strange unicorn. "I've never seen creatures like these before. They could possibly be a new species here in Equestria. I might as well write a letter to Princess Celestia about this."

M.C. sighed and said, "We're not new species. The dog and I came from 10,000 years in the past. And as for him, he's a human." He said that last part pointing at me.

"Plus, Princess Celestia was the second alicorn to know about us," said Mutt. "Plus, Joshua has been here longer than we have. Now, could you put us down?"

"No can do," said the unicorn. "I need to study you three for further inspections."

"Put them down," came Mommy's voice. We looked over and saw Mommy, Nyx, Spike, Aunt Cadance, Uncle Shining and Cousin Guard coming towards us.

"Oh," said the unicorn. "There are new princesses? Why didn't anypony tell me?"

"Maybe you'd notice if you got out of your house more," said M.C. "Now put us down!"

"Sorry, Princess, but I must..." the unicorn started saying, but the sound of whirling came and we looked over at M.C., and seeing he was spinning. I didn't even know he could do that. Then he broke out of the magical hold he was in, and then sped off, pulling me and Mutt out of the holds we were in.

"How did that thing...?" the unicorn asked.

"That's enough," said aunt Cadance. "Listen, you really should spend more time out of the house, and get some fresh air. Get some information about what's happening out there."

"Even Twilight needed to do that," said uncle Shining. "She was too focused on her books to do something with friends."

"I wasn't that bad," said Mommy.

"The whining you're giving off says that you were," said M.C. "Let's get going." M.C. then looked back at the unicorn and pointed a finger at him. "You need to get some more information on what's happening around Equestria."

"I'll... I'll try that next time," said the unicorn. "Sorry for the trouble."

Then an earthquake went off, making everything shake. We all looked around, and then uncle Shining asked, "What's going on?"

"I think it's an earthquake!" said Mommy.

"Sorry about that," said M.C. "That was just my stomach." Then we all looked at his stomach and then it growled again, making a smaller quake this time.

"Wow," I said. "And I thought that my stomach growled loudly whenever I get hungry." That made cousin Guard laugh. "Fox funny."

That comment made M.C. smile and chuckle.

That night, we all were going to be spending the night. Mommy, Nyx, Spike and I would be sharing one room while M.C. and Mutt stay in the room next to ours. I looked out the balcony, admiring the view. I looked to my left, and saw M.C. looking out, balancing himself on the fence of the balcony from his room.

I called out to him, "Hey, M.C."

"Hey, kid," he replied. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah," I said to him. "What are you doing outside?"

"Just checking out the view," he said to me. "But, I sense something strange out there. I can sense it."

"I'm sure you and Mommy can handle it," I said to him. He then jumped onto the balcony I was on, and he jumped really high.

"I'm sure we can," said M.C. "I've fixed the moon, absorbed a sun, and brought down crazy strong villains. I would say that this would be no different, but here, I'll be wrong."

I chuckled at that comment and said, "Well, good night."

"Night, kiddo," he said to me, rubbing my hair. He then headed back to his balcony, and headed into his room. I then went into the room, we were staying at and headed into the bathroom. I then got changed into my PJ's and went into bed. As soon as I got in, Nyx hugged me tight.

"Good night, little brother," Nyx said to me.

"Good night, big sister," I said to her. Then we fell asleep.

Author's Note:

If you were wondering who that orange unicorn was, it was Sunburst. Starlight Glimmer's old foalhood friend.