• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 8,153 Views, 453 Comments

When You Were Young - Art Inspired

Discord is visited by Celestia as he journeys through his dark mind.

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Chapter Eleven: Redemption


Discord's claw lowered to his knees, and he panted with exhaustion. Celestia and Luna could be found on the lower pillar, curious if he was unharmed. While he looked at them, his eyes now back to normal, his paw whisked a shimmering light towards them, and as it made contact with the two, their wounds were healed. Celestia checked her wing to find the burns had healed, and Luna was able to stand once again. As they flew to the draconequus, worried for his wellbeing, he regained some energy of his own, and stood. Looking into Celestia’s eyes, he could tell she was relieved he was alright, but also disappointed he had sided with the changeling queen.

“I am a fool,” he stated, which was taking things a bit beyond logical terms. Sure, he had been tricked, but the being was able to do this due to his merry go round mind. It seemed like his mentality was always soaring up, and then quickly descending just to repeat the process. Things seemed like one big disaster after another for Discord. At was then that Disocrd looked into Celestia's eyes, remembering what she said. His eyes averted, not wanting her to see him.

“Discord,” Celestia began, but was soon cut off by her friend. “You’re no fool-”

“Yes, Celestia, I am a fool. Look at what has occurred this day.” His voice shook as his eyes blinked at the pink sky. “If I didn’t snap out of my trance… I dread at the possibilities that could have occurred this day. It’s not at all something that I wish to ponder… and my deeds shouldn’t go unpunished.” His eyes looked into Celestia’s yet again, her heart sinking as he prepared to command his request. “Place me back into my stone cage… so this can never happen again. And this time, don’t free me, ever.”

Luna’s mouth opened slightly at her friend’s wish. For the first time, instead of Discord desiring freedom, his choice was for the protection of Equestria, but would Celestia be able to fulfill this prayer of his?

Discord turned so his back faced the two sisters, and while he spoke, lightning struck a few times in between his sentences. “If I remain here, there will always be a major threat to your kingdom. This isn’t me asking you, this is me telling you to lock me away and chuck the key as far as you can. I don’t want constant worries surrounding me. I want to know that this land is safe from harm.”

Celestia, trying to convince him things were going to be different, said, “But it’s not in harms reach anymore.”

“Look around princess,” the creature joked. “This land is still in danger. The clouds have yet to clear, these pillars are still illogically raised, and to top it all off… I have an insatiable urge to commit crime and spread torment... If you don’t seal me away in stone this instant… well, I’m afraid what might happen to this world… What might happen to you and Luna.”

The misguided being waited for the cold feeling of stone to slither up his hooves and begin to trap his mind in the void, but instead, warmth graced his back, and he felt the two sisters hug him. Tender feelings washed over his figure, providing a sense of security within his chest. Their hooves held him tight, and as Celestia spoke her next words, light seeped through the clouds.

“You can sit here in your heartache waiting for some beauty of a mare to save you from your old wait while I’ll play forgiveness.”

Discord felt a tear escape his eye, and as he put his paw on one of her hooves, he said, “Once you decide on something… there really is no point in trying to convince you otherwise, is there?”

Luna giggled, and said, “Nope! You’re our friend, and it’ll stay that way.”

The laugher of the three friends echoed with the air clearing to show Celestia’s sun shining through the now puffy white clouds. The hoof pillars began to sink back into the equestrian earth, and for what it was worth, life for the three would return to harmony. As they all flew together back to Canterlot, Discord apologized way too many times, but eventually stopped. Upon gliding next to Celestia, though, he asked, “So, what was that you said to me?”

Celestia chuckled, and teased, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Discord grinned, and said, “Don’t you lie, I heard you say that word to me.”

“What word? You’ll have to be more specific than that,” the white alicorn joked.

Luna just chortled at their little game while Discord continued.

“You said the L word! 'Love', that’s what you said!”

“I don’t remember saying that.”

This silly game continued for the entirety of the flight. Finally, when the they reached the Canterlot entrance, Celestia turned to Discord, and began, “Alright, I need to place that tracking spell on you once more.” Discord rolled his eyes, but reluctantly accepted. Once done, Celestia looked over the being. “It’s good to hear your thoughts again.”

He just smirked...

“Oh, Discord! A 'welcome home party' is the least you need. You’ve had plenty of chaos for one evening!”

Discord smiled. “Awe, come on, it would be fun!”

While the two debated this, Luna entered the throne room, followed by her sister and friend. The sun lowered and was replaced by the crescent orb in time, and Discord became serious with the two alicorn’s.

“Now, girls…” he said, his voice a bit monotone. “I appreciate you giving me a second chance, but at any time do you feel compelled to incarcerate me in-”

Luna cut him off by claiming, “If you need a friend to cheer you up, we’ll be there!”

“What, no, no, that’s not what I was-”

He was once again interrupted by Celestia. “That’s exactly what we’ll do! After all, what are friends for?”

Discord, admitting defeat, chuckled, “Predictable outcome, but pleasing all the same.”

The three friends, having finally returned Discord to his proper mental state, would now be able to live their lives in harmony, just as they did when they were young...