• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 8,150 Views, 453 Comments

When You Were Young - Art Inspired

Discord is visited by Celestia as he journeys through his dark mind.

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Chapter Two: Meditation


The princess of the sun sat peacefully on her bed, incense and candles surrounding her. The sound of silence engulfed her being, putting her mind in a conveyed state as smells of sea salts passed by her nose, reminding her of fillyhood memories. There was the time when she, Discord and her sister visited the beach. Many years had passed since she was able to consider Discord her chaste friend. Considering the fact that his mind was corrupt with lust for power, she knew it would be difficult for him to openly repent and attempt to redeem his misguided deeds of cruelty and disrespect for the world.

Her eyes were closed as to meditate, but despite her constant struggles with her thoughts and memories, her mind would not clear itself. Instances with the colt-like draconequus repeatedly surfaced from her subconscious, disrupting her concentration, and all thanks to Discord himself who was remembering certain events. The one in particular that insisted on forcing itself forth was the one with the mountain.

Discord and Luna fell behind; winds and snow whipped their faces ferociously. It was almost enough to send the two falling to their deaths, but they kept going. Just for good measure, Celestia tugged her rope to ensure the two they would be fine. Once the three pushed their way through the top of the mountain, a clearing of clouds and valleys of green stretched far and wide before the three acquaintances. The top of the mountain was smooth and flat, allowing the three to rest. The winds were less fierce on this altitude, an unpredictable outcome, but welcomed none the less.

Celestia giggled at her accomplishment, walked up to the edge and screamed, “I am Princess Celestia, and I declare this land Celestiaville!” The repugnant name was enough to make Discord laugh, as well as Luna. “What’s so funny?” the white alicorn asked in an uptight tone.

Luna got to her hooves, and said, “That’s the dumbest name I’ve ever heard! I think it should be called Lunatopia!”

Discord laughed even harder at the uncreative names fathomed by the two mares. “Oh… look, if you want to name this place anything, why not call it… hmm…” As he thought, the two princesses grew bored and traveled off the mountain with him still trying to come up with a competent title.

That day, Celestia’s mother had brought her and Luna to the throne room of the currently ancient ruins, found just beyond the Everfree Forest. Pillars with golden ivy decorated the sides of the walls. In the middle was a long, rectangular table used quite oftenly for dining, and off to the side were shadows that just barely hid the work desk where the grown alicorn toiled. She beckoned her daughters to it and prepared to inform the two of an event which they would have to be the heroines of the day.

“My children,” she said while being bizarrely hidden with shadows. The only visible aspect of her body was her nose and hooves. “You have been playing with the draconequus, correct?”

Celestia and Luna smiled coyly while shaking their heads. “He’s really nice,” Celestia claimed without hesitation. “We play all sorts of games, and-”

“Don’t play with the creature anymore,” the mother cut in with a soft but crude statement.

“Huh? Why not?” Luna asked.

“He… is not safe. The choices he will soon make and could make again could bring the end of us all… Please, I just want you two to be safe. Can you do this?”

Of course, the two daughters agreed to the terms of their graceful mother, and this was only remembered by the two sisters. Discord never knew what happened in the castle that day.

As Luna entered, her mane sparkling like the night sky, she moaned from the intoxicating smells of the room.

“Ah… meditation I see,” she said, distracting her sister from her goal.

“Hmm? Oh, Luna… Yes, meditating is difficult with so many interruptions.” Luna sat down and asked what was interrupting her other than herself. “Discord," Celestia voiced, receiving a response from Luna. "I visited him, and decided to leave the fiend with memories of when he was young… and now, he won’t stop remembering. This is a good thing, as he needs to be pulled out of this depressing mentality, but he won’t just leave his chaotic ways behind like they were an old, broken toy… Perhaps...” Her eyes opened and stared at Luna. She began to smile, and offered, “Perhaps you could help him with this by reminding him of some of your memories.”

Luna smiled along, feeling prudent that this might help. “Of course I’ll visit our old friend. He is, after all our first and oldest friend in the kingdom. What would you have me do?”

Celestia looked at her hooves. “Leave him with the time you two went cloud hopping together. That should put a hole in his chest… and once you’re done, make sure to fill it with peace.”

Luna smiled, and closed her eyes to meditate. Soon, her consciousness slipped from being fully awake, and drifted itself through the open air. She found herself in the void where Discord could be found, sleeping as always. In the darkness of eternal nothingness, she could see the grown figure sitting in self-pity, mumbling about the mountains he and his friends climbed all those generations ago.

“As if it’s not bad enough that shortly after that, they both-”

He saw Luna trotting out of the darkness and into his sight. Soon, a vast array of white light appeared overhead. The ground became filled with lush, green grass, and the sky was overwhelmed with stars. They twinkled and blinked at the two while they looked on. Next to Discord's right, a tree stood tall and powerful. The leaves fell like snow only to land on the soil so soft, that if one wasn’t watching it, they never would have noticed. To his left, the princess of the night gazed out at the dark and relaxing plains.

The draconequus stared at her for a moment before asking, “Why do you wish to inevitably pester me? Can you not tell that I wish to try and block out these wrenched memories your sister left me with? You’re not helping!”

Luna turned her head, and simply smiled. The moon shined with grand radiance as the two old friends sat together, something they hadn’t done in years.