• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 8,153 Views, 453 Comments

When You Were Young - Art Inspired

Discord is visited by Celestia as he journeys through his dark mind.

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Chapter One: Memories


Summer is a time during which fillies and colts of bleak beginnings frolic through fields of daffodils and other wide assortments of flowers. It's considered the best time of the newly crafted Equestria. Some enjoy recreational games and extracurricular activities, but for the two princesses, there were no better happenings than to be with their favorite kid draconequus, Discord. Before his abilities of disarrangement surfaced and took hold of his physical and mental essence, the playful and astute creature was actually generous and sensible, if not kind. Day after day, alone on a hill, he would wait for the two mares while keeping perfectly still. Watching the sunrise and reveling in its robust shimmers, he would fall into a trance just from staring at the golden star that rose upon the edge of his soon-to-be world.

“Discord, we're here!” The grey being turned around to see Celestia and Luna approach with immaculate smiles. Celestia’s mane, pink and whimsically whirling in circles, much like her sister’s, but much more curvaceous.

Luna gazed at the marvel taking place, and ventured to ask, "Let me guess, staring at the sunrise just like always?”

“What’s wrong with that?” Discord asked, his voice more childish but acerbic which implied the feelings of determination for his goals regardless of what they may be.

Celestia, walking up to sit adjacent of Discord claimed, “There’s nothing wrong with loving my work.”

Luna did the same, and then said in a jokingly crass tone, “Well, I think it’s wrong for him to like the sunrise that much to wanna see it over and over again every single morning!”

“Oh, come on Luna,” Discord begged. The two princesses began to laugh at this small dispute while Discord was left in the dark not knowing the two were merely pulling his strings. “Come on! What’s so funny?”

The day was long and fair with time. The three friends would have an entire afternoon to themselves, so what would they do? Of course, there are the usual and innocent games that they always played, but they felt like doing more with their inestimable day. Looking around at the land for some form of amusement, Celestia spotted the future development site for Canterlot, unknown to her at this point. “Why don’t we try climbing that big mountain?” Celestia asked.

Discord and Luna gulped in unison. Then, Discord asked, “Who would even dare to try such a crazy thing like that?”

Celestia claimed with amiable confidence, “I would!”

Both Discord and Luna weren’t at all sure about this concept. "Why don’t we try that tomorrow?” Discord asked aversely.

Celestia folder her hooves in anguish before claiming, “Oh! You two are no fun!”

Luna and Discord sighed heavily, relieved they were able to stall the occurrence. The day carried on as the three found other activities to enjoy. Evidently, however, Celestia’s and Luna’s mother came to pick them up. Shrouded by the shadows of the setting sun, Discord never could see the alicorn's face. All he saw was her ruby red mane, straightened and reaching down to her chest. Her voice was kind and elegantly delicate.

“Bye Discord! We'll see you later,” the young, pink maned filly said as she galloped away with her sister.

Discord flew over the hills of the world feeling somnolent. As hill after hill peeked through the star he followed, one in particular caught his eye. A luminous, yellow and green object grabbed his interest immediately. The shining phenomenon was so alluring, the draconequus simply had to glide his small body down to the ground so that he might observe this beauty of a trinket.

The flower was perfectly bloomed, shimmering with pure significance to the creature. With the day done and over with, he fell asleep in front of the flora only to dream of his friend, Celestia, like always. The next morning, Discord awoke with the flower looking him over face to face. He giggled knowing full well what he could do with it. Considering it seemed to be powerfully rooted into the hill, he held the vine with a spruce grip, only to tug the flower up and out of its home, dirt and all.

Flying to Celestia, his thought’s raced as fantasies crowded his vision. Images of her either accepting or declining the gift flowed in and out of his imagination. The being had never presented his regal friend with a token of his own. He had considered doing this, sure, but never before obtained valuables that would be acceptable to a princess. He spotted her on one of the nearby hills and readied himself for the possible outcome.

“Celly, Celly, guess what!” he cried as he floated in the air.

“What? Did something happen?” Celestia asked in puzzlement.

“Oh, no… Well, not yet anyway… Um…”

Celestia became drastically curious as to what he was getting at. So, the floating creature presented the flower while gesturing to it with his paw, and said, “This… is for you.”

Celestia’s eyes widened as she inspected the gift. Her magic took hold of the flora as she brought it up to her nose to sniff.

“Oh, Discord! It’s lovely, I love it,” she said. Her emotions wouldn't hide themselves. Discord blushed slightly, and claimed, “Well, I saw it growing… and I thought of you. So, I decided to, you know… give it to you… Because you deserve it.”

He felt the lips of his crush tenderly peck his cheek, causing his whole body to shake in radical delight. Celestia took off for home with the draconequus following close behind, marveling in his courage to offer such a gift. Not to mention, receiving the memory he would look back on for years to come. Celestia put the flower in a nice, purple vase, and got Luna to join in on the playful events they would surely enjoy.

“Okay!” Celestia said with valor. “Today… we climb the mountain!” Her horn lit up and summoned a good amount of rope, along with a wide assortment of varying equipment. Every tool they would need was there waiting for use, and though Luna and Discord were still skeptical about venturing along the invidious terrain of the mundane mountain, Celestia was more than thrilled to be the heroine of the squad. She showed this by asserting herself as leader. “If we’re going to climb this mountain, higher now than ever before, we're going to need to take things slow and cautiously.”

Discord’s claw rose as he asked, “Um… what does that last word mean?”

Celestia giggled at her friend’s adolescence, and explained, “It’s another word for being careful. Now, come on! We’ve got a cliff to climb!”

As the three approached the high terrain, Luna and Discord exchanged looks of frantic displeasure. Discord trotted up close next to Luna, and said in a whisper, “Surely there’s something more safe we could be doing right about now.”

“Well… I’m not so sure we've got much of a choice," Luna said with a shrug. "Celestia’s really excited about this… I think we should just give in and let her lead, and we should simply follow, you know?”

Though, with the high altitude in mind, the more winds whipped their backs, which in turn made Discord and Luna consider themselves that much more unprepared for this feat they were attempting to conquer.