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A Night Out with the Family

As the Apple Blooms

Part 19; A Night Out with the Family

If there was one thing that reminded Apple Bloom of being back home on the farm, it was the sounds of a rooster cawing off in the distance. Once again, it was time to get up for another day of whatever Ironhide had in store for her. While she had originally made use of an alarm clock, Apple Bloom found that the sound of roosters was far more natural for her, as well as far less annoying.

Rubbing her eyes as she rose from her bed, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think back on the previous day. She, Tender Taps, and Sideswipe had a dance session, and though she had momentarily given into some petty jealousy, this time she was able to pull herself together almost instantaneously, and her friends had clearly shown they didn’t mind. However, the honor of her favorite part was when she and Tender Taps shared a simple slow dance, culminating in the two sharing their first kiss. All in all, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but look back on the previous day with fondness as her face began to blush at the thought of Tender now being her boyfriend.

Apple Bloom was taken out of her blissful daydreaming by the sound of footsteps approaching. Quickly realizing who it most likely was, she called out, “Ah’m awake Wheeljack.”

The bedroom door opened, revealing Wheeljack, his friendly muttonchops noticeably longer than normal, holding a small orange metal device with a small spinning satellite dish. “Awh. I wanted to test my machine that goes ding.” The older man childishly complained. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as she asked, “What exactly is that thing anyway?”

Straightening himself, Wheeljack began to pompously speak, “This, my dear lady, is the most important invention I’ve ever made. This is….” The machine made a small *ding* noise as he continued, “… A machine that goes ding.”

Apple Bloom began to laugh as she realized how trivial Wheeljack’s little machine actually was. “That has to be the most useless thing Ah’ve ever seen.” She managed to say in between fits of laughter. “What’s next, a walkin’ trombone?”

Wheeljack rolled his eyes as he replied, “Oh hardy har har. This little thing here may not look like much, but I’m thinking of how I can improve it. I’m thinking something like helicopter blades to keep it in the air, a blowtorch, and……” he paused before taking a closer look at his contraption and added, “I should probably get rid of the little bell in here.”

“Wheeljack?” Apple Bloom spoke up, trying to get her co-worker’s attention. “Ah gotta get ready?” The older mechanic remembered that she was still dressed in her pajamas and replied, “Oh yeah. Don’t mind me. I’m gonna go downstairs and… I’m gonna go mess with your uncle.” Wheeljack then closed the door, leaving Apple Bloom alone to get ready for the day.

Ten minutes later, Apple Bloom had gotten herself ready. Like most days, she was dressed in her blue overalls, an orange button shirt, and black boots while her hair was in braided pigtails, this time with small bows on the ends of each one. While part of her felt that is was somewhat odd that she looked so different to how Applejack would expect, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel comfortable in her new wardrobe. Now that she thought of it, Granny Smith had shown her a photo of when she also had the same hair style when she was a little girl, so it wasn’t as if she had suddenly changed into something entirely unrecognizable.

Apple Bloom managed to get that thought out of her mind. “Come on Apple Bloom, you need your focus on the here and now.” She said to herself. “Ah can’t let mahself get distracted.”

However, as she began to leave her room, Apple Bloom’s eyes were distracted by something she hadn’t even thought of since she arrived in Allspark Wells. Turning to her nightstand, she found a small framed photograph. Walking up to the photo, Apple Bloom picked it up as she felt something eat at her heart.

It was a photo of her, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith, taken at the start of the previous school year. Before Twilight Sparkle arrived and changed everything. Before the battle of the bands. Before Sunset Shimmer became friends with Applejack and her friends. Before…..

Apple Bloom could only sigh as she rubbed the photo, removing the thin layer of dust that had begun to grow. “Ah’m so sorry.” She apologized to the image of her family. “Ah wish Ah could just go back and change everythin’ and…” She couldn’t continue, starting to feel her eyes water up. Realizing this, she couldn’t help but giggle as she asked, “Guess Ah’ve been cryin’ a lot this week, haven’t Ah?”

Still, the sunlight was starting to shine into her room, and Apple Bloom knew she had to start heading downstairs. Taking a final deep breath, she set the photo back on her nightstand as she said, “Talk to y’all later.” Apple Bloom then left her bedroom, and the only link to her family, as she prepared for whatever the day had in store for her.

The Kitchen

As Apple Bloom trudged into the kitchen, Ironhide noticed that something was off with his niece. “Good morning kid. Sleep well?” He asked as he poured a mug of coffee. Apple Bloom didn’t vocally reply, simply nodding as she walked up to Chromia.

“Need help with anythin’?” The young girl asked her aunt. Chromia turned to her and replied, “Not right now. Why don’t you go ahead and sit down.” Apple Bloom nodded as she quietly made her way to the table and sat down.

As Ironhide realized something was off with his niece, the sound of the door opening caught his attention. Turning around, he was pleasantly greeted by the sight of Ratchet, now walking with a cane. The older medic greeted, “Morning everyone.” Ironhide let out a gentle laugh as he replied, “Morning Ratchet. Sleep well?”

“Pretty much.” Ratchet replied. “Though I think I should consider finding one of those memory foam mattresses.” As he made his way to the coffee machine, his attention was stolen by a solemn Apple Bloom. The young girl was pouring a bowl of cereal while trying not to gather too much attention. However, she clearly didn’t expect to be read by an experienced medic and former doctor.

Walking up to Apple Bloom, Ratchet bluntly declared, “I believe there is something that is bothering you.” The young girl gave him a confused look as she began to reply, “Uh, Ah don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. Ah’m just fine.”

Ratchet shook his head as he retorted, “I don’t think so. You’re trying to stop yourself from thinking about something.”

Apple Bloom sighed as she let her head collapse onto the table as she replied, “Ah guess so.” Ratchet then knelt down so that he and the young girl could see at eye level, and gave her a pleading look. Sighing in defeat, Apple Bloom continued, “Ah was just…. Thinkin’ about mah family.” She then quickly began to panic as she insisted, “Not that you guys aren’t family or anythin’. Ah just….” Finally leaning back in her chair, she finished, “… Ah’ve got a lot on mah mind right now.”

Ironhide then walked up to Apple Bloom as he reassured her, “I know kid.” He then placed a hand on her shoulder, which was reciprocated when Apple Bloom wrapped him in a massive embrace. “Whoa there Apple Bloom.” He said as he returned the gesture. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom said as she released her uncle. Chromia then walked up to the two and offered, “Same for me here. I’ll always be here for you.” Apple Bloom then wrapped her aunt in another hug, one which the older woman returned almost immediately.

The door opened again, this time revealing Wheeljack, now with trimmed facial hair. The maverick mechanic then asked, “Uh, did I miss something?”Apple Bloom simply giggled as she wrapped the older man in a hug. Though he was confused, Ironhide silently gave the order for Wheeljack to return the hug. Ratchet, not feeling like wasting time, joined in the hug.

Once everyone was finished, Ironhide spoke up. “Ok everyone. Let’s get something to eat.” As everyone made their way to the table, Ironhide continued, “And I know you guys don’t like it when we change plans last minute, but I think we should go out tonight.”

Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, you mean you and Chromia?” Ironhide replied, “More like all five of us. I know you’ve been running around with your friends, but I think it should be fun for us all to let a little loose.”

Wheeljack turned to Ratchet and asked, “You know what this means?” The older medic stoically replied, “Hot Rod’s?” Wheeljack shook his head as he answered, “Nope.” Ratchet then began to think before he suggested, “Hasbro’s?” This time, Wheeljack nodded and replied, “Hasbro’s.”

Apple Bloom overheard the two men’s conversation and tried to ask them a question, but Ironhide spoke up. “Better hurry up Apple Bloom, we open in fifteen minutes.” Gulping, the former farm girl began to shovel her cereal into her mouth before Ironhide added, “Whoa there. Not that quickly.”

“Sorry about that.” Apple Bloom sheepishly replied. After finishing breakfast, the former farm girl placed her bowl in the sink and made her way to the storefront, prepared for whatever Ironhide had in mind for her.

Later That Day….

The day continued much like how almost every day had since she arrived in Allspark Wells. Ironhide and Wheeljack were helping a customer, the lumbering Lugnut, find a car in the scrap yard for testing his gauntlet while Chromia and Ratchet were fixing up someone’s jalopy. This left Apple Bloom doing what she found she did best; keeping the front of the shop in working order.

As she dusted the floor, Apple Bloom once again to think about what had brought her here. All those nights spent staring at a computer screen as she, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo posted all of the dirty secrets they’d uncovered onto the MyStable page they created, and what had it actually accomplished?

All three crusaders were exposed for their deception, their friendship went up in flames, and perhaps the worst part of all, her family felt she was nothing more than an embarrassment at best, or at worst a disgrace.

“Guess there’s no point in wonderin’ why anymore.” Apple Bloom mumbled to herself. Deep down, she knew why she did it all; she was simply jealous her sister was spending so much time with Sunset Shimmer. She was jealous that she, of all the people in her sister’s life, was getting the short end of the stick. And perhaps the worst part was that she could have easily talked to her sister, but instead over reacted and, well, there was a reason she was here in Allspark Wells and not back home. Sighing, Apple Bloom continued to sweep, trying to think of something far less depressing.

Luckily, the thought of dancing with Tender Taps replaced all of the unpleasant memories. As she recalled the two of them dancing and finally kissing, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but whistfully sigh, remembering how wonderful he made her feel. The young tap dancer reminded her that there was more to her than her mistakes. “Ah guess not everyone can be as understanding as you Tender.” She said to an imaginary Tender Taps.

This was when yet another memory entered her mind; the sight of Sideswipe pulling into Breakdown’s garage and, in a way, into her life. Much like Tender Taps, she knew that she had been Anon-A-Miss, and yet still wanted to be her friend. Laughing at that memory, Apple Bloom said to herself, “Ah guess she also knows what it’s like to have issues with your family.”

The image of Sideswipe faded as another image, this one of Marble Pie, emerged. The shy girl had also known her past, as well as having a personal connection through her sister Pinkie Pie, and yet had given her a chance. Heck, it seemed that Mr. Beachcomber had trusted Apple Bloom with helping the young girl get out of her shell.

Speaking of helping someone, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but recall Rattrap. While he was many things she would normally despise (Wise cracking, blunt, tough talking, and pessimistic), she found that he had wormed her way into her heart. And when she found out he was homeless, Apple Bloom found she just wanted to do everything she could to keep him safe, almost like he was her kid brother.

And then it finally dawned on Apple Bloom. If she hadn’t done everything, if she hadn’t given into her jealously and begun the Anon-A-Miss page, she would never have met any of them. Tender Taps would still be his somewhat shy self, Sideswipe would just be seen as a trouble maker, Marble would practically be a recluse, and Rattrap would still be scrounging people’s trash or worse.

“Whoa.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she processed what she was thinking. “Mah mistake brought me to everyone.” This revelation made her feel incredibly conflicted. Did thinking about this mean she was putting a price on Applejack’s privacy and feelings? Hell, did it mean that, if she knew what would happen, would she do it again?

This confusion was starting to exhaust Apple Bloom, and with no chairs in the shop front, she made her way behind the counter and sat down on the floor. As the thoughts whirled around her mind, she asked herself, “Would Ah do it again?”

Before she could answer, Apple Bloom heard the sound of Ironhide’s voice call out, “Apple Bloom?” Realizing she wasn’t alone, the former farm girl shot back up to her feet and replied, “Uncle Ironhide! Sorry, Ah just needed to get off mah feet for a few moments.”

“It’s alright Apple Bloom.” Ironhide replied. As he approached the counter, he quipped, “I should probably find you a stool.” As Apple Bloom giggled at that statement, Ironhide then continued, “Well Wheeljack is busy with Lugnut, so I just wanted to see if you were doing alright.”

“Ah’m alright Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom replied. “Guess Ah just have a bit on mah mind.” As Ironhide nodded, the former farm girl asked, “So, what is this “Hasbro’s” place Wheeljack and Ratchet like?”

Ironhide replied, “Well, it’s sort of like a fancy restaurant, but not too fancy. It’s not quite as casual as Hot Rod’s diner, but I doubt you’ll need to put on anything fancy.” Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she said, “That’s good, ‘cause Ah didn’t bring anythin’ fancy.”

From behind them, Wheeljack emerged with Lugnut. “Hey Ironhide, I’m gonna need the keys to open up the gate.” The white clad scrapper said. “I’m gonna need the keys to the gate. Lugnut here found an old car he wants to use.”

Lugnut, the large and imposing man with turquoise skin and red eyes, added, “I found one of those eds…. Eddy…. Those cars that always broke down.”

Ironhide nodded as he replied, “I figured. Actually surprised that no one came for it so soon.” The head scrapper then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “I’m gonna go help them. Make sure everything is ship-shape, and we’ll leave in a few hours, alright?”

“Alright Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom happily replied. She then made her way back to the now knocked over broom on the wooden floor and resumed dusting the floor.

A Few Hours Later…

“Ready to go Apple Bloom?” Ironhide called up the stairs. The yellow girl, having taken a quick shower and redone her hair so it wasn’t as frizzy, descended down the stairs as she replied, “Ready Uncle Ironhide.”

“Alright then.” Ironhide said as he straightened himself. “Let’s go.” The two then made their way through the family’s home and shop, meeting up with Chromia, Ratchet, and Wheeljack.

Wheeljack then asked, “So, who’s car are we taking?” Ironhide then answered, “I was thinking ours. That junker of yours doesn’t have enough room, and I don’t think it’s a smart idea to go anywhere in an ambulance.” Though everyone else nodded in response or let out a gentle giggle, Wheeljack “pouted” as he replied, “Hey, it’s not a junker. My baby is nothing short of a powerhouse speed demon.”

Chromia then spoke up, “If you boys are done arguing, Apple Bloom and I will be waiting in the van.” Apple Bloom nodded and followed the older woman towards the red van, followed quickly by the three men.

Apple Bloom sat herself down in the back of the van as Chromia sat down in the front passenger seat. Soon the three older men entered the van, with Ironhide sitting in the driver’s seat as Ratchet and Wheeljack placed themselves in the middle row.

Once everyone was seated and buckled in, Ironhide ignited the keys and, once the crimson van was powered up, pulled out of the driveway and began to make its way into town. As the van made its way down the road, Ironhide asked, “So, who wants a little traveling music?” Though Ratchet and Chromia simply shrugged, Wheeljack enthusiastically nodded yes while Apple Bloom awkwardly replied, “Uh, Ah guess.” Ironhide then gave a gentle chuckle as he turned on the radio.

After flicking through a few radio channels, a voice on the other end began to speak. “…. And that was “One small thing” by Seaquestria United. We now continue the countdown with number two, “Nothing’s gonna stand in our way.” This one goes out to all the boys from Da Nang to the DMZ.”

Wheeljack immediately perked up as he said, “Oh yeah man! Can’t beat the classics, can you?” As the sound of electric guitars and banging drums began, Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he answered, “Guess not.” He then looked at Apple Bloom through the mirror as he warned her, “Brace yourself kid.” Apple Bloom was confused as to what her uncle was warning her to.

She received her answer when Wheeljack began to sing along to the song. “The fortunate ones.” He sang as he banged his head, much to Ratchet’s embarrassment and everyone else’s amusement. The maverick mechanic continued, “To be fast and free and young. I wanna count myself among, the fortunate ones.” Ratchet then turned to Ironhide as he asked, “Ironhide, are you gonna do something about this?”

To Apple Bloom’s amusement, Ironhide joined in. “We won’t be denied. We know that time is on that our side. We’re gonna take that sweet joyride. We won’t be denied.” As the young girl began to giggle at the sight before her, Chromia joined in. “This generation. A fire in our eyes. Strong are the ties that bond us, we don’t need no alibi….” As the three adults continued, Ratchet sighed as he mumbled something.

As the music reached its height, all four adults sang along to, “Nothing’s gonna stand in our way!” The guitar on the radio performed a brief solo before the others continued, “Nothing’s gonna stand in our way! Nothing’s gonna stand in our way!” Wheeljack then finished with a loud and blunt, “Not tonight!”

Ironhide then spoke up, “Whoa there. Turn it down a notch Wheeljack.” Ratchet seconded the motion as he added, “Honestly, I don’t know what’s louder, your singing or an artillery battery.”

Apple Bloom asked, “So Ah take it that’s one of your favorite songs?” Ironhide replied, “You bet kid. If it ever played when weren’t on duty, the whole team would join in.” Apple Bloom figured that the team he was referring to was their old unit, the Wreckers, and she knew enough from Ratchet to know that they did a lot more than just scrap old vehicles.

She didn’t get too much time to dwell on it. Ratchet immediately said, “Well, I do hate to spoil the fun, but I think we’ve arrived.” Apple Bloom then turned her attention to her window, only to see there was nothing but a few generic buildings. She then heard Ratchet say, “It’s on the other side Apple Bloom.”

“Oh yeah. Heh heh.” Apple Bloom awkwardly giggled as she turned her head to face the other window. There stood a simple one story building with a sign that featured a tilted turquoise square with the word “Hasbro’s” over a white smiley face. All in all, it looked like an inviting place.

Ironhide then spoke up. “Alright everyone. Try not to go overboard with anything.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he explained, “This isn’t the sort of thing we do too often, and business has been a bit slow lately.”

“Ah understand.” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah won’t order anythin’ to extravagant.” Her uncle nodded as he quipped, “I was actually warning Ratchet.”

As Apple Bloom turned to face the old medic, he nervously replied, “I swear, you correct the waiter on your order one time, next thing you know they think you’re starting to go senile.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but laugh at the insinuation.

Hopefully tonight was going to be a good distraction from her troubling thoughts.


Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised by how homely the restaurant was. Once she and the others were escorted to a table, Wheeljack spoke up, “I don’t know about you guys, but I prefer the closest seat to the restroom.” When Apple Bloom turned to her older co-worker, he continued, “Hey, I have a relatively weak bladder.”

“Shut up Wheeljack.” Ironhide complained as he sat down. Chromia then said, “It would be nice if you could tone it down for tonight. I know that we can deal with your boundless energy but….” She then gestured to the rest of the restaurant as she finished, “But I don’t think everyone is as acclimated to you as we are.”

Apple Bloom, giggling at Wheeljack deflating at Chromia’s insistence, began to look over the menu. As she began to inspect all the options, it was increasingly difficult to find something that tickled her fancy.

A waiter then stepped forward and introduced himself. “Hello there. I’m Region Lock and I’ll be your waiter tonight. What would you all like to drink?” Ironhide turned to Chromia and gently said, “Ladies first.” The latter woman then turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Age before beauty.”

After pondering for a moment, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’d like a glass of water please.” After jotting the answer down in his notepad, the waiter turned to Chromia and asked for what she’d like to drink before continuing with everyone else. He then said, “Alright then, I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

Once the waiter was gone, Wheeljack turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “So is it true you’re finally dating that boy?” Caught off guard from his question, Apple Bloom looked away as she began to blush in embarrassment. Feeling satisfied, Wheeljack continued, “I’m gonna take that as a yes.”

Ironhide then spoke up. “Wheeljack, don’t pester her about it. It’s none of your business.” Apple Bloom then sighed in relief, only to gulp when Ironhide turned to her and, with a mischievous smile on his face, he quipped, “Because that’s my job.”

“Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom said defensively. Ironhide then replied, “Relax Apple Bloom. Besides, we all go through it at some point.” As he said this, he found himself locking eyes with his wife, who was returning the favor.

Chromia then spoke up, “Speaking of Tender Taps, I hear someone has been making quite the ruckus on the floorboards.” Apple Bloom began to nervously chuckle as she replied, “Sorry. Ah’ve been practicin’ mah dancin’. Hope Ah haven’t been causin’ too much noise.”

“It’s alright dear.” Chromia reassured her niece. “It’s always nice to have hobby. You know, when I was a girl, I used to paint.” Apple Bloom, intrigued, asked, “Really?” The older woman nodded as she replied, “You bet. It was something I was always kind of good at, and you don’t find too many crowds when painting in nature.”

Soon enough the waiter returned with everyone’s drinks and took the small family’s orders. This was when Wheeljack spoke up. “Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Apple Bloom then asked, “A better idea than the machine that goes ding?” As the others chuckled, Wheeljack replied, “Yes. Better than a machine that goes ding.” He then pulled out his phone, the kind of phone Apple Bloom knew almost everyone had.

“How about a little family photo?” Wheeljack proposed. As Ironhide shrugged, Chromia replied, “I don’t see why not.” Soon she, Ironhide, and Ratchet were gathered around Wheeljack as Apple Bloom hesitated to join in.

At least she was until Ironhide said, “Come on Apple Bloom.” Though she was still hesitant, the former farm girl gave in as she squeezed in between everyone. Once she was smack dab in the center, Ironhide said, “Ok everyone, say cheese.” The entire group said cheese as Wheeljack took the photo. Once it was taken, Apple Bloom managed to get a glimpse of the selfie the older man had taken.

In the photo, Apple Bloom was giving a wide smile while Ironhide and Chromia dominated the right of the picture as Ratchet and Wheeljack dominated the left. It was as if it was a perfect family. A perfect family except for the yellow girl right in the middle.

“Uncle Ironhide? Ah need to use the restroom.” Apple Bloom said. In truth, she didn’t need to relieve herself; she just needed a moment alone. Pointing to something behind her, Ironhide replied, “Its back that way.” Apple Bloom rose and said, “Thanks. Ah’ll be back in a minute.” With that, she made her way towards the restrooms.

Once she made it into the women’s room, Apple Bloom entered one of the stalls and, sitting down, began to think. The thought of the photo, of her with Ironhide’s family, was stuck in her mind. As she tried to get that image out of her head, the thought of the photo on her nightstand, the photo of her family, replaced it. The two images clashed with each other, and she didn’t know how to balance them against the other.

“Ah’m confused.” Apple Bloom said to herself. “Ah know that Applejack is mah sister but….” She paused as she realized where she was; a restroom of a restaurant in a town she’d never been in, and with someone she didn’t know about less than six months ago.

And yet, something else was racing in her mind. Ironhide, Chromia, and the others had been more than willing to take her in when her family couldn’t handle her. When Applejack felt she wasn’t worthy of being her sister, Ironhide was more than willing to take her in as his niece.

“Heh. Never thought about that.” Apple Bloom said as she realized something. As much as Applejack, Bright Mac, and Granny Smith were and would always be her family, it didn’t mean Ironhide, Chromia, Wheeljack and Ratchet weren’t family either.

Finally deciding that she had thought about things enough, Apple Bloom decided she should return to the others. Taking a deep breath, she said to herself, “Ok Apple Bloom, time to have a nice dinner with your family.” She then stepped out of the restroom and began to head towards her family.

She was immediately interrupted when she bumped into someone, specifically an older man emerging from the men’s room. “Oh mah goodness! Ah’m so sorry mister.” Apple Bloom apologized to this mystery man, only to realize he was a very familiar gray skinned man in green clothing.

“Watch where you’re going kid!” Brawn barked out, momentarily forgetting who the young girl before him was. Apple Bloom nervously nodded before quickly trying to sneak away. At least, she did before the older man called out, “Wait a minute. It’s you!” Gulping, the former farm girl tried to get away, but Brawn grabbed her by her arm, stopping her from fleeing.

“What do you think you’re doing around here little miss backstabber?” Brawn angrily asked. Apple Bloom, starting to sweat nervously, replied, “Ah’m here with Uncle Ironhide.” Brawn shook his head as he glared daggers into her eyes and said, “I doubt that. My money is you’re looking for some juicy secrets.” Nervous, Apple Bloom tried to pull her arm free, only for Brawn to tighten his grip. Now she began to actively panic.

Luckily, Ironhide’s voice rang out, asking, “What the hell is going on here?” Seeing his niece being restrained by Brawn, he stomped up to him and furiously asked, “What are you doing with my niece?”

Brawn, not intimidated in the slightest, answered, “I found her skulking around here.” Ironhide shook his head and replied, “She wasn’t skulking. Now please let her go before I bash your brains out.”

Deciding that it wasn’t a good idea to continue his crusade, Brawn released Apple Bloom’s arm as he began to walk away, but not before saying, “Keep that little bitch away from me.”

Apple Bloom was shocked by the older man’s causal cruelty. While she figured that Brawn would never exactly be warm and fuzzy with her, hearing him use that kind of language around her stung right in her heart. Sighing, she thought to herself, ‘Can’t say Ah blame him.’

Once Ironhide brought her back to the table, Chromia noticed that Apple Bloom looked very troubled and asked, “Apple Bloom, is everything alright?” The young girl didn’t say anything as she sat back down. Instead, Ironhide answered, “Turns out I chose a perfect time to use the restroom. She accidentally bumped into Brawn.”

Wheeljack immediately groaned, “Of course. I swear that prick always has a bug up is ass.” Ratchet then said, “I take it he accused you of spying on him?” Apple Bloom nodded yes as she sat back down.

Unfortunately, Brawn’s remark was starting to bug her. His bluntness reminded her of how angry her family had been when they learned what she’d done, and it was yet another reminder of why she was even here at all.

Apple Bloom didn’t say much for the rest of dinner. She just wanted to get it done and get home, or rather, as close to home as she could.

Apple Bloom’s Room, Later That Night…

Apple Bloom sat at the desk in her room, writing a letter she had been thinking on ever since she returned from Hasbro’s. With all of the emotional turmoil running through her, she needed to do something, and since she couldn’t call or text Applejack, she figured that a letter was the next best thing.

She was distracted by the sound of knocking on her door. Turning to the door, Apple Bloom said, “Come on in.” Sure enough, Ironhide entered her room as he said, “I hope I’m not intruding on anything.”

“You’re not Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom answered. “Ah was just workin’ on somethin’ for Applejack.” Ironhide nodded as he walked up to his niece. She figured that he was going to ask about what the letter was about.

Instead, the older man said, “Hey, don’t let Brawn get to you. He’s just a grump with a chip on his shoulder about everything.”

Apple Bloom sighed as she replied, “Ah know. It’s just….” Ironhide then knelt down and asked, “Still confused about your feelings with your sister?” The young girl nodded as she answered, “It’s just…. Ah know Ah should be mad at mahself but…. When Ah think about everythin’, especially mah friends, Ah don’t feel guilty anymore.”

Ironhide then placed a shoulder on his niece as he said, “Trust me. Life has a funny way of happening in the way you least expect it. Besides….” He then grew a cheeky smile as he finished, “… Things have been a bit more interesting since you showed up.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she wrapped her uncle in a massive embrace as she said, “Ah love you Uncle Ironhide.” The older man returned a hug of his own as he replied, “I love you too Apple Bloom.” He then looked his niece in the eyes as he continued, “And everyone else loves you too. Chromia, Ratchet, even Wheeljack.”

Before either of them could say anything else, Apple Bloom began to yawn. Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide said, “Sounds like someone better get some sleep.” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Guess Ah’ll see you in the mornin’?” The older man nodded as he replied, “Get some sleep.” With that, Ironhide departed his niece’s room.

Ten minutes later, Apple Bloom was in her pajamas and had tucked herself into bed. Before she was asleep though, she took one last look at the photo of her family. Resting her hand on it, she said to the photo, “Applejack, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Y’all will always be mah family. But Ah hope you don’t mind if Ironhide and the others are mah family now too.”

And as she drifted off to sleep, Apple Bloom figured there was more than enough room on her nightstand for two photos.

Author's Note:

Next Time; It's a surprise.

Author's Note; I will be taking a week off to recharge.

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