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Happy Birthday Marble

As the Apple Blooms

Part 54; Happy Birthday Marble

For many people, the best way to unwind after a day of hard work was to relax by sitting back and watching some TV, reading a book, or playing a game. But for Apple Bloom and Sideswipe, one of their favorite ways to kill the time after the Chop Shop had closed for the day was to break out the largest wooden boards they could find, strap on their tap/step shoes, and make a little noise. And now that things had finally died down for the day (including dealing with Wheeljack suffering from heat exhaustion), both girls just wanted to blow off some steam and have a little fun.

Scuffing the wooden board with her new red and black tap shoes, Apple Bloom asked, “You ready Sideswipe?” The pale biker nodded as she stretched her arms and replied, “You better believe it Apple Bloom.” With that, she leapt forward and began to strike the makeshift wooden floor, producing an intoxicating combination of clicks and clacks.

After a few moments, Sideswipe finished as she struck a dramatic pose. Having received the cue to begin, Apple Bloom began to perform two essences before continuing to some triple time steps. As she danced, the former farm girl couldn’t help but lose herself as the sound of her metal taps struck the wooden surface. They produced a far richer sound than her older pair (which already made a sound that she had grown to love), and it took a few moments for her to register Sideswipe trying to get her attention.

“Apple Bloom?” Sideswipe tried calling out to her sister. After a few moments, the red haired girl slowed down as she began to blush in embarrassment. Once she’d stopped, the pale biker remarked, “You overstayed your turn. You alright there?”

Sheepishly nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m fine. Guess Ah got a little carried away.” Sideswipe let out a gentle chuckle as she added, “It’s alright. I can get carried away to.” She then began to strut back to her end as she playfully began, “But now, it’s my turn.” With that, the pale biker started dancing once again.

The two girls continued their little game for the next hour and a half, trading turns tapping the wooden floor. However, eventually, both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe began to grow tired, and soon they found themselves sitting next to each other as they gulped down water from their bottles.

Turning to her sister, Apple Bloom extended a fist as she complimented, “Nice job Sideswipe.” Bumping the former farm girl’s fist back, Sideswipe replied, “Same here. You know, maybe we should do a duet together or something.” Pausing for a moment, Apple Bloom explained, “Ooh. Sounds fun. Though if Ah’m ever performin’ anywhere, Ah’d kinda like for mah first duet to be with Tender.”

At that moment, both girls were distracted by the sound of Ratchet calling out, “Apple Bloom? Sideswipe? You’ve got a visitor.” Rising up to her feet, Apple Bloom called back, “Be there in a sec!” She then turned her sister and said, “Come on. We better go see who needs us.” As she tried to leave, however, Sideswipe playfully asked, “Forgetting something?” Shaking her head, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah don’t think so. Why?”

When Sideswipe pointed down to her feet, Apple Bloom realized she was still wearing her tap shoes. “Oh.” The former farm girl deadpanned before she let out a gentle giggle as she continued, “Forgot about these.” With that, both girls took off their dance shoes, slipped on their boots, and made their way to the shop front, curious as to who wanted to see them.

The Shop Front

As the two teens entered the shop front, they were both pleasantly surprised to see Beachcomber speaking with Ironhide as Marble stood there, awkwardly waiting for them. Making their way up to their friend, Apple Bloom happily greeted, “Howdy Marble. What’s up?” The gray girl walked up to her friends as she replied, “Not much, but… Can I ask you guys for a favor?”

Sideswipe nodded as she replied, “You bet. What is it?” Having received confirmation, Marble began to explain, “Well, you see…. My birthday is in a few days and….” She was immediately interrupted by the pale biker congratulating, “You’re birthday? That’s awesome!”

However, Marble only sighed as she glumly replied, “I wish.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s so bad about your birthday?” The gray girl gulped as she explained, “Well, ever since I came here, my family comes to visit and….. Starting to turn a bit pale, Marble finished with, “Let’s just say I don’t get along with my dad.”

The moment those words escaped her lips, Sideswipe walked up to Marble and inquired, “What do you mean you don’t get along?” The gray geologist could only look away in shame, leading Sideswipe to reassure her, “Sorry if that came out wrong. I’m just looking out for you.” Of course, that awkward remark led to both Sideswipe and Marble blushing as they didn’t know what to say next.

Thankfully, Beachcomber distracted everyone when he said, “So, as Marble just said, her family will be stopping by for her birthday, and she was wondering if you two wanted to come along.” Sideswipe was the first to speak up, replying, “I’d love to.” She then turned to Marble as she added, “Any time with you is a good time.” Once again, both girls began to blush.

Apple Bloom, however, was hesitant for a moment. If Marble said that her family was stopping by, that meant that it would include all of her sisters. And her sisters would be arriving, that meant that there was one very specific person who would be there as well.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “Marble? When you mean your family, does that include Pinkie?” Nodding, the gray girl answered, “Yeah. Honestly the only part I’m looking forward to is seeing Pinkie again.”

So it was true. Pinkie Pie was going to be in Allspark Wells, and she was coming to see her younger sister, who just so happened to be Apple Bloom’s friend. For a few moments, the former farm girl found herself contemplating what to do. ‘Ah wanna be there for Marble, but Ah don’t wanna cause a scene.’ She thought to herself. After all, the last thing she wanted was a repeat of what happened with Roseluck.

She was distracted from her internal despair as Marble asked, “You alright there?” Apple Bloom sighed as she replied, “Ah’m just… Ah wanna help you, but Ah’m worried Ah’ll set Pinkie off.” Marble nodded as she reassured her, “Well, I can’t say she’ll be super happy, but I don’t think she’d be cranky enough to throw a fit.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom relented, “Alright. Ah should be able to help, provided uncle Ironhide allows us to that is.” Thankfully for her, Ironhide turned to his daughters and said, “You kids can go. But I expect you two to behave yourselves, especially you Apple Bloom.” Relieved, the former farm girl squealed, “Thank you uncle Ironhide.”

Marble then turned to Sideswipe and asked, “And Sideswipe?” When the pale biker turned to face her friend and crush, the gray girl explained, “My parents are pretty puritanical, so I’d suggest wearing something a little more…. Formal.” Nodding, Sideswipe replied, “I understand ma’am.”

Now that everything had been sorted out, Beachcomber finished, “So then, now that everything is settled, see you girls in two days?” Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied, “You’ve got it sir.” Sideswipe also replied, “We’ll be there sir.” With that, Beachcomber and Marble departed the Chop Shop, leaving the chop shop’s residents alone.

Turning to his daughters, Ironhide remarked, “Now then, I think you girls should clean up for dinner. You’re starting to smell like Wheeljack.” Both teens stared at each other for a moment before Apple Bloom blurted out, “Ah call first shower.” She then ran towards the stairs, followed by Sideswipe, who whined, “No fair!” All Ironhide could do was chuckle to himself as he quipped, “Those girls.”

Allspark Wells Geology Museum, Two Days Later….

“Whoa Nelly!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she held on to the edges of the side car she was riding in. She and Sideswipe had finally arrived at the museum in the pale girl’s motorcycle, or rather her motorcycle and an old sidecar that had been found in the scrap yard. Considering that the last time both girls had ridden the same bike hadn’t been particularly comfortable, the addition of somewhere to sit was a breath of fresh air.

Once the motorcycle had been parked, Sideswipe removed her helmet as she began to fuss, “Ok, don’t panic Sideswipe. Just you and Apple Bloom being back up for the cute geologist you like.” Thankfully, the former farm girl rested a hand on her shoulder as she reassured her, “Hey, relax. We aren’t stormin’ a pillbox.” When the pale biker gave a confused look, Apple Bloom added, “Ah don’t know what a pillbox is. It’s somethin’ uncle Ironhide says.”

The former farm girl then quipped, “Still, you didn’t have to go all fancy for her.” Indeed, Sideswipe had taken Marble’s request to dress a little more “formally” and ran with it. Rather than her normal attire of a red denim vest and tank top, she was now wearing a white button shirt, black suspenders, black dress pants and shoes, and a black tie. All in all, she was less grease monkey and more maitre d’.

Starting to blush, Sideswipe admitted, “I just wanna set a good impression.” Apple Bloom let out a gentle laugh as she replied, “Trust me, you’ll get along better than Ah’ll be able to.” With that, both girls began to make their way up to the museum’s front entrance.

They hadn’t even made it to the door before it opened, revealing an older teenage girl with dark gray skin, faded magenta hair, and an expression that could only be described as “outwardly uninterested.” Hesitating for a moment, Apple Bloom awkwardly said, “Uh, Howdy. Marble invited us here.”

Not even changing her uninterested expression, the older girl replied, “Pale white girl and Anon-A-Miss. Just like she said. Follow me.” Both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe shared a confused look with each other before following the older girl inside.

Once they had made the trek from the front of the museum up to the residential floors, the trio found themselves in Beachcomber’s living room. There, the girls were greeted by an extremely relieved Marble, dressed in a gray sleeveless turtleneck, a black skirt, black riding boots, and her ever present leather jacket. Lighting up with relief, the gray girl squealed, “Apple Bloom! Sideswipe! You’re here!” She then wrapped both of her friends in a massive hug, one which they both returned.

After they finished their group hug, Marble noticed Sideswipe’s attire and, blushing, complimented, “Uh, Sideswipe. You look real…. Nice.” The pale biker began to grow red herself as she replied, “Thanks. I wanted to look presentable to your family.”

Apple Bloom then spoke up with a gentle, “Ah hate to interrupt, but we can’t have you two blushin’ at each other all night.” The dark gray girl then bluntly added, “Exactly. Pinkie and Limestone will start worrying you’re having another panic attack.” Marble let out a gentle sigh as she replied, “Thank you Maud. Come on guys.” With that, she led her friends towards her sisters, not quite noticing that Apple Bloom was starting to grow noticeably paler.

Once the four girls were in the living room proper, Marble quickly found herself consumed by a blob of pink as a high pitched voice called out, “There you are Birthday girl! You were gone for almost three minutes! THREE WHOLE MINUTES!” Wrestling her way out of her sister’s embrace, the gray geologist reassured her, “It’s alright Pinkie. I’m not going anywhere.” She then turned to her friends and said, “Sideswipe, this is my sister Pinkie Pie.”

The pink girl popped in front of Sideswipe as she introduced herself with an excited, “Hi there. My name’s Pinkie Pie, and Marble has told me all about you.” Intrigued, Sideswipe replied, “Ooh. Well, it’s an honor to meet you nonetheless.” Both girls then shook hands before Pinkie Pie’s eyes drifted towards the vaguely familiar yellow girl that was also standing there.

‘It’s her.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘It’s really her.’ While she knew that she’d be there, it was still overwhelming to actually see one of the very girls that, not so long ago, she’d fooled into thinking Sunset Shimmer reverted to her old ways and casted her aside. There, standing in front of her and locking eyes with her, was someone who she hurt in the worst way possible.

Turning to her younger sister, Pinkie Pie asked, “Hey Marble? Can I have a word with Apple Bloom for a second?” The gray girl gave a confirming nod, leading the pink teen to turn to Apple Bloom and ask, “A word in private?” All the former farm girl could do was gulp and reply, “Of course.”

Making their way into one of the apartment’s restrooms, Apple Bloom began to speak, “Look, Ah know that…” She was immediately interrupted when Pinkie, her normally puffy hair deflating, shot her a nasty glair as she warned, “Now you listen here you little secret stealer!” As Apple Bloom found herself scared stiff, the pink girl continued, “Marble might trust you, but I don’t, so I’m gonna make this as clear as possible. If you ever hurt her in any way, I will tear you apart and BAKE YOU INTO A CUPCAKE! Am I clear?”

Gulping as she turned paler than Sideswipe, Apple Bloom stuttered, “C-c-crystal c-c-clear.” With her point made clear, Pinkie’s hair puffed back to its normally fluffy state as she chipperly replied, “Okie dokie loki.” She then skipped out of the restroom, leaving Apple Bloom to remark to herself, “Ah always forget just how odd Pinkie is.”

A Short While Later….

Seated around in a circle, Apple Bloom, Marble, Sideswipe, Pinkie, and the other Pie siblings were chatting with each other, catching up on what everyone had been up to. Turning to face her younger sister, Limestone asked, “So Marble? How’d you meet these two anyway?” Brushing the hair out of her face, Marble answered, “Well, it started several months ago, when Mr. Beachcomber and I were on a geologic survey up at the golden lagoon, and we ran into Apple Bloom and her boyfriend.”

When everyone turned to Apple Bloom, the former farm girl sheepishly replied, “Tender Taps and Ah weren’t datin’ yet.” Marble then continued, “And, well, we kinda talked and, I guess we just kind of hit it off.” She then turned to Sideswipe and continued, “And a week or so later, Apple Bloom brought Sideswipe over to the museum and… I guess we all kinda got along.”

Pinkie then spoke up with an excited, “Well I for one am happy that you’re making friends!” As Marble blushed, the pink girl continued, “I’m serious! I remember this time last year dad was such a grumpy cat because you were spending all your time cooped up in here.” As the gray girl looked away in shame at the mention of her father, Sideswipe asked, “Speaking of your father, didn’t your parents come as well?”

Limestone immediately spoke up with a simple, “Mom and dad are busy talking with that hippie guy.” This remark was met with a gentle nudge from Maud, leading the grumpy Pie sibling to add, “It’s true. That guy is such a hippie that I wouldn’t be surprised if he did weed or something.”

Thankfully, the blunt girl was interrupted when Maud explained, “It’s mostly just dad arranging Marble’s remittance.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s a remittance?” As most of the Pie siblings gave each other confused looks, Pinkie Pie explained, “None of us really know. It’s just something dad gives Beachcomber every time we visit.” No one noticed Sideswipe giving Marble a concerned look as they mentioned the word “remittance.”

Before anyone could say anything else, the door to Beachcomber’s room opened, Revealing the blue geologist, a pale gray woman with gray-blue hair and glasses, and a light brown man with gray hair, a black suit, and a wide rimmed black hat. As they approached the girls, Apple Bloom noticed that Marble was trying not to make eye contact with the brown man, and that he seemed to give an aura of disapproval at everything around him.

Turning to face the new girls, the light brown man inquired, “I take it my daughter took the liberty of inviting you?” Nodding awkwardly, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah. Ah’m Apple Bloom, and this is Sideswipe.” The pale biker gave a respectful bow as she approached him and said, “It’s an honor to meet you mister….”

“I am called Igneous Rock Pie.” The older man introduced himself. “Son of Feldspar Granite Pie.” He then turned to his wife and introduced her, “And this is my wife Cloudy Quartz.”

The older woman introduced herself with a gentle, “How do you two do?” As both girls were about to answer, Igneous interrupted as he asked Sideswipe, “If I may inquire as to your attire, you wouldn’t happen to be one of those “queer” types, would you?”

Once he said this, Sideswipe began to turn noticeably red as she asked, “If I were, would that be a problem?” As Apple Bloom gulped in fear, Igneous replied, “Do forgive me, but I try to raise my family to be weary of such degeneracy.” Now Sideswipe began to grow even redder as she struggled to keep herself from acting out at his blatant rudeness.
Thankfully, Beachcomber interrupted the tense seen with a gentle, “Well now, now that everyone’s here, I think it’s time we started getting dinner ready.” Pinkie Pie asked, “Ooh. Do you guys need any help?” Shaking his head, the blue man replied, “I appreciate the offer, but I think we can handle everything here.” This was followed by Cloudy Quartz adding, “Besides, you know what they say about too many cooks spoiling the broth.”

Marble then asked, “Mr. Beachcomber? Can we?” The blue geologist hesitated for a moment before answering, “Well, it is past closing hours so guests would be gone by now. Alright, you kids can go, just make sure to come back upstairs when we call for you, alright?” The gray geologist smiled as she wrapped him in a quick hug as she replied, “Thank you.”

Turning to her friends and sisters, Marble enthusiastically said, “Anyone wanna check out the museum?” Pinkie Pie gave an ecstatic, “You bet! I wanna see all the improvements you made to the fossil hall!” Maud gave a confirming nod as Limestone shrugged as she answered, “Anything to kill time.” As Sideswipe held her suspenders, she happily replied, “Lead the way m’lady.” This answer was met by the gray girl blushing a deep red as she gave a simple, “Follow me.”

As everyone made their way towards the door, Apple Bloom noticed that the three other adults were now whispering to each other. She would have inquired as to what they were talking about, but the former farm girl immediately remembered why she was there, and with that, she followed the small group back down to the museum.

The Fossil Hall….

As the group passed the many mounted fossils, Marble explained, “These guys here are from the Permian Period.” She then pointed to the skeleton of a lizard like creature with a giant spinal sail as she continued, “I helped reassemble that Dimetrodon skeleton piece by piece. Mr. Beachcomber had to practically drag me away from him every night.”

As Apple Bloom found her heart soaring at seeing her friend open up so much, Pinkie happily squealed, “Listen to you Marble. This reminds me of when you used to litter the farm with toy dinosaurs.” The gray girl began to smile as she admitted, “I’ve missed you Pinkie.” She quickly found herself wrapped in a tight embrace as Pinkie replied, “I’ve missed you more Marble.”

Limestone then made her way up to Sideswipe as she asked, “Hey, Uh… About what dad was asking you about…. You know….” The pale biker replied, “Yeah, I’m gay. You guys got a problem with that?” Quickly raising her hands, the white haired girl defended herself, “Personally, I don’t really care. It’s just that dad is a very “old fashioned” kind of person.” Shrugging, Sideswipe simply quipped, “Eh, you get used to people like that around here.”

While they were talking, Maud made her way towards Apple Bloom and said, “I hear you and Marble are good friends.” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah. Ah know Ah’m probably not the first person you’d prefer for her to be friends with but…” She was interrupted by the purple haired teen interrupting her and, though still in her seemingly uninterested voice, reassured her, “Marble speaks very highly of you. I’d say you’re probably one of the best things to happen to her here.”

As the group made their way towards the largest dinosaur skeleton (a large sauropod that the sign called a Saltasaurus) Limestone turned to her younger sister as she said, “Hey Marble? You do know dad is gonna have you try to build a cairn again tonight, right?” Sighing, the girl in the leather jacket complained, “Do I really have to?” Maud simply nodded as she added, “Remember what happened last year?” All Marble could do was pout as she whined, “I hate those stupid things.”

Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, What’s a cairn?” Limestone answered, “They’re these sort of tower things made of rocks. It’s a Pie family tradition to build your own.” She then turned to Marble as she added, “Marble hasn’t been able to make her own yet.” As the light gray girl looked away in shame, Sideswipe asked, “So, what happens if she decides not to do it?”

Pinkie, Limestone, and even Maud immediately found their eyes widening as Sideswipe innocently asked, “Was it something I said?” As Pinkie covered her eyes, Limestone covered her ears, and Maud covered her mouth, Marble dejectedly answered, “It’s something we’ve been doing for fifteen generations, and dad says it’s a tradition.” Sighing, Sideswipe replied, “Sounds like a load of bull…..”

Apple Bloom immediately ran up to her sister as she covered her mouth with her hand as she sheepishly apologized, “Ah had a feelin’ she was gonna say somethin’ like that.” As Sideswipe rolled her eyes, Marble couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of her friends’ impromptu comedy act. Once Apple Bloom released her, the pale biker couldn’t help but quip, “Well at least we got a smile back on her face.”

As Marble continued to laugh, Pinkie Pie asked, “So, Apple Bloom, what have you and my sister been up to?” Though momentarily put off by the pink girl’s question, Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she replied, “Well, there was that time Ah helped her on a volunteer day, the times Sideswipe an’ Ah have just hung out with here, there was that time some woman thought Rattrap had stolen her wallet and she helped us try to find it, there was the fossil dig…” Of course, the moment she mentioned the fossil dig, both Sideswipe and Marble began to blush in embarrassment as they gave each other awkward (and admittedly adorable) glances.

The relatively jovial mood was ruined when Limestone asked, “So Marble, it true some scientist said you were a retard?” While Marble began to grow pale as Sideswipe comforted her, Pinkie Pie immediately gave her sister a (rather gentle) smack as she sternly scolded, “I thought we agreed not to use that word!” Sighing, Limestone grumbled, “But it’s true.”

Apple Bloom stomped up to Limestone as she said, “Marble is mah friend, an’ nothin’, not even her Perceptor’s Syndrome, will change that!” As the Pie siblings took in the former farm girl’s defiance, Maud shrugged as she nonchalantly remarked, “She has better resolve than you said.” Confused, Apple Bloom replied, “Uh, thanks?”

At that moment, a high pitched screech rang throughout the fossil hall, forcing Marble to cover her ears as she groaned in pain. Once the screech died down, Beachcomber’s voice called out, “Hey there. We’ve just about got dinner finished, so you kids should start making your way up here.”

Turning to Marble, Sideswipe extended her hand as she cheekily asked, “So birthday girl, shall we?” Blushing, the gray girl gave a simple, “We shall.” She then took Sideswipe’s hand as they began to head back up to the residential floor.

Once they were out of ear shot, Pinkie Pie sighed as she turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “They like each other, don’t they?” The former farm girl hesitated for a moment before replying, “Would you consider me answerin’ that as spreadin’ a secret?” As Pinkie hesitated, Limestone quipped, “She’s got you there.” Finally relenting, the pink haired girl answered, “I won’t.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom admitted, “Ah know Sideswipe likes her. Ah don’t know too much about Marble, but Ah think she’s reciprocatin’ the feelin’.” Taking this in, Pinkie Pie jumped into the air as she squealed, “Marble has her first crush! This so calls for a party!” Maud immediately reminded her sister, “But we’re already throwing her birthday party right now!” Upon being reminded of this, the pink girl quickly screamed, “Oh no! I forgot!”

With that, Pinkie Pie dashed away, leaving Apple Bloom, Maud, and Limestone to catch up with her.

A Short While Later….

Apple Bloom had always heard about just how chaotic dinner with the Pie family could be from her sister. But to see just how delightfully crazy things could get didn’t do the stories justice. Though their parents and Maud remained as deadpan and stoic as ever, Pinkie Pie proved to be the center of attention. She told wild stories of what she and her friends had been up to (including an unfortunate incident with a giant helicopter robot), her first date with a young man named Cheese Sandwich, or just reciting one of the countless ditties that had popped into her head, it was clear that she was the center of attention.

Not that Marble minded. The gray girl was more than happy to simply blend into the small crowd and allow her older sister to hog the spotlight. Sure, she would bring up something that had happened since they last met, but for the most part, Marble was perfectly happy to sit back and hide in the shadows.

Turning to her little sister, Pinkie exclaimed, “Oh Marble! You’re gonna love what I found for you a while back!” Intrigued, Marble asked, “What is it?” The pink girl wagged her finger as she playfully replied, “Not just yet.” Pouting, the gray girl simply quipped, “You’re no fun.”

Before anyone could say anything else, Igneous stood up from the table and began, “Now that we have eaten our fill, I feel the time has come for Marble to construct her cairn.” For a few moments, no one said anything as the tension began to rise. Eventually, Marble asked, “Do I really have to?” Her father immediately gave his answer as he sternly shouted, “I will not have any of my children defying our family’s tradition!”

As Marble raised her arms to protect her face, Beachcomber immediately stood up and placed himself between his ward and her father as he warned, “You will not take that tone with my protégé.” For several more moments, both men stared at each other before Marble sighed and spoke up, “Fine. I’ll do it.” Satisfied, Igneous began to lead his daughter away as he asked, “There. Was that so hard?”

As they walked away, Apple Bloom leant next to Sideswipe and asked, “Ah’ve got a bad feelin’ about this.” Glaring at her crush’s father, Sideswipe growled, “Call me crazy, but this guy gives me a sense of déjà vu.” She then got up and followed Marble and her father, leaving Apple Bloom to think to herself, ‘This ain’t gonna end well.’

Outside the Museum, One Hour Later….

Sitting on a rock outside the museum, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but find herself growing increasingly concerned and frustrated. In front of her, Marble was struggling (and failing) to assemble a cairn out of six large rocks. Whenever she tried to use two rocks to support the others, her father demanded she only use one per layer. Whenever she had them stacked, he demanded the cairn be taller. Perhaps the worst part was that when Apple Bloom and Sideswipe offered to help, Igneous refused, claiming that she “learn to stand on her own two feet.”

After a few more minutes, Marble began to groan as she complained, “Dad, do I really have to do this?” Nodding, Igneous replied, “It is our tradition.” As Marble resumed her work, Beachcomber pleaded, “Look, it’s been a long day, and I think she should be allowed to open her presents.” The Pie patriarch glared into the blue geologist’s eyes as he continued, “Not until she finishes what she should have years ago.”

Both men were interrupted by Cloudy Quartz calling out, “Quiet down! I think she’s almost got it!” Indeed, Marble had managed to get five of the large stones stacked in a way that her father found satisfactory, with only one left to go. Holding her breath, Apple Bloom whispered, “Come on, you can do it.” Wiping the sweat from her brow, Marble took the final stone and gently set it on the top of her cairn.

And almost immediately, the cairn fell back over.

Sighing to himself, Igneous angrily grumbled, “Ugh! Why can’t you build a simple cairn like your sisters?” This remark, this simple complaint said out of frustration, struck Marble right in her heart. Giving into her growing anger and frustration, the gray girl couldn’t help but take the smallest stone and, with a scream born of anger, threw it at the museum’s wall, shattering it into dust.

Running up to her friend, Apple Bloom asked, “Marble! You alright?” Rather than say anything, the gray girl began to tear up before, without warning, she ran back into the museum, leaving everyone concerned and confused.

Storming up to Igneous, Sideswipe angrily asked, “What the hell was that for?” The older man sternly replied, “You dare inquire me on how I raise my daughter?” Rather than back down, the pale biker retorted, “Looks like Beachcomber has been doing that for you! And for the record, I know what a remittance is you prick!” As Beachcomber ran up to the two, Sideswipe ran towards the museum, followed closely by Apple Bloom.

The Fossil Hall

Marble wasn’t hard to track down. Both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe figured that she would have retreated to the fossil hall, and once there, all they had to do was follow the sounds of her crying. Sure enough, they found her huddled next to one of the mounted fossils, specifically a familiar Pachyrhinosaurus with frill that had been partially broken and repaired.

Making her way up to the gray girl, Apple Bloom innocently asked, “You doin’ alright there?” Marble immediately lifted her head to face her friends as she angrily answered, “Does it look like I’m alright? I’m nothing but a retard that can’t even stack some fucking rocks!” As she curled back next to the dinosaur skeleton, Sideswipe walked up to her as she defiantly replied, “That’s not true and you know it!”

Standing up, Marble, now bleeding tears from her bloodshot eyes, vented, “But it’s true! Dad hates me because no matter what I do, I can’t put two fucking rocks together without them falling over!” She then began to walk around her friends as she continued, “It doesn’t matter I can put dinosaur skeleton together and tell you how it died or anything I can do. All that matters to him is “tradition” and “old fashioned values” and I just can’t be what he wants!”

Before Apple Bloom could say anything, Sideswipe stepped up to Marble as she reassured her, “Then fuck him!” As Marble took this in, the pale biker continued, “Listen to me, I’ve spent most of my life dealing with someone just like him, and he….” Pausing for a moment as she began to tear up herself, Sideswipe continued, “I had one person like that hurt me, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone like him hurt you!”

As Marble took this in, Apple Bloom added, “Ah think she’s right. Just after you left, she chewed your dad out. Ah’ve never seen her get so angry at anyone.” Starting to tear up again, Marble pulled Sideswipe into a massive hug, one which the pale girl returned just as tightly.

The happy moment was interrupted when the sound of Pinkie Pie’s voice called out, “Marble? You in here?” Everyone turned to see the pink girl approaching them, a package held in her hands. Approaching them, the pink girl sighed as she apologized, “Sorry dad was so….”

“This isn’t something you can just apologize for.” Sideswipe interrupted. As Pinkie Pie stepped back in surprise, the pale girl explained, “Look, I may have had to drop out of school, but I’m not stupid. I know what a remittance is, and since your dad gives it to Beachcomber for Marble, it tells me everything I need to know.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s a remittance?”

Sighing, Sideswipe answered, “Back in the old days, rich nitwits would send their black sheep like drunkards and underachievers away and pay them to stay away.”

As Marble took this in, Sideswipe turned to face her crush as she dejectedly apologized, “I’m sorry.” Beginning to tear up, the gray girl wrapped her arms around the pale biker as she resumed her fitful tears.

Facing the pink girl, Apple Bloom asked, “Did you know about this?” Shaking her head, Pinkie Pie answered, “Dad has always been a stickler for tradition, but…” Hesitating for a moment, she continued, “And Marble has always been different from Maud, Limestone and I, and it always seemed to annoy him and….”

Now tearing up herself, Pinkie Pie began to cry, “And now I’ve let you down too! I’m a horrible sister!” Seeing her sister cry led Marble to exclaim, “No Pinkie! You’re a great sister!” Now wrapping her sister in a tight hug, she continued, “You’ve always been there for me, and always had a way to calm me down when I got too angry.” And as Pinkie returned her sister’s hug, Marble finished, “And before Apple Bloom and Sideswipe, you were my best friend.”

Pulling herself closer to her sister, Pinkie Pie gently reassured her, “Because you’re my little sister, and I love you just the way you are.” Tearing up, Marble replied, “And I love you the way you are too.” As the two sisters finished their hug, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe watched, neither saying anything for fear of spoiling the mood.

Once they’d finished the hug, Pinkie Pie sprang up as she said, “Oh, I nearly forgot!” Picking up the package, she handed it to Marble as she continued, “I know today hasn’t been the best, but it’s still your birthday, and after pulling a favor for Rarity, I was able to get you this.” As the gray girl accepted the package, Pinkie finished with a warm, “Happy birthday.”

Opening the present, Marble’s eyes widened as she pulled out a brand new leather jacket. This new one was a rich black and decorated with simple rhinestones decorating it, reminding Apple Bloom somewhat of the jacket Sunset Shimmer wore. Turning to her sister, Marble asked, “Can I?” Nodding, Pinkie replied, “Of course silly. It’s your jacket.”

Slipping off her older jacket, Marble stuck her hands into the new jacket and pulled it over her, finding that it fit her perfectly. She then turned to face her sister, who began to scuff the ground as she replied, “Yeah, I figured you’d grown a little bit and Rarity knew this guy who makes the best leather work and….”

“I LOVE IT!” Marble squealed as she wrapped her sister in a massive hug. Once she released her, the gray girl turned to face Apple Bloom and Sideswipe as she asked, “What do you guys think?” Nodding, the former farm girl complimented, “It suits you perfectly, doesn’t it Sideswipe?” The pale biker didn’t answer for a few moments (she was too busy blushing at just how pretty Marble was), but eventually, she answered, “You bet! You know Marble, right now you’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen.”

At that moment, a loud clock began to ring out. Turning to face said clock, Apple Bloom realized that it was rather late. Sighing, she said, “Ah hate to bear bad news, but Sideswipe and Ah had better be headin’ home.” As both Sideswipe and Marble groaned, Pinkie Pie asked, “Apple Bloom?” Gulping in fear, the former farm girl asked, “Yeah?”

Taking a deep breath, Pinkie Pie replied, “Look, I know that you screwed up but… seeing what you’ve done for my sister, I think I was wrong about you.” As Apple Bloom processed what she’d just heard, the pink girl continued, “As long as you stay out of trouble, I don’t see any problem with you being friends with my sister.” Taking this in, the former farm girl simply smiled as she replied, “Ah won’t let you down.”

Despite seemingly making peace with one of her sister’s friends, Apple Bloom knew she had to return home to the Chop Shop. Turning to face Sideswipe, she called out, “Come on Sideswipe. We better start headin’ home.” Sighing, the pale girl turned to Marble as she said, “You know, if you ever want to hang out or do anything, I’m always available.” As Marble blushed, she continued, “And about what happened at the fossil dig, I was just a little over whelmed and…. I meant everything I said about you being kinda cute and….”

She was interrupted when Marble gave her a kiss on the cheek.

As Sideswipe stood there, struggling to process what had just happened, Marble couldn’t help but quip, “You better hurry before Mr. Ironhide gets angry.” Still catatonic, the pale biker was helpless as Apple Bloom began to pull her away as Apple Bloom bid, “Take care Marble. Farewell Pinkie.” Both Pie siblings waved goodbye as they departed the fossil hall.

Once they had made it back to their motorcycle, Sideswipe let out a gentle, “She likes me.” As Apple Bloom gave a gentle nod, the pale biker let out a more enthusiastic, “She likes me!” Finally taking a deep breath, she leapt into the air as she let out an impossibly loud, “SHE LIKES ME!”

“Calm down Sideswipe!” Apple Bloom called out. As Sideswipe regained her composure, the former farm girl continued, “We can’t have you goin’ crazy behind the wheels on your bike, can we?” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Sideswipe replied, “I suppose not.”

Once they were fastened on the motorcycle and side car, Sideswipe asked, “So Apple Bloom, you think Marble and I…. You know… have a chance?” Pausing for a moment, the former farm girl answered, “Ah’d give her a few days to process everythin’ that’s happened today, but yeah.” She then added, “And if Ah may say, you two are kinda cute.” All Sideswipe could do was blush blood red as she revved up her bike and began the journey home.

And as they traveled, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel that if she could make peace with Pinkie Pie, then maybe, just maybe, she could do so with Applejack as well.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom, Sparkplug, and Tender Taps help Rattrap with some "troublesome guests."

Fun Fact; This chapter was originally called "pie for dinner" but since very little happens at the dinner table and it is during Marble's birthday, I decided to change the title

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