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As the Apple Blooms

Part 42; Repercussions

“Hey Applejack. We’ve had a problem here.” Ironhide said into his phone. As he began to explain the current situation to one of his nieces, Apple Bloom gulped in fear as she began to turn absolutely pale white. She could hardly believe the situation she found herself in, and yet there was no denying it.

She was in trouble, and Ironhide was informing the last person in the world she wanted to know about it.

‘Oh no.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘Applejack is gonna be so mad.’ It took all of her strength to keep herself from dropping down to her knees and begging her uncle, but she knew it would be a futile gesture at best. ‘Why couldn’t Ah just stay away from Roseluck?’

The former farm girl was distracted from her internal turmoil when Ratchet tapped her on the shoulder and asked, “Kid?” When Apple Bloom turned to the older man, he solemnly pointed to Ironhide, who had stopped talking on the phone. Handing the small electronic device to his niece, the family patriarch informed her, “Your sister wants to have a word with you.”

Nervously reaching for her uncle’s phone, Apple Bloom thought to herself, ‘Alright. Let’s just get this over with.’ She then brought the phone up to her ear and, taking a deep breath, asked, “Hey Applejack.”

“Apple Bloom!” Her older sister shouted from the other end of the line. She angrily continued, “Do you have any idea how furious Ah am with you?!” The younger girl could only stammer, “A-a-a-lot?” The older Apple sibling immediately interrupted with, “That doesn’t even begin to cover it! You just had to go and stalk one of your damn victims!”

The statement of that fact hit Apple Bloom right in her heart. Feeling the guilt build up in her chest, the former farm girl squeaked out, “Ah know. Ah’m sorry Applejack.” On the other end of the line, however, Applejack bellowed, “That’s not good enough! We sent you over there to straighten you out, but it seems you’ve done nothin’ but get in more trouble!”

Feeling attacked, Apple Bloom defended herself with a weak, “Ah have been gettin’ better Applejack! Ah just….” She was interrupted by her sister barking back, “Ah don’t care you damn brat!” The older Apple sibling shouted this so loudly that all four adults heard this, shocking all of them.

As Apple Bloom took in what she just heard, Applejack continued, “You wanna know somethin’ funny? Ah was actually considerin’ commin’ over there and surprisin’ you with a visit.” This revelation left Apple Bloom speechless as she processed what she’d just heard. Before she could say anything else, however, Applejack continued, “But now, not only am Ah cancelin’ those plans, but you can forget about any of us visitin’ you PERIOD!”

“That’s not fair!” Apple Bloom desperately complained. However, her older sister wouldn’t hear any of it, angrily explaining, “You listen here missy, and listen well. All Ah hear from you or about you is how great your doin’ or how you get some damn boy to like you while Ah gotta deal with the damage YOU caused, and now Ah find out you went and got in even more trouble! Ah’m so disappointed in you and…. And…..” For a few moments, there was nothing on the other end save for the sound of Applejack’s furious breathing.

And then, two sounds began to ring through the phone. One was the sound of Applejack shouting incoherent noises at the top of her lungs, and the other was the unmistakable sound of destruction. Cracking wood, ripping cloth, and things tumbling all over wherever Applejack was rang through the shop front. She may not have known what exactly her sister was doing, but Apple Bloom did know one thing.

For the first time in her life, Applejack was scaring her.

Desperate, Apple Bloom desperately begged, “Applejack, please stop it!” The moment she said this, the older Apple sibling shouted something no one, neither Apple Bloom nor Ironhide or anyone else present, would forget for a long time.


Apple Bloom couldn’t believe what her sister had just called her. It was almost impossible for her to believe that her own sister would say something so… so cruel. And yet, as she processed everything, there was no denying what had just happened. Applejack, her sister, the most important person in her life, had called her something impossibly cruel. Now barely able to keep everything together, the former farm girl found herself unknowingly dropping her uncle’s phone.

As soon as the phone crashed into the wooden floor, Ironhide scooped down and grasped the device. Rather than inspect it for signs of damage, he instead brought it up to his ear as he angrily asked, “What in the blue FUCK was that for?!” Rather than receive an answer, however, Applejack simply hung up.

Sighing, Ironhide turned to face his niece, who was now barely holding together. Taking a deep breath, all he could say was, “Apple Bloom, please go to your room.” The young girl wanted to protest, but deep down, she just didn’t have the strength to do so and simply ran to her room.

Once Apple Bloom was gone, all four adults found themselves stunned absolutely speechless. After what seemed like an eternity, Wheeljack finally spoke up with, “She didn’t just say that. Please tell me I’m finally going insane.” Ratchet tried to speak up, but all the medic could do was shake solemnly shake his head.

Ironhide, on the other hand, shook his head in disgust as he spoke up. “We all heard what Applejack said.” As he focused on his family, he continued, “I get that she’s angry, but that, that was…” He paused for a moment, struggling to find the right words before settling on, “I’ve heard that kind of attitude only once before.” Sighing, Chromia asked, “Their father?” The family patriarch sadly nodded as he continued, “And that’s what scared me.”

No one knew what else to say, and so the four adults returned to their duties, concerned about Apple Bloom but not quite knowing what the next step would be.

Apple Bloom’s Room, That Night…

Sniffing to herself, Apple Bloom crawled into her bed; the exhaustion of the day finally began to take its toll. Just going back over everything that had happened in the previous twelve hours wore her down. “Alright Apple Bloom.” She reprimanded herself. “You basically stalked one of your victims, you punched her, you disappointed not only the only people who were willin’ to give you a second chance, but you…. You…”

She couldn’t even finish that sentence without feeling her eyes begin to drip tears. In just one day, she’d taken all the progress and improvement she’d made since she arrived in Allspark Wells and burned it all to the ground. Pulling the covers over her, all the young girl could do was hope to herself, “Ah hope things are better tomorrow.” She then began to drift off into what she hoped would be a deep and restful slumber.

Somewhere in Time and Space…

“GET UP!” Applejack’s voice bellowed as Apple Bloom found herself being kicked out of her bed. As the younger girl began to process what exactly was going on, she realized something; she was back home in Sweet Apple Acres. Confused, she asked, “Applejack? What the heck is goin’ on?”

She received an answer in the form of feeling someone pulling her up by her hair. “Ouch!” The former farm girl yelped as she recoiled in pain. Before she could say anything else, she was pulled upwards further until she found herself staring face to face with a furious Applejack, her face covered in wrinkles and featuring deep circles under her eyes.

“You backstabbin’ little bitch!” Applejack angrily belted in her younger sister’s face. “You are a disgrace to the Apple Family!” she then slammed Apple Bloom into the wall. As the younger girl let out a groan of pain, Applejack mocked, “Awh, somebody hurtin’? Well guess what, that’s just a taste of what Ah got in store for you.”

Falling back down to the floor, Apple Bloom began to beg her older sister to stop. “Ah’m sorry Applejack! Ah’m sorry for everythin’!” She then began to grovel at her sister’s feet, “Ah’m sorry! Ah was stupid and selfish and just….”

“Sorry don’t feed the bulldog!” Applejack barked back at her little sister. “You betrayed every single one of us, and for that you will be punished!” She then grabbed her sister by her shirt collar and threw her back down to the ground. Cracking her knuckles, the older farm girl sadistically quipped, “This is gonna be fun.”

As Apple Bloom laid on the ground, sore and terrified, she noticed something red in the corner of her eye. Turning to see what it was, she found that standing in the doorway to her room was Ironhide. Feeling a sliver of hope forming in her heart, the young girl called out, “Uncle Ironhide! Help me!”

But instead, Ironhide simply shook his head and walked away, leaving Apple Bloom to her fate. Unable to take everything in, the young girl begged, “No! Uncle Ironhide! Come back!” She tried to get up and run after her uncle, but she was stopped when she felt something grab her by the shoulder. It felt like a hand, but it felt eerily cold, as if it were made of ice. Turning to face her shoulder she realized this hand wasn’t orange-yellow like her sister’s, but rather a cool purple.

Before Apple Bloom could process what she was seeing, a new voice, this one deep, masculine, and monstrous speak to her, “Don’t worry little girl. If they won’t accept you, I think I can find a use for you.” Though everything in her body told her not to, Apple Bloom began to turn around and see who it was.

Once she turned around, the young girl was greeted by the most terrifying being she’d ever seen. Standing in front of her was a monstrous skeleton in ornate purple armor, a purple crown/helmet with three points, and sporting an orange weapon fastened to its right arm. The monster grabbed Apple Bloom by her throat, pulled her up to his face, and let out a horrifying screech.

Staring into this monster’s piercing red eyes, Apple Bloom screamed in sheer terror. She tried to wiggle her way free, but she found she was losing strength too quickly, and starting to feel herself lose consciousness.

She wouldn’t have long to panic further, as the monster reached for her with its other hand, blacking out her world and forcing her back to the land of the living.

Apple Bloom’s Room….

“Gah!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she awoke with a sore throat and sweat dripping down her face. Shaking her head, she sighed to herself, “Phew. Guess it was all a dream.” As she said this, however, she realized just how coarse her throat felt. “Heh, Guess Ah’m a little thirsty.” She then began to rise from her bed, only to be stopped by a thought running through her mind.

‘Wait a minute Apple Bloom. Uncle Ironhide might find you, and right now the last thing you need is him gettin’ on your case for bein’ up late.’ Sighing in defeat, the former farm girl slumped back onto her bed as she groaned to herself, “Ah hate mahself.” With that, she tucked herself back in and hoped that the rest of her night would be tolerable.

Four Days Later….

Walking down the stairs, Ironhide was pleasantly surprised to see Wheeljack busy at the stove grilling sausage. Letting out an amused chuckle, the older man quipped, “Good to see someone is finally getting better with KP duty.” The white clad man turned to face his boss and friend as he replied, “Hey! You forget that I was the one who found out how to make all that beef taste tolerable.”

From behind them, both men heard Ratchet remark, “I thought you made that stuff tolerable because you smothered it in salt.” Turning to face the older medic, Ironhide found his third teammate enter the kitchen as he stretched his arms. The medic then continued, “Mornin’ boss.”

As Ratchet made his way to the coffee machine, he asked, “Where’s Apple Bloom? She’s usually down by now.” Ironhide realized that indeed, his niece, who usually came down before anyone began fixing breakfast, was suspiciously absent.

“You’re right.” Ironhide replied. Wheeljack then spoke up with, “I hate to be the one to say this, but I’ve noticed she’s lost a bit of energy since you grounded her.” When the family patriarch gave him a stern look, the energetic scrapper defended himself with, “Hey, I’m just stating the obvious! Don’t shoot the messenger!”

Raising his hands in defense, Ironhide replied, “I know, I know. I know some of it is just her sulking, but…..” He was interrupted by Wheeljack warning, “Somebody’s coming down! Shut up!”

Indeed, trudging down the stairs was Apple Bloom, her hair slightly unkempt and dark circles under eyes. As the young girl made her way to the fridge, Ironhide greeted his niece with, “Mornin’ kid.” Apple Bloom didn’t seem to react, simply pulling out some apple juice and making her way to the cupboard. Concerned, he continued, “Hey! Earth to Apple Bloom. You there?”

Managing to snap out of her trance, Apple Bloom answered, “Oh yeah, Ah’m fine.” Something about his niece’s answer didn’t feel right with Ironhide. Concerned, he gently asked, “You sure about that?” This unobtrusive question was answered by Apple Bloom angrily replying, “Ah said Ah’m fine!”

Realizing what she’d just said, Apple Bloom quickly began to apologize. “Oh mah goodness! Ah’m so sorry Uncle Ironhide!” The family patriarch raised his hand as he replied, “It’s alright kid.” The young girl let out a sigh of relief as she grabbed a glass and began to pour a glass of juice.

As Apple Bloom began to make her way towards the dining table, however, Ratchet asked, “Hey Apple Bloom. You mind coming over here for a minute?” Stopping, she pointed to herself in confusion, leading to the older man to nod yes. Walking up to him, Apple Bloom asked, “Somethin’ wrong sir?”

Taking a quick look at the young girl’s face, Ratchet bluntly replied, “You’ve not been sleeping.” Wheeljack spit the coffee he was drinking as Ironhide blurted out, “Wait, what?” Nodding, Ratchet turned to his coworkers and replied, “You do see the circles under her eyes, right? That and her outburst kind of make it clear. Honestly you don’t need a doctor to spell it out.”

Processing this statement, Ironhide turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “Is it true?” The red haired girl sighed as she shamefully admitted, “Sorry, It’s just that…. Ah’ve been havin’ bad dreams.” As her eyes began to glitter, Ironhide asked, “About your sister I take it?” Apple Bloom tried to speak, but found a lump starting to form in her throat.

Kneeling down to face her at face level, Ironhide reassured her, “Hey, if you want to talk about it, I’m all ears.” Apple Bloom managed to form a weak smile as she wrapped her uncle in a quick hug and reply, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.”

At that moment, Wheeljack spoke up with, “I hate to interrupt, but the sausage is starting to get cold.” Both uncle and niece couldn’t help but let out embarrassed chuckles as the former asked, “Now then, How about we get some breakfast?”

The Scrap Yard, Later That Day…

Carrying yet another crate of scrap metal to the shack containing the smelting pools, Apple Bloom dropped the box in front of the large doors as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “Phew. That’s the thousandth’ delivery today.” She whispered to herself, even if it was actually closer to the 566th.

The last few days had been nothing short of taxing. Ironhide had removed Apple Bloom from her relatively cushy position at the front of the shop and assigned her the most physically demanding tasks possible. When the adults were feeling “generous,” they’d have her deep cleaning every single nut, bolt, gear, or just peace of salvageable metal. Most of the time, however, she was sent into the scrap yard to collect anything of value and deliver it to Ratchet and Ironhide at the smelting pools. These exhausting and tedious chores had become the new, albeit temporary, normal.

Making her way deep into the jungle of metal, Apple Bloom allowed herself to lean against a tower of rusting cars. As she took a deep breath, the young girl found herself struggling to keep from breaking into tears. “Come on Apple Bloom! Keep it together!” She berated herself. “There ain’t no point in frettin’ over what Applejack said to you. Just try to…. Try to…..”

No matter what she said to herself, the former farm girl just couldn’t keep her composure. Slumping down to the ground, Apple Bloom began to weep, not out of sorrow, but out of anger at herself. “Damnit Apple Bloom.” She angrily berated. “You just had to go an’ cause all this trouble. You’re nothin’ but a good for nothin’ little brat.”

Before she could continue, Apple Bloom heard Ironhide call out, “Hey! No sleeping on the job! Get back to work kid.” Caught off guard, the young girl called back, “Understood sir!” She then resumed her work, accepting the fact that tonight, she would be nothing short of exhausted.

Apple Bloom’s Room, That Night…

Having slipped on her pajamas, Apple Bloom found herself both absolutely exhausted and scared. She’d been suffering terrible nightmares, each of which involved her sister. They’d made it nearly impossible for her to sleep. Still, despite her fear of yet another bad dream, the former farm girl knew she need some rest.

Crawling into bed, all Apple Bloom could do was think to herself, “Please let tonight go by peacefully.” She then drifted off into the land of dreams, hoping tonight would give her a quiet and deep sleep.

She was sorely mistaken.

Somewhere in Time and Space…

Once again, Apple Bloom found herself on a great grassy plain under a dark starry sky. “Just mah luck.” She said to herself. “This place again. Guess that means Ah can expect a visit from someone angry with me.” She then began to look around her, wondering who would show up to insult her.

The former farm girl received her answer in the form of a scratchy masculine voice shouting, “Hey kid!” She was then pulled backwards and slammed into the ground. Now, Apple Bloom found herself staring upwards, facing a familiar mechanic in a white jumpsuit.

“Wheeljack?” She asked in confusion. The older man shook his head in disappointment as he berated her, “You are in a lot of trouble young lady.” Apple Bloom sighed in resignation as she replied, “Ah know.” Deep down, she was expecting Wheeljack to continue to berate her or say how she was a failure.

Instead, the grown up mechanic grabbed Apple Bloom and pulled her towards him as he shouted, “You have betrayed every single one of us. For your crimes, we sentence you to extreme physical punishment!” He then lifted her and threw her as if she were a javelin.

Crashing down to the ground, Apple Bloom struggled back to her feet as she rubbed her head. As she began to rub her head, she was greeted by the sound of Ratchet’s voice call out to her, “Get back here young lady!” Turning to face the older medic, she found that he was stomping towards her. Nervous, Apple Bloom began to back away in fear.

“Don’t you dare think your cowardice will save you!” Ratchet angrily belted as he charged towards the former farm girl. Too terrified to move, Apple Bloom was tackled to the ground. Landing with a hard “thud,” she groaned in pain, leading Ratchet to cruelly remark, “Feeling soar? I’ve got something for that.” He then pulled out a syringe and injected it into her neck.

The moment the needle made contact with her, Apple Bloom felt her entire body begin to go numb. She tried to move her limbs, but found whatever Ratchet had injected was working immediately, as she quickly lost feeling in her fingers. Panicking, she desperately asked, “Why are you doin’ this?”

Looking down at the young girl, Ratchet coldly answered, “General failure as a person.” He then turned walked off into the horizon, leaving a stunned Apple Bloom all alone. She tried to follow, but found she couldn’t even stand on her now numb legs.

“Damnit!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she collapsed back to the ground. “First Ah get punched, now Ah can’t move. What’s next?!”

As she said this, a great shadow began to consume the ground around her. Following the shadows, Apple Bloom found that, much like every time she’d been in this dreadful place, she was now looking up to a very angry Applejack. Gulping in fear, the younger girl asked, “Applejack? How’s it goin’?”

Bending down, Applejack growled, “Ah’m amputatin’ a diseased limb.” Once she finished, Apple Bloom began to hear something terrifying; Tribal drumming. Indeed, large drums began to emerge from the ground, as well as gray men in blue-purple robes. As the men continued their drumming, Apple Bloom heard the sound of deep masculine voices singing, “Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom.”

Following her ears, Apple Bloom looked up to the sky and found three large and skeletal faces descending as they sang. To the left was a face with a gray-black beard, to the right was a head wearing a pointed purple helmet, and in between them was a familiar skeletal face with piercing red eyes and a three pointed crown/helmet. And All three of them were descending towards Apple Bloom.

“Applejack?” Apple Bloom asked in desperation. “What the heck is goin’ on?” As the three faces continued their descent, Applejack crossed her arms and, with a cruel smirk, answered, “Your punishment.”

The moment those words left her lips, Apple Bloom found herself consumed by a familiar cold grasp as she was dragged away. Terrified, the younger Apple sibling screamed, “Applejack! Help me!” Rather than help, Applejack turned her back and walked away, disappearing as the rows of loud drumming and ominous singing grew longer and louder.

“No!” Apple Bloom screamed as she was dragged away. As the sky grew darker and darker, the former farm girl screamed louder and louder. “No! Help me! Somebody! SAVE ME!”

From above her, visible from a small hole in the darkness, the star Orion began to glow brightly. As the light grew stronger and stronger, Apple Bloom noticed it radiating. Confused, she thought to herself, ‘Now what?’ She received her answer as the light grew so bright she was forced to look away as a soft voice said, “Apple Bloom.”

As the light consumed her, the former farm girl was transported back to the land of the living.

Apple Bloom’s Room…

“Gah!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she woke up. Sitting up on her bed, she found that Ironhide was there, concern clearly plastered on his face. Walking up to his niece, he let out a sigh of relief as he said, “Thank primus you’re alright.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Uncle Ironhide? Why are you in mah room?”

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide answered, “I heard screaming in here, and considering everything, I didn’t need three guesses what was going on.” The former farm girl sighed as she replied, “Ah’m sorry Uncle Ironhide.” The older man then walked up to her as he asked, “Kid, what’s going on?”

Not wanting to concern her uncle, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah told you, Ah’m fine.” Ironhide shook his head as he replied, “This is like what, the fifth night in a row you’ve had nightmares? Something is bothering you, and I need to know what’s going on.” He then placed his hand on her shoulder and said, “So please, tell me what’s wrong.”

Shrugging, Apple Bloom replied, “Nothin’s wrong. Ah’m just…. Ah just…” Unable to think of anything else, the former farm girl sighed as she dejectedly answered, “Ah hate mahself.” Stunned, Ironhide asked, “What? Why do you….. Just why?”

Rising from her bed, Apple Bloom found a well of emotion begin to form in her chest, and the only thing she could do was unleash it. “Because Ah do!” She practically shouted. “Ah just had to go and spill all of mah sister’s secrets online, Ah just had to rope mah friends into it, and Ah just had to ruin Roseluck’s life! Ah can’t even close mah eyes without seein’ Applejack angry and furious with me.”

As her eyes began to water, Apple Bloom continued, “And Ah just had to disappoint the only people who gave me a second chance, and you guys probably hate me and….” Barely able to keep even a semblance of composure up anymore, she asked her uncle, “Applejack doesn’t want me! How do Ah know you won’t throw me away to?”

Without any warning or time to react, Ironhide wrapped Apple Bloom in the tightest hug of her life. Holding his niece tight as he caressed the back of her head, the older man began to speak, “Don’t you ever, EVER suggest I’d throw you away like some piece of scrap metal!”

Freeing Apple Bloom for a moment, Ironhide explained, “Now listen here young lady. By blood, we don’t have much connection. By relationship, you are my niece. But ever since you came here, you’ve been like my second daughter.” As the young girl took in this revelation, Ironhide began to feel his eyes water as he continued, “And with every day that’s passed, I’ve seen you blossom into a wonderful young lady, and you become even more like my daughter.”

Feeling overcome with emotion, Apple Bloom launched herself back into her uncle’s embrace, devolving into a crying mess. As she bled tears, Ironhide continued to comfort her as he reassured her, “I promise you, no one here will ever toss you aside like your sister has.”

“Ah love you Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom managed to squeak out in between whimpers. Gently caressing her head as he held her tight, Ironhide promised her, “I love you too Apple Bloom, and I always will.”

Soon, Apple Bloom found herself overwhelmed by exhaustion. She tried to move, but to her surprise (and deep down her delight), Ironhide gently swooped her off her feet, set her back into bed, and tucked her in. While it did make her feel like a little girl, she didn’t mind one bit. Now wrapped up in her bed, the young girl drifted off to sleep, this time not to be interrupted by nightmares.

Once Apple Bloom was asleep, Ironhide gave his niece a good night kiss as he whispered, “Sleep tight sweetheart.” He then made his way out of her room, leaving her to her (now hopefully peaceful) dreams.

Now alone, Ironhide took a deep breath as he angrily muttered to himself, “Next time we meet Applejack, you and I are going to have a nice long chat. I get it, you’re angry with her, but you’re running out of sympathy points real fast.” Taking a deep breath, he finished, “You have too much of your father in you, and I mean that in the worst possible way.”

Author's Note:

Next time; we see what Applejack was up to while Apple Bloom was grounded.

Author's note; We all know the destination, but that doesn't mean the journey doesn't have to be any less entertaining.

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