• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 556 Views, 14 Comments

Meddling to the Max - SC14

It seems that Button Mash and Rumble are up to something. Is it to late to figure out?

  • ...

The counter-offensive

The duo trotted with a purpose to Sweet Apple Acres, for all they knew time was of the essence, it got so bad that a tiny cloud of dust began following the foals as they rushed to help their dear friend out of this predicament.

Eventually, they finally reached the Crusader clubhouse in Sweet Apple Acres. The two momentarily stood there, now that they were finally ready to create a plan, they had absolutely no clue what to do. "Well, Uh what do you think our approach should be?" He asked, mentally scolding himself for the stupid question.

At first, Apple Bloom didn't acknowledge his question and the room fell silent again. Limestone Spy's eyes darted around the room, Did he say something wrong? Just as he was about to say something else, she spoke. "Ah think we are going to have to do a little detective work first," Limestone Spy nodded, it was actually a pretty good idea because they really had no proof that Button Mash or Rumble had a hand in any of this and if they launched into accusations and they turned out to be innocent it could be pretty awkward.

"Oh, a little spy work huh?" Limestone Spy asked with a playful punch. Apple Bloom giggled.

"Ah don't hear any better ideas comin' out of your mouth, and ah said detective," She said accompanied by another giggle. Limestone Spy laughed. And asked her about the plan. "Well, the best thing ah can think of is we have to get irrefutable proof that Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle never said what they were accused of," She finished.

"What an idea Apple Bloom, I never would have thought of that one," Limestone Spy teased. It was Apple Bloom's turn to playfully swat Limestone Spy.

"Well, I will have you know, I have seen Rumble writing in a diary before," She said, tapping her hoof on her chin.

"And how does that benefit us?" He asked.

"Now if you would let me finish, ah would've said that we need to somehow take a picture of them," She finished. Limestone Spy resisted the urge to laugh, this whole thing was turning into one of those goofy Daring Do books.

"And suddenly Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle decide to believe us? Who's to say that they won't just think we wrote it ourselves?" He asked. Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow.

"Again, ah don't hear any ideas comin' out of your mouth," Apple Bloom said. Limestone Spy chuckled.

"Okay then, let's say that this plan is fool-proof, let's talk logistics, we would have to somehow produce two cameras," He said. "And I'm not sure either of us has the money for that," He added.

"Applejack has one," Apple Bloom said. "And ah think that I have money for another one," She added. The two then sat in silence before thought was donned on Apple Bloom. "Now why would we need two cameras? Why not just use one and then print two pictures?" She asked. Silence fell between them once again, this was happening so often that Limestone Spy was beginning to find it weird. "Wait a second, why would we need more than one picture?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ah mean we could just show them both the same one," She expanded.

"How about this first," Limestone Spy said. "We could just try to talk some sense into them now that they have cooled off? He finished. Apple Bloom stared at him, confused at why he seemingly just glossed over her plan, she shook this off though as she figured maybe it couldn't hurt.

"As long as you are the one talking to Scootaloo them I'm down," Apple Bloom said. Limestone Spy chuckled, he figured this would be her response, he seemingly always had to do the heavy lifting.

"I think I can handle that," He agreed. Apple Bloom nodded and began to walk out of the clubhouse Limestone Spy froze, seemingly calling on his bluff. "Are we doing this now?" He asked, sounding unsure.

"Well, I don't see why not," Apple Bloom teased, she gave him a quick smirk while still walking away. Limestone Spy shook his head and began to follow.

"I don't know where Scootaloo lives," He stated as he caught up with the yellow filly. She rolled her eyes, it was quite funny to see the confident little colt try to beat around the bush, but Apple Bloom wouldn't let him, he said he would do it so she sure as heck was going to make sure he did.

"Good thing ah do," She laughed. Limestone Spy opened his mouth to say something else but he thought better of it as he has a suspicion that she was onto the fact that he actually didn't wanna do this. The two fell silent as they walked through the town, the cool breeze gently rustled their coats as they trotted along the streets of Ponyville.

They approached the door. "Go ahead hotshot," Apple Bloom said, with a laugh. He rolled his eyes and knocked on the door. They waited and heard some quiet talking before Scootaloo opened the door.

"What," She deadpanned. Apple Bloom looked over to see Limestone Spy who looked dumbfounded and had no idea what to say, Apple Bloom sighed and decided that she would take the liberty to speak first.

"Well Excuse me, princess, We just wanted to talk to you," Apple Bloom answered. Scootaloo looked at her, expression softening.

"Sorry guys, I just know what you want to talk about and I honestly don't really wanna talk about it," She offered. Limestone Spy, who finally pulled himself out of his decision that he would chime in.

"Well, I think it needs to be discussed," He said. "Oh, I forgot you were here," Limestone Spy glared at Apple Bloom who gave him a playful smile. Scootalo squinted her eyes into a confused look as the two seemingly forgot that she was there, when it became apparent that neither one of them was going to say anything Scootaloo piped up.

"Ahem, well guys I never said that I'll never talk about it, I just don't want to right now, It hasn't even been that long," She said. Apple Bloom looked back at Scootaloo, the point was taken. In her haste to tease Limestone Spy, she didn't even think that it might be a little too early to employ the plan.

"Well, you know what, Ah think she is right Limestone," Apple Bloom said. Limestone Spy nodded, glad that he didn't have to attempt to reason with Scootaloo. "Well, uh I'm sorry I guess we will talk about this some time?" Apple Bloom stumbled. Scootaloo muttered some goodbye before shutting the door in their faces.

"That was really weird," Limestone Spy said. "I would have thought that Scootaloo of all ponies would have been seething but she seemed surprisingly calm," he added. Apple Bloom nodded, as much as she hated when Scootaloo was stubborn, all of a sudden, she wished that it was still like that.

"Ah know it, and Ah don't like it one bit," Silence dawned on the two foals they sat there staring off into space until Limestone Spy came to his sense and realized that they were still sitting in front of Scootaloo's house. "Uh, We might wanna go somewhere else AB," Apple Bloom shook her head like she had just awoken from a deep sleep.

"Oh uh yeah we should do that," Limestone Spy decided to ignore the awkwardness of what she just said and began the long walk back the way they came. As he walked, he couldn't help but think that they shouldn't let this trip to town go to waste, like they couldn't just come all this way for nothing.

He suddenly stopped, causing Apple Bloom to run into him, Ignoring her incoherent apologies he spoke. "Let's pay a little visit to Rumble," He looked at the yellow filly, who was staring back with a confused expression. "What? We can't just come all the way into town to just go back empty-handed," Noticing that she still wasn't following he decided to spell it out for her. "You don't think we are just going to march into their house and find this evidence and take pictures, do you? No, no way they trust us like that, we have to build their trust and I think this is the time to do it," The Lime green colt gave a confident look at the filly standing next to him.

The smug confident smile faded as the Apple Bloom bust out laughing. "You thought that sounded really cool, didn't you?" She said between laughs, Limestone Spy gave her an unamused look.

"Do you want this to work or not?" He huffed. Apple Bloom managed to get her laughter under control.

"Ah never said It wouldn't, Ah just don't think that sounded as cool as you had imagined," She couldn't help but let out a little giggle thinking of his words again. Limestone Spy rolled his eyes and began trotting in the direction of Rumble's house. "Now, if ya don't mind me askin' why Rumble? Button Is a part of this too," Apple Bloom asked.

He didn't stop walking. "Simple, Rumble seems much more gullible than Button Mash and therefore he will be easier to convince," Apple Bloom took a second to ponder his words, he did have a point.

"Convice of what exactly?" She asked. Limestone Spy let out a way over-exaggerated sigh. "That we just want to be better friends with him and we have no other motives," She looked at the ground again, she felt like he could have phrased that better but she decided to not mention it. In fact, she really didn't understand how this would help anything as they were still technically friends with Rumble as they never fought over the situation, at least not yet.

The two trotted in relative silence the rest of the way to Rumble's house. They came upon the middle-class home and stopped outside the door, their eyes met. After what felt like an eternity of staring Apple Bloom spoke. "Well, are ya gonna knock?".

"Oh, uh yeah I was just, you know thinking?" He said, Apple Bloom would have burst out laughing again if they weren't on Rumble's front porch. He reached up and knocked on the door, they briefly sat there wondering if anyone was home. The door was opened to reveal Thunderlane standing there staring down at them.

"Oh hey guys Come on in, Rumble is in his room it's the first on the left," Thunderlane said, gesturing to the hallway. The two foals nodded and mumbled their thanks while approaching the door. It was at this moment that the stupidity of this plan hit Limestone Spy, what were they going to say? How would they pretend that they weren't trying to expose him? While he considered himself to be a good actor, he couldn't say the same for Apple Bloom. just before they reached to door, Limestone Spy turned to Apple Bloom.

He leaned in and whispered to her. "What are we going to do?" He asked. Apple Bloom face-hoofed, she knew he was going to do this, he loved to come up with daring plans and rush into them with no actual plan. "We'll figure something out ah guess," She offered. Limestone Spy gave a small smile and opened the door.

Rumble practically jumped through the ceiling when the two foals entered his room, he turned around and frantically tried (And failed) to cover up the fact that he was writing in his diary.

"Hey, Rumble!" The two said in accidental unison, eliciting small chuckles from the both of them.

"O-Oh hi guys, W-what are you doing here?" He stammered. Apple Bloom resisted the urge to laugh at the struggling pony before her.

"Oh you know, we were just in the neighborhood and decided we would stop by and visit," She lied. Rumble gave her a puzzled look, they weren't that good of friends, right? Had he misjudged his friendship with those two?

"Yeah, we thought you might want to go get some ice cream with us?" Limestone Spy asked. Rumble, who was previously reluctant was captured at one thing Ice Cream despite everything telling him this might be a bad idea he couldn't resist Ice Cream. Limestone Spy smiled as he realized that he had just accidentally uncovered Rumble's secret weakness.

"Uh, yeah that sounds cool," He said. "Great! Follow us then," Limestone Spy said. He and Apple Bloom began trotting out of the room, briefly leaving the young colt alone in his room.

"This can't go wrong, can it? It's just Ice Cream, they are my friends after all," He said before trotting after them.

Author's Note:

4 days from 3 years since this was last updated, that's really crazy. I still really like this story I just haven't had much motivation to write, as evidenced by me not updating any of my stories for over a year. Well, I guess I found some motivation.
Let me know what you think.
Thank you for reading!