• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 556 Views, 14 Comments

Meddling to the Max - SC14

It seems that Button Mash and Rumble are up to something. Is it to late to figure out?

  • ...

The climax

Limestone Spy awoke, he groaned and rolled over to see the clock, it read 6 am. He sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, he rolled out of his bed and began getting ready today was hopefully going to be the big day that they could set their plan in motion. Unfortunately, it had been three days since they devised this plan as they failed once. Fortunately, they were able to escape the failure without anyone other than themselves noticing. the other two days Apple Bloom was needed on the farm.

Their failure, however, wasn't a complete loss. The failure came from Apple Bloom somehow forgetting the entire camera at her house, turns out, she hadn't even asked Applejack for it, and they did think they could get away with stealing the whole diary. But there was light in this situation because Limestone Spy did get to read Rumble's diary which confirmed their suspicions about Rumble and Button Mash.

He finished getting ready and looked back at the clock, 7:05, he let out another sigh, he as long as he could, and despite that Apple Bloom still probably wasn't awake. So he set off for the only business that he knew was open, Sugar Cube Corner, which he knew was open because Pinkie Pie was seemingly always awake. As he left his parents shouted a non-descript goodbye and he was on his way. As he trotted along he thought about the last few days, it was honestly a little bit comedic if you think about it, He was currently about to embark on a spy mission to convince his friends that the spliced audio clips were faked and not them hating each other. But he shook his head, he couldn't find it funny, at least, not yet, he had work to do.

After a short walk, he made it to Sugar cube corner, he entered and was immediately greeted by the hyper-energetic pink mare. "Hey! Limestone Spy! Or should I say good morning? Oh well, What brings you here this morning?" Limestone Spy jumped, he didn't think that he would ever get used to the Pink Mare's fast and loud speech, especially this early in the morning.

"Hey there Pinkie," He greeted. "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I came here for breakfast," He explained. Pinkie Pie smiled and vaulted over the counter, Limestone Spy gave a confused look, he would have been worried if he didn't know who Pinkie was. She resurfaced with her hooves in the air. "Well, you came to the right place!" She exclaimed. Limestone Spy smiled and walked up to the counter.

"Can I get a chocolate muffin," He said as he tossed a few bits on the counter where the muffin was already waiting for him. "Thanks," he said as he grabbed his muffin and walked away. He sat and began eating his muffin, he ate in silence for a minute, this didn't last long though as he was swiftly joined by Pinkie Pie.

"Hey there, what are you doing?" She asked. Limestone Spy, who hadn't noticed nearly jumped through the roof, Once again he might have been angry had he not known Pinkie Pie. He sighed and looked at her. "Uh, I'm eating the muffin you just gave me," He answered.

"That's so cool!" She said with way too much enthusiasm, Limestone Spy gave her a nod and hoped that she might leave but she didn't. "I haven't seen you in a while, what's going on? how have you been? What have you been up to?" Limestone Spy almost got a headache from the speedy worldwide of words that just assaulted his ears.

"I have been alright Pinkie, Thanks," He answered, rubbing his head.

"Just Alright, well we can't have that!" Pinkie Responded. "Why just alright?" She added. Limestone Spy sat there for a moment, pondering whether or not he should tell her or not. He was a little bit afraid that she would attempt to help him but honestly, that might not have been all that bad.

"Well, a few days ago my former friends Rumble and Button Mash convinced Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle that they didn't love each other anymore, But it was just a false plot to steal the girls for themselves," He explained. Pinkie Pie gasped and put her hooves over her mouth in a very dramatic fashion.

"Now that's just terrible!" She exclaimed. "I'm very sorry to hear that," She said with an overexaggerated frown. Limestone Spy couldn't help but crack a smile at her whirlwind of emotions.

"It's alright Pinkie, Me and Apple Bloom are working on a plan to expose their evil plan," He said with a confident smile. Pinkie Pie giggled. "That's great!" She exclaimed. "Wait wait, woah, are you guys doing detective work?" Limestone Spy nodded. "You know I have been a detective a few times in the past but, shhh, don't tell anypony," Pinkie said, raising her hoof to her mouth to make a shushing motion.

Limestone Spy wasn't sure why he would need to keep that secret but he had more important things to think about, he was correct, Pinkie wanted to help and he, did not want any help. "That's cool Pinkie," He said, looking up at her and the goofy grin she had. "But, I think me and Apple Bloom have it under control, In fact, we are planning to execute our plan later," He added. Pinkie Pie frowned.

"Oh, well good luck, If you need me though, you know where to find me," She said, whispering the last part. Limestone Spy chuckled, amused at the persistent antics of the pink pony.

"Thanks, Pinkie," He said. She smiled before disappearing to the counter as another pony walked in.

Button Mash trotted towards Rumble's house, it was early but he didn't care he needed to have a talk with his friend. Because he was worried about his friend, Not about his well-being, of course, he was worried that he was going to ruin the plan that they had just worked so hard to execute just days after they had succeeded. He had seen Rumble hanging out with Apple Bloom and Limestone Spy several times in the last few days and he didn't like it, mainly because both times it didn't seem like Rumble's idea. Normally this wouldn't be out of the ordinary but he was paranoid and they both seemed rather suspicious of the whole situation.

He finally made his way to Rumle's house, he stared at the door for a second before knocking, and to his surprise, Rumble answered instead of Thunderlane. "Oh, hey Button," Rumble greeted.

"Hey Rumble, can I talk to you for a second," He said. Rumble gave a confused look but nodded. The two walked into the house and sat down on the couch. "So, I couldn't help but notice that you have been hanging out with Apple Bloom and Limestone Spy a lot lately," Button said slowly.

"Uh yeah, what about it?" Rumble asked. Button Mash sighed, his friend was oddly innocent at the worst times.

"I don't think you should, They seem suspicious of us," Button Said, Hoping that his point would get across as simply as possible.

"But they are our friend Button," Rumble defended. Button Mash sighed once again and put his hoof to his face.

"Yes but they are also really good friends with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and dare I say that they were better friends with those two than us," He explained. Rumble looked at the ground, he hadn't thought of it that way.

But Rumble shook off those thoughts, always wanting to see the best in ponies. "Come on Button, I'm sure they have forgotten about that already," Rumble said with a dismissive flick of his hoof, Button Mash face hooved.

"Rumble you are thinking too highly of them, You need to stop hanging out with them, at least this often," Button commanded softly. Rumble wasn't a huge fan of that, Who did Button think he was? Just bossing him around like this, he gets one girlfriend and now he thinks he's all that. Well, not officially yet, they Two colts hadn't yet convinced the two recently separated fillies to date them yet, but they were very close, in fact, Button was planning on asking Scootlaoo out later today, Rumble didn't feel like he needed to, Sweetie Belle was already really affectionate to him so he figured they were pretty much already a thing.

"Whatever man, I guess I'll try," Rumble said, Button picked up on the sarcasm but figured it wasn't worth the argument and potentially running off his only friend, and more importantly his co-conspirator.

"Well good, that's all I can ask I guess," Button said. "Well, I have a big day, or should I say date to get ready for," Button said nudging Rubmle, who couldn't help but laugh at the unfunny joke. "Yep, Scoots and I are meeting later today, and I'm going to ask her to be official, Not that I need to, she is already totally into me, this is just a formality," Button proclaimed, dripping with confidence. Rumble Laughed again, he was impressed with Button's confidence that he had suddenly gained since the start of the school year, he had gone from childish and generally oblivious to a confident and well-witted colt in the span of a few months, Not that he showed that off to everyone though.

"Totally bro!" Rumble encouraged. Button gave him a hoof bump and started to trot out. "Oh, Button," Rumble said. Button looked back at him, eyebrow raised. "Go get her tiger," Rumble said with a click of his tongue and a smile. Button laughed and gave his friend a playful wave.

Limestone Spy trotted towards Sweet Apple Acres, he managed to kill a few hours at Sugar Cube Corner and at other various places around Ponyville. His heart began to race, as the weight of what he was about to do started to catch up with him. Could he really do this? He was in the right, they knew that Button and Rumble was behind this but he couldn't help but feel like it was wrong to do this, What if they get caught this time? He didn't want to even imagine what would happen if they got caught this time, he assumed that it wouldn't be good.

Limestone Spy shook his head, and an old quote popped into his head 'How can you succeed when all you think about is all the ways you can fail,' It was true, he needed to stop thinking about those things and start thinking about succeeding. His train of thought was interrupted by the noise of rustling coming from the clubhouse, he shook his head again, He was already at the clubhouse? He must have been on autopilot for a while.

He walked up the ramp and into the clubhouse to see Apple Bloom on the floor, screwdrivers, rulers, and many other tools scattered around a camera. 'Well nice of ya to join me," Apple Bloom chided, not looking up from her work.

Limestone Spy laughed. "I was actually around town killing time because I didn't think you would be awake," It was Apple Bloom's turn to laugh.

"Sleep? On a big night like this? I barely got any," She said, still working on the camera. Limestone Spy rolled his eyes and walked over to where she was working. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Fixin' this old camera," She answered. "Applejack just gave it to me, said she hadn't used it in a decade, It doesn't work but ah think I can fix it up in no time," She declared, the confident Determination coming from Apple Bloom was more than he had ever heard. She was as tired of this as he was, they just wanted their friends to be able to hang out all together again, they wanted Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle back together, and most importantly, they wanted to bring Button Mash and Rumble to justice.

"How long until-" Limestone Spy was cut off by Apple Bloom suddenly turning the camera to him and snapping a picture, he watched as the picture fell to the ground. "Right about... Now," She giggled, picking up the picture and gently waving it back and forth.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Developing it, to make the picture turn from black you have to shake it gently," She explained. Limestone Spy nodded, it was pretty cool tech. "I was worried about that," Apple Bloom mumbled.

"Worried about what?" Limestone Spy asked.

"It didn't show up very well, ah was worried that this old paper might not work very well," She said with a frown. The room fell to silence, both foals thinking hard.

"I mean, if there were words on it do you think you could read them? That's really all we need," He asked. Apple Bloom studied the image she wasn't sure, she really could come to a conclusive answer.

"Ah don't know Limestone, Maybe but It could be different when we take the picture there," She explained.

"Couldn't we just go get the new film or whatever that thing uses?" He asked. "Ah don't think the new stuff would work with this old camera, Applejack said they updated the paper to come out clearer or somethin," She expounded, Limestone Spy frowned they couldn't just not do this, he couldn't stand another day of waiting.

"Well, I say we have to take the risk, I can't wait any longer to do this," He said, steadfast. Apple Bloom looked at the ground, she didn't think it was a great plan but, truth be told, she didn't really want to wait any longer either. Limestone Spy stood there waiting for her response.

She looked up and him and dismissively waved her hoof with a smile. "Ah'm sure it'll turn out fine," Limestone Spy chuckled, Fool-poof plans weren't typically something that the Cutie Mark Crusaders specialized in any way.

As they started trotting towards Ponyville Limestone Spy had an idea. "I want to add a slight deviation," He said. Apple Bloom looked at him, eyebrow raised. "I think we should tell Scootlaoo and Sweetie Belle to meet us somewhere before we go to Rumble's," Apple Bloom still didn't look convinced. "Hey, It doesn't hurt anything and could be a failsafe of sorts, I mean going to both of their houses to show them the picture could be cumbersome," Apple Bloom still didn't seem totally convinced.

"What if we fail and then they just meet each other at this location?" She asked.

"Then we just look like jerks, and nice to know you have faith in us," Apple Bloom rolled her eyes at his words. "Well someone has to be the devil's advocate," Apple Bloom said. Limestone Spy gave her a sad look. "Fine, whatever ah guess your right, there isn't much downside," She conceded. Limestone Spy pumped his hoof in victory and the two went right back to trotting.

The walk that normally felt like forever felt like two seconds as the duo now stood in front of Scootaloo's house Limestone Spy stood there staring at the door. "Do I need to remind you that this part was your idea?' Apple Bloom asked, Limestone Spy shot her a glare but he knew that she was right and he had to do it.

With trepidation, he knocked and waited, to his surprise, Scootaloo answered again. "Oh, hey what's up guys," She greeted. It was at this point that Limestone Spy realized that he had messed up, He had absolutely no idea what he was going to say.

"What's up Scoots, I was gonna ask if you could help me out in a little bit," He said lamely. Apple Bloom resisted the urge to face hoof.

"Uh, sorry but I was going to meet Button by the fountain in a like ten minutes," She said. Limestone Spy stood there for a second, ignoring the slight tug on his tail from Apple Bloom that he knew was a 'Let's go' signal.

"That's fine, just meet me there like 5 minutes before, It won't take long I promise," Limestone Spy countered. He could practically hear the internal sigh from Apple Bloom.

"Well if it won't take that long then why can't we just do it now?" Scootlaoo asked, a confused look on her face.

"Because, I uh, need to go get some supplies real quick," He stuttered. Apple Bloom's silent disappointment couldn't have been any louder.

"Fine, whatever, Just be gone by the time Button gets there," Scootlaoo said with an eye roll. Limestone Spy smiled and gave her a generic thanks before trotting away as fast as he could.

Once the door was shut and they were out of earshot, Apple Bloom spoke. "Ah think I got dumber listening to you there," A sigh escaped her lips. "And it worked too," She added. Limestone Spy couldn't help but laugh at her confused disappointment.

"Nevermind that, we have more work to do," He said as they approached the carousel boutique. He raised his hoof and knocked. Rarity answered. "Hey there darling, Sweetie Belle is in the kitchen," She said. Limestone Spy and Apple Bloom thanked her and walked into the kitchen where Sweetie Belle sat at the table.

"Hey, guys!" Sweetie Belle greeted. "Hey Sweetie," Apple Bloom returned her enthused greeting. Limestone Spy smiled and trotted up next to Sweetie Belle.

"Sorry to drop by so suddenly Sweetie But we have to ask you something," He said. Sweetie Belle looked at him with a look that signaled ' Go on'. "Me and Apple Bloom were going to do a really cool surprise at the fountain and we were wondering if you would meet us there in like 5-ish minutes?" He asked. Sweetie Belle looked at Rarirty with a pleading Smile.

Rarity nodded her approval. "I'll be there," Sweetie Belle said excitedly. Limestone Spy and Apple Bloom flashed each other smiles. "Well, we need to go get ready then!" Apple Bloom said, the two didn't say anything else, they trotted to the door and left.

With their newfound time constraint, they hurriedly trotted to Rumble's house. It wasn't long before the two had reached Rumble's house. Limestone Spy took a second to catch his breath, which made him realize that maybe the 5-minute time window was way too little. Once he caught his breath, he knocked. Thunderlane answered. "Oh hey guys, Rumble is in his room," The two thanked him and trotted towards Rumble's room. Before they entered they gave themselves a confidant nod, ready to put this plan into action.

"Hey, Rumble!" Apple Bloom greeted enthusiastically. Rumble, who was taken aback by the loud greeting was distracted by the Loud Filly. Limestone Spy took this time to sneak his way over to the diary, he cautiously flipped through the pages, taking time to look back at Rumble and Apple Bloom, they were doing something but that wasn't important, what was important was it seemed like Rumble had forgotten about him. He pulled out the camera but was distracted by what he thought was the front door opening, Did he hear that right? Was thunderlane leaving? He shook this off and positioned the camera over the page.

"Hey guys," Button greeted. Limestone Spy tensed up, taking a picture without meaning too. He turned around, camera behind his back to see Button Mash standing there, staring at him. "What was that?" Button asked.

"Uh, nothing?" Limestone Spy said slowly. "It didn't sound like nothing," Button said, slowly approaching Limestone Spy who was slowly inching towards the exit. "Come on Button, It was nothing, I bet it was the game that Apple Bloom and Rumble are playing," He offered. Button Looked back at Apple Bloom and Rumble.

"Doesn't look like they are even playing a game," He said. "Now what were you doing?" Limestone Spy was distracted by his disappointment over the stupid excuse, Button took the chance and got a quick look behind his back. "A camera!" Button Exclaimed, he looked over to see the diary where Limestone Spy was just standing.

Limestone Spy didn't waste a second. "RUN!" He shouted before he carefully grabbed the printed picture in his mouth and galloped out of the room, Apple Bloom Close behind, It took the two stunned colts a few moments before they began chasing. Limestone Spy and Apple BLoom tore through the living room and out the door, followed By Button Mash and Rumble a few seconds later.

"Kids," Thunderlande Chuckled.

The chase was on Limestone Spy and Apple Bloom were heading straight for the fountain which was unfortunately not as close as they had hoped. Limestone Spy frantically struggled to run while holding the camera and trying to develop the picture. They zoomed around ponies and buildings, trying to lose their pursuers. Limestone Spy had an internal celebration when the picture finally developed and he didn't have to run while shaking his head like a madman, his celebration though distracted him enough so he didn't realize that he was heading straight for a wall, he barely heard Apple Bloom's warning before crashing into the brick building. It hurt, bad, but the adrenaline kept him going as he pretty much bounced off and kept going.

"Hurry up!" Apple Bloom shouted as Button and Rumble were beginning to catch up with them. "It's hard to run with this camera!" Limestone Spy responded. "Ah don't care about the camera!" Apple Bloom shouted back. Limestone Spy didn't have to be told twice, he chunked the camera like a live grenade, not caring about the crash and screams that he heard soon after. The two were getting close to their destination, weaving their way in and out of ponies, wagons, buildings, and every other obstacle you could imagine. They zoomed past the Apple family's cart, ignoring Applejack's calls out to Apple Bloom.

Finally, they screamed around a corner and found the fountain in sight, they were just in time for Scootlaoo as well as Sweetie Belle to be approaching the fountain on different sides. "What the" Scootlaoo said as Limestone Spy and Apple Bloom came to a screeching halt in front of her.

"S-scoot read picture," Limestone Spy panted. "Are you alright?" Scootlaoo asked. "I fine just chase, read now," He said between breaths. Scootaloo, who was confused by his words was even more shocked when Button and Rumble came flying in.

"Don't read that Scootaloo!" Button Shouted. "They made that up, it's sabotage!" He added. Scootaloo took a step back, overwhelmed at what was going down.

"Please Scoots, just read it," Apple Bloom pleaded. "I don't know it's kind of hard to trust you when She is here," Scootlaoo scoffed, pointing at Sweetie Belle. Limestone Spy felt anger welling up.

"Quit being so stubborn and just read the picture!" Limestone Spy commanded. Scootaloo, despite being taken aback, began reading, despite more protests from Button Mash and Rumble. She read, slowing down and re-reading portions, baffled and hurt by what she read.

"Y-you, you guys did this?" She stammered, backing up, tears welling in past her confident bravado. "Scootaloo, no I would never, you see-" Button was cut off by the pegasus. "Liar!" She shouted.

"What's going on, what does it say?" Sweetie Belle asked, walking up to Scootlaoo, Who gave her the picture. Sweetie Belle began reading the picture, reading words of betrayal detailing how Rumble and Button Mash set the whole situation up to sabotage her relationship for their own personal gain.

"Sweetie, come o-" Rumble didn't have time to finish. "No, I don't want to hear it!" Sweetie Belle lashed. "But," Rumble said dejectedly. "No buts! Go away, both of you!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

The two colts didn't move, Limestone Spy took action. "They said go away!" He commanded. They didn't move. "I guess it's my turn to be the chaser," He said as he took off in a full gallop at the two colts, who scrambled around before galloping away, Limestone Spy stopped, laughing as he watched the two colts gallop away in fear.

"I-I'm sorry Sweetie," He heard Scootlaoo say, obviously still trying to fight off tears. "I-it's okay Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said, she, unlike Scootlaoo, was not trying to fight off tears. The two shared a loving embrace. "We both were kind of stupid huh?" Scootlaoo asked with a laugh, tears still in her eyes.

"I guess so," Sweetie Belle agreed, the two shared a kiss as Limestone Spy put his arm around Apple Bloom and gave her a warm smile.

"We did it,"

Author's Note:

Woah, SC14 finished a chaptered story? What a miracle, I guess I read to many good-natured happy ending stories because I have had no drive to write Running with the Wind lately, just this. Well I hope you enjoyed it, I think its a cute little story.
Anyways, Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 4 )

Rumble X Button.

Best evil duo. Hope they try and go for revenge XDD Nice story!

Thank you! I tried my best to make them the classic bumbling bad guys lol.

I think they could’ve used like an evil laugh or something but it’s still great. If you were to make a sequel to this in the future, color me interested! XD.


Woah, thanks for the follow! I have had some thoughts about a sequel but I'd have to work those out a lot to make a full story, But, I wouldn't rule it out. Thanks again for the follow!

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