• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 556 Views, 14 Comments

Meddling to the Max - SC14

It seems that Button Mash and Rumble are up to something. Is it to late to figure out?

  • ...

Refining the Plan

Limestone Spy and Apple Bloom trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres, their mission with Rumble was a success, they had managed to get an apprehensive Rumble to have fun. But, that wasn't enough, they needed to convince Button Mash next.

This, though, Would most likely prove to be harder than it looked because on the outside Button might seem childish and naive but he was much more mature than he let on. Despite this, the two foals decided that they needed to regroup and discuss first before they went out and pursued Button Mash. Silence befell them as they began the long walk back to Sweet Apple Acres. The cool breeze ruffled their coats as they were left to their thoughts.

Their adventure with Rumble wasn't necessarily successful in a traditional manner, they didn't get him to over-share or really discover much of note, at least Limestone Spy didn't seem to think so. They did, however, get Rumble to become much more friendly throughout the afternoon which, was a huge victory in and of itself considering the way he started. Though, this all did come with an added revelation that made their mission just that much harder. The fact that Rumble was apprehensive at first wasn't good, because they were friends with Rumble and Button beforehand so why would he be so scared and reluctant to hang out with them? Limestone Spy believed that he was already suspicious of them, which, in turn, would mean Button was too. Apple Bloom, however, believed that he could just be guilty of what he had done.

Before they knew it, the two foals had reached the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse. To their surprise, Applejack was walking out. "Uh, that can't be good," Limestone Spy said, looking over to Apple Bloom who was wearing a shocked and confused expression.

"Where have yall been?" Applejack asked, much to the relief of Apple Bloom, she didn't sound mad.

"We were just hanging out with Rumble for a while," Limestone Spy responded. Applejack raised her eyebrow.

"Just the two of ya and Rumble?" She asked. A very loud silence hung over their three ponies for a few moments. "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle out on a date or somethin?" Applejack broke the silence. Limestone Spy looked at Apple Bloom, hoping that she would help him out.

When it became apparent that she was frozen he spoke. "Uh, well not exactly," He scratched the back of his head while offering an awkward smile. Applejack's eyebrow remained raised, she was becoming highly suspicious of the two rambunctious foals that sat before her.

"Now what's supposed to mean?" Limestone Spy sat there, despite it being the obvious response, he was still blindsided by the question, he sat there trying to formulate a response, even looking at Apple Bloom again, who seemed deep in thought, Sighing he started to speak. "Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo broke up!" He didn't get to speak as Apple Bloom blurted out her answer. The sudden outburst caused both Applejack and Limestone Spy to jump as neither of them had expected her to speak, let alone yell.

"Well, that certainly wasn't what I was expectin," Applejack said with a frown. Limestone Spy stared at Apple Bloom with a look that said 'You get yourself out of this,' she sighed before she spoke again. "Yeah, Button Mash and Rumble showed them some audio recordings today after school and they had a really bad argument after, ah tried to reason with them but they wouldn't have it," Applejack's suspicious look morphed into one of utter confusion as the story she as just told didn't seem to make much sense.

"Hold on, what?" Those were the only words that Applejack could formulate. "So let me get this straight, Button Mash and Rumble after school decide to show Sweetie Belle and Scootlaoo some random audio recordings and then they just, broke up?"Applejack asked. Apple Bloom and Limestone Spy nodded."What did these recordings say?" The two foals looked at the ground.

"We have no clue," Apple Bloom said. Applejack's state of confusion only deepened. "But, we think the whole thing is suspicious," She added.

"Ah mean, I can't imagine either one of those girls sayin a bad thing about the other," Applejack mused. "Well guys ah don't know what to tell yall, I guess I could have a talk with Rarity and Maybe Rainbow Dash but maybe it was just their time," She said with a shrug. The two foals looked at each other and rolled their eyes, it wasn't their time Limestone Spy and Apple Bloom had anything to say about it.

"I appreciate it sis but we have it under control," Apple Bloom's words caused Applejack to raise her eyebrow once again it didn't sound like they had it under control. "We do! Why else do you think we were hanging out with Rumble?" Apple Bloom contested. Applejack didn't see the relevance of that statement, 'Because Rumbles your friend?' She thought. "See, we are doing detective work to really see if there was foul play involved, but first we have to gain his trust so we invited him to ice cream," She explained with a confident huff. In light of this weird situation, burst out laughing, wiping the confident grins of the faces of the two foals.

"Well excuse me, Detective Bloom and Detective Spy, ah better let yall get back to work," She managed to say, between laughs. She patted Apple Bloom on her head before she began trotting off, Still laughing and occasionally saying things like, 'Wait till Big Mac hears about this!' Apple Bloom stood there a dejected look on her face. Noticing this, Limestone Spy cracked a goofy smile and put his hoof around the yellow filly.

"Cheer up Bloom, what do grownups know anyway?" He said comfortingly, Apple Bloom looked up at him, and despite her slight blush she managed to crack a smile as well. "Now let's go regroup," He said as he started trotting into the clubhouse, not even noticing that his hoof was still around Apple Bloom's neck and he was practically dragging her along. Once inside he absentmindedly let go of Apple Bloom and laid down on the couch. Expecting her to speak up he looked down at the floor where Apple Bloom was laying, glaring up at him. "What?" He asked innocently.

"What do you mean what?" Apple Bloom asked her irritation evident. He began to speak but she cut him off. "Nevermind," She said while standing up and approaching the couch. "Scoot over," She said, Limestone Spy shifted a little bit allowing Apple Bloom a little space at the end of the couch. "Comfy?" She asked. Limestone Spy nodded and muttered an inaudible response. Realizing that she was going to have to take the liberty in this conversation, Apple Bloom Spoke. "Let's start by acknowledging that I was right," She said, crossing her forelegs proudly.

"You? Right? about what?" Limestone Spy teased. Apple Bloom gave him a less-than-friendly punch in the stomach that sent the colt rolling off the couch and crashing to the floor, where he writhed in pain while trying to regain his breath.

"Oops," Apple Bloom giggled. "Anyway, Guess what I saw in Rumble's room?" She asked. She waited a few seconds for a response before looking down at Limestone Spy, who was still trying to catch his breath. "Oh, Right, I saw a diary journal thing! I knew he would have one!" She said excitedly. Limestone Spy, who had finally caught his breath shakily pulled himself up using the couch as support.

"I'm glad someone here is having a good time," He scorned. Apple Bloom chuckled. "Oh come on I didn't even hit you that hard," She patronized. Limestone Spy gave her a deadpan look.

"I really want to teach you a life lesson right now but, In the interest of getting things done, I shall refrain," He said. Apple Bloom giggled and rolled his eyes at the silly colt, Why did she suddenly care less about Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's situation?

"What kind of life lesson could an immature little colt like you teach a mature gal like me?" Apple Bloom asked, sticking her tongue out playfully. Limestone Spy looked at the filly and decided that their mission could wait. "You mess with the bull, you get the horns!" He exclaimed before leaping at Apple Bloom, She yelped as he collided with her overturning the couch and sending the foals sailing to the floor with a thud, unfazed Limestone Spy began to tickle his victim, caught off guard she began laughing uncontrollably, after a little bit of this, a satisfied Limestone Spy backed off, it was a rookie mistake, the Yellow filly, seeing her opportunity, overpowered her captor, managing to pin him to the ground this time. Not one to give up easily, Limestone Spy fought back as the Earth pony started to try and tickle him back, this devolved into indiscriminate rolling on the floor, accompanied by a lot of giggling. This went on for who knows how long before the two came to a stop, forelegs entangled, staring into each other eyes, they stayed like that for what felt like hours before Apple Bloom came to her senses.

"Uh let's g-get back to work?" She stuttered, jumping to her hooves. Limestone Spy nodded and followed suit. After the awkward encounter, they sat on the couch staring at nothing unsure of how to break the tension that hung over the room.

"So, I guess the plan from here could really simple huh?" Limestone Spy finally broke the silence, Apple Bloom, took a moment to process the words, still a bit lost in her own thoughts. "How so?" She asked.

"Think about it, we have been so caught up with befriending both Rumble and Button Mash, but what if we didn't have to?" He proposed. He could tell Apple Bloom wasn't completely following. "See you said it yourself earlier, Rumble had a diary, just like you had hypothesized, So why would we need to even involve Button? Theoretically, we could just make another excuse to go to Rumble's house, distract him, and get pictures or whatever we need, and then, boom we did it," He finished, a triumphant smile crept its way onto his face.

Apple Bloom couldn't help but crack a little smile herself. "Well, ah have to give it to you there Limestone, that's a pretty good plan," Limestone Spy pretended that he had just received a reward, waving thanks at imaginary people and patting himself on the back. His little display elicited another little giggle from the yellow-earth pony. "Alright there Casanova let me refine this little plan of yours," She chuckled.

"Alright, go ahead," He said.

"Right, So first we steal Applejack's fancy printer camera, Then we go to Rumble's, and I distract him while you look through his diary, If there is anything incriminating in there you take a picture, then we leave, And then finally, we print the picture on the way to either Scootlaoo's or Sweetie Belle's and, boom, mission success," She said. Limestone Spy smiled, the plan was really shaping up.

"A few things we might need to work out in that," He said. "First of all, how are we going to sneak a whole camera into Rumble's house without him being suspicious?" He asked. Apple Bloom tapped on her chin.

"Ah'm sure we can just sneak it by him, Ah'm already supposed to be distracting him so maybe ah'll just start sooner," She offered, Limestone Spy thought this was risky but, it didn't seem like there was a better option.

"Alright well, what if we do get a picture what if they just don't believe it's real? Like we wrote it and made it all up?" He asked, Apple Bloom chuckled. "They fell for what was most likely spliced together audio clips of themselves, ah'm sure they'll believe a picture, and besides ah'm sure our handwriting is mighty different than theirs," She explained, Satisfied with her answer he moved on to his final question.

"Lastly, what is the backup plan? Like if this all goes sideways what do we do?" He asked. Apple Bloom sat there for a second, she hadn't really thought of a backup plan.

"Uh, ah guess we come back here and regroup," She offered. "No, I mean like, what if we get caught in the act," He said, his tone becoming more serious. Apple Bloom let the room fall silent again, she hadn't thought of it that way but they were technically going to be performing a high-stakes operation.

"Run like hell and hope we lose them," Was the only response that Apple Bloom had.

Limestone Spy Chuckled and shrugged. "Good enough for me,".