• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 1,413 Views, 179 Comments

Power Rangers: Sky Strike - The Bricklayer

Pony Power Rangers, take flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Take off... in a headwind!

  • ...

17: A New Player

Author's Note:

This basically picks up from the end of the last chapter. Bit of a long runner this one, fairly wordy but trust me there is a reason.

This is basically another one of those moments where I toss the original show this is adapting almost wholly to the wind. See if y'all can guess the inspiration behind this chapter's plot.

“Oh, boy… Jeez, this is heavy,” Vapor said, a thick crate in her hands. “This is the last time I accept an errand from Rarity. Goddess, who knew cloth could weigh so much?”

She was basically stumbling about, ponies shouting at her as she accidentally got in front of them unable to really see over the box. Shouting apologies at the crowd, Vapor continued her trek back from the post office all the way to the Carousel Boutique.

Not helping was how blazing hot it was out today, the sun beating down with the fury of an inferno.

“Okay, uh… whoof, I need to stop and take a break. Think I’m about to keel over actually…” Vapor muttered as she sat the crate down, and parked herself at a noodle cart.

“Those are fattening for you, just so you know,” said a stallion(?) who’d parked himself at the cart as well. “Wonderbolts should be concerned about their figure.”

“Jeez, talk about going straight for the jugular,” Vapor said. “If you’re trying to make friends, might want to reconsider your approach.”

“I value honesty in my relationships,” said the stallion. “But forgive me, I apologize. That was rude of me. Staci Geargrinder, and you?”

“Vapor Trail,” Vapor said, taking note of his appearance. He was a pretty boy, not helped by his outfit which wouldn’t have looked out of place amongst Canterlot nobility. “...wow, you’re far from home.”

“Yeah,” Staci chuckled. “I guess I am. I supposed I wanted to come down here, see how the other half lived. My father disapproves of course, but then he disapproves of a lot of things I do.”

“Ah, so it’s like that is it?” Vapor said, before slurping up some of her noodles. “Yeah, I getcha. My parents… well, I know what that’s like. They weren’t exactly approving of me becoming a Wonderbolt really…”

“Because you’re a mare?” Staci asked. “That’s backwards thinking. Equestria is run by Princesses, correct. It’s a literal monarchy.”

“Thankfully, no that’s not it. My parents being sexist, I mean,” Vapor quickly clarified. “They’re just worried. I was… really a bit clumsy as a child, always ending up at the doctor’s and… oh, I realize how that sounds!”

“Yes, it does sound fairly suspect,” Staci nodded, as the stallion replied with a: “I assume by your embarrassment, that it’s not the case?”

“No, they’re not abusive, no. Worrywarts, yes. They didn’t exactly think I could make the cut, y’know?” Vapor elaborated to him. “Worried that I’d crash into a cliffside or something, or maybe my fellow ‘Bolts. But I’m here, I’m wearing the uniform so clearly I proved them wrong eh-heh-heh right?”

“Parents should always be looking out for their children,” said Staci. “Supporting their dreams.”

“Mhmmm, and I could have had any job in the world but I chose this one for a… reason,” Vapor paused, somewhat hesitant as a smiling blue stallion appeared in her mind’s eye. “I could have taken any career, but this is the one I want. This one.”

“I assume you’ve got a point to prove?” Staci asked.

“Yeah, I do. And… I swear there’s something about you, I don’t know what it is. Are you an idol or something?” Vapor asked. “A magician?”

“No, as I said I wanted to see how the other side lives. My father is… fairly important,” Staci paused, seeming hesitant. “Important enough so that he doesn’t always have time for me.”

“That’s a shame… Hey, just curious but do you need somewhere to stay while you’re in town? The hotels are usually pretty packed this time of year, and well, I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea about Ponyville or anything. I don’t want you to feel as if we’re turning you away or anything,” Vapor said. “Rejecting you.”

“You’re too kind,” Staci said. “Too… too kind but… No, I can’t accept. I’ve got my own arrangements and I doubt I’ll be staying long anyways. In and out!”

“Well, all the same, I don’t feel right about you not getting the best of impressions of Ponyville.”

“Who said anything about bad impressions? Your town, it’s not a bad place. Quaint, really,” Staci said. “You should be proud of having such a thriving little town. I assume, of course, that the recent monster attacks have done nothing to hurt it.”

“Well, housing’s pretty cheap if that’s what you mean,” Vapor giggled. “But no, we’re a hardy folk. We’ve been here for ages, and I don’t think an invading empire is going to just drive us out.”

“You’re determined,” Staci said. It was something about the way he spoke, like he didn’t consider himself a part of them. Maybe it was because he was from a different walk of life, Vapor mused. “That’s something to be admired.”

“That or we’re just stubborn,” Vapor replied. “And maybe a bit insane.”

“Insanity and stubbornness often go hand in hand. Still, as I said you should be proud of yourselves,” Staci went on. “You’re… how do you say, a rare breed? That doesn’t sound like I’m comparing you to pets, does it?”

Vapor giggled some more. “No, I get what you mean. I’m not from here, from Ponyville I mean but I’ve noticed how different they are compared to the rest of Equestria. They built this town from the ground up, and it shows. They’re hardy and I like that. No, we’re hardy. I keep forgetting that I’m a part of this town sometimes. Eh-heh-heh. By the way, I never caught why you were here…?”

“Business, really. A terrible, irritable business that I soon hope is over and done with,” Staci sighed. “Wish me the best of luck?”

“Of cour-” Vapor said, before something beeped. “Crap, now of all times. Listen, I got to deal with something. If you don’t mind, can you go take that box down to the Boutique? You can’t miss it. I’m sorry to dump this on you, but something just came up!”

Staci smiled. “I understand.”

As Vapor dashed off, he added: “More than you know…”

“...what the hell?” Vapor asked, as she morphed in a flash of light to meet a familiar foe’s blade. The Noodle Beast, alive again it seemed.

Hot steaming broth was launched towards her, as Shining threw up a shield in front of her. Autumn leaped out from behind it, fist drawn back with a gauntlet wrapping around it.

“BIRD BOMBER!” the kirin thundered, slamming the weapon into the earth as jagged black spikes erupted from the ground with the noodle monster forced back. “Careful now, don’t let your noodles go too overcooked otherwise they’ll be inedible.”

Autumn sparked with red and blue flame, tossing it towards the monster.

A bus horn honked, and yet another supposedly-dead dimensional beast charged out of the treeline.

It smashed through flames, and through the rangers themselves actually as both Autumn and Shining tumbled down a hillside. Rolling down a steep, dirty hill, they fell into a quarry. Vapor was running down that same hill, still fighting her old foe.

Noodles erupted from the dimensional beast’s hand, wrapping around her sword and attempting to pull it away from her.

Vapor thought fast, going for her sidearm and shooting the beast square in the forehead. As it tumbled down the hill, Vapor gave chase.

Another honk of a bus horn, and she saw Sunset and Robert racing past her as the bus beast shifted to its vehicle form. Growling practically demonically, the massive vehicle raced down the hillside.

Sunset summoned a portal, sucking the bus inside as it raced out the other end smacking headlong into a pile of dirt.

Not that Vapor could pay attention to this for too long, given she had her own problems.

The noodle beast was leaping towards her, massive knife and fork in hand with a mad gleam in his eyes.

Except… no. There was nothing at all in his eyes, no emotion or anything. She was facing a lifeless spectre of the past, brought back to haunt her.

Even as she dodged the creature’s attacks, Reversers sprung up from the ground swarming her. Vapor flew up over the monsters, before shooting back down with gales rushing behind her.

The insectoid monsters went flying, and any who didn’t as Vapor flew back upwards were soon scorched by thunderbolts.

However, the noodle beast was still standing, and more noodles flew towards her in an attempt to ensnare and entangle her.

Sunset just lobbed a fireball at him.

With a roar, the bus beast came up from behind and Sunset rolled out of the way landing face-first in the dirt.

“Okay, that one’s really starting to annoy me…” Sunset said as both Shining and Vapor helped her up. “Time to stop it’s engines. This route’s coming to a permanent close. Striker Cannon!”

A certain dune buggy raced from atop a hill, shifting and morphing into that truly massive cannon.

“Watch your step when getting off the bus, otherwise you may trip and fall!” Sunset reminded gently, letting the monster have it. “3, 2, 1, fire!”

As the bus raced towards her, pure energy smashed into it and up it went in a fireball. The noodle beast had been caught in the blast as well, and went flying into a quarry wall. Earth crumbled all around it, burying the beast.

Just in time for Sunset to leap forwards, sword in hand calling out: “Burning Reign!”

And down the monster went only for gunfire to nip at Sunset’s hooves. Atop a hill stood a hooded figure, holding a dark bird-themed weapon that resembled the head of a vulture.

“Okay, I thought we were the ones who had the monopoly on birbs,” Vapor remarked. “Is someone muscling in on our territory?”

“Bold of you to assume you ever had any territory, Rangers,” said the cloaked figure, twisting the hand crank on their gun. Surprisingly funky music came out of the weapon, before it was fired twice. “Let’s see if you can keep pace with this dance okay?”

Two energy balls rushed towards the Rangers, both shifting into again familiar forms.

The camera and sewing machine beasts lived again.

“And we’re not dressed for picture day,” Vapor remarked as the hooded figure rushed off. “I’m not even in my nice clothes! I’m really only in my work boots. Mind, they’re definitely enough to just walk all over these guys. You know, again. Honestly, I’ve never liked zombie movies. They’re so overdone right?”

“And yet,” Sunset said, summoning up walls to hide from the camera beast’s gaze. “We’re living one! Now smile for the birdie!”

Waving her hand, she directed a meteorite towards the camera beast, smashing it’s lens.

“Oh well, at least this time this one’s managed to shut up,” Robert said, a sewing needle tossed like a spear at him. “I don’t know if I could stand feminism being shot back another couple of hundred years.”

Needles shot towards him like hundreds of senbon. He let out a sigh, having truly had enough of this day.

Pressing a button on his morpher, a roar filled the sky and down came his zord firing lasers at the two monsters. Explosions erupted from all around as the creatures were bombarded.

The condor zord came around for another pass, this time joined by the swan after Vapor got the same idea.

Black and white rushed towards the resurrected monsters, twin missiles rushing towards them.

Magnificent explosions erupted from their wakes, as the earth shook. Vapor coughed and sputtered even as the dust began to clear. “...okay, I think I speak for all of us when I’m asking… What the hell is going on? Like… what was that?”

“I don’t know, but…” Sunset mused, taking off her helmet and rubbing her chin in thought. “But I’m willing to bet whatever it is, that person with the bird gun knows a thing or two about it. Looks like we’re in for the long haul on this one.”

“Great… My mane’s ruined, my stylist is going to kill me!” Vapor sighed. “How do I explain I got it ruined by fighting monsters? Hooooow?”

The week went on, Vapor not really sure what to expect next. Mind, she at least could keep her mind off the increasing weirdness thanks to a new friend.

“Staci!” she said, hugging the stallion as she walked into Carousel Boutique “You look handsome today.”

“Beautiful actually, I’d rather you not use anything masculine for me today,” Staci said, the mare wearing a wristband going from pink to black to blue. “Apologies, I should have mentioned this before.”

“I… OH! I see, apologies,” Vapor said, realizing. “My bad.”

“No, as I said the blame lies with me,” Staci said, even as Rarity fussed with their hair. “You look exhausted, by the way.”

“Yeah, it’s, uh, been a bit of a week,” Vapor said, quickly thinking up a lie. “Wonderbolt training and all, well yeah it’s been pretty exhausting.”

“Oh, look at your mane. It’s all frizzy. Damn this heat,” Rarity said, making an expression of distaste as she walked back over to Vapor. “It’s so hard to keep everything neat. Oooooh, this may require a bit of extra TLC just to get it back into a presentable state.”

“Y-Yeah, the heat…” Vapor said.

“Just you park yourself right there, I’ll be with you in a minute, okay dear?” Rarity said to Vapor before turning back to Staci. “Right now, this one needs my tender loving attention.”

“Take your time, I’m all too happy to spend time with Vapor here. She’s… nice,” Staci said, though still sounding unsure of what exactly to make of her. “Maybe a bit scatterbrained, but nice.”

“Yes, she is such a dear, isn’t she?” Rarity said, running a hair straightener through Staci’s gorgeous black locks. “Oh, it’s such a shame that a certain someone has yet to notice her but, well them’s the breaks!”

“A-A certain some… Rarity!” Vapor gaped, aghast. “A-Are you shipping me with someone?”

“Ooops, did I say that aloud? My mistake!” Rarity flushed, as Staci descended into a giggle fit. “Oh, yes well, what’s a mare to do?”

“Not ship her friends?” Vapor drawled. “Really! Alright, I suppose I’ll bite, who do you ‘ship’ me with?”

“Oh, no-one…” Rarity trailed off, suddenly finding herself at a loss for words.

“It’s the kirin,” Staci put in. “I’ve heard her commenting about how much of a lovely couple you two make. I know, I know, it’s distasteful and frankly childish but I’m inclined-”

“Please don’t say you’re inclined to agree,” Vapor replied, her face going bright red as her white fur became stained with crimson. “I don’t think I could live down the humiliation. This, right here? It’s just making me want to melt away into a puddle of goo!”

Staci giggled. “If you say so.”

“Honestly, yeah I suppose Autumn’s cute but she’s not really my type. There was this… guy once, and I do mean once,” Vapor said, her voice somewhat shaky. “It… didn’t really work out.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Rarity said, still brushing Staci’s mane. “Did you let him get away from you?”

“Something like that,” Vapor refused to elaborate. “I suppose you’re right, I should have told him when I had the chance. But hindsight’s a funny thing like that I suppose. Yes, a funny old thing…”

“I’m sure you’ll meet him again one day,” Staci reassured. “Then you can tell him.”

“Maybe,” Vapor lied. “...oh wow, we’re really failing a certain test aren’t we? And here I thought us mares would be better than that!”

“I blame Rarity,” Staci put in.

“So do I,” Vapor agreed. “Motion carried, motion passed!”

“Oh stop, no need to gang up on me!” Rarity sputtered. “You two are too much! You caught me by surprise, a straight up ambush!”

Both Staci and Vapor shared a look, and snorted in unison. Of course, the peace couldn’t last. Indeed, later that very same day, Vapor once again found herself fighting for her life.

Again, monsters returned from the grave and the whole team found themselves caught deep in a quagmire. Fighting deep within the wilds of the Everfree Forest.

Vapor, for her part, traded laser fire with that same cloaked figure from before. Flipping out of the way of one shot, she spun and fired off a few shots of her own. The figure ducked behind a tree, even as laser shots scarred the trunk.

A gun peered out from behind safety, firing rapid fire shots at Vapor as she ducked behind a boulder. From nearby, deeper in the forest, you could hear the clash and clatter of the other rangers' swords.

Vapor took a calculated risk, leaping out from behind the boulder with pistol gripped tightly. The cloaked figure took a run for it, lasers nipping at their heels.

Another duck behind a tree and Vapor fired a powerful shot smashing right through the trunk. The cloaked figure dived out, still firing their gun as Vapor whirled behind cover.

“Who are you?” the light-colored mare shouted.

“Why don’t you find out?” her opponent called back. “Unless you’re too much of a coward to come and chase me?”

“Ooooooh, you’re really pushing my buttons today aren’t you?” Vapor retorted, fluffing up in anger. “Fine then, you want to be chased? Tag! I’m it!”

The cloaked figure took a run for it.

“Come back here, I’ve still got plenty of questions for you!” her rival shouted at her. “Like who are you, and what’s your role in relation to the Reverse Empire?”

“I’m just a hired hand, nothing more and nothing less. Not really much more you need to know.” said the figure.

Vapor continued chasing after them, even as they threw off their cloak in her face. Vapor pulled it off, only to be met with a familiar sight. Someone that, indeed, shouldn’t be there.

“Staci…?” Vapor stammered out in shock. “What are you… no, it couldn’t be. YOU?”

Staci chuckled, holding up a familiarly yet oddly bird-themed gun with a dirty, almost rusted appearance. She pointed it at Vapor, firing off a few shots which the pegasus had to prance about to dodge, resembling the worst case of hotfoot ever recorded.

“Remember, this is honestly nothing personal. You’re just in my way,” Staci said, the mare now spinning the crank on her gun. “If it was up to me, I’d leave you alone. But, well, father wants you gone and so therefore I must obey. Alas, the choice has been made for me. What a mad banquet of darkness I find myself in. Allow me to snuff your life out quickly, as a mercy. For now it is morphin’ time.”

She fired the gun, the shot flying around Vapor’s head even as she dived and the shot circled back around to Staci. Slamming into her chest, dark energy erupted from the ball and burbled around Staci like a cocoon, before the woman burst forth.

She wore a twisted parody of a ranger costume, purple as the evening sky with a white scarf flapping in the wind. Making a series of complex dramatic gestures, the ‘ranger’ proclaimed: “The darkened talon, slashing through the night sky. Vulkhan Ranger.”

The newly anointed ranger snapped her fingers, an explosion erupting behind her as the flames twisted and distorted into kanji. They read: ダークタロン:バルカンレンジャー

“What the buck?” Vapor thought, rather overwhelmed by all this. She wasn’t sure what to be more stunned at, Staci being a ranger or her whole presentation. All of the gesturing and the posing and just… the kanji. Just the kanji.

Then her confusion turned to panic as the dark ranger came up upon her like a storm, a fist nearly shattering her helmet. A knee was shoved into her gut and Vapor staggered back before realizing she had to dodge as shots went wild from Vulkhan’s gun.

More shots and Vapor raised her blade to deflect them, to guard against the rapid fire.

“You say it isn’t personal,” the pegasus said, racing up a tree before pushing herself off it into a diving kick. Staci rolled, firing more shots that raced by Vapor’s head. Rage and hurt was coursing through the white mare, feeling as if she’d been taken for a fool. “Sure feels like it.”

Staci waved her arm, firing as her shots bent through the air with Vapor ducking under them and tackling the ranger to the earth.

Staci grabbed her by the helmet with her hands, headbutting her as she scrambled away. Vapor staggered about, in a daze only for shots to rip through her suit demorphing her.

“It’s not, believe me. I’m only doing what I have to. It brings me no pleasure to kill you. Honestly, the whole concept of violence is appalling to me. And yet, I must partake in it, showcase my dark powers all to an uncaring world which is against me,” Staci said, kicking Vapor into a tree. “If my father wishes it, then I must become a devil!”

She raised her gun for the killing shot, before explosions erupted all around her with sparks flying as Shining and Sunset raced out from the trees -horns glowing- with Autumn and Robert not far behind.

Autumn lashed out, drawing back her fist and flooring Staci with one punch sending her flying. Racing to Vapor’s side, the kirin hurriedly helped her up.

“I see you fought my monsters, defeated them yet again as I expected you would. I’m not surprised, they’re not them. Not really. Just cheap copies, knock-offs of the real thing,” Staci rambled on, continuing to pontificate like a mad god to the masses. “Now you must fight me. I promise it will be much more difficult. Those were the tech demos. Now you see the real game.”

“Good grief…” Sunset muttered, as the rangers went for their sidearms. “Can you just shut up for a minute? If you won’t, then I think I know just how to make you. Chroma Fury!”

Four laser streams converged into one ala Ghostbusters, and she thought that was that when an explosion erupted. But leaping, flipping out of the fire was Vulkhan before one after the other kicking each Ranger in the face.

Landing on the ground, Staci was resting her gun on her shoulder. She was probably smirking behind the opaque black of her visor.

“If you want me, come and catch me!” Staci said before dashing off into the forest.

Vapor knew it was a trap, but right now she was too ticked off to really care. Remorphing, she raced after the dark ranger, her wings extending as she raced through the trees. Tucking them in at appropriate intervals, she darted through the woodland.

Staci was leaping from branch to branch, and at one point, she twisted in mid-air firing back at Vapor, with gun/morpher clutched tightly in her hand.

“You’re angry I didn’t disclose my identity to you, who I really was. The Princess of the Reverse Empire,” Staci said, Vapor darting behind a tree to avoid the gunfire. “I knew you’d treat me differently if I did. Like I was an enemy. I apologize, I should have been upfront with you from the start. I just wanted to get to know you better.”

“Why do you want to get to know the person you’re supposed to be killing?” Vapor asked, whipping out her sidearm blasting shots out of the air. Meeting laser fire with her own. “I don’t get it!”

“I wanted to see why my father hates you all so. Why he’s so intent on wiping you from the earth,” Staci replied. “I wanted to get inside your heads, see your side of things.”

“Yeah, what’d you learn?” Vapor said, throwing a kick which Staci easily dodged.

“That you are a curious species, you ponies. That you’re… very driven. Very kind. Like I said, I don’t enjoy any of this. If… if circumstances were different, I perhaps would want to be friends with you. But alas, I can’t. I’d rather not set myself up for tragedy the day I finally do end your life.”

Staci kicked dust into Vapor’s face, only for the pegasus to blow it and her away with gusts of wind from her wings.

Shot met shot, laser smashing into laser. Vapor punched, only for Staci to catch it and twist her arm. The pony let out a scream of pain, clutching her arm as her weapon landed on the forest floor.

“I apologize, I’m drawing things out,” Staci said. “You’re a good fighter, Vapor Trail. Almost as good as I am but… Now it’s over. DARKNESS BAYONET!”

A blade erupted from her weapon, as Staci charged forth to impale the pony upon it. Then, a shield of magic erupted between her and Vapor, with the blade shattering upon impact.

“Haven’t you learned, Vapes,” Sunset asked, as she stepped into view. “We do everything as a team, and that includes taking down chunni nutjobs.”

“Tough talk, but can you really follow up on that statement?” Staci asked. “Allow me to show you my power. POWER BLASTER!”

Her gun morphed into a familiar weapon, which upon firing scythed a beam through the forest. Trees tumbled all around the Rangers, as Staci attempted to incinerate them. Attempted, as Sunset and Shining quickly threw up shields around their team forming twin domes.

“Well, if that’s your defense…” Staci said, firing again. One shot shattered one dome, and another shattered the second. “Time for a gold rush!”

Her weapon shifted again, into the gold zeo ranger’s staff as Staci became a blur of motion racing towards the Rangers who all fell to the ground groaning in pain.

Staci stood over their broken forms, resting her gun upon her shoulders.

“How is she…?” Shining asked, clenching his fist as he struggled to stand. “That’s impossible!”

“Improbable, but not impossible as clearly she has the ability to summon old ranger weapons.”

“Radiguet can tap into the morphing grid, as you well know. He created your powers, if only by accident and he created mine,” said Staci. “He just gave mine a little extra boost, that’s all. I represent all Rangers. Or at least, I represent the many ways they can destroy their enemies. I am the perfect assassin, if not a reluctant one.”

“Just stop talking…” Sunset muttered. “If you’re going to kill us, get it over with.”

“Very well then…” Staci sighed, her gun shifting forms yet again. “Z-Rex Blaster.”

She fired, with an orb of crackling energy racing towards them. Something dark jumped in front of the attack, holding it back as moonlight raced through the treetops. The orb shattered, fire rushing around the new arrival before being swallowed up by his blade.

Zen-Aku slashed the air, an ornate red blade held out to his side as yellow eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

“It seems, once again, I must intervene in affairs,” the wolf muttered, his blade still sparking with embers. “Forgive me for being so late.”

Vapor smiled weakly. “What’s to forgive?”

Staci shifted her weapon into the Quantum Defender in sword mode, locking blades with the Duke Org.

“What are you, a ghost?” Staci asked.

“A remnant,” Zen-Aku corrected. “I stay as long as I am needed. And I am needed to guard the Animarium until time comes again for a proper team of rangers to defend it. I stay because I need to atone for my own ills. I stay because I am a knight. Now, do yourself a favor and give up.”

“Don’t get in my way,” Staci practically snapped, the two still locking blades grinding them together in an ugly sound. “This isn’t your fight!”

“Did you not hear me? It is always my fight, for as long as evil like you exists. Spout off whatever excuses you want, I don’t intend on listening,” the wolf said. “Your words mean nothing to me!”

He twisted his blade, and Staci’s weapon went flying out of her hands.

“Now. Remove yourself or you will be removed,” Zen-Aku said. “This is your only warning.”

Staci just retrieved her weapon, back in its original gun form and fired in a panic. The shots missed wildly.

“There is no honor in fighting an inferior opponent,” the Duke Org. “But as I must… I shall end this quickly. Blazing Storm Slash!”

His sword ignited, ripping through the air as a hot knife would through butter. Staci had teleported away long before the attack could hit her.

Zen-Aku chuckled, observing this. “A wise decision.”

Helping the other rangers up, he sighed. “It seems our enemy moves against us yet again. He has learned from his failures, and sends a powerful opponent against you. Now you face yourselves.”

“Whoopee…” Sunset muttered.

Vapor looked incredibly flustered as the former villain helped her up. Forcing the blush down, she spoke. “Just… just why though? She seems… incredibly sad fighting us, and yet no matter what I said, she seemed intent on following her father’s orders.”

“Father?” Robert said, before looking disgusted. “...what do you mean… Oh, ewwwww, wait does that mean Radiguet reproduced? Bloody hell!”

All the rangers looked incredibly ill at the idea.

“Oh, okay, yuck. I didn’t need that image in my head, thank you!” Sunset said. “Brain bleach, please! Someone, anyone!”

“Bloody Nora, I’m sorry I said it. Ewwww, soon as you’re done with it,” Robert went on. “Pass it to me!”

“I’m half tempted not to, after you put that idea all in our heads you sicko!” Sunset shot back. “Gee, thanks a lot!”

“I need to be cleansed…” Vapor thought to herself, looking up at Zen. “...will you help me?”

She soon let out a little ‘eep’, realizing she’d said that aloud. The Duke Org chuckled.

“Now that is a very thirsty mare. Like, seriously. Not sure what she sees in him, but well that’s love I guess. Love is blind, love is weird,” Sunset thought to herself. “And thank Celestia that I shall never have to experience it because if I have to end up dating a massive wolf then clearly it’s overrated!”

“Wraaaaaagh!” Vapor let out a cry, her sword attempting to bite into Zen-Aku’s own. “I was so stupid! Stupid! I should have seen Staci for what they were!”

“You are not to blame,” the Duke Org said. “You had no idea, nor any of us for that matter, that the enemy would send someone of your own species against you.”

“Assuming that they’re even a pony,” Vapor replied. “For all we know, that’s another lie.”

“Perhaps, perhaps not,” Zen-Aku said, pulling away from her before their blades locked again. “Honestly, I suppose it doesn’t really matter what they are. Only what you do with them going forwards.”

“Like delivering a good solid punch to the face? I’d be down for that,” Vapor said. All around them, the ruins of an ancient city from a civilization long since lost to the sands of time. “I assume that’s what you meant, right?”

“That’s your decision,” Zen Aku said, the two circling each other with both waiting for another chance to strike. “Honestly, young Vapor, whatever you want to do is your decision. However, if I may?”

“I mean, considering you’re probably going to say whatever this is anyways… No matter what I say to try and stop you? Go ahead,” Vapor shrugged. “Alright, what is it? Out with it.”

“You yourself said that Staci seems sad, indeed reluctant even. Find out why,” Zen-Aku advised, rushing forwards and again Vapor’s blade met his own. “Battles aren’t just won with violence, after all.”

“Coming from the guy who’s curbstomped pretty much every opponent he’s come across in one to two blows,” Vapor remarked. “Yeah, funny that.”

“You get my point though, I assume?” Zen said. “I only go for violence nowadays as a last resort. Make no mistake, I’d be foolish to assume that all fights I’d be able to talk my way out of, but there’s always this chance that blood may never need to be shed.”

“You were a monster once. What changed?” Vapor said. “I mean… you’ve gone from the very sort of monster you’re instructing me to fight to an actual knight. What… just what happened to you?”

“I met a man,” Zen-Aku said. “I rubbed off on him, and he rubbed off on me. We complimented each other. I learned a sense of honor and justice, or perhaps inherited it. That would be more accurate.”

“Inherited… how did you ‘inherit’ a sense of justice?” Vapor asked, still dueling.

“It’s a long and very complicated story, perhaps I should tell it to you sometime,” Zen-Aku said. “In any event, here I am instructing the next generation of heroes. You’re part of a long legacy, I hope you know that.”

“Oh, I realized that when Staci began beating us all down with past ranger weapons,” Vapor deadpanned as she broke away from him. “I… it’s humbling, I guess you might say to be overpowered by someone like that.”

“I suppose that’s one way of looking at it,” Zen-Aku said. “I myself know the feeling.”

“You?” Vapor laughed, resting herself up against a tree. “You? But you’re… well, no offence, but you’re probably the most dangerous guy alive from what I’ve seen.”

“I used to think that, but arrogance was one of my many failings. Never think you’re the most powerful there is, someone will always show up to prove you wrong,” Zen-Aku replied. “Such as it were.”

“Yeah, amen to that. I started off so wide-eyed, so… excited I guess to be a superhero. Time and time again, I’m starting to realize just what that entails,” Vapor said. “It’s… I’m just beginning to wonder, when does it end?”

“Honestly? Truthfully, it probably never will. There will always be another opponent, another evil. Lesser or greater, it doesn’t matter. There will always be another fight, another war to win,” Zen-Aku sighed. “Thankfully, there’s always someone rising up to meet it. It’s our responsibility, however, to make sure that they’re prepared for the long roads ahead.”

“Meaning…” Vapor realized.

“Yes. Meaning that someday, you’ll probably be in the same position that I am now. Teaching someone that needs it,” Zen-Aku said. “So, taking in all of this, what do you intend to do now?”

“I suppose… find Staci,” Vapor decided. “And make sure this war doesn’t go on for any longer.”

And at this, Zen-Aku chuckled. “Something tells me you won’t have long to wait.”

Indeed, his words were soon proven correct a few days later. Zords danced in the sky above as another old foe was revived.

Wings scythed through the air, lasers firing. Vapor left them to it, she had more important matters to attend to.

“Again, we fight,” Staci said as she twisted her weapon’s hand crank and energy washed over her as she morphed. “Again, we do this dance.”

Both rangers leaped over the side into a quarry as the swallow zord rushed right over just where they’d been standing a few seconds prior. It climbed high into the sky in an arc, as a truly monstrous jet chased after it.

Both rangers were sliding down a hill, and once they hit level ground again, the guns came out. Vapor spun and flipped in a complex dance, avoiding Staci’s gunfire.

The mare raced around her, gusts of wind stirred up by her wings. Vapor kicked and kicked and kicked at Staci, the dark ranger holding up her arms defensively.

Finally, she’d had enough and fired several shots into Vapor knocking her back to earth. But the mare wouldn’t give up, kicking quarry dust into Staci’s face before pulling her to the ground in an attempted leglock.

Staci managed to pull herself free and Vapor chased after her, shots meeting in mid-air. Another zord rocketed overhead, Sunset in her falcon cutting a blazing path through the sky.

The jet dimensional beast let out a truly massive roar, firing twin rockets at the zord.

“I didn’t manage to kill you before, allow me to rectify that mistake,” said Staci, running towards her into a sidekick. Vapor let out a cry of pain as she slammed into a rock. She yelped, and then spun to safety as Staci flew into another kick. “Please, don’t resist. It’ll be better on you this way.”

“You expect me to take my own death lying down?” Vapor asked, catching a third kick in her hands before shoving upwards as Staci flipped backwards to safety. “Please. And honestly, I don’t know why we even have to do this. Surely there’s another way.”

“You don’t know my father,” Staci said, in resigned acceptance of her fate. “If I don’t kill you now, the punishment will be incredibly severe.”

“And living through the domination of all ponykind is an alternative? You’ve said it yourself, you like us!” Vapor said, catching a punch before slamming her own fist into Staci’s helmet. “As a species!”

“Yes, that may be true, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to die,” Staci replied, firing off a wildfire series of shots. “None of you are allowed to live, for the Reverse Empire must take back what is rightfully theirs.”

She summoned the Z-Rex Blaster again, firing off a powerful shot that nearly floored her. Vapor leaped over it, punching the dark ranger square in the face.

“And?” Vapor asked.

“And what?”

“And what of you?” Vapor pressed. “Say you do kill us, say you do see the Reverse Empire return to prominence. What of you?”

“I will be put into a position of power alongside my father, as is my reward,” Staci said. “That’s the only ending for me. The only ending I want.”

“You don’t sound like you want that sort of thing. That ending, as you know, requires you to kill us all. Your first friends!” Vapor said, slashing at Staci with her sword as the mare moved out of the way.

“Don’t call yourself my friend! You’re not!” Staci said, firing her gun only for Vapor to keep deflecting shots with her sword. “You’re not!”

“I beg to differ. Despite all that you’ve done, I have and always will… consider you my friend,” Vapor said, shooting the gun out of Staci’s hands. “So please, let me help you!”

Thunder cracked as Gray teleported in, sword in hand and slashing Vapor across the stomach. One strike demorphed her.

“That’s enough out of you,” the mechanical monstrosity said. “Stay away from her.”

“Never…” Vapor said, gripping the dirt as she pulled herself up. “She’s my friend, and I refuse to let you have her!”

“I know what’s best for her, you’re barely even a concern,” Gray said, kicking the mare square in the jaw. “Unfortunately, it seems that Staci was too incompetant to deal with you. I, on the other hand, know exactly how to deal with you.”

“I think not!” Robert shouted as he leaped down from his sword, sword drawn. “You want to touch her, you have to go through me first. Now I don’t pretend to understand this whole Staci deal, but I understand plenty about you.”

“Very well then, if we must. Raise thy sword! Come, Black Ranger!” Gray shouted as he charged at Robert. “You, again, interfere with my work! Why do you persist?”

“I dunno, I guess I like to meddle, really. Meddle meddle meddle!” Robert said, locking blades with him briefly, before pulling away. He kicked Gray square in the stomach, knocking him back. “Really, it’s my life’s work making sure that your life’s work fails. Falls flat on its face!”

“The reluctant ranger… you’ve grown into quite the little hero haven’t you?” Gray said, the two circling each other like lions before the kill. “I remember you hating this job at first.”

“I still do, but I think I hate you even more,” Robert said, leaping forth into a downwards slash. Gray stepped back, and backtracked even more as the black ranger slashed at him again. “Personally, if you were to go and deactivate tomorrow, that’d make my job much easier. I’d be over the moon really.”

“Unfortunately, the day I deactivate is a day you’ll never see,” Gray replied, missiles popping up from his wrist. They fired, and Robert was blasted into the lake. “Indeed, I don’t think you’ll be seeing tomorrow at all.”

Robert leaped out of the water, shouting: “Wanna bet? Striker Cannon, now!”

The buggy drove off a cliff and shifted into cannon form in his hands. As Robert lined up his shot, there came a scream of fear from Vapor. Gray, in one swift motion, had shoved Staci in front of him just to take the impact.

Staci flew back, limbs flailing and demorphing in a flash of purple energy. Gray chuckled. “Oh well, it seems you’ll be losing that bet.”

“Bastard!” Robert shouted at him, even as Gray hoisted Staci over his shoulder and teleported away.

Helping Vapor up, Robert steamed. As if he didn’t hate that scrap pile to be enough…

Staci awoke in a daze, vaguely remembering all that had happened. She let out a sob as she remembered Vapor’s terrified face. Her begging Gray not to do it.

Another sob, and the tears came falling fast now. Damn it, why did she even… Why did that damn pony even care so much?

She wasn’t worth saving. Staci knew that she was only just a cog in the Reverse Empire’s war machine, and… a terrible friend. A killer.

And yet… Staci clenched a fist. Vapor seemed so dead-set on saving her. Why? Why? WHY!?!

It wasn’t like she had anything to offer her…

To the world.

No, she’d just do her duty. That was what she was expected to do. She would kill the rangers, and make sure that her father saw his empire returned to glory. That was her purpose. That was why she’d been given her powers.

Because that was who she was. The darkened talon, slashing through the night sky. Vulkhan.

Comments ( 4 )

Gray is going to regret his actions here. When there is honor among thieves they will never fall to the prisoner’s dilemma, a backstab will be remembered and avenged.

Wow. This was a pretty wild chapter. A lot went on in this! :pinkiegasp: Glad to see more emphasis / focus on Vapor Trail here, for sure. :twilightsmile:

How is the next chapter progressing for you?

hope you can come back to writing this story again someday.

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