• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 1,413 Views, 179 Comments

Power Rangers: Sky Strike - The Bricklayer

Pony Power Rangers, take flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Take off... in a headwind!

  • ...

3: Ranger Blue

Author's Note:

To borrow a quote: "All paths are coming together."

“You’re obstinate, Shining Armor,” Sunset said in a huff as the two returned to base. Autumn Blaze following behind. “You do know that right? I could have dealt with Grey right then and there!”

“Yes, except your battle would have spilled into the civilians. There are rules and regulations to be followed. I did not get to my position by taking unnecessary risks.”

“I could have stopped Grey right then and there!” Sunset snarled, grabbing Shining by the chestplates, the unicorn pulling himself out of her grip. He noted Sunset’s mane starting to be licked by embers. “Reward outweighs the risk, right?”

“Not exactly. As much as I’d like to see Grey defeated, there are rules and regulations that MUST be followed,” Shining said. “I did not get to my position by being foolish. I followed the rules to the letter, and the kingdom is all the safer for it.”

“Bet you’re real fun at parties,” Sunset grumbled. “Yeah, sure rules are good and all but I prefer to think of them as guidelines you know?”

“And that is exactly why you’re under house arrest,” Shining said. “As much faith as Celestia puts in you, I believe she is willfully blind to a lot of things. You are a delinquent Sunset Shimmer, and in no way should be the leader of this team.”

“Guys, guys!” Autumn put in. “Well, okay, guy and girl. Don’t you think you should simmer down a notch? Look, as much as I’d like to see Grey and Radiguet defeated, there is no need to turn this into some form of dick measuring contest. You both have your strengths I’m sure, can’t you find this… nice balance?”

“She is a child who was only handed the team leader position because Celestia and Starswirl see something in her. It’s nepotism if you ask me,” Shining said. “I have the training, I have the discipline!”

“Funny, you’re pretty childish yourself…” Autumn muttered.

“Well, you’re probably not wrong about the nepotism bit…” Sunset sourly admitted. “However, I think you have a little too much discipline. You’re very stubborn, y’know?”

“And you’re-”

“OKAY!” Autumn barked, her mane starting to glow with embers as well. She took a few deep calming breaths, the embers disappearing. Placing her hands on her hips, she began to lecture her teammates. “Now there’s no need to resort to petty insults. I can see why I was brought on this team, I have to play mediator between you two. I pity any other Rangers who join up if you two are going to be like this all the time.”

“You’re… you’re right,” Sunset admitted. “We are acting sorta childish aren’t we?”

“Yeah, you sorta are,” Autumn said -hands still on hips- before turning to Shining and then back to Sunset. “Shining, while you do raise a great point, you are too stubborn and set in your ways. It needs to be something you need to work on. However, Sunset, Shining is absolutely right. You’re too much of a cowbo… er, cowgirl I guess. You’re needlessly flashy, you take way too many risks. There needs to be a middle ground for the two of you. Try to find it, this is the only way we’re going to beat this guy.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Starswirl said, the ancient wizard walking in. “Petty infighting and the like will not get anyone anywhere. It has been a long day for all three of you, I suggest you return home and get some rest. The fight against evil is not waged on a tired mind and an exhausted body.”

Sunset let out a low yawn: “Y-Yeah, I totally agree. I think I need a hot bath after all of this anyways. Sooth the muscles, plus I think I’ve what Radiguet called a ‘charley horse’. Yeah, a nice hot bath. That sounds good.”

With that, she strode out the doors and out of the base for the night.

Shining collapsed in his berth that night, as soon as he teleported home. He was amazed he didn’t teleport himself into a brick wall with how tired he was. And to think, this was just a collection of foot soldiers, who knew what the Reverse Empire really had lurking just out of sight?

Music was coming from the next house over, blues music as evidenced by the harmonica. Shining shut the window just to try and drown out the sound, but not before a wind blew into the room. Shining shivered even as he discarded his armor, going for his pajamas. Sunset -or his marefriend for that matter- would probably never let him hear the end of it if they saw them.

So what? Footie pajamas were very cool, and very comfortable. Even if they didn’t quite give off the threatening very cool Royal Guard Captain aura Shining usually tried to go for. Nervously… no, cautiously he went for his sword. Royal Guards didn’t get nervous, not at all. He felt like he was being watched.

He turned slowly on his hooves blade ready to strike. There, in the corner of the room was a set of glowing gold eyes.

“Step out of the shadows, drop your weapons,” Shining warned. “Hands behind your head.”

“I come in good faith,” the rather… tall and rather muscled unicorn -Shining swallowed- said, his fur a deep midnight black, with a scraggly gray mane. Shining desperately wanted to avert his eyes, those eyes… Nobody had eyes that gold! They looked almost canine, befitting the pony’s rather feral appearance.

“Yes, well, hiding in the shadows doesn’t give off that impression,” Shining said. “You know, I could have you arrested for trespassing.”

“I… apologize. Social graces are not my strong suite.” the pony replied.

“Clearly,” Shining said. “If you’re an assassin, you’re not very good at it. You got caught way too easily for that. And you haven’t attacked me yet, and you’ve had every chance to. No, what are you really after…?”

“To pass on some advice,” the pony said. “You’re worried about what the Reverse Empire will do next, right?”

“How did you…?” Shining trailed off.

“It was easy enough to guess,” the black stallion said. “You have only seen the tip of the iceberg, as the saying goes when it comes to them.”

“I gathered,” Shining said. “Master of the obvious, aren’t you?”

“I do not mince words,” the other stallion returned. “But you will need… special. equipment if you are to fight the Empire on even ground. Go see this man, he will be able to assist you.”

And with that, he was gone leaving only a simple card on Shining’s bedside table. It read: “Andrew Hartford, 518-2568-478.”

NewTech City:

“We’ve got another one for you,” said a voice as a stack of papers was slammed down on Robert’s desk. The plaque on the desk now read Detective Williams, having been promoted a few days before. Phone calls rang out in the background, a sea of desks covering the room. A radio played music, nobody bothering to turn it off for it functioned as an escape from the daily grind and the hot summer sun. “Sarah Stern. Kidnapped from her home just this morning. Mother said when she went to sleep, she was still there.”

The detective looked up, rubbing his chin in thought. Several empty cartons of Chinese noodles sat scattered about his desk. One fell into the trash from the force of the papers hitting the desk, chopsticks rolling away into the trash can shortly thereafter.

“So it happened in the middle of the night…” Robert mused. “Is the area cordoned off? I want to talk to everyone there, don’t care who they are or what they do. I want to know where everyone was last night.”

“Yeah, local officers have already got the entire block cordoned off,” Charlie said. She took a deep long sigh, rubbing her forehead. “Fifth kidnapping in a month, boy makes you wonder what this city is heading towards. Supposed to be the greatest in human achievements.”

“Yes, well, I’ve found in my experience that human nature doesn’t get better,” Robert said turning the radio down, ‘She Caught the Katy’ fading out. His shirt was drenched in sweat, a small fan blowing on him. It helped, but only marginally. “It just gets worse. You can try to hide it behind all of the glitz and glam as much as you like, but people still manage to surprise you.”

“Bit of a cynical view innit?” Charlie asked eying her friend, the SPD officer rather concerned.

“I’m a cop, cynicism comes with the job,” Robert drawled as he grabbed his badge, stuffing it in his pocket. “And moreover, a detective meaning I get to see the worst in people. Murder, rape, kidnapping. I think you get the picture. You’re the lucky one Charlie, you get to see space and all that dressed up in that fancy spandex. The rest of us? We don’t get to be so lucky.”

Charlie was struck silent, and for the next few minutes stayed that way…

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Radiguet schemed. She had finally arrived, the Dimensional Bug Mother. Now she could begin her work, and create the Empire a proper army. This was where the fun began!

“Sire,” Grey said as he entered the throne room, bowing when appropriate. “You have a visitor.”

“Ooooh, someone to torture? Someone who’s postulating themselves before my greatness? Well, it’s about damn time I say! Please tell me that she’s at least pretty!” Radiguet cackled.

“Well, it’s a she alright, though I’m not sure if she’s pretty,” Grey said, lighting up a smoke. “I’m not one to understand pony beauty standards, and nor do I care to. They’re all meatbags in the end anyways, only good for conquering.”

“Well, send her in!” Radiguet said. “Tell me if she’s at least cute. Also, Grey? Make mental notes about our wedding. She’s a princess right? After all, Princesses are the only ones worthy of me. But really, make a note. After I sweep her off her hooves, we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony. It will not be a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during which the final phase of my plan will be carried out.

“Cute, maybe,” Grey said. “But legal… No.”

Radiguet blinked and then his jaw dropped as a filly stepped into the room, curtsying before looking back at the Reversers. Whom, Radiguet noted, would be fired for such incompetence. Then again, she was a child so… But wait, why was a child here in the first place?

“Your guards need work,” the filly said. “If they don’t shoot on sight…”

“Well, you are a filly…” Radiguet pointed out.

“Fair point!” the filly returned.

“Oh well, at least this ties into another part of this book I’ve been reading. Passage 12, page 20. “One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.” You dig?”

“Oh, that book,” the filly said. “It does beg one to wonder why it was published in the first place, I mean… does Celestia want to encourage usurpers?”

“And I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re one of those usurpers, right?” Radiguet said. “Because I’m not going to go out and become your evil adoptive father. Passage 19. “I will not have a daughter. She would be as beautiful as she was evil, but one look at the hero's rugged countenance and she'd betray her own father.” Hahahahahahahahah! I LOVE THIS BOOK!”

“Passage 20. “Despite its proven stress-relieving effect, I will not indulge in maniacal laughter. When so occupied, it's too easy to miss unexpected developments that a more attentive individual could adjust to accordingly.” the filly stated.

“Oh come on, I’m a villain! At least let me have this…” Radiguet practically whined. “Who are you anyways, I never did catch your name!”

An absolutely evil and conniving smirk came onto the filly’s face, before it changed into an all too innocent expression. “I’m Cozy Glow, and I think we’ll be the best of friends!”

“Heartford… Heartford!” Shining mumbled on his daily patrol over the castle, the sound of hammers against stone coming from nearby. Two ponies passed him, carrying a pane of glass. The rebuilding process of Canterlot Castle was still underway, even a month or so on from the attack.

“Who’s Heartford?” Celestia teased peering over his shoulder. “New marefriend? Because I’d hate to have to be the one to tell my niece…”

“Not a new marefriend,” Shining mumbled a little too quickly, his creamy white face flushing a bright red shade. “In fact, she’s not even a she. She’s a he. Andrew Heartford, odd name. Some strange stallion got into my quarters last night and-”

“Security seems lax,” Celestia mused. “Or are you just taking gentlemen callers now?”

“Oh, shut up!” Shining grumbled before he realized who he just said that to. “W-With all due respect… ma’am.”

Celestia waved it off dismissively, she had been getting a little too annoying perhaps. But a Princess was entitled to tease her subjects from time to time wasn’t she?

“Sounds like a human name,” Starswirl said walking up, the aged wizard running a finger though his chin in thought. “I have wondered how humans have gotten on since I left Equestria…”

“Hoo-mans?” Shining asked. “Odd name.”

“Oh yes, I should have told you long ago,” Celestia said ushering her two friends out of hearing range. “Long ago, the magical world and the human world were part of one whole. We lived in harmony. Until…”

She sighed sadly, and Starswirl picked up the story.

“Until they grew fearful of us and the realms had to be separated for everyone’s safety. But now, I do wonder if the time for us to return is at hand. Radiguet won’t just stop at our kingdom, you know. He’ll move onto the next realm, and then the next, and then the next. The human realm will be on his list eventually, you know!”

“Yes, quite,” Celestia said in agreement. “Which is why I believe it is time to send an envoy. Everything happens for a reason, I believe. If you were told to see this Heartford, then there has to be a purpose for it.”

“Yes, well, the stallion -if that’s what he really was- said he could help us with the Reverse Empire…” Shining mused.

“Then that settles that then!” Celestia commanded. “Shining, I have a special task for you. Go to the human world, and find this Andrew Heartford. Seek out his aid. Go now, and may the light of our sun protect you!”

And with that and a snap of Celestia’s fingers, Shining found the whole world becoming a blur. He was outside the castle, and in front of a strange tree. On it was the symbol of a phoenix. Shining found himself drawn to the tree, and then the world blurred again. He felt a tug in his gut, and then he found himself outside a forest near a road. A sign read: “San Angeles, 3 miles.”

Another read “Newtech City, 20 miles.”

Shining then got a good look at himself in a nearby puddle, oh sweet Mystic Mother he looked like some sort of hairless ape. Not to be insulting, but that was the only proper comparison. “...wish the Princess had told me about this. Now how do I find this Andrew Heartford?”

He pulled out the business card, and noticed it had San Angeles hastily scribbled on it. Well, that answered that then. Shining sighed as he looked off into the direction of San Angeles. Guess he’d better start walking then.

He’d had worse really, being put through boot camp required ten mile runs or even more at times. This, well this was just like a leisurely stroll compared to that. Trekking through the wilderness? Yeah, it was going to be just fine.

Shining then tripped over a fallen log and tumbled down a hill landing square in a mud puddle. Several pigs squealed and sniffed him with their snouts. Strike that, this was going to be humiliating.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Sunset and Celestia paid a visit to the Wonderbolts Academy. Shapes darted through the sky, leaving streaks of color.

“Royalty on deck!” came a shout from Soarin’ as he landed next to Sunset and…

….and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I’m sorry, is that a kilt?”

Sure enough, it was, with Soarin adjusting it. “It’s very manly,”

“Yeah, and it also shows off ‘dem legs!” Sunset said, nearly falling over herself in laughter. Celestia gave her a disapproving look which she didn’t seem to notice. “Well, ‘least it gives you a healthy breeze around your privates I suppose…”

“Is she always like this?” Soarin’ asked Celestia, who rubbed her temples and nodded. Right about then, Captain Spitfire landed wings spread wide before she tucked them back in as she walked forwards.

“Princess Celestia, what a surprise. Along with…. Someone I don’t know!” Spitfire said upon seeing Sunset, who nearly fell over at this.

“There goes my dignity, buh-bye now…” Sunset mumbled in shame, hanging her head.

“Here to check up on the new recruits?” Spitfire asked. “Let me assure you, what I have here? They are the best of the best. Come next month’s airshow, you’ll be seeing I’m not just bragging!”

“You never brag,” Celestia said politely. “But yes. In a way, I am here to check up on your newest recruits. One in particular actually. Is there a ‘Vapor Trail’ around?”

“Right this way!” Spitfire beckoned.

“...hey, does this really show off my legs too much?” Soarin’ asked as he leaned over to his Captain. He gestured to his utilikilt.

“Yes, yes it does, And we allllllll appreciate it!” Spitfire said, licking her lips.

“...yeah, that’s what I thought,” Soarin’ mumbled.

“Hey, Vapes!” Spitfire said as she walked over to a mare, head buried in a comic book with headphones around her ears. Pulling them off as her wingpony -one Lightning Dust- scampered off knowing someone was probably about to be in trouble. “You should be honored, you have a royal problem!”

Somehow, Vapor Trail got that sinking feeling everything was about to change for her. And how right she was! For now the White Swan was about to take flight…

Back in NewTech City, both Charlie and Robert had returned to the scene of the crime and had already interviewed several witnesses and one potential suspect.

“Well, that’s a bust,” Robert muttered, setting himself down on a bench. He pulled a soft rag out of his pocket, and began wiping the beads of sweat off his face. “Seriously! Interviewed the ex, and he’s got an alibi for the time of the disappearance. Several collaborations as well. Who goes to a bar at seven in the morning anyways?”

“Me, if this case keeps up,” Charlie muttered soon to join him. “No, I don’t care if I’m on duty. This spree of kidnappings is getting exhausting!”

A robot dog, his face lighting up in a series of red flashes walked over. Robert petted him, making his ears perk up.

“Hey RIC, command send you out here just to get you out of Cruger’s hair?” Robert asked.

“Cruger has hair?” Charlie asked. “News to me. I thought he was just covered in those little scale things!”

“He’s got those dreadlocks, right?” Robert asked. “I think those count as hair. ...I think.”

“So, this is our life now,” Charlie muttered. “Chasing after dead ends, or well technically it’s your life. I’ve got the whole spandex-clad superhero chasing after aliens gig going for me, right?”

“...this is a thing now, isn’t it?” Robert asked. “This is definitely a thing now!”

“It is if you make it a thing,” Charlie said. “Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is. You dress up in tights, kick alien butt halfway across the galaxy and then come back home. It’s pretty damn awesome, right?”

“Hey, someone’s got to keep an eye on Earth crime. You may be caught up in the whole romance of seeing the stars, but me?” Robert asked. “Earth’s got plenty of problems as it is without people abandoning it to go off see the stars. I was born here, and I’m going to die here. Is that so wrong?”

Charlie knew better, Robert had other reasons for wanting to stay on Earth. Back when Terra Venture was a thing, his sister was one of the first to hop on. In his words, she’d fucked off to another galaxy entirely and left him alone to fend for himself. He was… understandably bitter.

“You’re not going to turn out like your sister you know,” Charlie said broaching the subject carefully. “You’re completely different from Carolyn.”

“Yeah, she got the looks, the talent, the praise, the everything,” Robert grumbled. “Said she was going to be a model, and a movie star. Probably is off on that planet of theirs that they found. Meanwhile, I’m stuck here on Earth.”

“Well, for what it’s worth?” Charlie asked. “If you did leave Earth, it’d be losing a very good detective. So yeah, you keep on doing what you’re doing here.”

A click and then a flash.

“Selfies?” Robert deadpanned. “Really?”

“Hey, when I leave for the stars,” Charlie said, putting up her phone. “I just want something to remember Earth by, who I’m fighting for.”

“Coming from anyone else, that’d almost be sweet,” Robert ribbed her before a scream split the air. The two at once ran towards the source and found a young woman being dragged up into a… well, they weren’t sure. Was it a portal, was it a wormhole, was it someone’s space ass? Not sure. All they knew was a giant tongue had wrapped itself around the woman’s neck and she was currently in danger.

“SPD, Emergency!” Charlie called morphing into A-Squad Red drawing her weapon before out of the portal sprang several creepy crawlies, almost like cockroaches. They then changed to a more humanoid shape, seemingly covered in magma.

“....Okay, um yeah, I’mma going to go out on a limb here and say this is related to the kidnappings,” Robert deadpanned running up and along a wall, before jumping off to kick one of the bugs in the face. “This just became a ‘you’ thing didn’t it?”

Charlie said, even as she gunned down several of the bugs with her rifle: “Good guess, and no it’s an ‘us’ thing. Your case, not mine.”

Robert floored a bug with a hard punch to the face. “Intermixing of departments? I mean, pretty sure this is mostly out of my hands now.”

“Oh no!” Charlie said, knocking a bug away with her elbow. “Your case, so you get the honors of cuffing him, her, it, whatever!”

“Fair enough!” Robert said before calling out: “Halt! SPD, you’re under arrest!”

He judo-flipped one of the bugs, as Charlie gunned down the last one. She commented: “Anyone got a can of Raid?”

“Pretty sure you’d need a bigger can,” Robert drawled. “Now help me get her down!”

Leaping up to a fire escape, he clambered up the ladder even as it slid down. He went for his baton, but was blasted away from the wormhole by a lightning bolt. Falling into a set of trashbags, Robert groaned out in pain. Ow.

Charlie kicked a barrel towards the tongue, and it’s owner let out a sharp squeal of pain. The woman it’d latched onto fell forwards before Charlie hurriedly caught her in her arms.

“So this going to be a rescue romance thing?” Robert deadpanned as he looked up to the rapidly closing portal. Damn and blast, and they’d almost caught the creature as well!

“Who knows, it might,” Charlie said. “Not sure if we’re allowed to date inside our departments anyways.”

“Shame really, that burger and beer date?” Robert teased. “I was hoping it’d become a recurring thing.”

“Just book that creature Robert-o,” Charlie drawled as she demorphed. “Then we’ll talk.”

Shining eventually found himself in front of a large-scale mansion, whispering: “Um, okay wow. Snob hill. Then again, if this Heartford guy is supposed to help us, well I guess it helps us for him to have a large fortune,” Shining said not really caring he was covered in dried mud. He wandered about in half a daze, muttering and mumbling to himself. “Heartford… Heartford. Talk about a pony name, wonder if this guy is Cadence’s distant cousin or something? I mean, I suppose it’s possible. Genealogy and all that… and now I’m rambling. Great. My drill sarge would have been so disappointed in me, yep he was a hardass old Galaxy Swirls.”

“Yes, um, excuse me sir, but would you mind not trodding your muck all over the drive?” came a voice and Shining looked to see an elderly gentleman walking up. He noted Shining’s armor. “While you’re rambling on about what I can only presume is your LARPing I have to clean this up for Master Andrew.”

“Oh yes, um… sorry,” Shining had the decency to blush. “I may have fallen in a pigsty while I was hiking over here.”

Spencer sniffed him. “...Oh yes, that does explain the smell.” he deadpanned.

“Um… sorry?” Shining said. “I mean, I can put on some deodorant and stuff, but I’m not quite sure I’d be able to help with the mud.”

“I don’t think there’s any armor specialist in the world who can get all that out,” Spencer remarked. “Nobody’s that good. But as I suppose you’re here for Master Mack and he’ll be entertaining guests I suppose it is only polite to try!”

“Oh, I’m not here for anyone named Mack,” Shining corrected, holding up the mud-covered business card. “I’m here for Andrew Heartford.”

“Of course you are…” Spencer muttered. “And it’s Hartford. Spelled with an ‘a’ and a ‘r’.”

“See, I thought it was Heartford!” Shining said. “Silly me!”

As his armor was removed, and a nice clean shirt was provided, Shining was led into the house. “Butlers. You know, you guys are so under-appreciated in your line of work.”

“...if only my paycheck reflected that one sir,” Spencer deadpanned.

“No, I’m serious,” Shining said. “My ma… er, a friend of mine, she has butlers okay? Hell, the whole block where I grew up has them. It’s very rare you actually see them get treated with proper respect!”

“Yes, it is a lost art,” Spencer deadpanned again. “But alas, sadly it is our lot in life!:

Back at the Reverse Empire’s keep, Radiguet had flown into a great rage. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE KIDNAPPING PEOPLE WHO WOULDN’T BE MISSED! But no, you got an actual RED RANGER on top of you!”

“Gee golly. What a temper! Maybe he should try some more of that maniacal laughter hmm?” Cozy Glow said as she sipped a cup of tea. She watched Radiguet rant and rave at the Dimensional Bug Mother. “Heard it does wonders to relieve the stress!”

Grey nodded. Personally, he was of the mind that something was amiss with the young mare. Aside from the obvious of course, no normal child just waltzed in and proclaimed their would-be conqueror their new best friend! Simply put, he didn’t trust her. There was something in her eyes, really. Something dark and something dangerous.

“He does have a point,” Grey agreed with his master. “You could have kidnapped the homeless, people nobody would care for even if they did suddenly vanish. It was kidnapping the working class where you screwed up.”

The Bug Mother chittered angrily, she was doing more to expand the Reverse Empire than these two louts! They couldn’t even keep three Power Rangers from rising up to stand in her way.

Cozy Glow watched. Interesting, it seemed nobody around here trusted anyone else, that was a piece of news. What she could do with that little piece of news was another question entirely.

“Here, have some tea,” she said to Radiguet. “It does wonders for the stress. If you can’t laugh maniacally then have some of this. Much more refined, anyways!”

“The young madam, she does have a point…” Grey noted.

“Since when were you on her side?” Radiguet fumed.

“I am on your side,” Grey said. “Your heart, it doesn’t need the stress. So drink the tea.”

“Bah!” Radiguet said as he knocked the dishware out of Grey’s hands, it crashing to the floor and shattering. Cozy Glow fought back a sob, that was her mother’s! Radiguet picked up one of the many bugs crawling around the Mother and tossed it into a portal. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! Now my evil little bug, go out and find something to infect! Evilize them, and bring them to our Empire!”

Grey decided against telling his master that the last time he did things himself, it ended in abject failure.

“So run this by me one more time,” Andrew said as he and Shining gathered in his personal study. Andrew paced back and forth, running a hand through his hair trying desperately to understand all of this. “You’re a magical pony from this land called Equestria, right? And you recently freed an ancient sorcerer who, by accident, brought a world conqueror to your lands with him? And you were sent here by this wolf stallion who said I could help you, right? And you’re part of a team of three Power Rangers?”

“Four, technically, if Princess Celestia and Sunset’s search pans out,” Shining corrected before shrugging. “But yeah, that about sums it up!”

“Ugh… I… I’ll see what I can do,” Andrew said rubbing a hand across his brow. “But this will take time, alright? I can’t just make Zords in a day. And trust me, from the sounds of things you will need your Zords soon. After all, one fighter jet will only get you so far!”

“I assume you want me to open a file, sir?” Spencer asked.

“Um… y-yeah. Yeah. Open a file and put it under Project Jetman. Then another file, Icarus. I think Time Force may have had an idea that could prove rather inspirational down the line.”

Shining didn’t bother asking who this Time Force was. He was pretty sure he’d probably only get more confused if he did. Then he heard the roar of a jet engine, and the whole house rattled. It shook and it quaked and Shining was nearly knocked off his hooves.

“What the fu…” he trailed off as Andrew ran to a nearby window and saw a fighter jet pulling up back into the clouds.

“Okay, that’s not… supposed to happen,” Andrew said. “No jet is authorized to fly that low!”

“You may want to tell him that sir,” Spencer said.

“No… Something’s wrong…” Shining said, his fur standing on end.

“Oh yes, I should say so!” Andrew said before his eyes widened as the jet came around for another pass. Over the hills was a pilot parachuting out.

“If I may inquire sir, if that was the pilot…” Spencer trailed off only for Andrew to realize what he was thinking.

“...Then who’s flying that jet!”

All three ran outside as the jet seemed to narrow in on them. “Uh oh…”

Suddenly it swerved off as Red Falcon flew out of nowhere firing a series of lasers at it.

“Detected a surge of magic in the area,” Sunset’s voice came in over the communicator. “Kinda figured you’d be needing this. Now hop in! Just like riding a bike, simple and easy to learn!”

Shining never bothered to correct her that he needed training wheels for several years even as he teleported inside the cockpit. He morphed, and gripped the controls. Chasing down the enemy fighter through a series of mountain passes and peaks, he watched as it circled around back towards him missiles at the ready. Shining reacted fast and spun his jet 180 degrees. He was granted a view inside his enemy’s cockpit, and to his shock saw nobody at the controls.

“What the hell…?” Shining asked as he flew around, the jet's auto-targeting coming into play. His eyes narrowed. The Reverse Empire, of course. It would be them, wouldn’t it? Pulling the jet into a climb, he dared for his opponent to follow.

And follow it did, climbing higher and higher and it was so high by now that Shining was afraid his wings would ice over. So he cut off the engines and went into freefall, only re-igniting them just before he crash-landed. Leveling out, he created a massive wake over a lake, his opponent still hot on his metaphorical heels like a bat out of hell. Shining tilted, just as missiles rocketed right by.

They then came around, and Shining’s eyes widened. Heat-seekers! Of course, but of course… He shot around a mountain, and heard the sound of an explosion as rubble rained down all around him. Then a roar, an unearthly inhuman roar and Shining’s eyes widened. The jet. He watched as arms and legs erupted from its shell. It seemed to be wearing the jet as a jetpa… no, that was wrong, the monster was the jet. He swallowed hard. Oh boy.

Then a howl cut through the air, and a massive metallic silver wolf tackled the monster into a lake before it leaped away. A flute sung through the hills, as a truly massive alligator erupted from the lake waters shaking the monster around a bit. It was soon tossed, the jet-monster landing with a thud that made the very earth shake and shiver.

Shining peered out over the lake and to a nearby hilltop where that strange stallion from before was playing a flute, seemingly controlling these beasts. No, not a stallion. His form shifted and he was a wolf. The moon eclipsed itself over the sun and the two beasts merged with a third -a purple hammerhead- and in front of Shining was this massive chimera of a mech.

“I will hold him,” a voice said inside Shining’s mind. “But you must be the one to defeat this Dimensional Beast, Ranger Blue.”

“How do I know I can trust you?” Shining asked.

“You can’t.” the voice replied, sounding a little sad before the figure teleported inside his mech. “Predazord, awaken!”

The chimera mech’s eyes shot open, and it seemed to be laughing madly, a horn jutting from its forehead. It charged forwards, grabbing the Jet Dimensional Beast by the stomach, grappling with it briefly before bringing down its fist several times.

The dimensional beast staggered back, but the punishment was not over. The Predazord tossed a mighty boomerang slicing into it several times. Shining took the opening, and fired upon the twisted shell of a jet.

“Exactly!” Zen-Aku praised. Shining didn’t know how he knew the creature’s name, but suddenly he did. “Now finish the job!”

The Predazord grabbed the dimensional beast and tossed it, leaving it wide open for an attack from Shining. “Now!”

“Got it! Though don’t give me orders!” Shining barked over the comms.

“Fine, then I may suggest you finish this creature?”

“Gladly! Falconic Surge!” Shining said, the jet zord being overlaid with the image of the Falcon Wild Zord before rushing forwards. It catapulted itself though the dimensional beast, leaving a massive gaping hole. Shining went into a climb, and watched from his cockpit as the beast fell forwards and exploded in a huge fireball.

“Do… do they all do that?” he asked himself.

“Essentially, yes…” Zen-Aku confirmed with a weary sigh. “The more things change, the more they stay the same…”

Andrew, of course, had been watching this whole spectacle. He’d never imagined a zord battle in his own backyard, or that the infamous Dark Predazord would come to his aid. He was left with only one thought. He needed to get to work on those zords!