• Published 24th Mar 2020
  • 1,413 Views, 179 Comments

Power Rangers: Sky Strike - The Bricklayer

Pony Power Rangers, take flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Take off... in a headwind!

  • ...

4: Ranger Black

Author's Note:

Okay, so yeah. Ranger Black's chapter. Was aiming for 7,000 words, but I couldn't manage it so 6,000 it is. Not sure, but I think the final battle ended up being a bit rushed as a consequence. I'm really not sure if I like this chapter, in the end, but me liking it isn't important. If you end up liking it, well, more power to you. Thoughts and comments welcome.

“Oooooh, so this is where Celestia’s little team hangs out?” Vapor Trail asked as she walked into the base, twirling around in place, and trying to spot every little thing. “Men, and mares with guts! All in multiple colors! And eeeeeeeee! Oh, now I’m one of them. Praise the Fruit Jesus! Oh, I think I’m gonna faint, someone catch me…”

“She’s… excitable,” Shining said as Vapor began to hyperventilate. Wordlessly, and with a deadpan expression he handed her a bag.

“Certainly brings a bit more color to the team doesn’t she?” Sunset commented.

“That’s one way of putting it,” Shining remarked. “She’ll be fast friends with Autumn, just you watch.”

“Oh, to be young again,” Starswirl said with a tone of distinctive fondness. He watched as Vapor basically bounced around the room looking at every little thing.

“Ooooooh! Haha, is this? Yes it is!” Vapor squealed as she almost ran face first into a suit of armor. “Princess Luna’s battle armor! With authentic battle damage! And oooh, the Scythe of Souls! It’s said it’s supposed to be so sharp you could cut yourself by just looki… OW! Oh, okay! Myth confirmed!”

“Well, from the sounds of it, looks like you didn’t have to talk her into this,” Starswirl commented with a chuckle, running a hand through his beard. “Oh, small miracles, hmm?”

“Indeed,” Sunset noted as she pulled Vapor away from an urn before she could knock it over. Vapor, wrapped in teal-green magic was made to sit down. “Barely got into it before Vapor practically tackled me in excitement! Oh, ow, think I’m going to be feeling that tomorrow...”

“Hey, what’s all the ruckus?” Autumn said as she walked in, the kirin looking around in confusion. “I heard all the commotion, a little bit of shouting. Did I miss a sparring match, and nobody told me?”

“Who’s she?” Vapor asked after she was done with her fangirling.

“Who’s she?” Autumn asked in return.

“No, no, I asked who she was first!” Vapor replied. “I think my question takes priority. It’s like certain things in Ogre and Oubliettes right? Now again, I’m asking who she is!”

“Are… are you pointing at me?” Autumn asked.

“You, you were pointing first!” Vapor returned. “I swear you were! Don’t you know it’s rude to point?”

“Hypocrite,” Autumn drawled.

“No no, I’m only pointing at you because you were pointing at me!” Vapor said. “Was I not pointing at her because she was pointing at me? Right… guys?”

“You're pointing. I've been pointing at your pointing. It's different from normal pointing!” Autumn replied as Shining facepalmed. Starswirl suppressed a sigh. Sunset wondered if it was too late to back out yet.

“OKAY!” Shining shouted holding up his hands. “You were both pointing at each other, I think it’s been established! Has it not been established?”

“I think it has been, yes,” Sunset nodded. “You’re both idiots, you know that right? Autumn, meet Vapor. Vapor, meet Autumn. Me, meet my headache medication.”

Grumbling, she walked off into another part of the castle.

“Oh wait, don’t tell me you are…” Autumn said, eyes slowly widening in realization.

Vapor’s eyes were soon to follow. “...Noooooooo, you’re not. You can’t be!”

“But I can,” Autumn said. “And I suspect you can be as well.”

“Well, obviously, or I wouldn’t even be here!” Vapor snarked.

“...well, this is awkward,” Autumn admitted before holding up her morpher. “Yellow Owl Ranger, you?”

“White Swan!” Vapor said excitedly, practically prancing in place. “So, I gotta ask, the morpher. Is it just for awesomeness points or can you play games on it?”

“You know, I never asked,” Autumn admitted turning to Shining. “Shining…?”

“I never bothered,” Shining said before deadpanning: “Besides, I’m pretty sure when these were designed, family game night was never on the agenda.”

“Oh…” both trailed off before Autumn muttered: “Drat!”

Shining turned to Starswirl murmuring under his breath: “...are you sure these two are the defenders of the galaxy?”

“I often find it is the least suspecting you should watch out for,” Starswirl mused. “For they, the seemingly foolish, are often the most dangerous to their enemies.”

“If you say so…” Shining replied in a rather nervous tone of voice, sounding rather unconvinced.

“Why the worry?” Starswirl asked. “They may seem… odd, but they’re both committed to defending the world. Vapor, because she loves her new job and Autumn, because she wants to plant next season’s crops. I don’t think there are any better wants than that!”

“I suppose…” Shining admitted.

“By the way,” Starswirl asked. “How did your little venture to Hartford Manor go?”

“Well, I got someone to design us new weapons of war, so…” Shining shrugged. “I guess it’s a success? I say I guess because I don’t know what Andrew is designing for us. He’s rather mum on the subject.”

“You say you were… aided while Hartford was under attack?” Starswirl asked taking Shining aside. “Explain your meaning.”

“I’m not sure myself honestly,” Shining admitted. “One moment I was alone in my fight, and the next these giant mechanical animals came out of nowhere. They seemed to be… controlled, I guess by this wolf with a flute.”

“Hmm, Sunset said she encountered this wolf as well one night,” Starswirl mused. “Very intriguing.”

“More like very disturbing,” Shining returned. “What is this guy doing, stalking us?”

“It is too soon to gauge his intent, even if it seems to veer towards the benevolent,” Starswirl explained. “I would suggest caution, let the wolf show his true nature. He will, in time. For now, we watch and wait.”

“And if the wolf’s nature is hostile?” Shining said. “Between you and me I’m not sure I can take him on…”

“But there is no I in team is there now?” Starswirl pointed out. “You are no longer alone, Shining Armor. Maybe you should be keen on remembering that! For now though, as I have said, let this wolf show his nature first. Then we will judge and decide what to do next, hmm?”

Meanwhile, in NewTech City…

Another ring of kidnappings ran through the city, and this time Robert knew who was responsible. The obvious question was, well, how did this creature choose its victims? There had to be a rhyme, a reason to it all. Serial killers, they had a pattern. Every type of criminal did. Even insectoid monsters like this one.

So he found himself working long and hard into the night to find an answer, Miles Davis on the radio.

“You too, huh?” Charlie asked as the saxophone trailed off into the evening air. “You could go home you know, come back in the morning with a pair of fresh eyes.”

“Yes, well, I could but I don’t think I’m going to do that,” Robert replied. “It’s not right. Those people may have been left forgotten by society, but not me. Someone has to do right by them!”

“Wow, you sure you don’t want to be a Ranger?” Charlie asked. “We could probably slot you in last-minute.”

“It’s not for me,” Robert said. “I’ll say it again and I’ll say it now. It’s just…”

“Not for you, yeah I get it,” Charlie said. “You’re a good cop Williams, you’d make a great Ranger.”

Robert took a long deep sigh. Rubbing his forehead, he replied: “C’mon, I don't belong up here, fighting monsters and aliens and god knows what else. Robots! Of course, I always forget about the alien robots. I just help the little guy. And a big old club like the one you’re asking me to join? You tend to forget all about him. So okay yeah, I'm flattered to be asked and all. But read my lips. No thanks.”

“Suit yourself,” Charlie replied with a shrug as she walked off. “But just sayin’. Those alien robots you don't fight? They tend to step on the little guys.”

After she left, Robert was left wondering. Was she right? Was being a simple detective really the best usage of his time? I mean, sure, he helped people and all that, but on the other hand… No. No, he was happy where he was. He didn’t need to switch up from a pistol and handcuffs to spandex and a morpher. It simply wasn’t him.

He raised his watch and looked at the time, before wincing. Yeah, maybe Charlie had a point. It was getting late, and coming back to this case with a fresh set of eyes would probably do him good.

Robert walked home to his apartment, thankfully just up the road and slipped in. It was… well, yeah. It wasn’t exactly the last word in luxury to be honest now was it? It was basic, spartan even. But in this city -it was like New York, New York just down the road in that regard- beggars couldn’t be choosers.

Well, Robert wouldn’t exactly be inviting anymore back to his place any time soon. Taking a sip of vodka -even if he knew his head would be regretting it in the morning- he fell back into his bed. His job didn’t even leave that much time for a personal life. Yeah, sure he had Charlie as a friend. But they could only be ‘just friends’. There was a strict rule at SPD about internal fraternization. Plus… Charlie really deserved much better than him anyways. He could barely provide for himself. Hah, him providing for a wife was just a really bad joke, or some sort of delusional fantasy.

Something caught his eye, moving in the distance just outside his window. Robert ran outside to the balcony, and saw something… a something dashing off into the darkness of an alleyway.

“...local vagrants,” he muttered to himself, the detective going back inside. Robert began to slip into the realm of dreams. Then, a scream cut sharp through the night air, and Robert shot awake. He ran back out onto the balcony, and saw a water pipe leading downwards. Well, beggars couldn’t be choosers, he supposed. Hopping onto the pipe, wincing nervously as it groaned in protest, Robert slid. Down the pipe he went, and just before it could give way he jumped off. Leaping onto a fire escape, the ladder came down with a clatter. Robert gripped it tightly, and hit the ground running. Following the scream, Robert ran water splashing below as he did so. He rounded a corner and… well, what he saw was kinda hard to process at first. A tentacle, much like the one before had wrapped itself around a woman. Well, not a woman. A mare. A bat-winged mare and… oh god, Bil was right all along wasn’t he?

Yeah, he’d never hear the end of this one. Robert went for his gun, and fired. The owner of the tentacle shrieked out in pain -nearly driving Robert deaf in the process- and retracted into a portal. The mare fell forwards, and Robert caught her in his arms. He blushed brightly, and helped the mare stable herself.

“Th… thank you,” she said with a distinct European accent, gentle but low all the same. A seemingly permanent phone se… okay, he really did need a date. Not her, exotic as she was, not her. So not her! But a date, all the same. “What was that…?”

“Let you know as soon as I figure it out myself,” Robert muttered taking in her appearance. Oh, this was so wrong. It was just… weird. Like, really weird. A pastel-colored horse, cartoony almost, dressed up like a hooker. This was beyond weird. It was like Barbie hanging out on a street corner, a perversion of someone’s childhood. But here it was, real and in front of him. So, okay, yeah. “...you alright? Like, you’re alright enough so you can march yourself back home? Like, I want to forget all about this little incident, cause trust me arresting a cartoon horse for prostituion? I don’t want it to be the highlight of my night.”

“Then what would be the highlight of your night hmm?” The mare asked, wrapping an arm around him, fingers climbing up his chest. “Surely not little old me? You wanna ride this little pony?”

She then folded her arms, emphasizing her bust. It wasn’t a noticeable one but it was th… Oh, for God’s sake! Eyes up, man!

Robert snorted, this was so completely ridiculous he couldn’t help but laugh. He’d just saved a cartoon horse from a tentacle monster and now said cartoon horse was soliciting him -an officer of the law!- for thank you sex. Just… what? Like, was he not completely 100% sure he wasn’t dreaming? A very bad sorta stupid dream, but it had to be a dream. This was totally not real. Like, it just couldn’t be. Not even he was that desperate! And the line was so corny! Like out of a bad porno!

Cautiously, Robert treaded the waters. “...that line was terrible,” he deadpanned. “You sure you’re not new to this?”

“So what would you suggest I do then? What would you suggest I say, Mr. Experience?” the mare said, still in that low tone. Robert facepalmed, he walked right into that one didn’t he?

“Just go home before I bust your ass for prostitution,” Robert drawled before making a little shooing motion with his hands. “Go on, get along home little pony!”

“No offence, but I feel so much safer with you,” the mare replied. “You’re the one with a badge and the gun.

“Yeah, and this badge? See it right here?” Robert asked, holding it up. “It allows me to take you in for solicitation!”

“You’re no fun, Mr. By the Book. You’re a devourer of hope. You eat it,” the mare said turning on the waterworks. Obviously fake, but it was getting to Robert. “You're like a little Manticore! In denim jeans and a tie!”

“Fine fine, come on,” Robert said, feeling so wrong about all of this. He knew the mare was smirking, he could just see it. “Come on home little pony. Don’t make me lasso you. One night, just one night and then I’m shoving you in a cell. So what do I call you? Cause, obviously, I can’t just keep calling you ‘mare’.”

“Nutter Butter,” the mare told him and Robert snorted. “...what?”

“I’m sorry, you’re just… it’s just… well, it’s kinda ridiculous and all. You’re a cartoony pastel mare, with a very girly name, and you’re… well, look at you!”

“I’ll have you know this is a very common name where I come from!” the mare said. Frowning, Nutter said: “...is it not a common name where you live?”

“I won’t even dignify that incredibly obvious answer with a response,” Robert replied.

“You sorta just did,” Nutter Butter returned. Robert facepalmed, that he did. Well, the name sorta fit he supposed. She was the right color. He might as well call her Peanut. “So, Mr. By the Book…”

“This is going to be a thing now, isn’t it?” Robert asked. “Like, this is really going to be a thing.”

“Probably,” Nutter replied as she was led inside his apartment, Robert really trying not too hard to think about the possible implications of all this.

“You do know Nutter Butter is slang for an insane lunatic where I come from, right?” Robert asked.

“Yes, well, where I come from it’s considered a very cute name,” Nutter frowned.

“Where do you come from, anyways?” Robert asked. “...you’re not from Briarwood are you? Moved out here to get a taste of the big city life did you? ‘Cause, fair warning? It sucks.”

“You’re a barrel of laughs aren’t you?” Nutter replied.

“I’m a cop, it’s my job to be a professional fun-killer,” Robert replied. “You still haven’t answered my original question, though. Where are you from?”

“Of course, how rude of me!” Nutter replied. “Equestria!”

“But of course!” Robert replied. “Equestria. ...I was half expecting Ponyland or something like that.”

“It’s called that as well,” Nutter replied. Robert blinked before he sighed.

“...just get in bed okay?” he grumbled.

“Oh, is that a proposition?” Nutter flirted.

“NO!” Robert said, laying on the carpet. “You take the bed, I’ll take the floor. You’re a guest in my home, so you will get treated as such. That clear? Now go to bed!”

He shut off the light, plunging the room into darkness. Morning came, and with it a whole new headache. See, as nice as Nutter was, Robert still needed to interview her. And, of course, that meant taking her to headquarters.

And, of course, that meant subjecting himself to the stares of his colleagues. More importantly, that meant subjecting Nutter Butter to the stares of his colleagues.

“Yes, yes, I know,” Robert deadpanned to his fellow officers. “Get your free peep show in! Treat her like a sideshow attraction! Yes, she exists! Okay, got that out of your systems? Okay, good.”

“Thank you,” Nutter said in a whispered tone. “Not sure how much more of that I could take.”

“Thought you liked to be stared at,” Robert said. “I mean, I would think a mare who’s used to putting herself on display for all to see would…”

“Not like that,” Nutter replied. “Not… like that. Being seen as attractive is one thing, makes me feel wanted. But being seen as some sort of carnival attraction? That’s another.”

“Yes, well, you have my personal assurances that the next person who stares? I’ll toss them out a window,” Robert said and Nutter snorted.

“...wouldn’t that get you arrested for assault and battery?” Nutter asked through her giggles.

“So, this is the mare who has the whole precinct up in a storm,” Charlie remarked as she walked up. “Like, I heard the rumors but this I just had to see for myself. Didn’t take you for a swinger Rob. I thought you and me were a thing!”

“Oh, hush!” Robert shushed her, his face flushed red.

“So how long have you two been dating?” Nutter asked. “I mean, I didn’t want to intrude… but if I knew you were taken I wouldn’t have…”

“Flirted so blatantly?” Robert deadpanned.

“Yes, that,” Nutter admitted. “I do have standards. Like, yeah, sure I may dress like a whore but-”

“You are a whore.” Charlie pointed out.

“That’s besides the point!” Nutter replied. “I have some sense of honor, you know! A little bit of integrity!”

“A hooker with a heart of gold. Huh,” Charlie replied. “Must be a rare thing.”

“You’d be surprised,” Nutter replied. “So what’s with you? Am I intruding on your boyfriend? Your… space? Cause I didn’t mean to, just for the record.”

“We’re… we’re not dating,” both Robert and Charlie stammered out. Nutter blinked.

“Huh, well you coulda fooled me!” she decided.

Nutter was placed inside a small room, and interviewed. Turns out she knew about as much as the rest of them. She’d just barely escaped being kidnapped by the tentacle creature and that was it. She didn’t even know where it had come from, though she had sensed a whiff of magic in the air.

So, that narrowed down by… well, it didn’t narrow it down at all really. But Robert had a new theory. See, once this creature ran out of the homeless and the desperate to prey upon it would need a new target. And Robert had a feeling exactly where it’d strike next. Well, see, it was probably the criminal underworld’s worst kept secret that NewTech was a hub for smugglers. Human traffickers, to be exact.

A sting operation had been originated, not just to get these scum off the street. But to get their ‘cargo’ somewhere safe.

Everything had gone well for the most part, and now one of the head honchos of the ring sat in the bullpen.

“Okay then,” Robert said pushing a glass of water towards the man across from him. Santiago Cruz, lowest of the low in his eyes. “There’s two ways we can do this. The nice way, or the quite frankly ugly way I’d rather not resort to. Now, let me make something quite clear. I’m not just doing this to get your sorry ass off the streets -even if I’m doing the world a favor- I’m doing this to save lives.”

“Ah yes, the bug monster I’ve been hearing so much about,” Santiago said. “You think he’s coming after… well, you’re sadly mistaken. And even if it is, my men can handle him.”

“Your men are rotting in cells, they won’t be handling anything for a long while to come,” Robert drawled. “So yeah, just wanted to make something clear. You have a kid right?”

“What’s it to you?” Santiago asked before his gaze sharpened. “You leave him out of this, okay? He’s got nothing to do with it!”

“Oh, I know. But I wonder what he thinks of his pa,” Robert asked. “Probably thinks the world of him, thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. You know, I wonder what he's gonna think when he finds out that Daddy takes kids just like him. I wonder what he thinks when his father shoves them on the street to be pumped full of heroin, and then sold to strangers like animals. I wonder what exactly! You're going to jail. That part isn't up for negotiation. But what is up for negotiation is how often you can see your boy. Because I’m willing to be nice about this. Who knows, maybe if you help me… I help you.”

Here, he laid a picture of Santiago’s son in front of his quarry. Santiago sighed. “...what do you need?”

“Your ‘stock’,” Robert asked. “Where do you keep it?”

In Equestria...

“Still no luck?” Starswirl asked.

“Yeah, really that about sums it up,” Shining said, throwing a dart at the wall. “Pretty much searched all over Equestria for the final Ranger. If they’re here, or… well, not here I suppose, tough luck on the finding them front.”

“Well, who’s to say they’re here?” Starswirl asked, theorizing. “A theory if you will offer an old man his time.”

“Alright, fire away,” Shining said.

“Who says your final teammate is in Equestria itself?” Starswirl asked. Postulating a theory, he pondered: “Consider, if you will, the possibility of your final team member elsewhere. Radiguet’s powers reached as far as the kirins correct? Who’s to say they couldn’t reach anywhere farther?”

“So you’re saying…” Shining trailed off, eyes widened in realization.

“Exactly that!” Starswirl said. “You may need to go back to the non-magical realms to find your final teammate.”

“But there’s a problem with your theory,” Shining pointed out. “The non-magical realms are huge. It’d be like picking a needle out of a haystack!”

“Would it now?” Starswirl asked. “From my understanding, humanity has advanced perhaps far beyond us. It would be a simple matter to find concentrated traces of Radiguet’s powers. Perhaps this Hartford fellow could aid you in your quest?”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Shining admitted. “Perhaps he could. Wow, I’m not really thinking outside the box these days that much am I?”

“And now you see,” Starswirl said. “This is why you were never made the leader of your team. Reckless as she is, -and even that can be tempered- Sunset thinks with a unique form of creativity. You, unfortunately, do not think as creatively as I would have liked. Which is why you are the second in command. I do not mean to come across as smug or condescending, I am merely stating the factual.”

“Agreed,” Shining admitted wearily. “I am too set in my ways to make a good leader. I can provide wisdom and experience, but not everything this team needs.”

“Then provide what you can,” Starswirl said. “You will help Sunset learn what she needs to learn, and in turn perhaps you will help yourself. Is that not the way of things, as I understand it?”

“It… yeah, it is,” Shining said. “Thank you, Master Starswirl. It seems I have much to learn.”

“Enough babbling,” Starswirl said. “Find your teammate, and stop Radiguet!”

“Yes sir!” Shining saluted.

NewTech City, again. The docks.

Robert had left only a vague notice of where he was going and why, reasoning Charlie could figure out where he was going. That was how much faith he had in her, really. Stepping up to a door that led into one of many non-descript warehouses, he tried the knob. A ship’s bell tolled in the background, a thick fog rushing up from the waters. As Robert entered the warehouse, a flashlight in hand, he heard footsteps.

He stopped. The footsteps stopped. He started up again, and so did the footsteps. He stopped, and so did the footsteps again. It was almost comical. He started again, and when the footsteps did, Robert whirled around. A fist met face, and Shining stumbled back clutching his nose.

“How long have you been following me?” Robert asked.

“Long enough. Admittedly, that was not one of my brighter decisions,” Shining said.

“Gee, you think?” Robert drawled.

“Still, it at least proved a working theory of mine,” Shining said, his attention drawn to Robert’s wrist, which was glowing with a distinctive purple light. Robert hadn’t seemed to have noticed.

“A… working theory?” Robert asked. He cast a glance upwards to Shining’s horn.

“I mean, I could narrow down the general area, but well, finding the exact person who’d been hit with Birdonic Rays was… tricky to say the least. Then I remembered this,” Shining said, holding up his morpher, which Robert groaned at. He recognized the type of device. Just what he needed to get involved with. “See, you may not have activated it yet, but it’s still there. All I had to do was follow the energies back to their source.”

“So you’re saying I’m a Ranger then? I don’t know it yet, but you’re saying I’m one?” Robert asked. “...rrrriiiiiggghhht. What’s your name again, so I can book you for stalking?”

“Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard,” Shining said.

“Well, that explains the armor at least,” Robert deadpanned. “The epitome of subtlety, you are. I actually thought you were a cosplayer or something.”

“A cosplayer? Really? I’m almost offended,” Shining said. “Seriously, you actually thought I was a cosplayer. This is real gold!”

“You get all types. Also, really? That’s real gold?” Robert asked as he continued into the warehouse. He, as he reached a shipping container, knocked on it. Every time he reached one, he knocked on it. “...bet that offers a lot of protection.”

“It’s gold-plated.” Shining corrected him.

“Oh,” Robert said. “...well, you’re still not very subtle.”

“It’s not meant to be subtle. It’s meant to be intimidating,” Shining said gruffly.

“Do you stand in front of a mirror practicing that every morning?” Robert asked. “All I’m getting is you’re compensating for something.”

“Do you stand in front of the mirror every morning practicing how to be an asshole?” Shining deadpanned. “Cause that’s what I’m getting.”

“Hold up…” Robert murmured as he heard the sound of footsteps. Shining’s ears perked up before he shoved the detective to the floor. An army of Reversers poured into the room, and Shining’s eyes narrowed as he saw who was in the lead.

“Well, fancy seeing you here,” Gray commented, the Mother Bug at his side. Already, the Mother Bug was ripping open containers, one by one. “Ranger Blue, it’s always a pleasure.”

“Wish I could say the same about you,” Shining said, flicking his wrist to reveal his morpher. “Sadly, well, you’re… you.”

“Ooooh, such witty repartee,” Gray said drawing his sword as Shining drew his own. “I’m going to miss that.”

“I’m not,” Shining said before they clashed blades. Robert took cover behind several crates, knowing this was a little beyond him at the moment. “Seriously, the day I get you off my back, is the day I celebrate.”

“Oh, is that all?” Gray said slashing forwards, Shining watching the movements of the blade before ducking low to avoid it. Another strike, and Shining leaped behind Gray, before Gray spun around to kick him in the chest. Shining stumbled with Gray managing to score another slash across the chest. “Me, when you’re in the grave well I think I’ll smoke a cigarette in remembrance of such a worthy foe. You at least deserve that respect for managing to amuse me this long!”

“I doubt I’ll give you the same respects,” Shining said, blocking another slash from Gray as Reversers swarmed around him. “The day you decided to threaten Equestria is the day you lost any semblance of mercy from me.”

“That include last respects?” Gray asked, dodging a punch and throwing one of his own. Shining was soon behind him, poised to strike before Gray whirled around to deflect the blow. “My my!”

Shining took a running leap forwards before slashing downwards, Gray staggering. But Gray was quick to recover and grabbed Shining before spinning him around in a brutal lariat. Shining crashed to the ground, rolling along the floor demorphing in a blue flash of light.

“I believe the proper phrase is… sic ‘em boy!” Gray called snapping his finger, before the Mother Bug leaped on top of Shining, sickle-like claws ready to rip him open. A gunshot rang out through the warehouse, the Mother Bug staggering backwards. Green ooze was dripping to the floor from a hole in her side. Several more bullets ripped through her, Robert with gun in hand peeking out from behind a container.

“Oh, a hero. Always my type of guy,” Gray commented as Robert rushed out from cover to help Shining up. Gray applauded Robert even as Reversers swarmed the area. Robert’s eyes darted right and left, way too many for them to easily handle. Or at all, realistically. “I really got to say, I have to thank you for all this!”

“I’ll pass on the thank you, thank you very much,” Robert deadpanned.

“No really!” Gray said. “If you hadn’t figured out Santiago’s game, I probably wouldn’t have learned that there was fresh prey ripe for the Mother Bug under our very noses! I knew ‘bugging’ the SPD would lead somewhere!”

Robert’s eyes widened before they narrowed. He looked inside a shipping container, the container having been ripped open by the Mother Bug’s sickles. Inside were people, quivering and shaking.

“You said I have the power to be a Ranger, right?” Robert asked Shining.

“Yeah, but you’re outmatched!” Shining said.

“Maybe, but when I put on this badge right here, it was to protect people. That still stands,” Robert said flicking his wrist. “Am I right? When you put on that armor, it was for the same purpose?”

“Yeah… yes it was,” Shining said as he recovered his bearings, standing up and gripping his sword. He looked, following Robert’s gaze. “And I don’t care what species you are. Pony, griffin, dragon, human. If evil threatens you, it’s my job to protect you. Take off, wings rise!”

“Take off, wings rise!” Robert followed feeling a warm energy overtake him, and when the glow faded he was in a black and white bodysuit. A blade, similar to Shining’s was in a holster on his hip, with a laser pistol on the other hip.

Drawing their swords, together the two rangers raced into the oncoming onslaught. Little by little, they managed to thin out the herd of Reversers as much as they could.

Rolling to the left, Shining dodged a swing from the Mother Bug’s sickles before leaping back to avoid a swing from Gray. Then he heard the sound of boots against metal, and looked upwards to see Robert taking a leap off a container. The black condor Ranger leaped off the container, and swung forwards on a chain, before leaping off that and drawing his sword. Slashing downwards, he scored a powerful strike across Gray’s chest.

The robot staggered, before his wrist opened up, and he fired off a rocket. Robert rolled to the left and was thrown clear of the explosion. Reversers swarmed him, and Robert spun, scoring several powerful slashes. Shining slashed downwards sending an energy arc careening towards the bugs, obliterating several.

But for every Reverser they struck down, several more took their place. Gray laughed. “You don’t get it do you? You’ve been spending so long trying to find us we’ve had plenty of time to convert others into energy for the Mother Bug. And the more energy she has… well, the more of her children she can create!”

Desperately, the two Rangers tried to thin the herd some more only to be mobbed again and again. The Mother Bug joined in the fray, striking the Rangers again and again. She grabbed Robert with her claws and tossed him through a container. Shining soon landed atop him with the Mother Bug leaping forwards ready to score another powerful blow. She kicked Shining in the chest, and then did the same to Robert before she grabbed them both, tossing them towards Gray. Gray struck, flooring the two Rangers before they had a chance to recover.

“And now it en-WHAT!?!” Gray suddenly bellowed as glass shattered and all five A-Squad members descended into the warehouse, rappelling in on lines.

Charlie whacked Gray with the butt of her rifle before shoving him backwards into the Mother Bug. Shouting: “A-Squad, let’s do this! SPD Emergency!” she and her team morphed.

The team trained their rifles onto the Reverser army and lit them up in a sea of laser fire.

“Thought we'd never see you in spandex, eh?" Charlie said as she helped her friend up.

“Oh, hush now!” Robert said with a little roll of the eyes. “Thanks, by the way.”

“I’ve got your back,” Charlie said. “Always. You go ahead, you and your new friend. We can handle these creeps.”

“Hey now! Don’t forget about us!” Vapor called as she and the rest of Shining’s team flew in through the skylight, gliding past Gray with each team member managing to get in a blow. Sunset actually just drew back her fist and punched him in the face.

Landing next to Shining, Autumn wrapped an arm around Robert. “Hey now little buddy, so you’re the final Ranger? Oh, you must tell me how you got here, and please don’t leave anything out. Anything.”

“Right, later okay?” Robert said as the five Rangers chased the Mother Bug into another section of the warehouse, landing blow after blow. “Don’t we have something else to do right now?”

“Oh yes, her,” Autumn said, slashing the Mother Bug across the chest. Sunset fired the Falcon Summoner and made it stagger. “Bug-bitch is going down! You hear that? You’re going d. o. w .n!”

“I think she can spell, Autumn,” Sunset deadpanned. “But yeah, basically that. And I know just how to do it. Striker Cannon!”

A dune buggy smashed through the wall and transformed into a massive cannon that only all five could hold. One of Andrew’s little gifts, actually. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Fire!”

The cannon shook, and the earth quaked under its fire. The Mother Bug was blown to hit dead-on, but not before Grey took a grave risk. He slashed with his sword, and in the confusion managed to separate the Mother’s egg sack and escape with it. Meanwhile, the Mother Bug was thrown through several walls one by one before the blast curved and knocked her into the upper atmosphere. The Mother was practically incinerated by the blast, and erupted into a shower of light and flame. Embers scattered all over the ground as the Rangers demorphed.

“This flight is over!” Sunset called. Later, everyone found in the warehouse was let free, families being reunited and tears of joy shed.

“So, what now?” Charlie said before looking to the celebrating team. “I assume you’ll be going with them?”

“Well… I mean, I probably should…” Robert said before a jacket, much like the SPD ones was handed to him. But at the same time, it was different. Normally, it would sport red or green detailings, but this one sported white. A condor symbol was on both arms replacing the normal SPD badge. “...how?”

“Shining came to me earlier,” Charlie explained, and when Robert opened his mouth she said: “Don’t say anything. This is where you belong. You know you can’t argue with me, so don’t even try.”

Robert opened his mouth to try, but decided against it and saluted his friend. And she saluted right back.