• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

David Silver

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Comments ( 755 )

I'm sure this will go completely normally with no unforeseen side effects whatsoever.

Of course. Why would anyone expect otherwise from one of my stories?

A right chimera of sorts, huh.

Ahh, the vaccine that starts the mutation. Classic. Now to see of the CDC can put this little devil back in the box they pulled it from.

I hadn't explained who I was, or what I was, or any of that. How rude I was being. Let's start from the, well, start. The beginning, that faithful day when the dominoes began to fall and led to this situation.


We can't have typos in this historical document.

"That's it. Easy."

What could possibly go wrong?

I was going to ask if this is based on the Ponid-21 drawings, but that opening leaves me unsure.

Hmm, interesting. A female protagonist, that's always a nice change of pace, and do I espy draconequus shenanigans? I believe I'll enjoy this one.

And the hands are starting early too, huh. Interesting!

Early compared to? I was given a timeline and thought I was following it well.

Then there were governors saying the feral government wasn't doing enough.

You generally want a domesticated government. :raritywink:

In any case, this should certainly make for an interesting case study. Looking forward to more.

The hand shift is not always a first to go with tf shifts.

That's more what I meant. Its usually a last, or half and half, or varies, but tends to not be an early matter of change in things.

Ah ha! Alright, got it. I do hope our slow burn is interesting so far. We're not in any rush with this.

Damn ferals... Look, these fingers make typos, alright? (sniffs and rushes to fix)

Well the changes are starting. I hope she will be ready for when everything starts happening and people start finding out the cure has some very interesting side effects.

don't you mean a Federal Government?

That was my typo, not theirs.

Welp, that didn't take long. And that the government already knew about these changes does not say good things about the first test subjects.

Temperature? I stood up and made my way into the bathroom where the thermometer was kept and that's when I saw it. One of my eyes was a bright yellow outside and vibrant red on the inside. That was not how I went to sleep the night before, I swear! I squealed in shock and jumped back, just to slowly expose the changed eye to the mirror. Yep, there it was, almost taunting me to try and hope it was fake again.

"Meh. My eye colour changes with every outfit i wear."

Temperature? I stood up and made my way into the bathroom where the thermometer was kept and that's when I saw it. One of my eyes was a bright yellow outside and vibrant red on the inside. That was not how I went to sleep the night before, I swear! I squealed in shock and jumped back, just to slowly expose the changed eye to the mirror. Yep, there it was, almost taunting me to try and hope it was fake again.


Sure as heck ain't Jaundice! ... I think!

She could have just SAID she had Simmer Cooler Resonance or whatever it is.

That would explain maybe the inner part of her eye? But even then it would be quite odd, since it normally turns the white of your eyes red, not the colored part red. And the colored part turned yellow.

"And soup you will have." She stood up, giving me a fine view of her shirt-covered belly and little else before she turned and left the frame entirely. "I'll get right on that. A little of momma's special recipe will chase away the creepy crawlies and put a smile right on those pinchable cheeks of yours."


And we have progress! From a certain point of view. One wonders what would happen if the patient were to sleep wearing gloves?

How long before his phlegm becomes slime I wonder...

Haha, not shady at all, totally didn't breach at least seven sections of protocol by giving an injection straight-up immediately after signing papers. Granted the Lightspeed-track, but darned if she didn't even get any blood drawn or standard vitals taken to at least pretend it was legit. :rainbowlaugh:

Five score divided by four... Just kidding!
It does make one wonder who is sponsoring the trial and who researched the so-called "vaccine". We're building a conspiracy file already!
Cindy is fun. She Southern?
Keep going! ;)

This is part of why I had that starting scene, to play in the rules. We established the Equestrian presence right from the start, then we went back to being rooted in our not-pony world. Let's watch the two collide!

I was wearing actual pants

Context is not needed. >.>

Incoming works great, so it's time to Netflix and Chill a bit.

..um... does the doctor know what that phrase means?

Chill means to relax, right? What have the kids rebranded it as?! Oh no!

With a low clop-clop, I walked forward, each step different in my ears. One hoof was cloven, the other the clack of sharp claws. One was thicker and had a dewclaw, and the other did not. I was no longer much good at matching left to right across my body. Even my eyes were different colors, though considering how many other things didn't match, it was perhaps a mercy that it followed the trend.

"Type D," he muttered under his breath, though he sounded unsure about it.

Not hard to guess what D stands for.

The real question is how this is happening at all.

I can’t wait until everyone is completely stumped as to why she is turning out different.

"The treatment we're testing is, in part, based on the genes of... That's not important."

The Ordo Xenos would like to know your location.

As would the Ordo Malleus.

And possibly the Ordo Hereticus.
Scratch that, Hereticus would be on this like blood on an ork.

So they're just making people stay in the facility? What about their rent? Pets? Children? Jobs that can't be done remotely? I can only hope the staff ask about that sort of thing before administering the experimental vaccine.

It isn't obvious? We're becoming not-human. Why would a human disease work on us?

Zoonosis. Heck, most common ailments migrated across the species barrier. And certain novel viruses.
Ah! Thank you, Laura, for pointing out the hole in that argument.

They had horses in there?!

The guy said he'd be getting a horse face and that you'd end up on all fours, Laura. Put two and two together.
Okay, to be fair, it's hardly an obvious conclusion to someone lacking the audience's context.

And she comes to the realization in a few lines anyway. Well then. :derpytongue2:

Looking forward to future developments. Also, one typo, but at least it wasn't in a sterile area:

trying to manually separate them, but they were almost stock


The typo has been removed before it can infect our patients. They have enough to worry about!

So, liking the longform(4k) updates?

A nice update. We get to see one part, and a nice little cliffhanger of things.

But it was a fun read, and the 4k works so very nicely.


So, liking the longform(4k) updates?

Quite nice. Good bit of heft to each chapter.

I wriggled me toes and... yep... The same stiffness was in two of them easily missed with shoes on, then laid bare as my feet. Except, it was worse. My left toes didn't really want to wriggle at all. I could force them apart with that alien stretching sensation, but all of them were close together and didn't really want to come apart. My right foot, same as my hands. How...

Sounds like Lauren will get as far as #2, not #1.

Yeah, she’s being a lot more chill than she should be...She’s in a literal prison and turning into an animal and seems rather...chill about it. Yep, she’s gonna lose it. Just a matter of when...

The only difference between 2 and 1 seems to be if they want to stand upright or not.

She is trying really hard to keep her mind busy with anything else. Work, friends, Internet, anything really. Breakfast?

Keep the daze, even if it stretches the eventual panic, maybe it will reduce that tight SNAP that's being pulled.
So he thinks it's "D", assuming Dragon. Well, he's not all that far off.
Having a fatality rate of less than one percent indicates at least one hundred have been "studied" to completion, which is a somewhat scary thought bordering on conspiracy... Miller's trustworthiness has now hit the floor from where it was struggling to sit up before.
A premonition? There is hope! Keeping in contact with the outside world will be important.
Interesting she only saw two people so far. Everypony out and about? :rainbowwild:
Keep going! ;)

Technically three, even if she assumed one was a random horse?

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