• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 2,490 Views, 90 Comments

Part Dragon, Part Princess - Ultimus Pendragon

Spike and Cadence both have their opinion on Twilight Sparkle, and neither is good. For all they know, they're trapped in each other's bodies forever thanks to Twilight.

  • ...

Fix This!

Author's Note:

Hey there, guys. Another story idea, let's see how far I can get with this.

“He who laughs last didn’t get the joke.”

-Charles de Gaulle.

When Spike woke up on that particular Saturday, he wouldn't have thought he would be in charge of so much, or have a husband or have a child. . .or be an Alicorn.

When Cadence woke up on Saturday, she never thought she would not be as important as she thought she was, or that she could breathe fire or that she was a dragon.

''And that should be the last of them,'' Spike commented happily, passing the last scroll to Twilight that contained lists upon lists of spells that were either incomplete or required a certain level of finesse to get the certain result intended. When the prospect of cracking these spells came to the unicorn, Twilight could not resist the opportunity to flex her skills. "You sure about not spending all day in here by yourself?''

Twilight smirked as she finished setting up her workspace to begin her research and experimentation. All of the incomplete scrolls, the ones that needed to revisions, and the ones that had yet to be made were just calling out to her to work her magic at solving. "Of course, Spike; given that a decent portion is already done, it should be done before you know it. Besides, this is me we're talking about." Twilight said, smiling at her assistant.

Taking her word at face value, Spike simply let her be as once Twilight started something, it would take the world ending or a miracle to get her to stop. He only hoped that she would get done before anypony important besides Cadence came by today.

What he didn't know would be that very thing would be his undoing later in the day.

Princess Cadence was stressed.

Moreso than the usual amount for a pony, and a lot of that attributed to her being an Alicorn and the Crystal Empire's sovereign.

Day in and day out, ponies would come by to air out any issues, from the streets not glittering as bright as they should be, the rivalry between businesses, the lack of readily available food to issues that weren't even really issues!

The sun, and it being too hot was not her specialty, there was already a princess to consult on that.

And to make matters worse, her personal life is also becoming an issue as well with Shining Armour complaining about their personal love life, and the varying responsibilities that they have to end up interfering with the small-time that they do have for each other tend to result in yelling, and that was something that Cadence did not want in her life and marriage.

And these were supposed to be the best years of her life!

Sighing as yet another day graced her, Cadence's only glimmer of hope was the fact that she was going to Ponyville to not only talk to Applejack about getting her some extra-strength cider for her troubles but also to spend a little bit of time with someone else of the Sparkle family who did not give her a growing headache.

For all that Shining Armour needs to know, it was nothing more than a diplomatic meeting that could not be avoided.

As she took flight towards the train station, she was certain that Shining Armour could handle the Crystal Empire for a few hours.

What could go wrong?

''Thanks, again Applejack!'' Cadence waved at the farm mare with three bottles of cider in her saddlebag. In all, meeting with her was a refreshing change of pace as opposed to staying where she was. While they could have not talked about what they both wanted to, it was a good enough talk that it gave Cadence a sense of peace since she got to Ponyville a few hours ago.

Walking down the long dirt road, the thoughts of what comprised her day thus far was nothing short of interesting, but she merely wanted to put all of that behind her as she continued on the path on her way to Twilight's house. The pair could catch up on old times, share any new stories, and maybe even find some answers to her problems.

From where she could see, the Golden Oaks Libary was about a mile or so away as she came over a hill. Before she knew it, she would be meeting and talking with Twilight, and that was something that she had yet to see as good or bad, depending on how the unicorn's thought process is at.

But she didn't want to think too heavily on that when she was so close. ''At least I know I have my cider with me,'' Cadence chuckled to herself, shaking her head at her silliness. She should try some now if she wanted-

''-Hey, Cadence!'' a voice called out to her as she was lost in thought and stopped. ''Over here!'' the voice was to her left. Coming out of one of the many restaurants in Ponyville with a brown paper bag in one claw, and apple in the other was Spike, smiling and running over to her and giving her a hug. ''I thought you were coming by later.''

''At first, I was, but I didn't want it to get too late when I got here, plus you know how Twilight is; I figure me coming earlier can coax her out of her studies to want to hang out with her sister today,'' Cadence joked, nudging the dragon as the pair began to walk towards the library. ''What do you have there?''

Spike groaned, swinging the bag in the air before catching it upright with a tad smush. ''Order of daffodil and daisy sandwiches for Twilight, with a double order of hay fries and then she wants me to stop by Sugarcube Corner to pick up some mint chocolate cupcakes.'' the tone of his voice was not lost on Cadence as they both knew that one shortfall of the unicorn is her ability to be a bit of a glutton. ''What about you? Looks like cider from the look of it.''

A blush crept its way on to her face as they continued to walk. ''Y-Yea. You know how it is being the pony who everypony else depends on or needs your opinion. It gets a bit stressful at times. So having a little downtime and something to help shouldn't be so bad. You know?'' Cadence asked as Spike clapped her back in what was confirmation as he put his apple in his mouth.

''Yea, that's preaching to Celestia. But most of the time, she doesn't think much of it, so I don't. But there's always something more she can do.''

''. . .Does that make us wrong for assuming?'' Cadence questioned, not feeling particularly bad about what both of them knew.

''Cadence, it'd make us wrong if we didn't,'' Spike said.

It was more or less decided. Sugarcube Corner soon came into view, and Spike ventured inside, hoping the order would already be done or just nearing completion as to not keep Twilight waiting any longer than he would have wanted. But then again, two cupcakes were not too much a hassle to make and decorate. And while Pinkie Pie was ever so wanting to converse with the pair, it was settled that it would be done another time.

While resuming their walk to the library, their previous conversation was sparked once again with Spike wanting to know more about what exactly made it so hard to the Princess Of Love, as well as run the Crystal Empire. From his own experience dealing with nobles and ponies like Celestia and Luna, he knew there was no such thing as an easy day, and that only fueled to give him more respect for them to be the ones to take the mantle when it was not something asked of them.

''So, is it hard being. . .well, you? I can't imagine that you actually like every little thing you do,'' Spike said, tilting his head as he tried to wrap it around the question he wanted answers to. Cadence merely groaned as he did, and exhaled a breath that deflated the royal and refined persona that was put on and was replaced with a teenage mare. Taking off her crown and bringing life to her horn, she whisked away her regalia and sighed in contentment. It made Spike smirk. ''Better?''

''Very much.~ And to answer your question; it really just depends. And not just whether or not I have less work this day or that day, also how I feel as a pony inside also plays into things running smoothly, or making them seem that way at least.'' Cadence winked, Spike not understanding fully.


''Well, what I do almost every day is kinda the same, but the way I go about almost never is the same. When it comes to spreading love around or helping that love be realized when it's dormant is probably the biggest example. Ponies and their emotions are kinda delicate, and most times, ponies end up lying to themselves about their true feelings,'' Cadence explained as she idly twirled her crown in her magic. ''And as the Princess Of Love, I feel it is my duty to give, in a way a nudge to help those feelings run the natural course.''

''Natural course? Are you saying you actually make ponies fall in love or just help them to do that themselves?''

''A little of both. I actually can make ponies fall in love, but it depends on them accepting that 'love' in a way. And what I mean is that it's really random on who they fall in love with and who I would want them to.'' Cadence said.

''That doesn't make sense. Ponies fall in love because you make them, but it won't be who you choose? How does that work?'' Spike frowned, blowing a weak raspberry in retaliation. That was silly. You couldn't make somepony fall in love without being sure of who you want them to be in love with, right?

Racking her brain to try and figure out a way to explain in a way that he understood, she slowed down her stride and thought about it for a moment with him. . .

Rarity. She had it now.

''Okay, imagine something like this; you're in love with Rarity, right?'' Cadence asked, throwing the dragon a curious glance. Looking up at her, and then to the ground, Spike only shrugged at the question. ''You're not?''

''It's not that I wasn't. Well, 'love' was kinda an understatement, now that I think about it.'' Spike said, munching away at his apple, savoring the sweet taste and texture. ''I did admire Rarity for a time, she was a pony that did something she loves, and she is very nice, so that was something else too. . .But I honestly think it was just a small crush. Plus there was the fact that she never saw much of my advances, or if she did; she never responded to it and just chalked it off as nothing.'' Cadence felt a little bit hurt at hearing that.

''Do you still feel that way about her, or has it passed?'' she knew that it was a somewhat sensitive question, and without attempting to pry, but it was something that she somewhat felt that had to be done for her sake.

Spike answered without hesitation. ''No. Because if I do, I can tell that I'll only end up doing the same thing I did before, and then that won't be good for me. Maybe if things were different, I would try, but with now. . .I'm sure that I may be able to find somepony else for me. I can't focus on going backward, only forward.''

Cadence had to applaud Spike a little for being mature about something as sensitive as love, but when she heard what he said, it could have been taken in a negative way when somepony has the love of their life deny their feelings or even not acknowledge them at all. which could lead to even more of a headache, but the route that Spike was voluntarily taking was something she was sure that would grow into quite the formidable strength when the time calls for it.

''Wow, Spike, that's very refreshing to hear that you think like that. It. . .does my heart good to know one less pony or dragon in your case won't get too wrapped up in the thrall of rejection and misplaced emotions. . .but I do remember telling you about how I can make ponies fall in love, so would you mind if I used Rarity as an example?''

Spike merely thought about it for a few seconds before responding. ''Sure, knock yourself out,'' Spike said, not really caring much, only wanting to gain a clearer understanding of what she meant.

''Well, in your particular case, and I can see this making sense using how you are now,'' Cadence hmmed, trying to consider how should she first tackle explaining. ''I can use my magic to draw out your innermost feelings of care and affection. It can be so strong, that in some cases, the pony in question ends up doing something over the top right away, but most times it doesn't get that serious,'' Cadence's magic brought to life two hearts in the air, hovering a few inches from each other. She then willed one heart to grow in size and spin to help illustrate her point.

''So, when you say 'overboard', how much are we talking about?'' Spike wondered. Cadence pursed her lips together, seeming to not want to tell.

''Let's just say that one case where we had to have a few nurses to help out with the aftermath. . .'' Cadence said nervously as Spike looked on in wonder. Nurses? What in Celestia's sun happened? "That bad?''

''That bad,'' Cadence said, trying her best not to relive that experience. But she did want to finish her explanation. "So when it comes to bringing those feeling to the front of their mind, it depends on the pony that they have in their mind, and then if they come to terms with their own internal feelings, then they act on them.'' Cadence willed the hearts to come together as one.


''In your case; you could have feelings for Rarity, and vice versa, but you may never act on them because you were both scared to tell the other, and I can help to bring that to the front of both of your minds, and hopefully you act on them. That's what I mean by I can make you fall in love, but the pony in question you end up acting that love on depends on you.'' Cadence said, taking the apple core after Spike was finished in her magic and putting it into a nearby trash can. ''And most of the time, it does end up being a good match.''

Spike had another thought pop into his mind. ''And do you ever get tired of doing that?''

''No, not really. I will say I wish there were some days where I would not have to play matchmaker, but like any kind of job; there has to be somepony to do it,'' Cadence sighed, trying her best to look back on the good things about the things that she has done as for the sake of love, and that brought a smile to her face. ''I just wish. . .''

''Wish what?'' Spike asked, curious.

''Wish that I could be given a little more appreciation!'' Cadence nearly yelled in disappointment. ''Everypony I come across always has this grand idea that doing the things that I do is as easy as it is to bake a pie or look outside and admire the sunshine! I know what I do may look easy, but that's only because I have done this for so many years and learned all I could, and that translated to it looking like anypony could do it, but there could-'' Cadence was cut short by the drake.

''-Be serious consequences when they try and do what you do and fail, and so when you come in to fix it and make it look easy the whole time you're doing it, you end up getting a few nasty looks or misplaced scolding?'' Spike's voice carried plentiful amounts of sarcasm behind it as he summed up exactly what Cadence was going to say as she held her mouth open. ''Was I wrong?''

''Spot on, actually. I'm guessing you go through the same thing, too?''

''Like you wouldn't believe,'' Spike said back, shaking his head at the question. ''Being Twilight's assistant isn't really too hard, but it does have its own days when we have to make checklists and double and triple, then quadruple check them to make sure she didn't forget anything.''

''She has you do all that?'' Cadence asked, intrigued a tad. Quadruple checking checklists?

''And help her experiments, help her to plan events, write Princess Celestia letters, and pretty much anything that she might need, and that it kinda does give me a headache when it backfires on her,'' Spike said, scratching his chin, throwing Cadence for a loop a bit when he continued to talk about the varying escapades Twilight and by extension, Spike had to experience, such as when she went overboard over a friendship letter not being sent to Princess Celestia, to all of the issues that revolved around her.

''But, do you regret being her assistant, even with all she has you do?'' Cadence asked, wondering about where his mind was at when it came to Twilight because for as long as she knew her as a filly, Twilight has always had more of a headfirst personality and she always had to be the mare who did things that nopony else had the willpower or magic to want to endure the eventual challenges that were sure to follow, but Twilight was a strong and. . .quirky unicorn and she was sure that a lot of the 'flaws' that had now, would only get ironed out as she got older and experienced more of life.

Spike merely had to reflect back on the times that he had to endure being her whims and almost harebrained schemes, and he found himself, more times than most he would be the one that would have to get his friends, and often all with some smart looks or goading at the situation often made the things that he did often more difficult than without the pressure of messing up being on his head. It did, however also contribute to his own personal sarcasm or quips when things had yet to fully hit the crew besides Spike or when everything was all said and done.

He had plenty of reason to be less than cheerful about the arrangement, and he was not given due credit for the things he did, as well. But in a way, he also dealt with it for the sake that Twilight was the pony to care for him, and that made her family, and for that, he was ever grateful.

But even he had a limit.

''No, I don't regret who I am. Twilight does show her appreciation for me, even though it's not as constant as I may want. I know it's there, but I think more and more, she'll need to do things on her own versus her having me do things.'' Spike said, his tone sounding final and unwavering. The pair hadn't noticed how far they walked in relation to their conversation. If not for years of acquired sense of location, Spike would have ended up walking straight into the door of the library.

Something the pair both had to admit about one another was the amount of relatable things they found by talking to each other. They both understood the burden of being in a position that most would count as being easy and that the nitty-gritty of what happened every day was lost on those who were not in the same boat as them. Spike would be responsible for making sure that Ponyville did not become the byproduct of one failed experiment or mishap on the part of the unicorn, and that in itself was quite the chore to have set on his shoulders.

Cadence had multiple ponies and duties to attend to, without much regard of her own feelings, not to mention living her own life with her husband and daughter, and to help spread love through Equestria the best that she can without any help, and that made for quite the routine to get established with. Cadence held a higher respect for Spike than she did, as well as Spike when they both found out the uncanny relationship they shared.

In all, it was quite the talk for them.

''Spike?'' Cadence spoke in a whisper, just as her hoof touched the wood of the door, a slight sigh of happiness coursing through her as she turned and looked to him.''Thanks for the chat, we really should do this more. I feel so much more-''

''-Better, I know,'' Spike replied back, feeling the same. He had to admit that even though it was only a chat for a few minutes on the way to their destination, it was something that served to help the both of them vent, in a way, Cadence a little more than him. It was a feeling he couldn't easily categorize himself, but he knew it was something that he did not want to be foreign to him. He could get used to talking with Cadence, plus he felt that they should be talking more; they were family in a way, after all. He flashed a small smile. ''Ready to deal with Twilight?''

Oh, of course. She had almost all but forgot about actually meeting with her face to face today. She blushed a little bit at the question, but still resigned herself to go through with what she originally planned on having done in the first place.

The pair walked inside the library, relishing the feeling of the sun no longer beaming onto them and proceeded upstairs to see Twilight still hard at work with modifying spells when the smell of the food in the bag began to slowly coax her attention away from her quill writing across the parchment.

''Oh, Spike, that smells delicious,'' Twilight beamed, taking the bag from him, along with the small box with her cupcakes. ''And you remembered my cupcakes too.''

Spike puffed his chest out a tad, smirking. ''Nothing to it, you know? Think you're ready for a break?''

Twilight was already halfway through her first sandwich when she stopped and gulped, and thought about it for a moment. ''I guess, but not for too long, Cadence is coming by later so I need to-''

''-I'm already here, Twilight,'' Cadence said, coming up the stairs from using the bathroom before rejoining Spike. ''I could have waited, but I figured why not come early and surprise you? Plus, we both know how you can get in your work; last time, I was waiting for two hours before you decided to blink an eye to me,'' Twilight chuckled nervously at what she said.

Spike laughed at the exchange between the two as they did the Sunshine dance with her, like each of them did every time they met. He figured with this time, he took a look at one of the spells that she was attempting to fix; a simple mind spell that was designed to enable the user to hear the thoughts of anypony they chose, but it appeared to be limited to one pony at a time. The footnotes talked about the error taking part in how it was cast, and the unwanted feedback that it provided every time that it would require the caster to constantly re-cast the spell in order to keep it going.

At the time, a pony that he would rather not see using this spell was Twilight, in fact. If she had the ability to read the mind of whoever she chose, then it would not be so good when it came to terms of privacy, and while he was somewhat sure that having that power and choosing not to use it would be something that Twilight would be able to restrain herself from using.


He then noticed Twilight talking to Cadence and showing her a few of the spells that she was working on and demonstrating a few of them as Spike's eyes began to droop a little more than what he was used to. His mind swam with uncertainty, though the embrace of sleep overpowered that initial feeling.

Before he resigned himself to taking a small nap in light of the lengthy conversation the two of them were sure to have, he began to think more about what he and Cadence talked about.

Sometime later. . .

Spike was almost sure of himself.

He shook his head and tried to nurse the small headache that threatened to split his head in two, and his horn was also hurting as well.

Wait, horn?

''Oh, my goodness,'' Twilight was heard having a panic attack about something. Spike heard her come over and into his field of view, visible fear with a hint of intrigue behind it as he tried to make sense of things. ''Are you okay?''

''Yea, I think so,'' Spike said, his voice fully throwing him for a loop when Cadence's voice came out of it. Spike had to take stock of what was happening; he was in a different place than he slept, he felt heavier, stressed and his 'horn' was hurting. And to add to it. . .

Cadence's voice came out of his mouth. He had to make sure of something-

''-Aaaaaahhh!'' Twilight looked over to see Spike suddenly wake up and scream in horror. ''What's happened to me? Why am I like this?''

Twilight rushed over, looking her assistant up and down, and before she could even get another word out, 'Spike' looked over.

''. . .Why am I over there?''

Twilight looked back and forth between the two, and made a revelation about the situation. Lips quivering, her eye constricted to pins before she spoke.

''I-I may have switched. . .your bodies by accident,'' Twilight chuckled nervously, rubbing her chin with her hoof.

''You what?!/How?!''