• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 2,489 Views, 90 Comments

Part Dragon, Part Princess - Ultimus Pendragon

Spike and Cadence both have their opinion on Twilight Sparkle, and neither is good. For all they know, they're trapped in each other's bodies forever thanks to Twilight.

  • ...

Here Goes Nothing

Author's Note:

Welcome back to another chapter guys. Sorry this took longer, just been writing in bits and pieces at a time since the inspiration for this particular fic does not come all that often, but the story will be finished soon, worry not. Hope you enjoy it.

''When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.''

-Malala Yousafzai.

Shining Armour sat in the throne room, finding the time to relax some after managing to get Flurry Heart to sleep. Celestia knows that what else he would have had to do in order to get her sleep before long. He's just lucky he did not have to break out the clown costume.

Something else that appeared to his mind was the state of his wife. She certainly was gone longer than he would have expected. The sun began to retreat for the day, the amber glow of light coming into the open window and almost blinding him. ''Where is she? She's almost always back before 6.'' Shining Armour commented, pacing back and forth in a small circle. He wasn't all that worried, but he just would have liked to be informed as soon as possible.

Shining Armour began to think about what she said earlier; she said that she was going to see Twilight and that in itself should have told him that something was up, but he chose not to think too much about it.

His wife was not the average mare, let alone an Alicorn, but he still worried as a husband.

The Crystal Empire, however, was not in any immediate danger or really had any small issues that would need tending to that the citizens themselves could not take care of themselves. All in all, it was. . .peaceful.

''She shouldn't be gone too long; disaster or not, The Crystal Empire needs her here.'' Shining Armour said to himself, walking out to the balcony to see the vast reach of the land from the best side that the castle was able to provide. He had a clear view of the mountains terrain in the far distance, the snow-capped peaks resembling pale beacons of light as the dark and green of the rocks and moss contracted near the bottom along with the trees.

Huffing a smell breath out through his nose, Shining lazily directed his attention back to the cradle further in the castle where Flurry Heart was currently sleeping. The little booger, he thought. He loved her like no other, but Celestia knows she is well within the range of a problem to get her to do anything the first time around without some kind of goading or toy.

The sound of a train horn sounded in the distance, making Shining's ears flick back for a moment. The Ponyville Express? It looked to be departing, meaning passengers were dropped off here. Cadence may have been back quicker than he thought. He wanted to greet her at the station, but to leave his daughter just sitting there would also be a slight risk in itself; he dared not wake her in order to bring her with him down.

That would just undo all of his hard work.

''Think, think, think,'' Shining hummed to himself, rubbing a hoof over his chin as he tapped his other hoof on the ground for a few moments, he came up with. . .

Nothing. Having somepony to come in and watch her would make sense, but he would have to venture down the hall for that, and while he didn't doubt that Flurry would be ok for that small amount of time, it still sparked a bit of worry within him; ever since the whole Chrysalis debacle and other recent things that have threatened the lives of him and his friend and family, he was understandably more worried than usual.

He just cared.

''Huuuuawh.'' Shining sighed, walking over to Flurry's cradle, silently admiring the pride and joy that was his daughter before softly rubbing a hoof on her cheek, watching the way she babbled in her sleep for a moment before going silent and lightly breathing in and out air. ''Guess I'm staying here.''

''Ok, so remember the plan,'' Spike said, reminding Cadence as she sat on Spike's back and continued to look nervous the entire way off the train and down the main roads that would lead to one of the castle's side entrances. There really was no going back once they had got this far. She wished she had more time. Time to figure something out that wasn't this, and time to make sure that any of Spike's 'plans' wouldn't end in her body being damaged or her mane being anymore affected than it already was. ''We should be fine.''

Cadence wanted to stop walking and give Spike a smack across the head, but she resisted only just. This was not the time for making any kind of jokes when they could end up stuck this way!

Or worse!

''I fail to see how this will work,'' Cadence said as her face covering muffled some of what she said. Having the cloth not too tight, but just enough slack would hopefully make it to where air would not make it move too much to be noticeable. ''You honestly think speaking for the other will work? What if Shiny wants to kiss you?''

Spike nearly fell over, catching himself as his body shuddered in worry. Ugh, he really, really did not want that to happen. He. . .he. . .

Got it!

''Don't worry, I'll just tell him a have very highly contagious sickness that if he wants to get anywhere near me, he'll have to risk his own health,'' Spike triumphantly stated, touching a hoof to his chest in pride. ''I'm a genius.''

''If anything, you just made this worse-'' Cadence sighed as she clutched a claw. She would have to tell him this now before they got any further. ''-Shining Armour doesn't have the best bedside manner; if anything, knowing him, he'll end up going for it anyways,'' Spike whined. Was his brother that dense or that much in love?

''Oh, well that changes things.'' Spike quietly said, noticing how nice the ground looked. Huh, crystal.

''Don't suppose you have any other bright ideas, do you?'' Cadence wondered as the pair walked up to one of the side entrances that lead to the lower level of the castle. From there, it would only be a few minutes before they would their date with destiny. ''I only hope that Twilight is making some kind of headway.''

Pinkie Pie and Twilight had to be quick, it would only be a matter of time before something happened and the spell activated its failsafe. Spike and Cadence should have stayed a bit longer if they could help it, but that didn't matter. Just getting to them was the only one that did.

''Pinkie, hurry!'' Twilight galloped ahead, intent on getting to the train station as quickly as possible. Finding the materials to reverse the spell was actually not difficult, but it required a monstrous amount of magic to help the process start off. Teleporting to them would be the best of options, but it still used a bit of magic to use, even at a considerable distance that The Crystal Empire was. ''Where's the train?! It should be here by now!''

Pinkie Pie bounced over, humming a sweet tune as her friend looked around to see a train that was not there as it had yet to come. ''The train won't be here for about an hour,''

''What?!'' Twilight asked, looking to see nothing on either side of the tracks. The Ponyville Express had a good track record of being on time, and the one time that she really needed it to come, it didn't. ''What are we going to do? We may not have much time if we move slow!''

Pinkie continued to hum, not as worried about what was going on as Twilight. Most times, whenever any issues happened, it often resulted in fixing itself with a little bit of wishful thinking, and sometimes the help of her Pinkie Sense. Looking around the area where the train often was stationed when not in use for repairs, she spied exactly what she knew they needed. ''Twilight, I found something that can help!''

Help? Really? Twilight managed to snap out of her wild thoughts and follow her friend over to the area where she was pointing to see. . .a thing. ''Pinkie, you know we can't use that; it's not fast enough.'' Twilight shook her head and really began to wonder what about this plan that was no doubt beginning to form in her mind would work.

''But a lot of the old conductors use it whenever there's a problem! Why not now?'' Pinkie gestured to the object more, hoping to change her friend's mind. Whatever was going on in The Crystal Empire was certainly important, so they should be getting going versus arguing.

''Ugh, fine. We have to get going anyways, we might as well make the best of this.'' Twilight said, knowing she would grow to regret this, but it was to help Spike and Cadence, and for that; she would do what she would need to be done.

''Harder, harder!'' Twilight shouted, her legs feeling as if they were on fire. Sweat caked her brow and she began to get lightheaded. How long had they been doing this? Why did it have to be so far? And why was Pinkie Pie enjoying this way more than she should be?!

''You're one to talk, Twi!'' Pinkie, shaking her hooves in the air wildly like a filly. This was amazing; it worked her legs out so much and had a better idea of what it felt like to fly with fewer safety restraints. As a matter of fact, either one of them could have fallen over at any point by now, which made the experience all the more exciting. ''I think you need to keep your head up and breathe through your nose so you won't get as scared!''

''How is this easy for you?!'' Twilight wanted nothing more to stop; everything hurt. Helping your friends and all was certainly good, but sometimes, it would have to be a line drawn at some point.

''Why do you think I jump and bounce almost everywhere?'' Pinkie sat back and laughed as she pumped her legs more, the look on Twilight's face of pure disbelief and mild interest overriding the pain she was currently feeling.

''I find that hard to believe!'' Twilight grunted and wanted nothing more but for them to be at The Crystal Empire already. ''Could this get any worse?!''

Pinkie shrugged as her legs maintained an even pace to the point where she almost didn't have to think about it. Among Twilight's pleas for this to stop, another sound stood out to Pinkie. Managing to crane her head backward and look at what the sound was, a small smile graced its way onto Pinkie's face, but this was not of happiness. If she had to label it, it would be more akin to mild acknowledgment. Yelling past the rushing wind, Pinkie had a feeling that this would help motivate Twilight. ''Um, Twi?''

''What?!'' Twilight yelled in exasperation.

''The Ponyville Express is behind us.'' Pinkie saw the shift in her friend's attitude almost instantly as she sat up, scrambling to switch positions and use her front hooves to accelerate the contraption faster. ''Oh! I see you're motivated, then I'll go faster then!'' Pinkie channeled her boundless energy into her legs as the sounds of gears grinding, metal shrinking against each other and the occasional thump against the tracks outweighed the sound of the train whistle behind them which sounded at full volume.

Crossing over a bridge that was barren on either side, safe for a spacious chasm that led down to a river also did not give the pair much hope as both of their efforts proved to be mildly effective against the speeding train that nearly began to nudge the back of their mode of travel.

''Why did we pick a railroad cart?!~'' Twilight whined, hoping they would make it in one piece.