• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 2,491 Views, 90 Comments

Part Dragon, Part Princess - Ultimus Pendragon

Spike and Cadence both have their opinion on Twilight Sparkle, and neither is good. For all they know, they're trapped in each other's bodies forever thanks to Twilight.

  • ...

Turn It Around?

Author's Note:

Welcome back. Here we are with another chapter.

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

-Dolly Parton.

The rhythmic sound of the Ponyville Express coming into the station was the only thing that Cadence and Spike could hear. Action had to be taken with the utmost of caution, lest the worst happen, and the pair had next to no idea of what they could even be.

The Crystal Empire would not last long without its sovereign, not to say Shining Armour would not be a suitable stand-in, but Cadence knew her husband could be a little headstrong at times. ''This is all types of bad,'' Cadence muttered, nibbling at her claws in worry. ''Still think we should turn back try and fix this?''

Spike sat on the bench and contemplated that statement. The two of them couldn't talk to nopony besides themselves and Twilight, or else. How would they manage to carry out the duties of The Princess Of Love?

''No, because the more that we wait, the worse that things could be for you and Shining Armour,'' Spike looked at the train conductor leading ponies on and off. Time would only tell if things would be the very thing to be their undoing. ''Shining Armour may be Captain of The Royal Guard, but I don't think even he can handle an entire kingdom for long.'' Cadence noticed the look of seriousness in his eyes about this.

''So, what then? How can we play things off until Twilight find the counterspell?'' Cadence asked, rubbing her spines in worry.

That made Spike stop and think; the biggest issue would be for the pair not to disclose any information at all, lest the worst happens. So they would need to make sure not to tell anypony that, but another thing that the pair probably did not hope to think about would be if the spell also would trigger the failsafe would be if the pair said anything to anypony besides Twilight.

''Well, I don't think that it would be any good to try another spell to try and cover things up, or that might be worse. . .'' Cadence began to mull the possibilities. Something would have to be done.

''Well, what if we play it off like we're a ventriloquist pony?'' Spike asked, adopting a sly look for a moment. If they used the right techniques, they may be able to make it seem like the other was talking.

''Is that the best thing-''

''-That's the only thing we can cling to, sis.'' Spike put a hoof on his sister's shoulder. ''We gotta just do the best that we can.''

''Ugh, fine. I just wish we could at least tell Shiny about this; he could at least keep the eyes and ears of The Crystal Ponies away until we figure this out.''

Spike gestured for Cadence to climb on his back as the Ponyville Express prepared to set out for the many destinations on its route, The Cyrstal Empire being one of the last ones on schedule.

''Honey, come back here!'' Shining Armour galloped around the throne, desperately trying to capture his Alicorn daughter as she flew around and made a complete mess of the throne room. All the time, Flurry Heart had a very innocent smile the entire time as she blubbered and avoided her father's magic. ''You could hurt yourself!''

''Bwahaba!'' Flurry chuckled and levitated one of the chairs in her magic and tossed it out the nearest window where an audible thwack could be heard.

''Sweetie please!''

''So we're clear on the plan, right?'' Spike asked, Cadence looking outside the window in disagreement. ''Cadence?''

''This won't work.'' Cadence replied flatly.

''Never know until you try. So we just need to find you a face covering, and we should be good,'' Spike cheered a silent victory. Cadence only looked at her brother in genuine curiosity; to what length would this plan work before total ruin would follow. ''But how do you think this will go?''

''Nowhere near what any of us may think; then there's also Flurry Heart to think about. She's still going through trying to talk, and then her magic is still developing, and then-'' Cadence was stopped by Spike putting a hoof on her shoulder and smiling a bit.

''It'll be alright. . .the worst thing to do is nothing.''

Twilight sat in her study, understandably still miffed at being launched earlier.

She had to give Spike props for the kind of magic he was able to use at first. But the spell was important. She didn't want to lose nopony to this spell, so she would have to put all of her resources into making sure that did not happen. If only the original caster of the spell was still alive, then she could just ask what needed to be done to fix it.

But, being a spell for something less than desirable may make the process of asking a tad difficult.

''If only I could decipher this text fully; it seems the pony who wrote this spell out wasn't the best at penmanship, or just held no real grasp on how to transcribe any of this. . .but hopefully I can reverse this spell so that maybe this can be used for something better.'' Twilight looked over the parchment once again, furrowing her brow and attempting to look at the spell from a different angle.

She only hoped she would be able to produce something before the pair ran into trouble.

''What am I missing?'' Twilight thought, looking at the symbols that seemed so familiar, but foreign at the same time. ''This is turning my head upside down.''

''Why not turn it upside down?'' Pinkie Pie asked, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

''AHHHH! Pinkie! What are you doing here?!'' Twilight jumped up and somehow clung to the ceiling with her hooves. Huh, kinda like Pinkie does from time to time.

''You asked me to come over because you needed help, remember?'' Pinkie asked, smiling, and reassuring her friend of why she suddenly appeared. ''Something about a riddle or something, right?''

''Oh,'' Twilight remembered. She did consult Pinkie. From what she could tell, Pinkie may be just the thing that can help this spell come to light. ''I did.''

Wait a second. Turn it around?

''Turn it around? I. . .hadn't thought of doing that. Do you really think that will help?''

''Better than doing nothing. Plus the simpler thing to do often is the best.'' Pinkie said as Twilight looked at her friend in genuine curiosity.

''You? Being simple?'' Twilight flatly asked, Pinkie smiling back and nodding. ''Well, there's always a first for something.''

Twilight took a few moments to do as her friend suggested. . .