• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 2,304 Views, 25 Comments

Superlad - DanishDash

Coming from a broken and abusive household, his little brother gone and no one left to care about. Anon breaks down, wishes he could just get another chance, be better, be useful and help people. Well, wish granted. New powers, new world, new family.

  • ...

Chapter 1: The New Kid

Another day, another Monday..

Mondays sucked, because it signaled the beginning of another five days of school. For most students it was tolerable, for Rainbow Dash however, it was the worst day of the week...

She sat in the school cafeteria with her friends, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, and of course, Twilight Sparkle. "Come on Rainbow, it's not that bad." Twilight said, looking at her friend with slight amusement.

Rainbow simply groaned. "Not that bad? That's because you're a nerd Twilight, no offense." Twilight raised an eyebrow, as if to ask how she was not gonna take offense.

Sunset rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "Come on Rainbow, you're still the best athlete, and with school starting up again you have a lot of tournaments coming up, right?" That was true, it was nice having a regular team again. Sometimes it was hard to find proper teams during summer vacation, so that was at least something.

"I wonder why he is always sitting alone.." The timid voice of Fluttershy suddenly said, interrupted Rainbow's thoughts.

"Hm? Who?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy nodded towards the back of the cafeteria, and they all turned to look. There, all the way to the back of the hall sat a boy, like Applejack he had light skin and blonde hair. He wore a hoodie, and thick glasses, just like Twilight. And, just like Twilight, had a big thick book near him, reading it as he ate. "Oh, The new kid?"

"I think his name is Anonymous, darling." Rarity corrected Rainbow. "He goes to our class."

"He looks so alone!" Pinkie jumped in. "Oh, maybe we could call him Anon? Ohhh, maybe Nonny is better?!"

"I haven't seen him talk to anybody, he's one of those quiet types." Applejack said, shrugging. "But he does well in class."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, I think he scored pretty well on the last test.."

"Quite the mystery boy." Rarity giggled.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, then smirked. "Speaking of mystery." Taking out her phone, she quickly found the local news app. "Did you hear about the truck that nearly crashed into a restaurant?"

They all looked at her, and Twilight nodded a little. "Oh yeah, I heard something about that."

"Yeah, I heard it on the radio." Sunset replied. "Why?"

"Well.." Rainbow smirked, showing them the picture on her phone. "Some think that somebody stopped it, by hand."

Twilight snorted, almost spilling her juice over the table. Rainbow gave her an annoyed look, but Twilight waved her off. "Sorry." She chuckled. "I'm sorry Rainbow, but do you mean, a full scale truck, stopped by a single person?"

Rainbow frowned. "Yeah? What of it? There is plenty of proof out there you know."

Applejack chuckled. "Oh I think you have been spending too much time on that internet again. I mean, my brother Macintosh is strong, but even he would have trouble stopping a full sized truck."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow said in defiance. "What about all the people who said they saw someone run in front of the truck before it hit the restaurant?"

"Well.. Sometimes people think they saw something that wasn't really there." Rarity suggested. "They were in danger after all, maybe they just saw a reflection in the window or something."

"Oh, I think about things all the time!" Pinkie randomly put it, which really didn't help Rainbow's side of the argument.

"But this is not the first time these things have happened.. Just this weekend somebody pulled out a car from the river! Is that just a coincidence too?" Rainbow asked.

Her friends looked at one another, all having a bit of a concerned expression on their faces. They had all heard about these rumors lately, but that was just what they were, rumors.

Twilight sighed. "Rainbow, what you are talking about is simply not possible, the human body cannot withstand the forces that truck would have delivered. We are talking about a mass that is probably weighing about 19 tons, traveling a speed down hill with a speed of, well, let's say 50 Km/h, that's a force of 26.3889 Newtons, no human body would be able to withstand that much force."

Rainbow simply groaned. "Okay, fine.. Yes, it seems impossible, but listen, before we thought magic was impossible, are you really saying after all we have seen that something like this could not be just a little possible?"

The girls looked at one another, it was true they had seen some crazy things, but really, a human that could stop a massive truck on his or her own? Twilight adjusted her glasses and cleared her throat. "I will admit, we have certainly seen things I would once consider nonsense.. But, even magic has something scientific behind it... I think.. But even with magic, no one is able to withstand that much force.. I'm sorry Rainbow, I just don't think it's possible."

"Well, fine.. But I'm just going to prove it to you!" Rainbow declared and stood up.

"Rainbow, calm down darling. We weren't mocking you or anything, it's just our opinion. Twilight didn't mean any harm." Rarity said, trying to calm things down a bit. The other girls nodded, still not sure what to make of all of this. Rainbow had always loved something that was awesome and cool, and if a person really could do the things she claimed that would be the story of the century.

"I'm still going to prove it, and when I do you guys owe me a-"

"Hey! Nonny's gone!"

Turning their heads they all saw that indeed Anon had left the cafeteria, although why it was relevant to the conversation they did not know. Before they could continue their conversation the bell rang, signaling the continuation of the day.

The belle rang for the final time, most students were already heading home, others stayed for their clubs. Rainbow Dash was one of those people, she always liked to spend extra time on any sports club she could, soccer being one of her favorites.
Today she pushed herself more than she usually did, she wanted to be faster, to be stronger, just like this mystery person who had saved all of those people. She knew this person existed, she just knew it! But how to prove it? She kicked the ball towards the goal, it was then that she noticed there was no goalkeeper.

"What the?"

Finally Rainbow noticed she was alone, had she been so deep in thought she had not noticed practice had ended? That would seem to be the case, not that Rainbow minded, she often stayed behind to get some extra practice. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her phone. There were about five messages asking where she was at.

"Oh shoot!"

She had completely forgotten she'd promised Applejack to help her out with a project! Rainbow needed to get going before Applejack got really mad, but she also needed to put the ball back inside. Looking towards it she noticed it was nicely tucked away in the net of the goal. No one would see it there, right?

Taking a chance she decided to leave there until morning, much to the dismay of Twilight who saw it all from the window of the school lab. "Ohhh Rainbow.." She sighed, deciding to go down and put it back inside before the school fully closed. The school was mostly empty at this point, principal Celestia might still be in her office, the janitor still going around, but otherwise it was pretty much empty.

She thought back to the conversation she had with Rainbow at lunch, it all sounded crazy of course, but she could not help herself looking into it. Rainbow was right that people at the restaurant claimed that someone had run in front of the place and stopped the truck with his bare hands, but there was no proof. Most likely it was just a rumor and people at the restaurant simply clung to it as they had come so close to getting hurt, or worse.

A chill went up her spine, she dared not think about what would have happened if the truck had crashed into the restaurant.

She made her way downstairs and to the double doors that led to the soccer field. Opening the doors she expected to find the field empty and devoid of any students, to her surprise however there was one student, one she recognized instantly.

It was a boy, standing tall, wore a dark hoodie and wore thick glasses. No doubt about it, it was Anon out there playing. Twilight had no idea he liked soccer, then again why would she? She hadn't really talked to him before, nothing more than a few passing notes once in a while.

He moved the ball between his feet, seeming a lot less restrained now. Whenever she saw him in class, the hallways or the cafeteria, he always looked like he was holding back a part of himself. Like whenever there were people around he tried to make himself smaller. Now he looked so animated, like there was an energy to him he had kept hidden from the world.

Why would he keep that side hidden from everybody?

The answer came in the most shocking manner possible. Taking a few steps back, Anon got ready to kick the ball. There was a few second pause, just like the hush in a theater crowd just before the play was about to begin. Then he moved forward, the whole thing went by so fast Twilight was not even sure what she saw.

One moment the ball was there, then there was a powerful WOOSH, followed by a loud bang and finally a shrinking dot in the sky above! Twilight could hardly believe her eyes, Anon had just kicked the soccer ball out of town! Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, she could not believe what she just saw!

Anon however didn't look shocked at all! In fact, he looked frustrated. She caught the hint of a curse word, then he turned. Before Twilight could react he spotted her, his face surprised, matching her own shock. There was no point in trying to hide now, she knew what she saw, and she knew he knew that she knew. Only one question left.

What now?

Author's Note:

To be honest I'm not sure my math is correct on this:

19 tons, traveling a speed of 50 Km/h, that's a force of 26.3889 Newtons.

If it's wrong and you know the right answer then please tell me so I can correct it.