• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 2,304 Views, 25 Comments

Superlad - DanishDash

Coming from a broken and abusive household, his little brother gone and no one left to care about. Anon breaks down, wishes he could just get another chance, be better, be useful and help people. Well, wish granted. New powers, new world, new family.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Confession

"There's still no information about how this accident could have happened. Police say it could be a gas line, but it is too early to say. Meanwhile there is still no one who seems to know about this mystery boy who was seen flying through the sky and saving three students from Canterlot High. The three girls were taken to the hospital shortly after and the doctors are saying they are going to be alright."

That had been the morning news, the topic of who this mystery boy was dominated the topics of social media and the mainstream. All night and all morning Anon had been afraid someone would come knock on his door, ask him all sorts of questions, demand he come with them to some unknown lab.

So far however it seemed no one had figured out it was him, even as he walked among his fellow students into the school. Of course he could hear them all talk among each other, all of them appeared to be discussing, well, him. Maybe Twilight was right, no one seemed to recognize him without the hoodie and glasses, good thing he put them on this morning, just as a precaution.

Anon knew they would be talking about what had happened, he expected it, but it still felt uncomfortable. Still he had saved three girls, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy, it made it all worth it, and wasn't that what heroes did? Had he not wished for it?

Yes, yes he had. Now he had to take responsibility for that wish and use his powers for the good of the people. That was easier said than done, he had no idea where to begin or what to do. He had read about superheroes, but it always seemed so much simpler in the world of comics.

Besides, he didn't even have an outfit anymore. The hoodie and cape had been damaged, sure he could wear it but it looked like it had come out of a dump. No, he needed something new, something better, but how?


He turned and saw Twilight. "Oh, hey Twilight." Anon greeted and stopped. "How are your friends?"

She smiled. "They are going to be just fine. They all got the rest of the week off, along with a few other students that was at the mall at the time."

Anon let out a relieved sigh. "I'm glad to hear it.." They continued to walk together for a bit, all around them fellow students kept gossiping, showed videos, articles, pictures and chat forums. Thanks to his super hearing it was not hard for Anon to guess what the topic was about.

Twilight smiled, but glanced at Anon with a sympathetic look. "It's going to be okay, no one will recognize you." She said, her voice lowered just to be safe. "But how are you feeling? You're not hurt or anything?"

Anon shook his head. "No, I'm pretty durable, but it was uncomfortable for sure.."

"You have a gift, that's for sure. If you want we can continue to test back at my uncle's airfield." Twilight offered, but would not force him.

"I don't know," said Anon. "I feel I got very lucky, maybe it's better for me to just continue laying low."

Twilight moved in front of Anon, making him stop. She looked at him with an intensity in her eyes he had never seen before. "Yesterday I thought I was going to lose my best friends, you saved them Anon, you did it. You should feel good about that. You might not think so yourself, but to me and my friends, you are a hero."

Anon stared at her for a little while, then sighed. "I'm just glad they weren't hurt.. By the way, how did you get to the mall so fast?"

Twilight blushed, she had arrived only 10 or 15 minutes after Anon, but it was still fast. "I... I stole a bicycle.."

"Pffft, really? Heh heh.." Anon snorted, trying not to laugh.

Twilight looked down in embarrassment. "I was panicking! So I just took it without thinking and I just drove as fast as I could."

"People can do crazy things when people they care about are in danger.." Anon looked far off for a moment, like if he was looking at a memory out of reach. He sighed and then started walking to class again, quickly followed by Twilight.

"Are you okay?"

Anon glanced at her, knowing there was a lot she did not know yet. He stopped walking again, turned and looked at her. "There's something I need to tell you, can we talk after school?"

Twilight looked him in the eyes, she could tell he was very serious about it. "Of course, after school at the airfield?"

"Alright, sounds good." He agreed then turned once again and continued into class.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get used to people talking about what happened yesterday. He had known they would be talking about it, but experiencing it was something else. He kept expecting someone to stand and point at him, proclaiming he was the flying boy from the fire. He kept expecting the police to show up, knock on the door to his class room and ask him to please come along. He was afraid two men in black would come and arrest him before wiping all the people's memories in one big flash and he would be forgotten and end up in some lab.

Still none of these things happened, most students didn't even grant him a second glance, like usual. No one suspected him, no police showed up or men in black. The only thing that happened was principal Celestia and vice principal Luna held a school assembly to inform them about the danger of fire and assure no students were killed. She gave some basic information, told them that Twilight's friends, along with a few other students who had been there were all safe, but for obvious reasons were resting up at home.
Even though Twilight had told him that already, Anon could not help but feel a sense of great relief when he heard it from a school official that probably had more details.

When everything was over and the last bell rang out, Anon once again met with Twilight outside of school. On their way to the old flying club they exchanged phone numbers, it would save some time and they could get a hold of each other faster.

"Did you see the news?" Twilight asked suddenly.

Anon nodded, letting out a slightly frustrated groan. "Yeah, it's kind of overwhelming."

"Oh not that," she quickly corrected. "I mean the details coming out about the accident."

"Wasn't it a gas line or something?"

Twilight wrinkled her nose. "I don't think that was it," said Twilight, trying to find the best way to explain to him what she meant. "I will try to get some data from my older brother."

"Your older brother?"

Twilight nodded and smiled proudly. "My older brother is a lieutenant in the police force."

That surprised him, even though he had no reason to know it beforehand, it still surprised him a little. "And he will just tell you?"

"No, well maybe, but don't you worry. I will dig around a bit and see if he finds something out of the ordinary, something amiss."

Anon raised an eyebrow. Did Twilight plan to investigate this? Moreover, if she found something did she expect them to do something about it? Anon wasn't sure what they could even do. What was Twilight expecting? As she unlocked the gate he gave her a puzzled look.

She seemed so sure about what to do, like she knew what was the right path to take. Anon wanted to have that sort of certainty, he wanted to do good, to help people, but he was just not sure he could do it. With all his speed and strength there were simply things he still doubted about himself.

They walked back into the same hangar as last time, only this time Twilight seemed a bit more relaxed. Walking to a mini fridge she pulled out a soda and looked at him with a friendly smile. "Do you want one?"

"Oh, sure." Anon replied and walked over to her.

"So," Twilight began and sat down on a stool. "You wanted to talk to me about something?"

Anon nodded absently, not sure where to begin. There was so much for him to tell, but how could he expect her to believe him? Then again, only yesterday she saw him fly through the sky and lift 150 tons above his head. Thoughts and doubts moved back and forth in his mind, trying to figure out the best way to explain his background. Finally he decided it was best just to come out with it and let her judge for herself.

"Well, it's a lot to take in. Even after you've seen all I can do, there is so much more to it." He sighed and sat down on the floor, leaning back against the wall. "You see, I'm not from this world.."

Twilight seemed to gasp, but hid it well. "Are you from, Eqe.." She stopped herself, seeming to change what she wanted to ask. "Space?"

Anon smiled a little. "In a manner of speaking, I'm not sure how to explain it, the best thing I can come up with is that I'm from another dimension. My world is much like this one, though in some ways we differ quite a lot."


"Well," Anon thought for a moment. He was glad she was taking it so well, then again what else could explain his powers. "We are the same in cultures, countries, names, technology, but your version of earth is a little bigger than mine." He explained. "There is some other stuff too, but my main point is that in my old world I lived a hellish life.. My mom was gone and my father was a drunkard."

Twilight frowned, she knew there were bad people in the world. Shining Armor had seen enough of that during his years in the police force. Anon continued. "I was a pretty rotten kid.. I acted out, I was a real asshole. I didn't want to be that way, I wanted to be as my childhood hero, but I just failed. It was easier to act like a jerk instead of a hero." Anon looked away from Twilight, ashamed to admit these things. "There was only one person I loved, and I did everything I could to protect him, but in the end I failed."

Tears started to appear on the edges of his eyes, but still he kept going. "It was my only job, I needed to protect him, and I failed.." He let out a deep sigh, feeling the tears starting to move down his cheeks. All the memories of that time were still fresh in his mind. Twilight could see the pain he was in, but was not sure if she should go to him. He clearly wanted to get through this, trying to be as brave about it as possible. "He died, and I was left with no one.. I failed him, I failed myself, I was nobody, nothing, and I simply had enough.. I couldn't even stand looking at myself, I was hated, unloved. I hated myself and I wanted it all to end. I wished with all my might to get another chance, a new life. I wanted to be better, to be a hero and try again, to save people, have a chance of being loved and being useful.."

Anon fell silent yet again. The memories raged in his mind like a storm, he had not allowed himself any self pity, he had refused to feel bad for himself, he was alive and he was not, he didn't deserve that kind of pity. And then suddenly he felt a soft hand touching his. It was like the world came back into focus, he looked up.

Twilight was in front of him, on her knees, her hand on his and her eyes so full of warmth and care. She didn't speak, nor did she need to as her actions gave him the courage to finish his story.

"I'm not sure how it happened, it's all kind of fussy.. I know I was outside, yelling and cursing, then it's all black.. Next thing I remember I woke up in a bed, not my own bed, not even in my own room. It was brighter, looking cleaner and more homely. I found my parents, both of them, they are together, happy, and loving.." His voice almost choked. "I've never seen them like that before.. My dad actually has a job, my mother is there, smiling at me.." Anon closed his eyes shut tightly, trying to keep the tears away.

He hadn't counted on getting so emotional, he thought he would be better prepared for it. Now that he was actually sharing this for the first time, knowing he could return home and not expect a beating, it was all just too much. He cried, hid his face in his arms as he for the first time realized he had a happy and loving family at home, people who had loved him in a way he had never been loved before. At this very moment it was like he could breathe again, like he finally could relax without fearing what was going to happen when he came home. Twilight didn't say anything, she just moved closer and held himm letting him know through her warm embrace he wasn't alone anymore.

After some time and Anon seeming to calm down she asked. "The person you say you failed, who was he?" Her voice was love and careful, full of concern and care.

Anon wiped his eyes, taking a few calm breaths. "My little brother.."

"And in this world, is he..?" Twilight could feel her heart tighten in her chest, her voice almost a whisper as she feared the answer.

Though as she saw the shadow of a small smile she felt herself calm a bit, even felt slight joy as he said. "He's here too.." Twilight felt relief, and Anon felt a lot better. He was here, getting a chance of a new life. He still didn't feel like he had earned it, not yet. Perhaps that was why he had gotten these powers, he had gotten a new life, a new family, he needed to devote himself to protect them, protect them all.

A small chuckle escaped his lips. "You know, I think he's probably the only one who has stayed the same.. My mom and dad are so loving here. My mom died when my brother was just a baby, my dad turned cruel.. I guess maybe we could have had the life they're living now.. I don't even know anymore." There was so much anger in his past, so much frustration and pain. It had become hard to see his dad other than a cruel man, but thinking back on it now, he must have felt pain as well, he must have loved at some point. In this world he acted as Anon wished he had, his mother was alive and so was his little brother.

He took a deep breath, deciding to finish the story. "I was confused at first, thinking I might have died and gone into the afterlife, a life I would have wanted. It became clear I was very much alive and it didn't take long before I found out about my powers. I was shocked, and a bit scared. I had all the powers of my childhood hero, though in a weaker sense. I'm not as strong or fast, but it's enough.."

"Enough for what?" Twilight asked.

Anon smiled a little, clenching his fist. "I've been given a new chance, Twilight, a new life. I have people that love me, and I love them in return. I have something to protect, something to fight for. I've been trying so hard since after I accepted this was my new life to earn it, to deserve it. I study hard, I help my father and mother around the house, help my little brother, but it's not enough. These powers I have, they could be used to serve this world. I can save people, protect them."

Anon felt his heart beat faster, his whole body felt like it was ready to leap up into the air of pure happiness! This morning he had been so scared to lose what he had gotten, afraid to act. Now however, finally telling his story and admitting to it. It was like he had dropped a heavy load off his shoulder, a heavy coat that was his past self. He knew what he wanted to do now, he knew what he NEEDED to do!

He smiled and looked at Twilight. "I can be the person that deserves this chance, I can be better, and I can bring hope to those who don't have it!" Anon was under no delusion he could fix everything in the world, but he could start by being better himself, do better, and use his powers for good.

Twilight smiled. "That's what a hero does."

Anon blushed in a bit of embarrassment, realizing he had been giving a speech. "Ehehe.. Sorry, I didn't mean to preach."

"No, I liked it," Twilight giggled and nudged him. "I will help you."


She stood up and took a sip of her soda before placing it on a table. "Well, powers or not, you won't be able to do much without information. I guess you can see me as your tech girl."

Anon smirked and stood, feeling so much better, so much lighter. "Thank you Twilight."

Twilight shook her head. "You're my friend, and you saved the people I care for. This is the least that I can do." Her eyes then moved up and down his body. "Although, we might need to find you a new costume, something better than a blue hoodie."

"Yeah.." He chuckled. "Probably something a bit stronger too, my hoodie is burned beyond repair. So what do we do?"

"Leave that to me." Twilight assured him, then looked at the time. Anon did the same, then realized it was almost dinner time, it seemed they had been talking for a bit longer than he'd imagined.

His mom would probably scold him for staying out so late, but that was okay. It felt good to have a mother that would do that. "I better get going, sorry for spending all this time talking."

"No, it's fine. I'm glad you told me Anon," Twilight assured, then followed him outside to lock up the hangar.

"Do you want a lift home?"

Twilight looked at Anon with a startled expression. "Y-you mean, f-flying?"

Anon nodded. "Yeah, you'll be home before you know it."

As much as Twilight wanted to try and experience it, she knew it would be risky for him to fly to two places, with a bigger chance of him being seen. A lot of people were probably watching the sky too, trying to catch even a small glimpse of the flying boy. Twilight smiled gratefully, but shook her head. "Better not risk it. Besides, I don't live too far from here."

"You sure?" Anon asked, not wanting her to feel like it was a bother. Twilight however just politely refused and so he inclined his head. "Alright, see you tomorrow at school." The two said their goodbyes and Anon leaped into the sky, flying above the clouds to be as hidden as possible.

The sun had already gone down as Anon gently landed near his house. He had made sure no one was near and was sure to land a place where no light would reveal him. It was a short flight, but it felt good to be up there and relaxing. It had taken quite a lot of tries before he got fully used to it.

He had crashed quite a few times, but now he could land as gently as a feather if he wanted to. Making his way out the bushes he walked up to his house. It was strange, before he would always dread coming home, but now, now it felt so good as he took the handle of the door and turned it. It was a feeling he had to get used to, but now it felt like a warm blanket around his heart.

"Big brother!" A boy's voice called in joy. A fiery brown haired boy came running into the hallway, his little propeller hat spinning as he ran to him.

Anon smiled as the boy hugged him. "Easy Button, I've only been gone a few hours."

Button Mash nodded and jumped in place. "Yeah but you promised to play video games with me when you came home!"

"Sure, we can play just after dinner."

Button held up his hands. "Yay!"

"Anonymous? Is that you, dear?" A woman stepped out of the kitchen. She was tall and beautiful, her blue eyes looking at him surprised, then they became stern. "You’re late young man."

It was hard to describe, but after so many years not having a mother, it felt good to be scolded, to be cared for. He simply smiled as he ruffled Button's hair. "Sorry mom, got caught up talking with a friend."

His mom's eyes instantly changed and she smiled. "You made a friend?" She turned her head towards the living room. "Chip! Come quickly, our son finally made a friend!"

"Mooom, stop it!" Anon laughed.

Then his father entered. Anon could hardly recognize the man before him, he was so full of life, clean, and had an air of intelligence. He no longer had a full dirty beard, but a classy bushy mustache and a smirk on his face.

"Well, you made a friend? Soon enough you'll start bringing girls home." He teased, then laughed.

His mother, Love Tap giggled, then turned to look at Anon again. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Anonymous? Honey, are you crying?"

"Huh? Oh!" Anon quickly wiped his eyes. "Sorry, I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you guys as my family.."

His parents looked at each other for a moment, then walked over to their sons and embraced them both. Anon responded by putting his arms around them, holding them close as he just felt the warmth and love.. No longer was he alone, he had a family that loved him, and he loved them in return. He wasn't lost anymore, he wasn't afraid of coming home, he was happy..

He was finally home...