• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 788 Views, 30 Comments

Broken Promise - Nailah

Down on her luck, Lightning Dust has no alternatives but to ask Rainbow Dash for help, will Rainbow Dash forgive her or will this lead down a dark path for our heroine?

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Chapter 3: The Talk

The air felt quiet and calm, but Gilda sensed Rainbow Dash was anything but relaxed. Even now, as they laid together snuggled up, Gilda’s long feathered wings wrapped around her lover, she heard her grumbling, snorting under her breath, and talking to herself. “You’re such a dweeb. You know we could talk about it right? I know it’s an old wound, but bottling up your anger isn’t good for you. Or haven’t you been listening to Twilight’s lessons?”

“There’s nothing to talk about. That pony is nothing but trouble. I don’t want her...having any influence on you. Or any creature else for that matter,” said Rainbow Dash, grumbling and blowing hot air against the tip of her rainbow mane to get it out of her eyes.

Gilda reached her clawed talon over Rainbow’s head, giving her a rough headpat before moving the lock of mane out of her eyes and behind her ears, to which she nibbled on ever so slightly, causing Rainbow to squirm and groan in protest.

“Gilda! Knock that off,” muttered Rainbow Dash. Gosh, I love when she messes with me, it’s never dull being with her.

“And why should I? You’d better start talking or I’ll go for your sweet spot…” teased Gilda, licking her lips, and lightly moving her clawed talon to the back of her neck. She felt Rainbow Dash tensing up, and trying her best to not breathe heavily, but it wasn’t working. Gilda knew the signs, and she knew she had Rainbow right where she wanted her. Now, she just had to wait to see what she’d do in response.

“ACK! No...Okay. Fine! I’ll talk, but I don’t really see the point,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “Lightning Dust is a bad pony. She almost injured a bunch of recruits just so she could look good in front of the Wonderbolts! That’s not right, and it never will be. Like, I know you messed up too, but I can’t forgive her.”

“Yeah, I messed up pretty bad huh? The worst part of the whole thing was feeling alone,” admitted Gilda, as she pressed herself tighter against her lover. Lightly running her clawed talon down her rainbow mane. “To think I’d lost any chance to be with you. That bucking hurt.”

“It hurt me too. You were my friend and it pained me to see you go. To think we’d come this far. I must say it was quite surprising you wanted Pinkie Pie to help with arranging our little getting together officially party,” Rainbow chuckled.

“Well, she is the best party planner around. Besides, she’s not too annoying. And she really did help me out with her baking tips, but that’s not the point. The point I am trying to make is that ponies and other creatures make mistakes, and when they realize that, they want to make it right. I don’t want to force you to change your mind, but I think there’s more to this. At least think about it?”

“Yeah...I can do that. Now enough talk about the past. Right now I want some action with my awesome griffon.” Rainbow Dash snickered, giving Gilda that wide eyed, bushy tailed look she knew well.

“Pfft. You’re such a dweeb, but I love you.” Gilda smirked, as she wrapped her wings more securely around Rainbow Dash. Gilda felt herself sigh, as in this moment her world was perfect. There was nothing she wanted more than for Rainbow to be hers, but she felt this turmoil inside of her when she thought about Lightning Dust. Gilda realized quickly that this would bother her. Even if Rainbow Dash couldn’t forgive her, Gilda had to know her. She had to try, because after all, that’s what ponies did, right? Help others see the light, and she had been in her hooves once. And gladly to know everything had worked out for her.


Gilda laid there, with Rainbow curled around her, sleeping soundly. Listening to her soft coo’s,Gilda very slowly and very carefully removed herself from Rainbow Dash. Observing with caution to not stir her lover awake. Once she was freed, she let out a heavy sigh, and ruffled the top of her rainbow mane.

Gilda stood to her full height and walked away from Rainbow for the time being. Her mind was heavy. She didn’t know this Lightning Dust, but yet she felt this connection to her. Was it simply because they both had messed up? Possibly. Or was it their connection to Rainbow Dash? Gilda didn’t know, but she knew one thing. Things couldn’t end this way. Rainbow Dash was the element of Loyalty, and while Gilda could understand how her loyalty to her teammates kept her from being able to forgive Lightning Dust, it just didn’t sit right with her.

“I was like her once. I messed up and it hurt Rainbow Dash, but she forgave me. I don’t understand these ponies. They are so difficult to grasp.” Gilda shrugged, as she lifted her clawed talon to scratch at her feathers atop her head. Sitting there, watching Rainbow Dash sleep so soundly, it gave her time to reflect.

“Have I changed?” she asked herself. Of course I have! Gilda snorted, and let out a huff of annoyance. Why would she even question that? She wouldn’t be here with Rainbow if she hadn’t changed. Sure, she still had difficulties dealing with ponies. They weren’t like griffons. Griffons were tough, and cared little to none about the meaning of friendship. Most griffons only cared about bits. She was a griffon, but she loved Rainbow Dash, and she cared more about her than anything else in the whole world.

“Argh...why do I feel sympathetic towards a pony I don’t even know?” she asked herself.

Perhaps she should seek out Lightning Dust. Though, really she had no clue where she had gone, and what would she even say? Something like ‘I was you once, I know what you have gone through’ seemed the obvious answer, but with everything that had transpired between the three of them, Gilda didn’t think she’d heed her words so kindly. Rainbow Dash would. And she was the one who had to be convinced there was more to this, than she thought.

Gilda nuzzled her beak into Rainbow’s mane, stroking the feathertips of her cyan wings ever so slightly, teasingly, tracing against every feather, and listening to her as she cooed in her sleep. She leaned her beak over to her ear, and began to nibble at the inside, sticking her tongue into her earlobe, and biting down on the outside of her ear, with just the right pressure that she was sure it wouldn’t harm Dash, but gave her the tingling sensation she knew she adored.

“Gilda…” Rainbow pouted, half asleep, groaning, and trying to lid her eyes once more. Rainbow Dash’s tail flickered ever so slightly, just the tiny hint of annoyance.

Gilda stroked her clawed talon over the length of Rainbow’s back, giving her a firm, yet sensational back scratch, that caused her to arch her back ever gently, dipping her head down into her pillow, letting out an moan of secret delight, as she could see the faintest tint of a blush forming on the side of her cheeks.

“Since when have you told me to stop me from teasing you before?”

Rainbow opened her lips to speak, but stopped herself short, and let out a disgruntled snort, and a slight whinny, as she rolled her eyes. “What is so gosh darn important that you had to wake me up?”

“Maybe I wasn’t done with you yet. Can’t have you going to sleep on me, that’s no fun at all.” Gilda snickered.

“While I can believe that, I don’t think that’s why you woke me up. This is about her isn’t it?” she asked, giving her that look. Rainbow Dash stared at Gilda, and she felt her staring back, the two met gazes, nose to nose with another, close enough to kiss, and yet there was this tension between the two.

“Yes, it is about her, but it’s also about us too. But yeah you’re right, I just can’t stand by and do nothing. Once upon a time you said you’d never be friends with me again. I think your anger over the past is clouding your judgement of the present.” began Gilda. She steadied herself for the storm she felt would transpire. She knew full well that Rainbow would not respond favorably to her words, even if they were the truth.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to speak, but found herself at a loss for words. She felt so angry. Her tail twitched more aggressively back and forth, as she kept her gaze upon Gilda.

“Yeah, so? What’s your point?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“So don’t you think your answer was a bit harsh? She could have been sincere. What if she has changed? Doesn’t every pony deserve a second chance? After all, that’s what you ponies seem to do. You help others, and what you did is only going to cause more...issues,” explained Gilda, as clearly as she could. She wanted Rainbow to understand, to see that really there was no difference between herself and Lightning Dust. They both had made mistakes that caused Rainbow Dash to scorn them, so why was Gilda forgiven but not Lightning Dust? Rainbow said to her previously, it was because her mistakes weren’t as bad, but even that didn’t sit right with her.

“Harsh? No. If anything I let her off too easily. After what she did, she should’ve been reprimanded more severely, but I allowed her to leave.” Rainbow Dash replied with a huff. She stared at Gilda, not understanding what her goal was. Did she actually feel sorry for Lightning Dust? Why did she even care? It wasn’t like Gilda and Lightning Dust knew each other. The only connection the two had was their bond with her.

“Rainbow...I can’t just stand by and do nothing. You forgave me, I cannot understand why you wouldn’t even give her a second chance.” sighed Gilda, as she stared right back at Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash sighed slightly, as she parted her lips to speak once more, shaking her head.

“Listen, Twilight preaches about friendship, and yeah, sometimes she does have a point, but not every pony is good. There’s always going to be the ones you can’t save. Or ones that simply don’t want to be helped. I tried helping Lightning Dust, and showing her the right way. She chose her fate, there isn’t more to it then that.”

“You dweeb, you don’t get it do you? She came here for help. She asked you to help her, and what did you do? You turned her away like...a piece of dirt. I can’t say I’d blame her if she wanted vengeance against you. Rainbow...consider for a moment giving her a chance.”

“You can ask me all day long, my answer is still going to be no. Gilda, she almost injured the recruits. Do you even realize that if not for my quick reaction some of those recruits might have been severely injured or worse? I can’t. I’m sorry, I can’t forgive her,” Rainbow Dash said adamantly. Her mind was made up.

Gilda sighed heavily, this was getting her nowhere fast. What could she say? She bit at her bottom lip, as she dropped the subject for now. However, this wasn’t over. Gilda stood up from the spot she had been laying, as she glanced back towards Rainbow.

“I’m going to go out and get some air.” With that she trotted out, as her long lion tail flickered back and forth. She shouldn’t even care about this pony, but if there was one thing that ponies had taught her, it was that things weren’t always so clear. Lightning Dust, that was the name of the pony, and that pony would either be saved like she was, or she’d become another thorn in Rainbow Dash’s side, and if that happened, Gilda wouldn’t hesitate to take care of her once and for all. There’d be no more second chances if she dared harm the one she loved.

As she stepped outside of their little cottage, she jumped halfway up into the air when she heard the frantic bouncy voice she knew as Pinkie Pie. This pony was quite difficult for Gilda to figure out. She was annoying, but she was also helpful

“Hey Gilda. What’s the sour look for? Did someone take all your tasty treats?” asked Pinkie Pie as she bounced up and down, like she was on some kind of sugar rush. But really, this was normal for her.

“Ugh...Pinkie. Is there a reason you are bothering me?” asked Gilda, as she let out an annoyed huff, her tail continuing to twitch. She rolled her eyes. Really, this pony was a mystery alright. But right now, there was a different pony on her mind.

“Well...I was just on my way to visit actually. Though I really didn’t want to interrupt anything, so I figured I’d wait outside, and like magic you appeared!” explained Pinkie Pie, as she nodded her head, as she seemed somewhat absorbed in thought.

“Oh...You want to talk to Rainbow or me, or both?” she asked, trying not to sink her talons into her throat. She took a deep breath, as she tried to push thoughts of the pony out of her mind. She wasn’t about to let some random pony she hardly knew ruin everything she had earned.

“Both of you, silly Gilda. But, like, I can always come back some other time if now’s not good…” whispered Pinkie Pie, as her own tail twitched and she smiled bright enough to bring light into the darkest corners of her soul.

“Actually, now’s a perfect time. I think you should come in, and do whatever it is, you wanted to do.” Gilda smiled softly, wrapping her arm around Pinkie Pie. This was perfect. With Rainbow Dash upset by their argument, there was no better time for the party pony to enter the dynamic, and perhaps bring some light into the tension between the two.

“Oh? That was actually a pleasant response. You are doing so great with friendship!” Pinkie Pie chuckled as she followed Gilda inside.

Rainbow Dash was sprawled across the floor, her wings folded tightly against her frame, and her rainbow mane looked a bit “frazzled” as Rarity might say. Pinkie Pie immediately noticed the twitch of her tail, as she let out deep breaths, muttering something.

“Pinkie Pie. What’s up?’ asked Rainbow Dash, perking up ever so slightly.

“Lots of things! The sky, the clouds, my smile. Gilda’s attitude!” Pinkie Pie chuckled softly.

“Pinkie...get to the point please. I’m not really in the mood for games.”

“Oh no. Did someone take your cupcakes?”

“No. More like my chilling downtime was ruined by an argument over...ugh. I don’t even want to think about it.”

“Over? What were you two arguing about? As far as I knew, the two of you were quite happy together. Not to mention adorable!”

“Lightning Dust.” The words came out of Gilda’s lips so naturally, even as Rainbow Dash’s tail flickered, as she growled, letting out a clear disliking of the name.

“Oh...I think I see. Well I wanted to give you girls a gift! After all, today is the day that the three of us forged a new bond and became the best of friends,” smiled Pinkie Pie, attempting to ease the mood. It wasn’t easy for any pony to sense the different opinions of the two. It seemed that Gilda was sympathetic? At least that’s what Pinkie got from her body language, and she was good at reading ponies. It was her job to bring smiles all across Equestria.

“That’s wonderful Pinkie. Sorry if I’m in a bit of a sour mood for the occasion, but let’s see it,” smirked Rainbow Dash, her eyes lighting up at the thought of a gift. Though it was for her and Gilda, so it was likely something the two could share. Even though right now, Rainbow Dash would rather be alone and allow herself to calm down fully, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Just like she wasn’t going to forgive Lightning Dust.

Pinkie Pie set the gift down in front of the two, and eagerly stepped back to allow them to open it together. She didn’t speak anything about Lightning Dust, or the fight they had. Right now, it was a special moment that couldn’t be ruined by anything. Rainbow Dash started untying the bow, and Gilda began tearing the paper to shreds, revealing the gift underneath.

Underneath all the wrapping was something Gilda had never seen in all her days of living in Griffonstone. An actual oven. She blinked as she stepped back, and admired the beautiful piece set before her.

“Woah. This is like an amazing gift, Pinkie. And it’s ours?” she asked, even if she knew such a question was dumb. She felt adrift in the moment.

“Oh course. I’m glad you like it so much.”

“This is actually a really awesome gift, though I get the feeling Gilda will be using it more than me. I don’t really do the whole baking thing. Or cooking, either. But it’s a very thoughtful gift. Thanks Pinkie Pie,” smiled
Rainbow Dash, going over and embracing her friend.

“Oh it was nothing really! I’m just glad to see the two of you doing so well. Some didn’t think it would work, you know a griffon and a pony, but you two are just proof that anything is possible!”

“Damn straight. Now...Gilda.” Dash gazed over to her. “Think we can focus on each other now without interruptions?” questioned Rainbow Dash.

Gilda’s cheeks flushed slightly as she sniffled a cough. Her wings tensed slightly.

“Yeah, I think so. Sorry Dweeb.” sighed Gilda, as she scratched the back of her feathers atop her head.

“Good. Let’s get back to us, and no more talks about HER.” she spoke with an annoyed snort, as she pulled Gilda over to her, and looked at Pinkie. “Thanks again for the gift, but now I think we’d like to be alone.”

“Oh course! You two have fun!” giggled Pinkie Pie as she bounced out with a giddy in her step.

Even as she laid there next to Rainbow Dash, snuggling her long feathery wing around her, nuzzling into the top of her rainbow mane, she couldn’t help wandering, what would happen to that pony? Surely, if there was hope for her, then Lightning Dust deserved a second chance to show she had changed. But right now, Gilda knew convincing Rainbow Dash was going to be a lot harder if not impossible, and with that in mind, she just embraced her lover. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on a pony she didn’t even know.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, and as always, please let me know what you think of the story so far. I must admit this isn't a story I ever thought I'd write, but here I am.