• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 788 Views, 30 Comments

Broken Promise - Nailah

Down on her luck, Lightning Dust has no alternatives but to ask Rainbow Dash for help, will Rainbow Dash forgive her or will this lead down a dark path for our heroine?

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Chapter 4:Fight or Flight

The morning sunlight shone into the windowsill of her room. She cringed and attempted to shield her eyes with her wingtip.

“Ugh. Morning already?” she asked.

“Good morning Lightning, hopefully you had a good night’s rest. We have a lot of work to do for you to become a full-fledged Shadow Bolt,” Thunder Cloud spoke, just walked into the room without knocking. He just walked into her room like he owned the place, or maybe he never heard of such a thing as privacy.

“I’d like to learn more about your team as a whole before any training,” retorted Lightning Dust, bluntly crossing her upper forelegs and giving him a look.

“Don’t worry Lightning, I am more than willing to answer any and all questions you have intime. But for now it is most urgent you meet our leader.”

“Fine…” replied Lightning Dust, sighing heavily. It wasn’t like she had anything to lose. She thought of Rainbow Dash, and felt another sigh escape her lips. We could’ve been friends...we could’ve been the best team the Wonderbolts ever saw. But...no. You always were thinking of yourself first, you always thought you were better. She’d see with time, they all would, the wrath of Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust followed Thunder Cloud out of the room she had been staying in. She glanced back at the bed that had given her a brief reprieve from all the hardships she had been through and her ears drooped slightly.

Thunder Cloud led the way through the long and mysterious hallways of the Shadowbolts headquarters. He was silent as he walked, and she noticed his stance was calm and composed. It spoke of such confidence, it made her a bit jealous that she didn’t feel nearly as calm as he was. Butterflies stirred throughout her, but she wasn’t about to back out now. There was no going back. She was in this for the long haul, even if she wasn’t sure what it meant to be a Shadowbolt. She didn’t even know the leader’s name.

Every step she took forward, within her mind, she was always looking back. Have I changed? She shook her head, as she continued following after Thunder. No matter how much time passed, she still felt certain doubt, and this unease made her nervous about what the future for her might look like.

The interior of the castle? She honestly wasn’t sure. She could see the place was built with bricks, and there were multiple picture frames hanging upon the walls. As she walked by them, it was like they stared at her. She felt the glimpse of a sweat drop streaming down her face. This place felt old, and rustic, and yet it was full of such hope. That she might find a place to belong. That she might finally be able to rest her wings.

“We’re here. Your majesty, I have bought a new recruit for you to see, she used to be part of the Wonderbolts Academy and shows great promise,” bowed Thunder Cloud in front of a throne.

Lightning Dust entered and stared at the throne. At first it seemed empty, which made her raise her eyebrow at who Thunder was talking too, but then she saw her. Regal, and descending from above, it wasn’t Nightmare Moon, but she was every bit as mysterious. Her fur was a solid gray, and her mane a pure white flowing down her back. Her cutie mark was a star within a bottle that looked sealed at the top. Her mane was quite long, but her stance was very formal and quite firm. She glanced at her, and hummed, as she cupped her chin with her upper foreleg.

“Hmm...Lightning Dust, eh. I’ve heard much about you, and sent my scout out to find you. My name is Lumina Wishes, do tell me are you prepared to become my devoted follower and do as I tell you?” asked Lumina. Her expression was still, unnerving and calculated. Lightning Dust could feel this sort of aura coming from her. She darted her eyes back and forth as she considered her reply.

“Before I commit to being a Shadowbolt, what exactly does that mean? I know nothing of your team, only rumors from when Nightmare Moon ruled. What makes you think you’re worthy of having some pony like me in your ranks?” retorted Lightning, unafraid to ask questions and test this pony. She had a lot of questions, and she was sure she wouldn’t get all the answers, but one thing was for sure she was going to find out.

“What does it mean? Very good question, but I am afraid it is a question that cannot be answered simply. Being a Shadowbolt requires integrity, leadership, and focus. We aren’t simply a stunt team like the Wonderbolts. I know it isn’t the answer you wanted, but it is the answer you’re getting. I assume you will have further questions.” she spoke gesturing with a forehoof for her to continue.

Lightning Dust paused in thought, as she considered her response. Figures I’d be left in doubt, but what other choice do I have?

“What made you interested in me?” asked Lightning Dust. She sighed slightly, as she lidded her eyes, before looking up towards the leader of the Shadowbolts once more.

“I believe you have much untapped potential, and we could use some pony like you to improve our team,” replied Lumina softly. Her voice was ever firm, and yet so soft and tender, almost like a concerned mother.

“Hmm…” began Lightning Dust. Somepony actually wants me, wants to give me a chance to shine, and yet my mind is still clouded with doubts. What does any of this mean? How will it help me? They don’t understand. How could any pony understand.

“I’m sure you have much to consider, and I will give you one more day if you need it, but if you refuse our offer, you must be on your way. These grounds are only for Shadowbolts, and we would like to keep it so. I’m sure you understand how important your decision is for the both of us. I am giving you a place to stay, and you become a member of my team. A fair exchange I’d say,” explained Lumina, as she gestured to Thunder Cloud.

“Thunder, take Lightning Dust to the training grounds. Allow her to see just what she could be if she says yes,” smirked Lumina. She didn’t fidget, she stood silently and solemnly still, like a predator about to claim its prey.

“Yes, m’lady as you wish,” he bowed, and glanced over towards Lightning. “Whenever you are ready, I will show you where we train.”

“I’m ready,” replied Lightning Dust as Thunder Cloud trotted towards the back of the grand room where Lumina resided. There was a flat road like path for flyers coming in from the sky, patches of grass to each side, and also many hoops floating in the air through some sort of magic for tricks. She could see the other members up in the sky. Most of them were just flying back and forth, up and down, and some even doing spirals.

“You’ll get to introduce yourself to the team, if you decide to join us. I’m hoping you will. After all, legends of how you broke the record on the Dizzytron are known far and wide. There’s so much more you can do than being a Washout,” Thunder Cloud said as he put a hoof on her shoulder.

Lightning Dust felt her whole body twitching upon his touch. His words spoke volumes to her. She took a deep breath, composing herself.

“I’ve made my decision,” she spoke up. She looked directly into his eyes, trying to understand this mysterious stallion. Surely he had his reasons for being a Shadowbolt just as she had her reasons to not be left as a bitter memory. She was worth more than that, so much more than what they could see. She had a long way to go to prove herself, to even believe she herself could be redeemed when every pony, every creature was out to get her. “I will join your ranks and show the Wonderbolts what they’re missing out on.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it. You will be a valuable asset to our team, and I have no doubt that with you by our side, we’ll show Equestria why we should be number one.”

Lightning Dust simply nodded. Her eyes twitched, and her muzzle tickled. I don’t care about being number one, all I really want is a place to belong. A place where I’m not just a washout.

Thunder Cloud showed her the rest of the Shadowbolts home. She of course already knew where the beds were, but she was also shown where the showers were, and where there was a simple plain field for the flyers to just relax in. A few bolts were already discussing events of the day, while enjoying a nice pincic. It didn’t seem like the Wonderbolts academy at all, it felt a lot more relaxed. There was no fear here, no judgement of past actions, and every pony seemed equal. She noticed there was no Lead pony and Wing pony. She was grateful. Though, everytime she thought of her, her mind went back to the academy. Rainbow…

“Everything alright, Lightning?” asked Thunder Cloud, reaching over and putting a hoof upon her shoulder. “You seem tense.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” replied Lightning Dust, forcing her lips upwards into a grin. “Just a little nervous is all. It’s been some
time since I was part of a team.”

“You’ll do just fine. After all, you’re Lightning Dust, and we don’t just choose any pony to join us. Lumina feels you are quite the talented flyer, and I do as well. All you gotta do is not think about the past, and move on to a better future.”

He makes it sound so easy, but it’s not. How can I move on when I feel so trapped within myself? Have I changed?

After the tour was over, Lightning Dust spoke with Lumina again, and informed her of her decision to join the team.

“Very good Lightning, you chose us and that decision will change you for the better. Welcome to the Shadowbolts. Do not hesitate to ask for anything, we are here as a team to support one another, no matter their past.”

Lightning Dust figured it was a good time to introduce herself to the other recruits. She went back to the practice field, but no pony was there, then she went to the area where the bolts had been relaxing, but it was also empty. She then went to the showers, and found the same conclusion. She then decided to go looking for Thunder Cloud.

“Thunder? Thunder? Where are you?” she called out to him, and yet the silence that surrounded her was ominous. What the buck was going on? Just a few minutes ago, this place was full of ponies, and now it was like she was the only one here.

Lightning Dust shook her head. “I must be going crazy. I’m sure they’re all asleep by now.” she tried reassuring herself. She headed back to her room, to lay down upon her bed once more. She couldn’t sleep. She groaned, and tossed and turned for what felt like hours.

The morning sun shone brightly, causing Lightning Dust to groan, grab the pillow and shield her eyes from the light.

“Ugh...it’s morning already? Damn...I felt like I haven’t had an ounce of rest. Oh well.” she cursed under her breath, forcing herself up out of the bed. She could hear noise from outside her room. She saw the recruits out practicing in the training ground. I must’ve been delusional last evening. I have been traveling for so long...

“Hey Lightning!” called Thunder Cloud from the training grounds, waving over towards her, gesturing for her to join him.

Lightning Dust spread out her wings, and flew down into the training area, avoiding the hoops within the sky. She skidded to a halt, and flicked her mane back, with a smug smirk.

“Hey Thunder, where’d you go last evening? I attempted to track you down but you just disappeared,” asked Lightning Dust.

“Nowhere, I was here perhaps you simply weren’t looking in the right spots. However, that isn’t important right now. Lumina asked me to supervise over your first mission, and it’s a very important one as well. We want you to go to Ponyville and steal a book from Twilight’s castle,” explained Thunder Cloud, calmly.

“A book? Wait, what does stealing a book have to do with speed and teamwork?” asked Lightning Dust, raising an eyebrow, her nose twitched.

“It shows us you are loyal to this team, and also stealing a book requires a lot of things that you’ll need in order to be a true Shadowbolt. After all you do want to be part of something great, do you not?”

“Oh, course I do. I wouldn’t have agreed otherwise,” replied Lightning Dust angrily, kicking at the dirt beneath her forehooves.

Thunder Cloud grinned sheepishly, putting a hoof upon her shoulder.

“Don’t fret Lightning, you will understand us with time. Right now, we want to see what you're made of. Now if you have any further questions, now is the time to ask.”

Lightning Dust paused to think over her thoughts. She certainly felt she had a lot of questions to ask, but she also felt she wouldn’t get the answers so easily. It seemed the Shadowbolts were a lot more secretive and cautious then the Wonderbolts, who were known to be flashy and even elegant flyers that wanted to show off their stride and procession in aerial stunts.

“No. I don’t have anything to ask,” she lied, while holding a calm and almost careless expression. It wasn’t hard for her to seem like she didn’t give a damn. No pony had even given her a chance to make up for her past, and when she had been at her lowest, not even Rainbow Dash would listen. Lightning knew she shouldn’t have expected anything less, but she thought better of her former teammate. There was no changing the past, she couldn’t change what had happened, but she had changed. Why would no pony believe her?

“Very well, then you may head out whenever you are ready. Feel free to take your time to get to know the base of operations. I don’t want to have to come find you later,” spoke Thunder Cloud as he turned and trotted off silently. She watched him walk away, but in his shadow, she didn’t see a Shadowbolt. She watched as Rainbow Dash had walked away from their friendship. She sighed heavily.

Lightning Dust didn’t wish to waste any more time. She spread out her wings, and flew up into the sky. She hoovered in the air for a brief moment, before flapping her wings, and speeding forward at a breakneck pace. She just wanted this to be over. No more being clouded by her past. She was a Shadowbolt now. She finally was part of a team, and after she proved herself to them, she would no longer be alone. Lightning felt the slight sting of a tear falling down her cheek, and shook her head. Lightning Dust pushed through, and landed once more in Ponyville.

She didn’t see Rainbow Dash within eyesight, and thought it was for the best to avoid her, and carry out the mission. Get the book, get away without being seen, and return to the Shadowbolts with success in her wingtips. Now, all she had to do was avoid being noticed by annoying ponies like Rainbow Dash.

“Lightning Dust? Oooo. What brings you to Ponyville?” asked Pinkie Pie as she bounced all around Lightning Dust, in what felt to her like minutes, but was actually just a few mere seconds.

“Ugh,” Lightning Dust groaned. If there was one other pony other than Rainbow she didn’t want to deal with, it was Pinkie Pie. Her ears shifted downwards, and she let out a heavy sigh. “Just passing through. Don’t you have like cupcakes to bake, or something…”

“Oh yeah, I just finished delivering a present to Gilda and Rainbow Dash. You wouldn’t believe how happy Gilda was to get her very own oven. I can’t wait to see what she’ll bake! For a griffon, she’s actually not so bad when you get to know her.”

Lightning Dust simply nodded, really only hearing about half of what Pinkie was telling her, and thinking of how she could pull away from the pink pony and go to Twilight’s castle. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy to steal a book, but at least no one really expected her to come back after the way she had been rejected just a few days ago.

The memories flooded back, and she found herself lost within those moments, of herself pleading for Rainbow to understand her, only to be stabbed in the heart, knowing Rainbow would never forgive her for her transgressions. They could never be friends and for Lightning Dust, that stung more than she’d like to admit.

It’s so good to see you again, Lightning! You should come by Sugarcube corner sometime and get some cupcakes! I gotta get going though, I have a party to plan!”

Lightning Dust pushed herself forward, there was no point dwelling in the past. She had changed. She headed over towards Twilight’s castle, observing those around her, trying to not cause attention to herself.

Ponyville was quiet, ponies went about their daily lives, like nothing was wrong. No pony even seemed to notice her, besides the annoying pink pony she’d rather have not had to deal with. She arrived at the castle, the two massive doors starring her in the face. She felt herself take a deep gulp of a breath. She had to prove herself to the Shadowbolts. She had to find this book, and take it without being noticed. Lightning opened the castle doors and headed inside.

The first problem she encountered was the fact that she wasn’t familiar with the layout of the castle. She had no idea where the library was, and if she happened to enter the wrong room and discover the Princess of Friendship, she had no idea what would happen.

Lightning Dust continued through the hallways of the castle, carefully opening the doors, and surveying whether or not they were the library. It felt to her like hours had gone by, when it had only been roughly twenty minutes when she finally found the library.

Steal a book, any book. They didn’t even care what it was, just so long as she returned with a book from the castle. She hovered around the library, seeming to consider her options. If she could take any book, she should take something good and not just something lame like “How to Friendship for Dummies.”

Just then she noticed a book about magic. She smirked a smug grin as she grabbed it within her wingtip.

“Perfect. Now once I prove myself to the Shadowbolts, I’ll finally show Rainbow Dash why she should have given me a second chance.” she said to herself as she turned around and was ready to fly out of the castle and return to the Shadowbolts, but standing between her and the exit was a griffon she remembered from her first return to Ponyville.

“Where do you think you’re going, Dweeb?” asked Gilda with a huff, blocking her path.

“Why does it matter? Don’t you have better things to do…” replied Lightning Dust. Of all the things to go wrong. Why did she have to run into her? It was almost as bad as running into Rainbow Dash again.

“It matters because I understand you,” began Gilda, as she looked at Lightning Dust. Within her eyes, she could see guilt, regret and pain, without her ever needing to say a word.

“What? How could you possibly understand me? You’re nothing like me. You’ve got Rainbow Dash as your friend, you have other ponies give you gifts, and all I have is nothing...but regret and shame.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Lightning. I was you. Well, I used to be. I changed. I used to be gruff and nasty, and I felt Rainbow had betrayed me to be friends with Pinkie. Here all along, I had misjudged them both. Rainbow and Pinkie were just trying to show me a good time, and I let my feelings for Rainbow blind me,” began Gilda. She paused for a moment to glance around, to ensure they were alone.

“I was jealous that she was spending time with other ponies, and ones I thought were lame. Listen, I know you feel like there’s nothing I can say to change your mind on your past, just know this. If you truly want to reconcile with Rainbow Dash, you must first look inside yourself, and ask what you want from yourself, and only then will you be able to truly change.”

Lighting Dust stood silently as she listened to Gilda confess she wasn’t always a good griffon. Since when were griffons nice or good in the first place? Not that she cared.

“That’s nice and all, but if you don’t mind, I have places to be,” replied Lightning Dust as she surveyed Gilda, and was just waiting for her chance to zip out of here as fast as she had arrived.

She was surprised when Gilda moved out of the way of her own accord and was no longer blocking her path.

“If the path of vengeance is the one you choose, I can’t stop you. However, if you try to hurt Rainbow Dash. I’ll kill you,” Gilda growled, and held her talon out, claws drawn, to show she wasn’t joking around.

Lightning Dust flapped her wings, and flew into the sky, and began to head back to the Shadowbolts base. Gilda’s words were ringing through her mind, and she tried to shake them off. I have changed...I’m not a bad pony.

Gilda sighed deeply after she had left. She looked over towards Rainbow Dash, who had been hiding in a corner out of sight.

“See Gilda. I told you. She was lying, she’ll never change. Now let’s go home.”

“I suppose you’re right. Not every creature or pony is the same.” replied Gilda, as she scratched the back of her head. If Lightning Dust was serious about her changing, then why wouldn’t she listen to what Gilda had to say? Well, what happened now was between Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust, Gilda only hoped Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be scarred more than she already was from the pain of losing a good friend.

Lightning Dust felt tears forming in her eyelids, as she landed on the ground, she stiffened slightly. She clung to the book she had stolen, but yet she felt empty. She went to find Thunder Cloud. Only to find where the base was, everything was like a barren wasteland. Nothing there, no Shadowbolts to be found. Just emptiness.

She closed her eyes and opened them again. She must be delusional. They were right here, the Shadowbolts. Opening her eyes once more, she realized now more than ever, she was delusional. She saw nothing but the earth beneath her hooves. Where did they go? She scrambled around looking for any signs of the Shadowbolts. Nothing. She looked again, surely, she was just exhausted from the trek. Still nothing, and no pony in sight. She felt sweat on her cheeks, and took a gulp of breath.

“This can’t be real...They weren’t real? But...how is that possible,” she asked herself as she fell down to her knees, and put her forehooves against her eyes, as she let out a shriek of both horror and sadness.

“I made them up. They were never here were they?” she asked herself. Though the deafening quiet was more than enough of an answer. She looked at the book she had stolen. She looked to herself, and she asked herself. Have I changed?”

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your patience with this chapter. I'm sorry it took me this long, but I really wanted to do it right, so this chapter and I we fought, and I won. So please be sure to tell me what you think will happen next!