• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 788 Views, 30 Comments

Broken Promise - Nailah

Down on her luck, Lightning Dust has no alternatives but to ask Rainbow Dash for help, will Rainbow Dash forgive her or will this lead down a dark path for our heroine?

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Chapter 5: Never should've come here

“Hey, dweeb how’s the new oven?” Gilda quirked, a smug smirk on her beak as she entered their home, embracing her lover in a strong grip. Gilda clutched onto Rainbow tightly, possessive and loving, ruffling the top of her rainbow-colored mane.

Rainbow Dash jerked slightly, but relaxed once she realized who it was that was hugging her. "Oh hey Gilda...where have you been? You've been gone like forever."

“Eh, you know. Around. Here, there… and hey, I wasn’t gone that long. It’s almost like you missed me, you dweeb,” Gilda teased, ruffling her clawed talon through Rainbow’s mane.

Gilda’s eyes darted from one side to the other, as she let out a heavy sigh. She had to tell her. Even though she knew that Rainbow might feel conflicted about it, Rainbow had to know.

“You must know something, Rainbow,” Gilda began, she released her hold, and scratched the back of her head.

Rainbow looked up towards Gilda. Rainbow saw her slouching awkwardly as she sat on the floor next to her.

This wasn’t like Gilda, what happened?

\“What is it? Did some creature hurt you…?” she asked as her eyebrows furrowed. She snarled.

“No, just the opposite. I think you’ve hurt somepony. Somepony that is just like me. Or how I was, in the past…” Gilda began, tilting her head back, and trying to think. She scratched the back of her head, and bit her beak.

Rainbow sat down beside Gilda, crossing her front forelegs across her chest, as she sighed heavily. Her eyes narrowed, watching Gilda’s every movement.

“Go on… I’m listening.” Rainbow Dash said.

“It’s about Lightning Dust. She came back to Ponyville again… and I bumped into her.”

“Lightning Dust… “ Rainbow Dash sighed with contempt,narrowing her gaze. “She’ll never change,” she muttered.

“Don’t you think she could change?” asked Gilda, her eyes widening, as she stared into Rainbow’s violet hues.

“No,” Rainbow Dash said flatly, as she stood up from her haunches, puffed out her chest, and looked directly at Gilda. Her solid silence-piercing gaze was hypnotizing. And yet, there was a certain somber bitterness in those deep purple hues.

“Then why did she come back here?” Gilda asked, tilting her head slightly away from Rainbow. She lifted herself off the floor, and she began to circle around aimlessly.

There had to be a reason for Lightning’s return, but Gilda couldn’t figure it out. She looked to Rainbow, hoping she might be able to get to the bottom of this. Gilda hissed under her breath, as she clenched her talon. If that other pony was trying to hurt her dweeb, she’d regret it.

“I really don’t know why she’d come back. Other than to remind me of how pathetic I was to trust her,” Rainbow Dash admitted, rolling her eyes. She stood up on all fours.

“What was she like back at the academy?” Gilda asked, gazing right into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. Gilda shook her head. “Never mind, remembering the past won’t change anything. We need to know why she keeps coming back here, looking for you.”

Rainbow Dash sighed heavily, as she took a step towards Gilda. She leaned in and kissed Gilda’s cheek, delicately. “I reckon I never did tell you much about what happened back then. Lightning Dust, she was a pony I looked up to, some pony I could relate to, and it felt like we were destined to be great together. But then she put her ideals ahead of our safety, and she almost injured the rest of the recruits. She can’t be trusted.”

Gilda didn’t say a word, but pulled Rainbow Dash firmly against her chest fluff, burying her face into her crest. She bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the snarl she felt towards Lightning Dust, while giving comfort and warmth to her dweeb.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow I shouldn’t have dug into old wounds. Forget it,” Gilda apologized, while continuing to nuzzle her affectionately, beginning to lick the top of her mane.

“No, I can’t forget it. She’s determined,” Rainbow snorted, as she stood up from the floor, sighing heavily. She lowered her gaze towards the floor for just a moment. Why? Why was Lightning Dust so obsessed with getting her forgiveness? It… just didn’t make sense. She walked out of the room, opening the door with the push of her wingtips.

The sunlight hit her face, as beads of sweat trailed down her cheeks, as she held a wing over her, shielding her from the sun’s vibrant rays. Rainbow stopped, as she felt something bumping into her that smelled of cupcakes.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie shouted happily, bouncing up and down. She tilted her head slightly, her ear twitching. “Oh, what’s wrong Dashie? You’re frowning like someone stole your last cupcake.”

Rainbow groaned, admiring the dirt underneath her hooves. She rolled her eyes, and tilted her head at Pinkie. “I’m not in the mood,” Rainbow scoffed, dragging a hoof against the ground.

“But… Rainbow Dash, don’t you wanna know about how Lightning Dust was here, and stole a book from Twilight's library?” asked Pinkie Pie, halting her bounce, staring directly at Rainbow Dash.

“She did what?” asked Rainbow, leaning forward, nose pressing right against Pinkie’s. “What is her game?”

“Stealing books from a royal Princess. Doesn’t seem like a game to me…” Pinkie stated as she started bouncing up and down once more.

Rainbow sighed heavily. “Listen, Pinkie… I don’t know why Lightning Dust is doing this, but I’m sick and tired of dealing with her.”

"Don't you remember last time? When Gilda was being a big old meanie/bully and didn't like the party I threw for her?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow, while bouncing at the same time.

“Yeah, so what?” Rainbow asked, swishing her tail back and forth.

“So, you know you really shouldn’t be so rude.” Pinkie began, putting a hoof to Rainbow’s snout. “I remember it like it was yesterday. Gilda was all mean and nasty, and she totally ruined the fun, but yet you forgave her, when we went to Griffonstone. So why, doesn’t Lightning even get a chance?”

“It’s not the same.” Rainbow retorted, snorting.

“Actually, it is the same.” Pinkie stated, matter of factly, holding out her front forelegs to each side, like a scale. She moved them up and down. “Really, the only difference I see, is Gilda’s a griffon, and Lightning is a pony.”

Rainbow turned back, swiveling to meet Pinkie Pie right in the eyes. Glaring daggers, she frowned. Her ears swiftly moved downwards, as her face scrunched up.

“Woah now, Rainbow. You don’t wanna give the wrong impression!” Pinkie Pie warned, holding her front forelegs out, and gently pushing Rainbow Dash away.

“Whatever,” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. I don’t have time for this.

Pinkie blinked. “I don’t know, it seems to me like you had a lot of time to think about this,” Pinkie stated calmly. She began to walk away, but she halted, to speak once more. “I mean how many years has it been since then?”

“It doesn’t matter how long it’s been… she’ll never change,” Rainbow scoffed, crossing her forelegs across her chest as she fell back onto her haunches.

Rainbow sat there, watching Pinkie Pie bounce away. Tilting her head from side to side, she stood up and dusted herself off. She spread her wings out, giving each a few solid flaps, before taking off like a rocket into the sky.

“I’m going after her,” Rainbow declared to no pony but herself. There was no time like the present to confront the past.

Soaring through the sky, Rainbow forged ahead, not daring to look back for even a second. “I have to find her,” Rainbow said, eyeing the landscape, searching for any signs of Lightning Dust. Gritting her teeth, her eyes narrowed at the anger she felt coursing all through her veins.

Spotting a figure in the distance, she began her downward spiral towards the ground. She felt the force of the wind fighting against her, pressing further towards the ground, flapping her wings harder to adjust to the drag. No matter what, there would be no more chances, no more arguments, this would be the last time she had to taste the bitterness of the residue of dust on her lips.

Lightning Dust quivered, her entire body trembling. She forced her eyelids shut, trying to erase the reality before her, the reality that there wasn’t hope for a pony like her. Her ears flickered down, and her chin rubbed against her chest as she was trying to bury her sorrow into herself.

“None of it was real,” Lightning said softly, whimpering.

Without any hesitation, she tossed the book aside with all her might, causing it to spiral into the air. It promptly landed with a thud onto the harsh, unforgiving ground.

And then, silence.

Sighing, she stood up, angling her neck to look up towards the sky.
“What am I going to do?” Lightning asked herself, muttering. She began to pace back and forth, staring at the ground beneath her hooves. Kicking a rock, she grunted.

“There’s nothing left in me, just a trail of dust scattered about in the wind,” Lightning scoffed, exhaling deeply.

“I should’ve known… that it would come to this again. I’m always on my own, with nothing but my shadow to guide me,” Lightning whispered, her head tilted towards the ground. Her lips opened, trembling, as she struggled to speak. Her voice was a mere whisper, desperately hoping to find something to cling onto.

After all the hardships she had faced, after all the emotions she had to endure, and after all that she had done, none of it really mattered.

She would like to believe that she’d changed, but in truth…

She had not.

Her hooves shifted against the ground, digging into the dirt. The earth shifted against her, struggling. She let out a shrill shriek as she stomped the ground with a heavy blow.

“Ugh!” Lightning groaned, her knees caving in on her.

Burying her head into her hooves, she began to sob. Her tears trailed down her cheeks. Coughing, struggling to hold herself together, she fell apart.

Nothing. She was nothing.

“What hope is there for a washout like me? I never should’ve come here. No one will ever believe me! I don’t even believe in myself…” Lightning murmured. All her hard work, all the training, all the begging and pleading for anyone to listen, all for nothing. She sighed heavily, curling up around herself, gasping through ragged breaths, as she cried out to the void all around her.

“Please… help me. If anyone’s out there, please.”

Lightning struck as Rainbow Dash landed in front of Lightning Dust. Standing there, looking directly into Lightning’s eyes, she scowled.

“Just what is your game?” Rainbow asked, snorting as she glared.

Lightning whimpered, her ears tucking against her mane as she cried out,
“Wingpony… I didn’t think you cared about me.”

“Really? I came all the way out here, and that’s the thing you say to me?” Rainbow asked, taking a step back, turning her head to the side, huffing.

“Do whatever you want… It doesn’t matter,” Lightning groaned, not bothering to even look up at Rainbow Dash. She pressed her front forehooves closer to herself, and trembled.

“What’s wrong with you?” Rainbow asked, tilting her head, ear flickering. She scratched at her rainbow mane, puzzled.

Lightning didn’t move, or even budge. She just laid there, in front of Rainbow.
“Just end it. There’s nothing left for me. Nothing but dust. That’s all I am… just a speck of dust.”

Rainbow shoved Lightning Dust’s prone form, attempting to force her to look up.

“What happened to the Lightning Dust I knew?” Rainbow Dash began, “Because you aren’t the pony I remember.”

“Why do you care? You were the one who pushed me away, right when I needed you the most…” Lightning grimaced, then exhaled before turning away from Rainbow.

There’s nothing for me now, nothing at all.

Rainbow stomped the ground with her forehoof, muttering something incoherent under her breath. The hot air escaped her nostrils as she pushed closer to Lightning. “Get up!”

Lightning didn’t falter.

“I came all the way out here to find you,” Rainbow began, grabbing a hold of Lightning by her shoulders and forcing their eyes to meet, “And you should know, I didn’t have to waste my time. So start talking.”

Lightning groaned, her eyes widening as her lips came together, pouting. She tried to form words, but as her mouth opened, she struggled to say anything at all.

Rainbow groaned, and shook Lightning Dust by her shoulders.

“Snap out of it! Listen, I definitely didn’t come all the way out here for nothing, so tell me… what is going on?”

Staring blankly back at her, Lightning whimpered. Her ears remained tucked to the sides of her face, as she tried to form words, but she coughed, continuing to gasp for audible breaths.

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth, using the hold she had on Lightning to keep her still. “Seriously? Come on, Lightning!” Rainbow shouted.

Lightning closed her eyes, withdrawing more into herself. What is the point? Why is Rainbow here? She never cared before…

Rainbow shoved Lightning to the ground with a fierce push, holding onto the other pony, forcing Lightning to look back at her.

Lightning exhaled, as she looked up into Rainbow’s violet hues.

“D-d-d-d…” Lightning struggled as she tried to respond. “Dust… I am Lightning Dust.”

“Really? And here I thought you were some other pony,” Rainbow Dash stated sarcastically. “Snap out of it! I don’t know how to help a pony who can’t even help herself.”

Lightning’s ears tucked against her face as she heard Rainbow’s voice. Memories, thoughts, and gestures. Everything felt like a puzzle, and only she knew how to put the pieces back together.

The silence was deafening.

The land around them was a wasteland of nothing, much the same way that Lightning’s heart was full of nothing.

The way the sunlight reflected onto Rainbow’s vibrant mane, made Lightning Dust shiver. Her eyes glimmered with the barest hints of life. She looked up at Rainbow, and forced herself to respond.

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t know why you came, or why you care,” Lightning began trying to think even as her heart felt heavy, weighed down by her past.

“Lightning Dust… I came out here for a reason,” Rainbow started to say, “And if that means kicking you in the flank, so be it.”

Rolling her eyes, Lightning Dust sighed, “I’m not worth your time. I’m nothing but a washout.” Tilting her head to the side, she stared blankly into the distance.

“Listen to me, Lightning. You may not believe me, but I really don’t care,” Rainbow bellowed towards her. “I believe any creature is worth it, no matter who they are, or what they’ve done.”

Lightning shook, as she braced herself to stand up from where she was laying. Dusting off her hooves, as she admired the firm ground beneath her. It was solid, unmoving, determined to never falter. The ground had a purpose, but did she?

Trembling, forcing herself to stand, Lightning looked back at Rainbow Dash, and stared back at her.

“Rainbow Dash… “ Lightning Dust began to say, as she felt her knees buckling underneath her. She fell to the ground, with a heavy thud. She stared blankly at Rainbow Dash. The last pony she ever expected to see was here offering to help her.

The last pony she ever expected to see, was here offering to help her, to start anew.

Lightning Dust bit her bottom lip, quivering. Was this reality, or was it simply another hallucination? Was there hope for me?

She felt weighed down, and tired. She closed her eyes, for a moment of reprieve as she began to fall into unconsciousness. Drifting off into slumber, laying there in front of Rainbow, helpless and broken.

Author's Note:

Long time, no see huh? I bet you're wondering what took me so long. I could say it was a number of things, between running my own reviewer's group, to learning D&D, to just a lot of stress in my real life, but honestly... None of that should matter.

Writing is very much a stress-relief for me, I love writing. I wouldn't write if I didn't enjoy it, but I admit I get distracted easily, and often I open my gdocs and just stare blankly at the empty page for hours, days, weeks, without a single word.

That's not what I want. I want to write, to tell stories, and I hope you can all forgive me for how long this update took, and I hope you enjoy this story, because this story has been one heck of a ride for me as a writer, and I feel and see how far I've come.